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Chapter 29 Spring is coming on the lake, mountain monks go back and forth leisurely

It was dusk when I came back from Taihu Lake, a clear moon hung over the high-rise buildings in the city, and under the night, the dust flying in the daytime stopped floating, like an actor taking off her makeup.The flashing neon lights changed into another style, which made me almost forget that through the gorgeous background, this beautiful ancient city still hides many old wooden buildings and simple scenery.I see a retro style pervading the south of the Yangtze River, with classical archways, classical towers, and classical decorations.It seems that many people are looking for the lost civilization, and recovering the scenery and folk customs of a region.Perhaps we realize that we have lost too far away from each other, and we should look back and see an old dream in the midst of our trek.

People always ask me if I have any special hobbies.And every time I answer simply, Shanshui.Yes, I like natural landscapes, such as Daiqing Mountain, a vast expanse of lakes, a wild crane, a stream of idle clouds, and a cloud of misty rain.It is best to have a deep forest with a few farms, plant willows by the river, grow plums in front of the door, chop firewood for a living, and fish for a living.This kind of life, which was the most simple in the past, has now become a kind of poetic luxury.Recalling what Du Liniang said in the movie, hobbies in life are natural.Her libretto in "A Dream in the Garden": "It turns out that the flowers are blooming everywhere, and it seems like this is all ruined. But what a beautiful day, who's house is a place to enjoy the pleasure..." Such a misty painting boat, stone bridge cold The beauty of the moon makes people willing to devote their youth to it and throw the time away.

There is no one who does not desire to have a free and easy life.Especially those who live in officialdom, shopping malls and the workplace, when they are tired, they want to stay away from the hustle and bustle of the city, choose a place with quiet mountains and rivers, and live a quiet life.When I read Zen Master Daoji's "Spring on the Lake" for the first time, I felt broad-minded, clear and clear. "The spring light on the lake has broken, and the willows by the lake point to the railings. You don't need to buy it for a penny, and you can go back and forth with the mountain monk." How carefree and carefree, full of Zen interest, it seems that the unstoppable spring light is in front of you, Yiyi Willows are fluttering in the wind, ready to be enjoyed by anyone.These natural mountains and rivers cost nothing, whether you are rich or poor, high or low, you can shuttle between them.

This reminds me of a poem written by Lu You, a patriotic poet in the Southern Song Dynasty. There is a sentence in it: "Jinghu originally belonged to idlers, so why should it be bestowed by officials." Send Huai mountains and rivers, Xiaoao mountains and forests.One is an eminent monk who looks crazy with a broken fan in his hand, and the other is a poet who cares about his family and country but wants to be a fisherman by the river.They have the same detached and pure state of mind, and just want to live a calm and unrestrained life by taking advantage of the mountains and rivers.In the world, every brick and tile is occupied by people, and even the flowers and plants lose their spirituality.How many places of interest and monasteries have received entrance tickets and fragrant flower coupons, and these scenery have been labeled with money.The scenery in the works of Zen master Daoji and Lu You is a landscape far away from the hustle and bustle, behind the smoke and clouds.Perhaps we can only find the last pure land on earth by flying across thousands of mountains and snowy mountains with a pair of bird wings.

Zen Master Daoji is a monk who has been called "Jidian" and "Jigong" among the people.He was a man with a broken hat, broken shoes, dirty clothes, and he looked crazy. He first became a monk in Lingyin Temple in Hangzhou, and later lived in Jingci Temple. He was not bound by precepts. He was fond of wine and meat. An eminent monk, he is listed as the fiftieth patriarch of Zen Buddhism and the sixth patriarch of Yangqi Sect.Such a monk who does not abide by the clear rules spends his whole life wandering in the mountains and rivers, enjoying himself, traveling wherever he goes, inscribed with ink, and writes meaningful words.His image is not like an eminent monk who has attained meditation, but like a madman playing games in the world.He helped the world and saved the people all his life, and was deeply loved by all living beings. Later generations respected him as Jigong Living Buddha.

A senior monk told me that Daoji was an enlightened monk.Enlightened monks have heavenly eyes, know everything, and can predict the past and the future.Because of his enlightenment, he walked around the world wearing a tattered hat and robes, so he was so carefree and happy.In his eyes, there are no rules and regulations, and everything in the world is normal.He laughs wildly, drifts up and down in the market, and even dreams of life and death, all because of his heroic and free and easy temperament.Human nature, like mountains and rivers, comes from nature, without embellishment, and has its own unique charm and interest.We always think that the fruit of this life depends on the cause of the previous life, and think that all the good and evil retributions in this life are all planted in the previous life.Including a person's talent, a person's appearance, and a person's fate are all related to cause and effect.All these, like green mountains and green waters, are engraved deep in your soul, no matter how many reincarnations you experience, they will not change the original appearance.

The beautiful West Lake is a paradise on earth that many people yearn for.We are all strangers from all over the world, and we have come to this ancient city, just to bid farewell to the willow tree and the amorous peach blossom.Infinite scenery is something in the hearts of all living beings. We can enjoy it as much as we want without spending a penny.Although it is a thing in the heart, but the world-famous West Lake is located in Hangzhou. It has been surging for thousands of years, and the scenery of life can be wandered freely, but the West Lake keeps a certain oath and stands still.How many emperors waded here for the scenery of Muxi Lake. As the proud sons of heaven, they can sit on the world, but they can't take the West Lake with them, and they can't put thousands of hectares of mountains and rivers in their pockets and become the decorations of the imperial court.

Only the heart, put thousands of scenery in the heart, no matter where you are, you can see the bright spring, and you can fold willows to express your love.A weak heart can hold the whole world. We cannot be living Buddhas, we cannot be enlightened, but we can see our true self clearly in our hearts.Maybe we can't predict the past or predict the future, but everything now means the past and the future.Be an open-minded person, learn to insert clouds in the mountains, plant the moon in the water, and be cool alone in the narrow world, with the sea and the sky, in the chaotic world of mortals.

When we are forced by the turbulent times, we look at the portrait of Zen Master Daoji. Although he is dressed in rags, his unrestrained and unrestrained smile and the free and easy way of shaking our fans will make our mind suddenly sober.In fact, we are people who come and go freely in the world of mortals, floating and sinking in the blurred place of fireworks, and wandering in the mountains and rivers.One day, when thousands of sails in the world are exhausted, I choose a hut to live in seclusion, and use a pole of silk to fish for the autumn moon.Let the chance encounters in the past become like clouds in the mirror.Let all the deep memories gradually dissipate in the long wind of time.

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