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Chapter 17 The mountain is poor and the water is exhausted, sit and watch the clouds rise

The middle-aged is quite good at Taoism, and his late home is Nanshan Frontier. Have you ever felt nostalgia for someone you have never met because of a chapter, a painting, a song, or something else?Maybe you don't want to miss it, but a touch has already touched the heartstrings, forcing you to always remember it inadvertently.There are even a few encounters in the dream, but even so, you still dare not disturb easily.Because, many people, many things, it is good to dream, if you wake up hastily, you will not only disturb the peace of others, but also disturb your own peace. I also thought about cutting a piece of memory in a dream and weaving a garment of fate.It's just that in this world, not all fates are just as intended.Just like a piece of clothing you love, it may not fit you well, but fate is not tailor-made, when it cannot fit you, you have to tolerate it.Sometimes, choosing to be with loneliness and let the occasional turbulent heart gradually turn to a pool of clear and clean water can be regarded as practicing a certain kind of Zen state.It is said that loneliness is a kind of melancholy born from deep love. A person who falls in love with loneliness may be tired of the rough world, but he will never escape the natural landscape.We should believe that there are such people in this world who turn a blind eye to fame and fortune, but are fascinated by a nameless wild flower in the mountains and forests.

Whenever I am bound by love, I will think of a poem by Wang Wei, "Walk to the poor water, sit and watch the clouds rise".There were countless poetic monks in the Tang Dynasty, but Wang Mojie was the only poetic Buddha.Many people love him because of his poetry, which can take you away from the troubled world in an instant, and find a turning point for those who are at the end of their lives.Some people said that he was negative, unable to bear the relegation, so he fled to Zhongnan Mountain with his bags on his back, and became a mustard seed before the Buddha.Playing the piano and whistling in the silent mountain forest, a piece of moss slowly covered his skirt, the flowery Tang Dynasty seemed to have become a look back and wrong shoulder in the previous life.

Ten years of cold lights and night rain in the rivers and lakes, Wang Wei chose to step into the mountains and forests, not hastily and at a loss.If he hadn't gone through the turmoil in the court, the desolation of the world with the death of Shengge, and the bleakness and desolation of the long and late autumn, he would not have turned around so resolutely.I also chanted "Lovesickness" affectionately. A red bean was planted in the Tang Dynasty thousands of years ago. Everyone who was poisoned by the love flower wanted to pick a red bean to relieve himself.Weak water for three thousand, in the end he still wants the lonely mountain forest, only the mountain forest can completely take him away from the chaotic world.He was really tired, he walked to the poor place, sat down, and looked at the clouds and clouds in the sky.The past great sorrow and joy disappeared in an instant, and he suddenly felt that he was so heartless, because he felt that there was nothing in the world to love.

Many people want to know whether Buddha is ruthless or affectionate.If he is ruthless, he wants to love all living beings, but if he is affectionate, he is not moved by the love of the world.Perhaps the Buddha's ruthlessness is the cohesion of deep affection, and the Buddha's deep affection needs ruthlessness to let go.Wang Wei is affectionate, even he himself does not know that when he grows old, he will have such a soft spot for loneliness.Landscapes are lonely, no matter how many vicissitudes the world has experienced, they remain silent as always.What Wang Wei loves is this kind of silence, communicating with his heart, which makes him feel peaceful and at ease, without harm, and without any debts.

The memorable prosperous Tang Dynasty suddenly disappeared before his eyes. The fame and fortune he once pursued with all his heart can't be exchanged for a single plant or tree in the mountains and forests.Here, fame is not even worth a speck of dust. We always say that the world is too realistic, but the same is true for mountains and forests.If we bring in a sophisticated heart, all the creatures here will shut you and me out.Fate is a matter between two people. If you love me, and you love me, you are destined to have a share.A person's heartbeat cannot be fully bloomed. No matter how affectionately you water and care for it, it will still die young.Wang Wei understood, so he gave up lovesickness in the world, only talked with water, and only practiced Zen with clouds.

The years in the mountains pass very quickly, like meteors, and it is not known how many times the flowers bloom and fade in the blink of an eye.The years in the mountains seem to be particularly long, and the flowers, plants and trees here have not changed in the slightest.I thought that my heart would gradually grow old after being away from the dust for too long, but I didn't know that the strings of life became brighter and brighter as I played them. Under the cold moonlight, they shone with clean light.There are thousands of heart knots in the world, but they are easily opened by the bright moon and the breeze.This is the relationship between Wang Wei and Shanshui, a kind of Zen relationship, which makes people envy and daydream.Although everyone can touch the breeze with their hands, see the white clouds when they raise their eyebrows, and hear the flowing water while sitting quietly, if you don't have a peaceful heart, you can't have a deep conversation with all things in nature.Wang Wei did it because he separated from noise and fell in love with loneliness.

I am a dreamer, and most of my dreams are to stay away from the world and live in the beautiful mountains and rivers.Playing the piano and painting, sitting quietly and meditating in Zen, once the years are like water, will I lose my beauty when I grow old?Someone said, when I grow old, I will accompany me to live in the mountains.It's not a promise, let alone an oath, so casually said.I know it is false, but I still want to believe that the person who can say this sentence should also be a person who yearns for tranquility.It's just that there are many such people in this world who are led away by fate and cannot breathe freely.So even Ying Nuo spoke so vaguely, and who would wait for a sentence without a deadline?

In the days when I can't get what I want, I am always overwhelmed by Wang Wei's poems, because I also love loneliness very much, the loneliness of mountains, the loneliness of water, and the loneliness of Zen.I would like to look at an old man by the water, sitting and watching the clouds rise, or fishing with a pole, the water flowing in a stream.Knowing that there is nothing on the hook, he still enjoys sitting and fishing for a leisurely time.I once said to people that the great beauty of life is simplicity. The so-called simplicity and purity are not the clear eyes of a child who does not understand the world; the real purity is an old man who has experienced all kinds of hardships. , to the end, light rice and tea are enough.His heart filtered out all the complexities, and what was left was pure.

I hope that one day, my heart will be as clear as a mirror, and I can see my gorgeous hair and aging face in front of the mirror, and I will not sigh in my heart, but treat it calmly.I also hope that one day, I will sit by the water of Yunya and catch my own shadow with a pole.Even if I endure a lifetime of loneliness, I am willing, because this is just the silence of life, but the soul is full and full.Then just do this quietly yourself, so that the people who are thinking about it will still keep it in their hearts and not disturb them.Even if one day in a dream, I burst into tears because of a small touch, after waking up, I have to pretend that nothing happened.Some people, some things, are destined to meet only in dreams.

Just let me be a piece of idle cloud, with no origin and no way back, floating in the boundless sky.People with predestined relationship saw me and wrote me into poems, pictures, and dreams.People who have no fate, just rub shoulders like this, rub shoulders, rubbing shoulders is not ruthless, but makes fate go longer.
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