Home Categories Essays All encounters in the world are reunions after a long absence
If life is only as it was first seen, why is the autumn wind sadly drawing a fan. I can't remember how many times I read this poem: If life is only as it was first seen.I can't remember how many people, after a period of time in the world, have given such a sigh.Whenever I read this poem, a helpless coolness, a vicissitudes of life, slipped across my lips and teeth.In fact, two people walk side by side under the shadow of time. In the end, it is inevitable that they will be in front of each other. At first, they may wait, and then they will meet another person again on the flower-blossoming street.Staying away involuntarily is not a kind of betrayal. Life is about gathering together and falling apart. We should believe that all love and abandonment are careless.

Perhaps we often ask ourselves, what in this world will not change?It is said that what is real and eternal is the scenery of nature, but the world is full of vicissitudes. After thousands of years, can we still be sure that the green mountains and green waters have never changed.In a person's life, there will be one or several beautiful first encounters, but no matter how deep the emotion is, it cannot withstand the polishing of time.Love is like the life of grass and trees, with a certain ups and downs. If you have had the happiness of flowers blooming, you have to accept the coldness of flowers falling.The taste of the world is like a cup of tea. No one is sure that this cup of tea can be brewed until it is as good as before.All emotions can't resist the alternation of time. We are so powerless to watch the years grow old.

I like Nalan's words because Nalan knows everyone's mind, and his words have a kind of precocious coolness.When we are still immersed in a strong love, and we make a deep pledge to someone, he has already penetrated the mystery of fate in advance.We are all gorgeous Tsing Yis in this world, no matter how provocative the director is, it is so inappropriate.No one can grasp that I can always be the same as before, as pure as the beginning, as warm as the beginning.The slush claws, the autumn waves are rippling, where do we go to find the path without traces, the leaves that don't move.

Nalan's imitation of the ancient Jue Ci is a woman's tone of lamenting the man's fickleness.Since the knowledge is weak, it is better to break with it than to entangle it needlessly.Back then, Ban Jieyu was the most beloved concubine of Emperor Han Cheng, but Zhao Feiyan's alluring dance made her the round fan of the Queen of Autumn, and she would no longer be loved by Emperor Han Cheng in every possible way.She knows very well that once people's hearts change, they can never go back to the beginning.So he threw away the past glory and spent the rest of his life alone in the cold palace.Zhuo Wenjun, a talented woman in the Han Dynasty, also learned that Sima Xiangru had the intention of taking a concubine, so she wrote the white-headed chant: "I heard that you have two intentions, so I came to break up with each other."How many loves in this world are the beginning of colorful flowers and the ending of autumn wind painting fans.

On the night of Qixi Festival, Tang Minghuang and Concubine Yang made an oath in the Longevity Hall of Huaqing Palace in Lishan, wishing to be husband and wife forever.He could remember that many years ago, he and Concubine Mei had made such a vow of affection.And would you know that in the Anshi Rebellion not long ago, he personally hand-made Yang Yuhuan to death in Maweipo.In the past, he didn't need the country and only wanted beauties, but now he can abandon the beauties and try his best to protect the country.How many people know that they can't keep their vows, but they still keep making promises, thinking that they can put a beautiful halo on love.The human heart is the most fragile and the easiest to change. A little disturbance can kill all the past.Many times, when you blame others for not being as good as before, in fact, you have already lost yourself back then.

When Nalan wrote this poem, he was not criticizing others, nor was he blaming himself.In his life, there have been three unforgettable loves, and the end of each time means the beginning of another.If it is said that he has failed, who has he failed the most?Is it his childhood sweetheart's cousin?Or is it his beloved wife who respects him as a guest?Or Shen Wan, a talented girl from the south of the Yangtze River whom he has become his confidant?The Buddha said that all love in the world has antecedent causes. These women are all causes planted by him in his previous life, so they can meet in this life.No matter who owes whom, the account book of life is clearly remembered, no matter how many times you have been reincarnated, what should be broken will eventually be broken, and what should be cleared will eventually be cleared.

The beautiful meeting at the beginning was because the love in the previous life was not over, and the dislike of each other later was because the fate had come to an end.Maybe we can't be calm as "as long as we have it, we don't care about it forever", but we don't need to taste it for a cup of bitter tea overnight.At the beginning, don't ask how the ending will be, even if you are lonely, at least you can keep a memory and stay with you forever.Incompleteness is also a kind of beauty. How many people have survived the lush summers in order to wait for the fallen leaves of an autumn.

We meet each other in the world of mortals every day. Today you dress up as me, and tomorrow I dress up as you. No one can tell who betrayed whom.When you look forward to the first fate at the end of your life, you will always feel that you did not cherish it.We always like to regard what we miss as beauty, and what we can't get as treasures, ignoring that what we have is the simplest happiness.No one knows at the beginning which cup of tea they like to drink. Only after tasting hundreds of tea flavors can they know which cup belongs to them.It's like a spring full of beauty and redness, only when you walk through the flowers, you will know who is the one under your wrist.

Don't hug someone too tightly when you love someone, and give each other enough space at any time, because each other needs to breathe freely.You don't have to cry when you break up. Being together reluctantly will only increase your sadness.Decisiveness is a wrong approach, because one day you will have to go through the cycle of beginning and ending.Remember the warmth of the sun, forget the coldness of the wind and rain; remember the sweetness of the full moon, forget the loneliness of the waning moon;Be a person who knows how to be grateful, maybe every day, you can have the beauty you first saw.

Nalan Rongruo believes in Buddhism, the lotus in the Lushui Pavilion has already told him the cause and effect of the three lives and three generations in advance.His life is a collection of words, the title page is the beginning of the dream, and the end page is the waking of Zen.People who walk into the words will sometimes be confused by him and fall into the chess game he has set up, and sometimes they will be transformed by him, and they will understand the answer to the mystery of life early.The arrangement of the world is actually very fair, we don't need to deliberately remember every reunion, and we don't have to worry about every parting.When the edges and corners of time scratch us, even if we bow our heads and smile, the next journey of landscape will be calm and breezy again.

In fact, if you want to go back, you can go back. When you have nothing, you can have it again.Read the words you haven't read before, and love the person you haven't loved once again.Tell the Buddha that we are some people who live in a foreign country because of our emotions. When we write the last chapter of the story, we must worship at his feet and cannot afford to kneel.
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