Home Categories Essays Flowers bloom for half a season and love for three lives

Chapter 18 Hongchenyin

I walked into the temple to avoid the rain, and it has already entered autumn in a leisurely life.The moment I stepped into the sill, I looked back at the small bluestone bridge when I came here. The other side of the bridge was already yesterday.This bridge has a name like clouds and smoke, it is sleeping, maybe it will wake up only in the rain. At this time, it is far away from the world of mortals.The ethereal smog carried the dream-like world away without a shadow or trace.The incense burner came with a very narrow heart, and in a hurry, hid his soul in a corner with a lotus flower, and left in a hurry.

Sanskrit sounds never stop. For thousands of years, only the two sycamore trees sitting in front of the Daxiong Palace can deeply understand its emptiness.There are many monks who spend their lives in silence.They fled from the previous life to this life, and went to the promise of the next life with a clear heart.Under the ancient Buddha of Qingdeng, I told myself time and time again to break off the debts of evil fate and love, and to believe in the cycle of cause and effect in the world. My thoughts were awakened by the sound of bells and drums. It was almost dusk, and it was time for them to recite evening lessons.I didn't kneel on the futon to listen to them as usual, and worshiped the solemn and compassionate Lord Buddha with them. Those scriptures seemed to have been heard thousands of years ago.In this life, I also thought about being a remote and detached hermit, transformed into a fairy-like bone, and returned to the ancient temple in the deep mountains to plant Bodhi.But I have worldly worries and worries, and I can't forget the past, and I can't stop thinking about the future.So, I touched everything that the world touched, and I was determined to be a woman in the mortal world.

Inadvertently, I came to the door of a monk's room.The door was ajar, and my curiosity made me want to push it open to see what kind of simple life the pure-hearted monks lead.Is there a wooden bed, a scroll of scriptures spread out on the wooden table, a wooden fish, a cup of tea, and a sesame oil lamp as imagined?Or hang a pipe of flute obliquely on the wall, and place a green qiqin horizontally under the window?The room must be clean and tidy, and filled with the quiet scent of sandalwood.I didn't dare to disturb, there are too many rules and regulations in the temple, I'm just a mortal, let alone a woman.In fact, the door of everyone's heart is ajar, and the person who pushes open the heavy door is a predestined person.I believe in fate and fate, but who will knock on the door of my life?

don jai island The wet paulownia leaves fell on the stone steps, and I couldn't bear to step on them.A high wall can keep people away from the torrential world, and the rain raised in the deep courtyard also has a kind of secluded tranquility.Walking into this solemn and solemn palace, who would carry sin and filth with him?Even if you have gone astray and lost your kindness, here will not care about you, it will give you time to make up for the shortcomings of life.When the blooming Buddha light shines on your body, you can fly with a relaxed heart. There are birds perched on the corner of the eaves of the main hall, looking out into the distance with a peaceful attitude, seeing the mountains and rivers and finding their hometown.Sometimes, the annual ring is not the distance, even after thousands of years, the fragment of a certain moment will still be clear.

The wealth and honor in the world are dew among the flowers, and the fame and fame on paper are retting on the water.The quiet mountains and forests naturally have a kind of selfless beauty, but I just came here with an ordinary heart.If one day, the Buddha opens the door of my heart for me, I think I will come again, and then I will never leave again. When I watched the monk finish reciting scriptures and slowly return to his wing along the long corridor, what was left behind was his back like the wind.At that moment, I understood that the ending was doomed. Stepping out of the threshold, the rain has stopped.There are many small stalls selling joss sticks at the gate of the temple, and there are many charlatans on the side of the road who are known as bone physiognomy.An old man with a silver beard kept beckoning me to stop with his hands, muttering words that I couldn't understand.I didn't look back at those eyes that seemed to know my past and future, everything has its own consequences.

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