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Chapter 33 You return to the sea, I return to the mountains

When you are tired, have you ever thought about exiling yourself on a light boat, letting the vast smoke and water drift you wherever, just don't stay.Maybe you dreamed that you came to a tribe in the clouds, and all you could see were rolling green hills and clear water like jade.The world is chaotic and there is too much unbearable pressure, so many people hope that they can stay away from the hustle and bustle, choose a village with beautiful mountains and rivers, live in a hut, and eat wild game for a few days.People who have gone through the years understand that the bustling scenery along the way is just rubbing shoulders with themselves, and what they are looking for in the end is a simple and ordinary life.

We are always like floating clouds, running around in the world of mortals, coming and going in a hurry, often forgetting who we are and for whom we are so uncertain.In the end, blame all the troubles on life—it is the trivial days that make you and me so involuntary.How many people have hidden their true selves, and put the last bit of leisure and leisure into the wind.No matter how old the years are, how much of the remaining passion can be burned?Many people say that being busy when you are young is just to keep more memories when you are old.As everyone knows, memory is like water poured into the palm of your hand. You try hard to keep it, but it still fades away bit by bit with the passing years.Until the last drop of water leaks out, it means that everything will come to an end.

A thought of obsession will lead to twists and turns in the world; a thought of enlightenment will transcend the six realms, and the sea and sky will be vast.A master once told me that throughout the ages, many eminent monks have become Buddhas and reached the state of Nirvana.I asked him, what is the ultimate Nirvana?The master said that with the eyes of the sky, you can see everything in the three realms, and you will be free from the six realms of reincarnation.I, who is stupid in my qualifications, think that the so-called Nirvana means that I can communicate with spirits, stay away from upside-down dreams, and all realms are empty.The Zen state in the eyes of the world always contains too much fog and mystery.Many people want to step into that threshold, get a little spirituality, and let themselves feel at ease, but they dare not take part in it lightly.I just feel that if there is no heart of clouds and water in the thousands of Zen realms, it will be difficult for ordinary flesh and bones to realize it.

Enlightenment of Zen is also a matter of fate, since it is a spirit, it has nothing to do with some detailed fragments.Whether it is the course of life or the process of Zen enlightenment, you can be at ease only by cutting out the complicated and simplifying it, and letting go of the horse.It's not that you can become a generation of Buddhist masters by familiarizing yourself with the scriptures. Teaching the scriptures and teaching the Dharma and giving to all living beings are the true meaning of Buddhism.At that time, the sixth patriarch Huineng didn't know a word, but he recited the verses of great enlightenment, and got the mantle passed down by the fifth patriarch Hongren.A towering tree is sometimes not as calm as a bluegrass, and a supreme monarch is sometimes not as calm as a commoner.In the eyes of the Buddha, there is no distinction between high and low in all things. They gather and disperse according to fate, and life and death are the same.

Occasionally, I read a verse written by Zen master Baofu Qinghuo in the Song Dynasty, and my confused heart seemed to have a little epiphany. "People in the world don't say that the road is difficult, and the bird's path is so close." When we lamented that the dusty road is like thousands of rivers and mountains, and there are hidden dangers everywhere, Zen Master Qinghuo said that even if the road is rough, even if it is difficult to walk, but all of this, You can be detached within a short distance.The so-called seeking is suffering, not seeking is happiness.If there are too many desires and desires in a person's heart, there will be distress everywhere.If the mind is indifferent and free to follow circumstances, then the many afflictions will be like the white clouds on the edge of the ridge blowing away with the wind.Realize and realize this state, there are thousands of scenery in the world, and Bodhi is everywhere.

But after all, we are mortals, and it is absolutely impossible to achieve nothing, so there are only a few people who have epiphany and detachment.Cultivating the Buddha is to cultivate the mind, and it is different to become a monk and cultivate the Buddha at home.The monks cut off all the ties of the world, and return to the temples in the mountains and forests in this life, without stepping into the world of mortals.To practice Buddhism at home, in order to reduce obsessions, lighten your mind, and treat yourself with compassion, you can treat others with compassion.Many troubles in the world all originate from the heart. If the heart is not quiet, everything moves accordingly.Even if you recite scriptures every day, sit in meditation painstakingly, live in a thatched hut, and chew vegetable roots, it is still difficult to obtain true purity.We always like to say that many things in the world are contrary to our hearts, but we don't know that what we think in our hearts is because of too much greed.If you can withstand the mediocrity of fleeting years, is it true that a person is not as verdant as a grass?

People have spirituality, so do plants and trees; people have flesh and blood, but plants and trees do not.So people have love and hate, good and evil, greed and obsession.Many seemingly lively and beautiful people are actually barren inside.The Buddhist scriptures say: "The body is like foam, which cannot be rubbed; the body is like a bubble, which cannot stand for a long time; the body is like a flame, which is born of thirst; The body is upside down; the body is like a dream, which is a false view; the body is like a shadow, which appears due to karma; It should be clear and clear. An overly rigid life will only make you fall into the mud.No matter how the mountains and rivers change, and how the seas become mulberry fields, the world is a drama that never ends.We hold the sword of the years, some people choose to be heroes who fight for the world, while others are woodcutters who cut firewood.

"Treasure the water by the Zhuxi River, you return to the sea and I return to the mountains." Zen Master Qinghuo is telling us that everything in the world has its own belonging.Flowers are flowers, fog is fog, streams return to the sea, and Zen people return to the mountains.Before he died, he told the people under his door: "After I die, I will give the remains to the insects and ants, and don't put them in the tomb tower." After his death, he sat on a rock in the mountains, as if he lived forever.According to the last order of the disciples, there were no insects and ants to eat, so they went to Javi and scattered them in the forest.Up to this point, the Zen master has already risen and died according to the conditions. In this life, the people and things that come and go have been scattered into clouds.And we, after reading Qinghuo's gatha, will we still stubbornly wait at the intersection of autumn, waiting for the warmth of spring and the blossoming of flowers?

In fact, Zen is not a wordless book that cannot be read.Everyone is Zen when they live, and there is Zen in their hearts. Zen consistently tells us that all dharmas return to one, and we can follow the conditions freely.We are always in a hurry, so we often get lost in the four seasons of life, but flowers and trees bloom with the seasons and fall with fragrance.Things in the world are often self-defeating, and only by following the fate can we be at ease.Maybe we should all relax our tight heartstrings, and let ourselves live as light as white clouds, as leisurely as the breeze, and as calm as flowing water in our ordinary days.It should be known that personnel affairs cannot be calculated, and we don't have to hang on for a long time for a dead tree.

Revelation does not mean capriciousness, and idleness does not mean waste.Time is not valued by anyone, but we should value time.Do what you can and cherish what you can cherish.It must be known that the scenery remains the same year after year, and once the time is gone, it will not look back.Whether it is to return to the sea or to the mountains, simply be yourself.
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