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Chapter 35 Green clouds are planted in high mountains, lotus flowers are planted in clear water

The rain in the clear autumn brings a sense of coolness, as if overnight, the residual heat of summer is returned to the wind and dust.How many people in a hurry forgot to bring a coat to keep out the cold, and they were slightly annoyed to find a tree and ask for an explanation.Unexpectedly, it was still safe and sound yesterday, but the leaves are falling today.As time goes by, it's not appropriate to say too much, one eyebrow lowered, one turned around, the hand in hand at this moment will become tomorrow's parting ways.When a person walks in the world, even if you are not disturbed, you will still be hurt by thorns.Sometimes, a little wind, a ray of sunshine, a ray of rain and dew are all sharp knives, and the scars are as deep as the distance traveled.It seems that you have to taste a lot of suffering before you can complete all the processes of life.

Every day, we live ordinary and simple days.A fisherman casts his net late at night and harvests early in the morning.The woodcutter goes up the mountain at sunrise and goes down the mountain at sunset.Huannu washed a basket of dusty clothes into clean and damp.The cook cooks a pot of uncooked rice into mature rice.There are also hard-working blacksmiths who polish the years of wind and frost into swords; elegant poets who organize simple moments into poems; and calm monks who spend a day sitting quietly into Zen.This is the original face of all beings, there is not much Zen theory, and there is not much mystery. In their own lives, they are waiting for their own destiny.One day, we met at the ferry at dusk. You said you were an oil man who walked around the streets, and I said I was a mortal woman with daily necessities.

When I read the Buddhist poems of Zen master Fufeng Puen in the Ming Dynasty, I felt a kind of clearness that clears the clouds and sees the sun in an instant.Fufeng Pu'en, the heir of Zen master Yuzhi Faju in Yuequan, Tianchi, Huzhou, with the common surname of Jin, was born in Shanyin.Zen master Puen became a monk at the age of ten. The reason is unknown, either because his family was poor, or because of a coincidence.How long his life was, is also unknown.In short, in front of the Buddha, he comprehended the Zen mechanism and emptied everything.In fact, life and death, coming and going, are just a thought, like taking a nap under the bodhi tree; like a copper bell on the corner of the eaves, it rings when the wind blows, and stops when the wind stops.

"When you return to the source, you will be home, and there is no mystery to praise." Such a simple sentence leaves a big blank for the profound Dharma.In the eyes of the world, Buddhism is unfathomable and unreachable, so sentient beings always like to talk about mysteries, but they don't know that every ordinary fragment is a mystery.Everything in the world has Buddha nature. As long as you return to nature and be your true self, you can see your own Buddha nature.There is no need to abandon the simple truth and seek the misty mysteries. This will only lead to loss of nature and let oneself fall into the abyss of illusion.We are always looking for things that belong to us, but we don't know that what we have is much more than enough.We always think that the more complicated life is, the more secrets are hidden, and we always want to kick off the prelude and see the final outcome.However, the ending and the beginning turned out to be the same.

The so-called one leaf blinds your eyes, you have already crossed the river and boarded the other bank, but you still mistakenly think that you are sinking on this bank.Where is the shore, the shore is in your heart. The so-called turning around is just to see your own face clearly, and don't get lost in the vast sea of ​​dust.Obsession leads to confusion and enlightenment, while clear thoughts lead to enlightenment.The reason why people often fail to see their own Buddha nature is because they have too many desires and doubts.Everything is placed in front of us, but we insist on painting a lot of colors on a simple background to cover the luxuriant dust and smoke.I thought that in this way, I could add a touch of profound background to myself, but it often backfired and made myself exhausted.So, the pain, the sins, and the burdens in this world are all given by yourself, and no one can impose them on you or me.

"It's all about true nature, and you get lost because of a wrong thought." If each of us allows ourselves to live a real and simple life, our true temperament is as clear and clear as the Buddha's nature, and we don't have to be afraid of the invasion of dust.Enlightenment and confusion, goodness and evil, cleanliness and filth are all just one thought away.Just one thought can save suffering and achieve positive results.In the chaotic world, our mind is like a bright mirror, no matter how many troubles we have, we will not be able to see our shadows in front of the mirror.Let yourself be a speck of dust, not clinging to gains and losses, and live in peace with all the wind and things in the world.Don't ask where you came from, don't ask the way back, maybe you fall into the cracks of time, maybe you've been on the road.

What a clear and pure mind, just like a song called "Water Lily".The lotus under the moonlight stretches slowly with the sound of the piano, enjoying a quiet time alone.How many figures with fluttering sleeves passed by, and it never left entangled emotions for any encounter.Only a piece of heart fragrance, and cool water, talk quietly.Tell the unknown stories hidden in the previous life, and the cause and effect of it and the pond, and the love of a small boat.Floating clouds flow, thousands of years have passed, when we met, it was still the original appearance, the mood at that time.Therefore, a green lotus, no matter it is inside or outside the dust, is deeply loved by people.Because of its cleanliness, people can escape the dangers of reality unscathed, which makes us feel that reincarnation is so persistent and regretless.

The high mountains are covered with blue clouds, and the clear water is planted with lotus flowers. Everything in the world is still true to its original form.Even if the fresh days are passed to old age, and the infinite scenery is passed to the cold and desolate.As long as you keep your true self and know each other like a mirror with the years, it is a kind of stability.A person who has lost his prosperity, a person who is good at what he does, and a person who is willing to stay ordinary, will not ask too much about how many mysteries are hidden in fate.Because they understand that the so-called mystery is the real existence in life.Mountains have their promises, waters have their tenderness, and people have their missions.In the journey of life, there may not be much warmth for us to survive.But there are always some small stories, pure time, waiting for us to invest in emotions and harvest memories.

In the busy world, with the crowd of people rubbing shoulders, who else is willing to bow down for a flower, stop for a grain of dust, and bow for an insect?Being able to be content with the status quo, guarding one's own homeland steadfastly, and one's passing years is already a gratitude to life.There is no need to think about what kind of talents can change the color of the red sun and make the still water run deep.The real happiness is to be an ordinary couple, to hear the first crow of a rooster in the morning, and to hear a few barks of dogs in night dreams. Not measuring how long the embankment of life is, is like not guessing how far this autumn mountain trail is.Finally, when I meet the fallen leaves again, even if I have nothing, I can still bring the dusk to the night and leave my youth to yesterday.Forget what you have paid, forget what you owe, and live a life like white water, it is not too late.

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