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Chapter 29 4. Be full of empty mountains and far away, you should cherish the people in front of you

lovesickness 白落梅 2025Words 2018-03-18
Yan Shu It is said that life is like an illusory dream, but inside and outside the dream is the real self.Whenever I see the setting sun sinking, the vegetation withering, and the people Yiyi seeing off, I feel that this is the end of a scene and a story.At this time, I will think of a sentence in Yan Shu's poems, "it is better to take pity on the people in front of me", which comes from his "Huanxisha".Sing it softly, and the softness in my heart will increase, as if all the vain efforts and vain pursuits, in the end, are contrary to the heart, and they are nothing more than making wedding dresses for others.It's better to cherish the time that can be grasped, pity the people and things in front of you, and only need to give an ordinary snuggle, so that you can omit those unreasonable wind and rain.

It's better to take pity on the person in front of you. Such a sentence must come from a person who has experienced the joys and sorrows of spring and autumn.I have seen the warmth and coldness of the world, the changing seasons, and worry about gains and losses in the course of the years.Lamenting that life is perishable, time is easy to grow old, and when you calm down, you realize this sentence: it is better to pity the person in front of you.This sentence, with a touch of helplessness, also implies that life should be enjoyed in time, and there is no need to aim too high, nor to waste it arbitrarily.Cherish the opportunities that can be grasped, and cherish the people who are always by your side and never leave, that is happiness.It is impossible to be as calm as a chrysanthemum, but it is also the peace of being content with the status quo.

Although this poem "Huanxisha" is a work that hurts the spring and expresses parting, it is written calmly.The feelings are deep, the language is clear, and it has a unique charm. It does not have the sorrow and sorrow of the general words that hurt the spring, but is more gentle and light.This is also the style of Yan Shu's Ci. In his "Pearl and Jade Ci", there are no long and slow Ci, but only small orders. "Song History" said that his "articles are beautiful and have endless applications. You Gong's poems are leisurely, elegant and sentimental".It can be seen that his words are elegant in style, full of style, without embellishment, and are all written for the scene.In Yan Shu's collection of lyrics, there is not a single rhyme work. He wrote lyrics only to express his true temperament, like a string of strings, flowing with the artistic conception.His poems do not contain sorrow and sorrow, nor do they see too much love for children. Even if there are sad works, they are also the helplessness shared in life.For example, the loss of time, the impermanence of the world, the changes of mountains and rivers, etc., all of which are closely related to everyone.His famous line "The flowers fall helplessly, and the swallows return like deja vu" expresses this kind of inevitable fate in life.

Yan Shu, who was born in the hometown of gifted scholars in Linchuan, was smart and eager to learn since he was a child. He was able to write poems at the age of 5 and was known as a child prodigy.Jiangnan asked Zhang Zhibai to hear about it and strongly recommended him to go to Beijing.The following year, 14-year-old Yan Shu entered the palace to take the exam, stood out, was rewarded by Zhenzong, and was bestowed with a Jinshi background.Afterwards, he rose steadily and became a prime minister. His life was dignified and smooth, and even if there were small twists and turns, he laughed it off. According to the legend in "Song History", "Since the Five Dynasties, schools in the world have been abolished, and schools have been established since the beginning."Such a magnanimous person has an open-minded mind, does not stick to narrow thoughts, and is not entangled by vulgar things.It is said that writing is like a person, and a person's writing can show his heart and mind.But a person who does not have a broad mind and a clear mind will definitely not be able to write clear and sober words.I can only walk and stop in the narrow alleys with cramped characters, and can't find the way out.

He sighed "I have always had a limited time" when I started writing, so direct, it is shocking in an instant.Let us all understand that time is short, life is limited, and we are so powerless to watch the time flow like water.Yes, spring is so fleeting, and the prime time is gone in a blink of an eye. We can only cater to the laws of nature calmly, because any resistance is futile.He said that "parting after a leisurely time is easy to ecstasy"-parting is just the most common thing in the world, like a silhouette of a story, with a little sad plot, but it is also fleeting and fleeting.Sighing is superfluous, it is better to sing about wine and entertain your feelings.According to Ye Mengde's "Summer Records", Yan Shu "only likes guests, and it's not like a day without banquets. Every distinguished guest must stay, and the stay must be accompanied by singing and music."From the text, it can be seen that there are always a lot of guests in Yan's mansion, and Yan Shu is a free and easy person, he knows how to enjoy himself in time, and chat to comfort his limited life.

However, there is no never-ending banquet in life. Although it is said that we will gather when we are separated, and we will be scattered when we are together, but the mountains and rivers are full of empty thoughts, and the falling flowers and wind and rain will hurt the spring even more.It's better to take pity on the person in front of you. Always taste the joys and sorrows for no reason.I remember that Baoyu was passionate, happy to get together but not happy to part.But Daiyu is ruthless and likes to leave but not to gather. The reason is that when they are together, they are happy, but after they are separated, they are deserted.However, is Daiyu really a heartless person?She should be more affectionate than Baoyu, because she knows very well that gathering and parting are impermanent, and when it cannot be changed, it is better to keep calm in her heart.Everyone has a different way and attitude towards life. A light person has a light heart.Lin Daiyu lives in unspeakable misery, and dare not have too much hope for happiness.Yan Shu was a dignitary all his life, he had enough capital to squander, he didn't need to be burdened by anyone in his life, he only lived for himself, lived purely, free and easy.

The banquet is over, and a kind of loneliness after the prosperity suddenly hits my heart. "Mountains and rivers are full of empty thoughts, and falling flowers and wind and rain will hurt the spring even more." If you go to the building at this time, look at the vast mountains and rivers, and miss the old people who have gone away in vain.If you are alone under the window, looking at the flowers in the courtyard, it will add to the feeling of hurting the spring.It's better to feel pity for the person in front of him. The person in front of him here refers to the person who has been with him all the time, maybe a singing girl, maybe a relative.It also represents everything he has, wealth, opportunities, beautiful and stable life.These real lives that can be grasped need to be cherished.

It's better to take pity on the person in front of you.This sentence is taken from the legend of the Tang Dynasty, "Hui Zhen Ji" written by Yuan Zhen, also known as "Hui Zhen Ji".In Cui Yingying's poem to Zhang Sheng: "Where is the throwing away now, and I was in person at that time. I will also use the old intentions to pity the people in front of me." This also appeared in Wang Shifu's poems in the Yuan Dynasty.At the conclusion of Yan Shu's sentence, he uses this poem, which can be described as delicate and ingenious. A simple truth, maybe some people will never realize its true meaning in their lifetime.You obviously already have the most ordinary and simple happiness in life, but you don't know how to cherish it.I always hope to throw myself into the world of mortals, to salvage those illusory and gorgeous dreams in the waves.For the unattainable fame and fortune, for the unattainable love, for the flashy glory, pay a painful price.But he failed to live up to the personnel who have been silently with him all his life.The streamer is easy to change, as light as clouds and smoke, you should remember: it is better to pity the people in front of you when you are full of rivers and mountains.

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