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Chapter 39 Mirror flowers, water moon, fleeting moment

I am not you, I don't understand Iraq from him. Everyone who comes to this world has a history of kalpas, and the fate of the world is the number of kalpas.Whether you were born in a wealthy family or a poor family, whether it is a long or short life, karma and reincarnation are inevitable.Some people are like icy frost flowers, some people are like floating dust, whether they are gorgeous or simple, they will disappear without a trace in the end.Looking at the green smoke curling up from the incense burner, I suddenly thought of a person——Jia Baoyu, a household name.Jia Baoyu is the main character in the book, nicknamed Mr. Yihong, Flower Master of Jiangdong, and Rich and Noble Idler.

In fact, there was no such person in the world. After talking about it for a long time, everyone thought it was true.When did this character sealed in the book come out of the book and soak in the fireworks with us, and his own story happened, with truth and falsehood, good and evil, beauty and ugliness.What a familiar person, although he lives in another world, in the home of Zhongming Dingshi, but his vivid image always seems to linger around us.Sometimes, we can watch him up close. A passionate young man who has stepped into the clouds is willing to look down on the ordinary world. Jia Baoyu came to the world with a legendary color. He was reborn as a waiter of Shenying.When he was born, he had a piece of beautiful jade in his mouth, and this piece of jade accompanied him all his life.He came from a dream of nothingness, so he finally abandoned the world, chose to become a monk, and returned to the vague realm of nothingness.Before this, no one would have thought that a nobleman of the Hou family, with incomparable glory and a bright future, would end in death.He is just like Frost Flower, people have not had time to appreciate his beauty, so the glory is fleeting and fleeting.What is left to us are memories like teardrops and helpless sighs.

I always feel that such a person who is greedy for love in the world should be inseparable from the world that can give him infinite prosperity.Little did he know, the depths of his heart had been occupied by loneliness. His stubborn and rebellious character made him loathe fame and fame. In fact, he was disappointed with this mortal world, which was as flashy as a dream.Therefore, his mother, Mrs. Wang, would call him "the devil king of the world" and "the root of evil".It seems that he was born to collect debts, to recover the old debts and love debts of the previous life, and he completely rejected the fame and fortune in this life.How many people in Jia's family put high hopes on him, he can turn a blind eye to it, even hate his own origin, but love and get close to those who are poorly born and have low status.What he longed for was to live in the Grand View Garden, fighting grass and hairpins with many women, singing softly, and living a carefree life.In fact, his heart has been beating in a hazy dream, avoiding reality like this because he is afraid of being hurt.

He once said: "Daughters are made of water, and men are made of mud. When I see a daughter, I feel refreshed, but when I see a man, I feel foul and smelly!" All this is because of the gentleness of the woman, which brought him A sense of clarity and ease.Those rough men are mostly fame seekers, national thieves and ghosts. With these pursuits, there will be fights. With Jia Baoyu's weakness, he will undoubtedly be scalded by the steaming fame and fortune.He came to the world with a debt of love, and in this life he can only be entangled in the fate of the world. The rise and fall of his family and country, and his personal honor and disgrace are all so insignificant.

A person who is not keen on utilitarianism should have a pure heart. He lives in the Grand View Garden with a sentimental emptiness.There, he met Lin Daiyu, who had a close relationship with him, a crimson fairy grass that he had watered in his previous life, and a woman who had to return it with tears in this life.Lin Daiyu disregarded the feudal code of ethics that "women are virtuous without talent", and was keen on poetry and prose with outstanding talent.The two rebellious souls came together, achieved spiritual harmony, and planted a root of love in each other's hearts.Reading such a forbidden book together, I was moved by the determination of the heroes and heroines in the book to break free from the shackles of feudal ethics and pursue free love.

It is precisely because the love is too deep, the dream is too heavy, when the dream is awakened by the cold reality, this scene will end in tragedy.In fact, Jia Baoyu was destined to give up the world and convert to Buddhism.He hates fame and fame and rebels against feudalism, which is actually a kind of seclusion.Cultivating Buddhism is not because of negative thinking, but because people find that there is a place that is more desirable than the turbid world.The mountains and rivers there are clear, overflowing with the fragrance of lotus, regardless of high or low, and has nothing to do with separation and separation.No matter you are looking for a visit, or strayed into the maze, you will be infected by this clear state, and you are willing to let go of the past, and you will only be pure and comfortable under the lotus platform.

In one book, Jia Baoyu mentioned several times that he wanted to become a monk, but he was trapped by the women around him.In his thinking, monks should have no love, and only ring bells and chant scriptures in remote mountain temples.In fact, there is a nun with hair and practice beside him—Miao Yu, but this nun who is refined from other worlds can't completely get rid of love, and finally sinks into the quagmire.It was on Baochai's birthday that Baoyu first realized the principles of Zen. Baochai ordered "Shanmen" and recommended one of the pieces of "Parasite Grass" to Baoyu.After Baoyu heard this, he slapped his knees with joy and exclaimed. After returning home, he wrote a paragraph of verse, and wrote a poem "Parasite Grass Interpretation": "If there is no self, it is not you. If you don't understand it, you can do whatever you want without hindrance." Going, feeling sad and happy? One after another talking about intimacy? What was the cause of mediocrity in the past? Now, it’s boring to look back and think about it!”

Jia Baoyu lamented the insignificance of the world and the mediocrity of the past, but he didn't know why.Talking about closeness and closeness, joys and sorrows, just like floating clouds come and go, looking back and thinking about everything, it is so boring.This song "Parasitic Grass" is a pavement for his Zen enlightenment when he leaves the dust in the future.The reason why he is nostalgic for the world of mortals is not because he can't bear to part with his wealth, but because he can't let go of the love in his heart.When he lost the Lonely Forest in the fairy land outside the world, and faced the crystal snow of Gao Shi in the mountains, his mood could no longer be calmed down.In addition to the Jia Mansion, which was very prosperous for a while, the vast mansion collapsed, and Jia Baoyu came to a "poverty and desolate" end.He is no longer that romantic young man surrounded by flowers. The so-called spring glory and autumn withered flowers torture, who can hide from life and death?

One part, full of Zen ideas and Buddhist principles.For hundreds of years, how many people can understand the mystery in it?Just as the author wrote: "The author is crazy, who can understand the taste." The taste here is the taste of Zen, the taste of the world, or the taste of love?Jia Baoyu's final return to Buddhism did not end in tragedy, but he chose a way of relief to break the ties of the world and pay off the old debt.When Lin Daiyu died, he also extinguished his time, looking for the destination after waking up from the dream.When you come to the end of the road, let go of what you can't let go of; let go of what you don't want to part with.

"Those who see it through escape into the empty door; those who are obsessed with it lose their lives in vain. It's like throwing all the devoured birds into the forest, and leaving a piece of white land. It's so clean!"
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