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Chapter 15 2012·Dragon

daddy's lover 周德东 7085Words 2018-03-18
Meixi is 13 years old, but she is taller and looks like a big girl. Once, she met a handsome guy in a bookstore, about 20 years old.This handsome guy took the initiative to come over and strike up a conversation with Meixi: "Beauty, let's make friends!" "Hurrah." "How old are you?" "What do you think?" "16?" "wrong." "17?" "wrong." "You won't be 18!" "Uncle, I'm 13." "Oh...that's great, kid, study hard!" Then, the handsome guy turned around and left.

After the Chinese New Year, Meixi is going back to China.I bought a wooden cabinet specially for her, which is full of her items.Now, this cabinet is full of all kinds of strange toys, and they are falling out—— Sunglasses that can record video, take photos, and play music, and you can be an agent when you wear them; anti-tracking glasses with rearview mirrors; a very beautiful purple princess jewelry box; an electronic watch that absorbs energy from two dirty potatoes; The "egg" that jumps around when you open the refrigerator; the Chinese tofu and Japanese tofu that you hold softly in your hand; the lie detector, the player puts his hand on it and answers the questions of the questioner. You will be shocked by electricity; a cash box, as long as you put a coin on it, the box will open a crack, and a cat will stretch out its paws to "steal" the coin away; 20 coins of various shapes can be changed according to the mood A color-changing ring; a glowing pillow; a black water glass with a strange shape. When you pour water above 45 degrees, the glass will gradually turn pure white, showing a beautiful image. She smiles sweetly in the sun ;Ocean lights, when you turn on the room, there will be the color and movement of the ocean, which is actually a speaker, which can play beautiful music; the pure white picture frame, after Meixi draws the picture, embedded in it, immediately there will be a painter A sense of accomplishment; a ball bought at a temple fair, as long as it is placed on a flat surface, it will roll by itself without any power, and its shape is its power; two soft white Christmas boots, very big, wear Wear them and run around the house, not to mention how comfortable they are; a classic style necklace, the pendant is a spherical old-fashioned open watch; three-dimensional Monopoly, no coins, credit card...

Provide an important information: Most of these toys are bought from Taobao, and they are very cheap.For example, I have seen the color-changing rings with different shapes at temple fairs, and they cost 20 yuan each, but I bought them on Taobao for only 1.80 yuan each.I saw a bamboo three-wheeled bicycle on the Internet, which is solar-powered, but unfortunately this American company only has a branch in Shanghai. Ji Feng also ordered a birthday gift for Meixi. She selected 35 photos, including Meixi’s own, and photos of her and Meixi, recording their precious memories as friends over the past three years, and then sent them to a special The company produced a hardcover magazine.One of the photos is accompanied by the following text——

When you meet the one you want to meet among millions of people, during millions of years, in the boundless wilderness of time, you happen to catch up with him, neither a step too early nor a step too late, then there is nothing else to say. You can only ask softly: "Darling, is it fun to play prank games?" On the street where I live, there is a school.There were many students in the school, one of them was my friend Buick, who had just turned ten.There was a female teacher in the school who was different from the other teachers because she was like a fairy... I don't want to write any more about that.

My friend Buick I see almost every day walking down the sidewalk with a book under his arm.We are used to repeating the same words every day, saying hello... It feels so friendly!I couldn't see him after that.One day, two days, three days...a whole week, no Buick!I think, he probably went to a distant place for skiing lessons, or sunlight lessons, rainfall lessons, storm lessons, tsunami lessons, volcano lessons, earthquake lessons... Later, I heard that he came back. I was sitting at my desk that Sunday, writing a story about a devil or a witch, when the window was open and a beautiful black bird flew in.I swear, it's a beautiful, elegant black, and it has a yellow mouth.The blackbird flew to my notebook, looked at me and called: Chirp Chirp!

Birds in Paris are not afraid of people, but this is the first time a bird has flown into my room.I smiled and said: My God, you are not afraid of me at all! — Chirp!Bird replied. --what would you like? — Chirp! —Maybe you are hungry? — Chirp! ——Is Jiujiu hungry or not? — Chirp! —Okay, let's try!I put a slice of bread on a piece of paper and handed it.It ate it up in a minute, and then barked again. — Chirp!just flew away.I hoped to see the bird again, but it never came back.In return, I met Buick the next day. —Buick, where have you been?Are you traveling or going on vacation?

—No, I did not leave Paris... —Then why can't we see you? ——You, you have seen me!Speaking of this, I should also thank you! ——Why should you thank me? —for the bread on Sunday! --No!This is impossible!That black bird is you? ——Yes, it's me!I tried to talk to you, but you didn't get it! — What did you try to say? —I said: "Boyick! Boyck! Boyck!" --what!so sorry!You didn't say this!You said: Chirp!Chirp!Chirp!This is not the same! —Don't you think it's easy for a bird's beak to say "Buick"!Well, it's all over now anyway. —but tell me: how did you become a bird?

--Oh!It's a long story! --Really?Tell me! — But don't tell anyone, okay? ——I don't tell anyone, but I want to write it. —in a book? — written in a book. —and my name, details? —and your name, details. — Well, in that case, I agree to tell you. Here is what my friend Buick has to say: Fifteen days ago, I was a kid (my friend Buick thinks he's grown a lot this week), and when I was a kid, I was silly, silly, silly!I don't want to study or work.Of course, everyone will encounter this kind of situation, bad mood, no mood to work... But, I am not emotional, I am not willing to study and work at all, not today, not tomorrow, and still not in the future !

That's right, those teachers always told us that study and work are necessary at school, if we don't study or work, we will have nothing to eat, nothing to wear, no sweets, no toys, no TV, and no cinema, No machine guns, no bombs, no motorboats, no skates, nothing...but I don't believe in that.When I have to, I want others to study and work, why not?They're so eager to work...but, in my case, I've decided never to do anything. One day, that is, last Monday morning, in the classroom, the teacher encouraged us to talk about our own concerns, I stood up and said: Miss, I want to speak.

--Oh?What are you going to say?she asked me. --School. ——What do you want to say about the school? --everything. — all things? - Absolutely! —Okay, I'll listen to you. It's not an easy thing to say, but I think I can.Well, I say.First of all, I don't think schools need to exist.Learning those things is better than taking a walk outside, everyone wants to be more comfortable.In Chinese class, we have to learn to read those notices, those subway signs...and write, these are useless, because there are special machines to do these things...Mathematics class, counting is useless, because there are computers to do these things... …and a history lesson, that's what people did before, what use is it to us?Needless to say... and the geography class is useless.If there is a war in any country, TV will tell us what needs to be done, and those countries that are not at war will not be interested in this.So me, I think school is made to be boring.

The teacher listened to me patiently without interrupting me.When I finished, she started to contradict me: well, then, what are you going to do? - I don't do anything. —You gotta get a job…——Why work? ——for life! ——Life does not need work! - In our society, need. ——Then, this requires a change of society.Look at those birds on the playground, they have no money, no job, no shop of their own, but they still live and just sing every day! --Are you sure? ——You can go and see! ——So, are you interested in living the life of a bird? --why not?They live so happily! --do you know?You can also be a bird. --Really can?you think?The teacher looked at me strangely, unlike others, looking for some reason when arguing, on the contrary, she seemed to be learning something by herself.She answered me: I can turn you into a bird, just for a week, try it first.That way, you get to experience the life of a bird, and when you get back, tell us a story about your week...   —Is it true, miss? --real.Do you agree? —Of course I agree, as long as my mother is willing... —I'm going to see her tonight and tell her about it. That night, the teacher came to my house and talked to my mother about something, and then, my mother agreed to turn me into a bird, but only for eight days. The next day, in the classroom, the teacher said to us: Today, children, we are going to do an experiment.Here is our friend Buick, who doesn't want to study and work, doesn't want to, doesn't want to, never wants to.However, he volunteered to give us a "bird's life" experience report, and I was going to turn him into a bird.He'll be back next week and tell us how he feels and... we can see what it's like if he doesn't want to be a man and work like everybody else... Come here, Buyick, to the blackboard Come on, don't be afraid. In fact, I was still a little scared...but I had already said big things, and I couldn't lose face in front of my classmates...So, I came to the blackboard.The teacher was chanting incantations - in Latin, Chinese, or Hebrew, it was all the same to me anyway... Suddenly I saw myself becoming very small and light, and I vaguely saw that I had a beautiful yellow beak: I have turned into a bird! "Chirp!" I yelled, and flew away from the window. It's so comfortable.I never learned, but I can fly.I fly up and down, I flap my wings and spin, and I don't get dizzy at all!I flew many laps in front of our class window just to amaze my friends.Later, I didn't want to stay in the school playground (I had seen enough), so I flew smoothly over the school roof and into a garden.All morning I was flying, dancing, whistling, visiting the flower-beds and lawns and bushes... By the afternoon I was hungry.I remembered that at this time, an old gentleman came out of the restaurant every day, took leftover bread, and went to the square to feed the birds. He came, as usual.As soon as he arrived, all the pigeons and sparrows ran around him.He began to sprinkle bread crumbs.Suddenly, he came to me: ah!Here comes a new one!come over!come here!brat!He threw me a handful of bread crumbs, but, hell, I couldn't catch them!Those rogue sparrows snatched half of it, and those pigeons pecked me with their beaks to drive me away.How can this be?Sparrows, please answer me!And pigeons, you scumbags!We humans should eat you all! All in all, this time, because of my ingenuity and especially the kindness of the old gentleman, I was still full.The rest of the time, I wandered around, watching children play in the sand and adults building houses.At night, I live on the eaves and fall asleep. I met her the next day.It was a female thrush, simple and elegant gray, with some stripes on it, very dignified.She just perched on the branch of a plane tree.Her mouth, and her belly feathers, were so graceful, so different, that I fell in love with her.I went up to her and asked her: Are you alone, miss? — Excuse me, sir, are you talking to me? Immediately feeling that there must be a little story between me and this lady, I changed my tone: Dear girl, please forgive me for intruding on you, but you look lonely and sad, if my presence does not annoy you , then, having a mate that you like, that you love, that will take care of you and respect you... I was in school, you know, if I was still learning to read those signs, those signs, those greengrocer labels, I can't see you and love you passionately... Of course, you must not be stingy with sweet words for such a beautiful bird.She was also looking at me, with her paws on her head, very sophisticated and indifferent.Finally, she answered me: Well, let's see... We should choose a tree as much as possible and build a nest together.What do you think? ——My dear, everything is up to you (I feel that I should use "you" this time).Now, I can admire you by your side and watch you... ——Then, come here.Mine also calls me "you". Then, we went to find the tree together, but it seemed that we didn't get much.This is no longer doing housework, this is simply doing a career!Starting from that garden, I have walked more than half of the road, but I haven't found it yet.Every time we approached a tree, a bird chased us away: busy!Nowhere!Here it is dedicated!One tree cannot accommodate two nests!It's the same everywhere!But bachelors would love to take on one of you again!Finally, we saw an empty tree.I rushed over as fast as I could, but I was attacked by another blackbird flying over: it was mine!this is mine! --not quite.I said, I was the first to arrive! —Yes, but this is my tree!I saw it before you! --lie!My girlfriend said, if you saw it before us, you would have been there!You don't see anything! — the hen dove!It's you!Another female thrush (obviously the blackbird's girlfriend) called, you better shut up, dirty hen! . . . Me, hen?pardon! — Well, great!Hens!Hens!Hens! —You wouldn't subject me to such a humiliation, would you?My girlfriend told me she was shaking with rage. This tree is ours!let's start!You go beat his husband hard!I will deal with her!We must drive them away!I admit that from the beginning, I had no intention of arguing... I walked towards the male bird, and he, flapping his wings and opening his mouth, shouted loudly: Come on!Let me blow your eyes out!Me, I saw him and said to my girlfriend: These two guys, one is brutal and the other is vulgar, forget it, let's go! After I finished speaking, I flew away first.Those two guys were giggling wildly, and my girlfriend regretted following me... Luckily, there was a chestnut tree nearby to rest my feet on.To be honest, it is not as lush as the tree just now.But at least, no one is competing with us for territory!My pretty girlfriend sighed, looked at the tree for a long time, then settled down on a thin branch, and began to scold me: Look at these poor little branches, don't you think there is only enough room for one person?You should find some feathers or wool, only then can you make a bed! Immediately, I asked uncertainly.Now? —Do you still need to ask?I'm going to lay eggs!And hatch eggs!After the kids are born, I have to feed them! —But, I love you!Let's take a break together, would you like to?We haven't talked for a while yet!I haven't told you about my love yet!But my girlfriend didn't want to hear it at all: Do you love me?OK, very good!In that case, as I say, go find some twigs or something!What are you waiting for?go, hurry up!obedient! I knew I had to go away and bring her back some twigs, how impatient she was!This is really a punishment, you know, there is not even a feather or a piece of cloth here!I can only start again hungry.I've had enough.I want to change a girlfriend, who is more beautiful, easy-going, gentle, and not so arrogant... One morning, in the square, I was pecking at a geranium flower bed, and I heard a small voice begging me: I'm sorry, Sir, can you give me a worm?I didn't quite understand, so I asked: What do you want a green one? (Translator's Note: The above-mentioned "worm" and "green" are pronounced the same.) - Little earthworm, please.I'm so hungry and I'm feeling lonely...no man is willing to help me... It's a lady, to be honest, she's not very pretty, frankly, ugly...but, what I'm trying to say is, she seems very docile, easygoing, and afraid of being alone, so I found some insects for her, And chatted with her.She obediently listened to me telling her stories. I told the bitter stories of being scolded by my girlfriend and being forced to work. She sighed and comforted me sympathetically: I don’t understand...you are so kind...she I really don't know how to appreciate...you are so tolerant! This time, I was finally mentally balanced.I found a bosom lover, an ugly little bird, how considerate she is... After we chatted for twenty minutes, I said: Let's find a tree and live together.It was really hard to find this time, even harder than last time.Finally, we found a bare sycamore tree... I said softly to my new girlfriend: honey... she quickly interrupted me: well, now, don't talk sweet words to me, you go to me Get some twigs! Same as the previous one, really the same as the previous one!I get it all, I don't want to rest, I have to sneak away and find my ex-girlfriend.At least, that one is beautiful!So I flew back to the boulevard.To express my apologies, I gave her a small worm in my mouth... I saw the chestnut tree from a distance, my dear little girlfriend, hatching eggs in the nest.I fly and fly, here I come!But as soon as I landed on the branch, another male bird stood in front of me: Hey!What are you doing!Didn't you see the bird's nest here? —Of course I know, because this is my home. ——What are you talking about!This is my home! --do you know?She's my girlfriend, and we came here together. - She is not your girlfriend anymore, she is mine!Get out of here! --what!This is too much! ——Don't you want to go?It seems that you are a stronger and fiercer bastard than me! I try to argue: after all, sir, I was here before... —It is possible.But now I'm here! ——It's not fair!My God, how pathetic! —Who is poor?idiot! —I don't know, I'm just sad. --yes!You are pitiful!Get out of here!Wait, leave your bugs behind! The rascal snatched the bug out of my mouth as he spoke, and knocked me off a branch.What hurts even more, my girlfriend, she heard all this, but she kept silent, as if she didn't hear it at all.It immediately occurred to me that I needed to make it clear to her.So, I walked away a little bit, waiting for my rival to fly out, and sure enough, he flew out to find bugs.I took advantage of this opportunity, hurried back to the bird's nest, and asked her: Oh?Is that how you defend me? —Why should I defend you?My girlfriend asked me. --why?I'm your partner, and you've told me so yourself!We made our home together on this tree, this is my tree, this is our tree, don't you remember?She replied calmly: Well, since it is your tree, you can defend it! ——And you, you are mine too, did you forget? --Oh?Since I am yours, you come and protect me! ——But why did you follow someone else?That beautiful bird, looking straight at me: Listen, my little friend, I just say once, I belong to him because he has the power to feed me and protect me and my unborn child.You are so cowardly and incompetent that you can't even keep your own nest, so what if the crow comes?What should I do if the cat comes?What if humans come?I need a strong partner, hard-working, clever, brave, a labor-loving partner, a responsible partner!I don't need a lazy coward! I defended myself for a while longer...but to no avail.A few minutes later, my rival returned, and I had to run away quickly. For a whole week, I lived a sad single life.Of course, you might say, I could sleep all day, hunt for food, go to the old gentleman in the square... But all the other birds, know my story, and they keep me restless: those birds and The other birds of Paris are just as chewy and arrogant... They snatch my food, even lift me up and grab it from my mouth... And when the old gentleman comes, they keep me from approaching him again!I was so hungry that I had to fly to you and ask for crumbs... You can't understand anything I'm telling you.I'm eagerly looking forward to going to school on Monday, and I hope the teachers don't go on strike!As soon as I saw my teacher, I flew onto her shoulders.She understood right away: Look, this is our friend Buick! She brought me into the classroom, everyone was sitting there, I flew down in front of the blackboard, she spoke Chinese backwards, and I regained my human form... That morning, I told the whole story to my friends ... I was afraid they would laugh at me, but no.They understand me very well and envy me a little bit, but I don’t want to do this beautiful job anymore... Finally, I told them, in fact, being a good student is much easier than being a bird, and I am very happy that I I am alone, although I will work for a living in the future! My teacher was so sweet, she didn't give us all these funny things about it, she listened to me till the end, and then we started doing arithmetic.How strange, I find arithmetic to be very interesting if I pay attention! These are the stories Buick told me.You know, I'd love to be as cute as Buick's teacher, and never add to the story and express my thoughts, or make some comments...
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