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Chapter 8 1. Look at a lost dream of Bianjing

lovesickness 白落梅 1945Words 2018-03-18
Cut ice cream, lightly stack several layers, and inject evenly with cold rouge.
Just reading this sentence "Hemeng is also new and not doing it" really has an indescribable sadness.No, it should be, despair.A desolate emperor, mourning to the bone marrow of despair.He said that he thought that far away from his homeland, thousands of miles away, at least he could see him again in his dream.But recently, I don't even have dreams, even if it is a fragile dream, I can't grasp its shadow with my hands. He does not have the arrogance and strategy of an emperor, nor the vigor and courage of an emperor.He is a calligrapher and painter, who is talented in writing thin gold body and painting flowers and birds.Such a romantic son has no iron bones, only romance.Just like Li Yu, the empress of the Southern Tang Dynasty, he was destined to be broken and become a prisoner.There will be many coincidences in history, and the stars will change. Those past events will always pass through everyone's heart inadvertently.

Zhao Ji, Song Huizong.After 25 years in power, the country was captured and tortured to death at the age of 54.In just a few lines, the tragic life of an emperor is easily written from the beginning to the end.This song "Yanshan Pavilion" was written by Song Huizong on his way to the northern Five Kingdoms City.At that time, as a prisoner, he was physically and mentally exhausted, and suddenly he saw brilliant apricot blossoms all over the mountain.The infinite spring, the great rivers and mountains, are only open to the proud.For a frustrated emperor, no matter how beautiful the scenery is, it is useless to him.

Therefore, what he thought of was the ruthless wind and rain, which can destroy these flowers in just one night.Spring comes and spring goes, but it adds a period of helplessness.Just like him, it took only a moment for him to go from a prosperous king to a declining captive.At the end of spring, there will be a return of spring, and after he has gone here, thousands of miles of Pengshan, cold stars and cold moon, how can there be a return date? The sky is far away, the earth is far away, and there are thousands of rivers and mountains. I know where the Forbidden City is. Song Huizong was indeed not a good emperor.After he ascended the throne, he indulged in extravagance, exorbitant taxes, plundered people's fat and anointment, built palaces and gardens in a big way, and quickly squandered the treasury.He is too domineering, he loves strange flowers and rocks, so he sent people to search for private property by all means in the Suzhou and Hangzhou area.He is so absurd, he respected Taoism, so he built a large palace, claimed to be the leader of Taoism, and asked Taoist priests to tell fortunes, and easily changed his own birthday.He was so arrogant that he ordered to ban the slaughter of dogs in Bianjing just because his zodiac sign was a dog.

It was not accidental, but inevitable that such an emperor provoked the peasant uprising and the Jin soldiers invaded the south.He was frightened, ordered Huashigang to be cancelled, and issued the "Edict of Guilt", acknowledging his fault.But at this time, it is too late to restore the hearts of the people.What's more, his redemption was just forced and helpless, an expedient measure.Can he really change it?No, with such a nature, he is not suitable to be an emperor, but only a playboy. Lost the scepter, took off the crown, confiscated the jade seal, he is no longer the emperor.There is no longer the capital to command the wind and rain, and no longer the power to squander extravagance.He and his prince were demoted to common people, and his courtiers and concubines became captives.All the treasures, ritual vessels, and books in the Bianjing Palace were looted, and his dream of being an emperor was completely shattered from this day on.Perhaps, only in times of crisis can one see through the world.His words, every sentence is true, sober in sadness.It's because his life has been far away from Fengyue.From then on, the shackles of fate will bind him tightly, and he can no longer be the master of his life.

His beloved concubine, Wang Wanrong, was forcibly taken away by Jin Jiang and suffered all kinds of humiliation.It was once promised that we will never leave forever, and in an instant, each other's whereabouts are unknown, and no one is no longer concerned about the other through life and death.The little bit of dignity he had was trampled all the way, scarred and scarred, and he couldn't even find the place where it hurt.The only thing he can do is nostalgia, because he still can't let go of those prosperous past.Although, he was powerless to catch those passing time. "How could these two swallows know how to speak human words?" He blamed the swallows for not being able to understand human language, so they couldn't be entrusted with the burden of separation and parting.He sighed: "The sky is far away, the earth is far away, thousands of rivers and thousands of mountains, I know where his Forbidden City is." His magnificent palace, until now, can only be seen from time to time in dreams.He just wanted to hold on to this dream and live through the long years to come.But in the past few days, I really didn't even have a dream.The flowing thoughts have gradually dried up in despair.Life is like a swaying oil lamp. When the oil is exhausted and the lamp goes out, there will be no more light.The brightly extinguished fireworks are only for those who still have hope.

He said, Hemeng is also new to do it.He has been intoxicated all his life, only this moment is the most sober.In just a few lines of words, I tell my heart from the bottom of my heart, there is no complexity, no need to explain, everything is already clear to my heart.How many people, seeing his words, may feel admiration for such an encounter with him.There is a little forgiveness for his past mistakes.However, history does not give anyone a chance to return. In the face of the turbulent time, there is no reason to forgive, and there is no excuse to start over. Having lost his dream, he was left with only a walking corpse, and went to the capital of the Kingdom of Jin.Let them manipulate and humiliate them, and experience exile, migration, detention, imprisonment and other tortures.In countless stormy nights, a solitary lamp continues the soulless life. "Looking back at Jiashan for three thousand miles, there are no geese flying south of Mt. Duan." In the scenery of his life, he could not even see a wild goose.

He died, died in the Five Kingdoms City, ending nine years of captivity.The honor and disgrace of a lifetime, the ups and downs of a lifetime, has become a passing cloud.It's just that no one knows whether his soul can return to his homeland.You can make a deep confession there, or quietly reminisce about a Bianjing Last Dream.Many people say that Song Huizong wronged the country, but who knows whether it was he who wronged the country or the country that wronged him.If he is not the emperor, there will be new arrangements for this period of Northern Song Dynasty history.And his fate can also be changed again.Life cannot be tailored to suit the individual’s needs, and everything is perfect. If you cannot adapt to its size, you are doomed to be incomplete.Zhao Ji accepted an untimely entrustment. The entrustment of a country is too heavy.But he didn't realize that he only accepted the honor and luxury, and put aside the common people.

Life is like a brilliant apricot blossom, spring goes and spring returns, dream drunk and wake up, don't ask the way back, don't ask the cause.All we can do is to look for some traces of the past in the scattered days.
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