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Chapter 20 Love is like a dream, only the wonderful lotus

The blue light reflects the window screen a little bit, it is easy to read Shurangama Mo Yijia. Occasionally, I saw a small lotus-shaped incense burner, made of rosewood, very delicate and delicate.Imagine that if you light a burner of sandalwood, read a book and drink tea in a lazy afternoon, or sit quietly and meditate to get some Zen, it can be regarded as a peaceful state of life.Maybe only when you are pure can you forget the troubled and deep world and temporarily forget all the tired feelings.Life is a book that needs to be approved by eyebrows, except for emotions that cannot be bound, fame and fortune and everything can be sold.Waiting until one day to abandon the pen and seal the name, roll up your sleeves to make tea under the moonlight, and watch a lotus bloom at will, it will be the most romantic thing in your life.

A netizen posted a Zen-like poem by Wang Anshi: "Understanding all conditions is like a dream, and there is only a wonderful lotus in the world." At that time, I was surprised when this outstanding politician and reformer in the Northern Song Dynasty put down his official documents, Have you read the Buddhist scriptures?Thinking about it again, fame and fame in ancient times have all been dimmed and hidden in the shadow of swords and swords.When a person has been riding a horse in the officialdom for too long, he also needs a rest.Freeing horses on Nanshan Mountain, fishing for Baiyun, playing chess with friends on the chessboard, meeting generals, not seeing blood, but full of fun.On a breezy and rainy afternoon, I put on my coir raincoat and bamboo hat, picked a few green plums, and brought a pot of good wine, and went to visit a monk in the deep mountains with an excuse.It is said that when you are old, you are a person abandoned by time, let you idle in the wind and dust, time will ignore you.

Wang Anshi was born in a family of officials. His father was a Jinshi in the eighth year of Dazhong Xiangfu of Emperor Zhenzong of Song Dynasty. good thing.Wang Anshi was intelligent since he was a child, and he never forgets to read. He traveled with his father in the north and south since he was a child, thus increasing his social experience, witnessing the hardships of people's lives, and gaining a certain understanding of the weak Song Dynasty.When he was young, he set up the ambition of "rectifying the world and changing the vulgarity", which influenced his life.Later, he entered the court as an official, committed to reform, was appreciated by Song Shenzong, and was promoted to prime minister.His reform was opposed by big bureaucrats and some relatives of the emperor, and he was dismissed twice as prime minister, and he has since retired to live in seclusion.

A person who is used to seeing prosperity and experiencing ups and downs will have a deeper feeling about life.He once wrote "The old things of the Six Dynasties are like running water, but the cold smoke and the grass turn green. Up to now, business women still sing it from time to time, the legacy of "The Back Court".All the prosperity is in the past, and now, we can only talk about honor and disgrace based on high standards.Until he was old, he still sighed: "I have no choice but to be bound by some fame and fortune, but I have no choice but to be delayed by it. At the beginning, I stayed in Chinese dialects, but now I missed my Qin Lou appointment." It can be seen that although Wang Anshi has been bound by fame and fortune all his life, he still remembers his youth in his heart. A period of Qin Lou's appointment at that time.It's just that when he felt remorse, it was too late.He gave his best years to fame and wealth, ignoring human love.I have been busy all my life, and I only know when I am old that some time is wasted.When he wanted to squander, time was running out.

After reading that Zen poem again, I realized that Wang Anshi and the poem were gifted to his daughter.It is recorded in the book that Wang Anshi had a daughter who was quite talented. After she got married, because she missed her relatives far away, she sent a poem to her father. Looking at my hometown from a tall building, I feel a heartache, which is as thin as a yellow flower.When Wang Anshi received his daughter's poem, he didn't know how to persuade her, so he sent her a copy of "New Commentary on Shurangama", encouraging her to study Buddhism well.For this reason, you can be freed spiritually, and your mood can be leisurely and calm in the realm of Zen and Buddha.After that, I reconciled with this poem: "The blue light reflects the window screen a little bit, and it is easy to read Shurangama Mo Yijia. If you can understand all relationships, it is like a dream, and there is only a wonderful lotus in the world."

It can be seen that Wang Anshi also has a Zen Buddha in his heart, but he is bound by his fame and fame, and he can never be freed.He understands the suffering of life, mostly from the spirit, even his political reforms are the same.Only when the heart is concerned, will it be tied up. After a long time, the iron gate will also rust.Wang Anshi's daughter misses her relatives in her hometown and suffers emotionally. In the reality that cannot be changed, Wang Anshi can only persuade her to read the Shurangama Sutra and let Buddhism teach her peace and tranquility.The reason why he let his daughter learn Buddhism and read scriptures must be that Wang Anshi realized the indescribable beauty in Buddhist scriptures.

"All relationships are like dreams, and there is only a wonderful lotus in the world." All the gains and losses in the world, all the gatherings and partings, are actually a dream, and we know it is a dream, but we are still addicted to it and refuse to wake up. .This is the helplessness of being a human being, living one's life to an irreversible situation, it seems that saying anything is superfluous.In the fate that cannot be saved, peace can only be found in the clear environment of the lotus.Only the Buddha does not need you to repent for the past time, he will not care about your faults, and will not leave you alone in the wilderness of the world of mortals.That's why there is the theory of the other side of the lotus flower. Only those who have completely walked through this side can set sail for a long journey. The distance that seems to be thousands of mountains and rivers is actually only a short period of time.

Wang Anshi didn't want his daughter to indulge in human love, even if it was family love, he also hoped that she could treat each other indifferently.Because in the doomed parting, in the unknown gathering, any infatuation will be a fruitless dream.Her longing for her hometown means that she has been lost for many years. At the lost station, only Zen can enlighten her, and only Miaolian can rescue her.Wang Anshi believed that in the coolness of the scriptures, his daughter could find unprecedented satisfaction and peace of mind.While encouraging his daughter, he is actually encouraging himself, hoping that he can come out of the officialdom, hold a book of scriptures, and live in a hut in a place with beautiful mountains and rivers.

Once you enter the officialdom, you can't control your ups and downs. If life can flow like clouds and flowing water, take it easy, take it in and out, and walk and stop at will, you won't have so many helplessness and regrets.Wang Anshi didn't understand what he had achieved and what he had achieved in the end after he had been busy all his life.I have reformed and reformed throughout my life, to the end and back to the beginning, nothing has changed.But he lost his youth, lost his emotions, lost his hard work, and his heart was hollowed out, but he didn't get the expected ending.This life is like directing a play, playing a few leading roles and a few supporting roles.As soon as the opera ends, as soon as the story ends, as soon as the gongs and drums end, it will disperse when it says it is gone, and it will be gone when it is said to be gone.

I remember Wang Anshi wrote in his poem "Climbing the Flying Peak": "Don't be afraid of floating clouds to cover your eyes, just because you are at the highest level." The mountains and rivers are endless, and there is a calm and unhurried momentum.The floating clouds are far away, and so is the passing water. I believe that when Wang Anshi wrote "Understanding all conditions is like a dream, and there is only a wonderful lotus in the world", he has rescued himself from the sea of ​​suffering and turned troubles into Bodhi. .
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