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Chapter 13 2010 Tiger

daddy's lover 周德东 13527Words 2018-03-18
At the beginning of 2010, I recorded a midnight TV program "Zhou Dedong Tells Stories" in Shijiazhuang.This day, I was downstairs to answer Meixi's phone call, and the weather was extremely cold.Mei Xi said: "Dad, next time I go back to China, I want to dance on the street with Ji Feng!" Both Ji Feng and Mei Xi belong to the tiger, Ji Feng is 12 years older than Mei Xi, but they are best friends.Ji Feng is a big girl, she naturally cares about saving face and will never do anything out of line.The more beautiful she is, the more she hopes that she will tear up her face and do something out of the ordinary.Playing tricks on the monsoon has almost become one of the important pleasures of Meixi's vacation in China.She is not a spectator, every time Ji Feng is asked to do something, she does it first.For example, there is a winding gravel road in front of my house. Mei Xi always encourages Ji Feng to walk on it barefoot with her.Those stones are very sharp. I tried it, and it was almost as uncomfortable as torture.Every time she saw Ji Feng's painful expression, Meixi was very happy.

I said: "I dare not tell Ji Feng, otherwise, she will hide you as soon as you board the plane at Charles de Gaulle Airport." Meixi immediately became excited after hearing this, and continued: "Convey to her, I will ask her more Play a large-scale puzzle game of hanging people guessing characters, and also play a large-scale fitness game of running around the lawn..." I said: "What exactly do you mean?" Meixi said: "It is not convenient to disclose at the moment, You let her think for herself!" Back in the dormitory, I really conveyed it to Ji Feng, Ji Feng almost fainted, she said: "This sister is aiming at me and hitting me!" I like Meixi's character of "making troubles", it is the dynamic of life and passion.

After Meixi returned to China, once, she and I went to a pet park in the suburbs with our little eggs, and Monsoon also went.In the hotel, Ji Feng and Mei Xi were lying on the bed chatting, Ji Feng suddenly changed his normal manner, and whispered to Mei Xi: "Mei Xi, pretend you want to kill me, and I'll act like you're smothered to death by a pillow." When Xixi heard this, she almost jumped up with joy, immediately picked up a pillow, and pressed it on Ji Feng's face.Ji Feng pretended to struggle, kicked his legs, his movements became slower and slower, and finally he remained motionless.I looked at the two of them foolishly, and suddenly thought, is the person buried by the pillow Ji Feng?

One day, Meixi called me and chatted about cars.She said: "Dad, when I grow up, I will buy three cars, a sports car, an off-road vehicle, and a small QQ specially for playing. Dad, do you know what color car I like?" I said : "Red." She said: "How do you know?" I said: "Guess." She said: "Red is so cool, it is the color of offense, it is the color of speed, it is the color of victory. Blue No, it is the color of retreat, the color of tranquility, and the color of deepness.” On February 17, 2010, Xiaokai sent me a text message telling me that Meixi had her ears slapped.In France girls her age had their ears pierced, so she did not interfere.She said that the effect was good, Meixi was very excited, and didn't sleep well at night.From then on, I decided: 17 is not a lucky number for me (smile bitterly).However, Xiao Kai said that Meixi promised that she would not change any part of her body except her ears and eyes.

Another day, I called Meixi and told her that she was suspected of plagiarizing my work "Three Minus One Equals How Much".So we chatted about horror stories.Meixi told me about a horror movie she watched in France, how a rag doll killed people and couldn’t kill them no matter what, and was finally sent to a toy factory to be destroyed.She also said that they also made a second film, and the wife of the toy came out again and started killing people... While talking, the phone was cut off.After a while, I received a text message from Meixi, and she said badly: In the third part, they had a child and started a happy life.I replied: This is not a horror movie, it is clearly a love story!

Meixi’s natural science teacher’s surname is Whale. Once, the teacher went to a museum to see a whale exhibition. The staff asked him: “Sir, what’s your name?” He said: “Whale.” The staff said: “You don’t need to buy it. ticket, you can go in!" She said, they also have a physical education teacher whose surname is upside down! During the history class, a naughty boy fell asleep, but the teacher didn't wake him up, until the get out of class was over, the boy naturally woke up.Some students asked: "Teacher, why didn't you wake him up?" The teacher said: "I can see that he is dreaming. We shouldn't wake him up when a person is dreaming. It's very uncomfortable. Let him finish it." "Then, the teacher said to the boy seriously: "You stay for an hour and make up the class!"

A girl (let's call her Mary) passes a note to another boy (let's call him Smith). They are not in love, but asking something.This move was discovered by the teacher and their notes were confiscated. The students shouted: "Teacher, tell us what they wrote!" The teacher took the note and said with a smile: "Smith, you are the most handsome boy in the class!" Mary blushed: "Teacher, it's not like that!" The teacher continued: "Smith replied like this--Mary, you are the most beautiful girl in the class!" Smith shouted: "I didn't have time to write anything to her!" trash can.What exactly is written on it?No one will ever know.This teacher is so bad.This teacher is so nice.

A naughty boy talks nonsense in class.The teacher said: "What are you talking about? Speak up, let us all listen." The naughty boy said naughtily: "I'm praising you for being handsome." The teacher said: "Oh, then go on ’” and continued the lecture. Dad was sick, and I ran all over the city, but I still couldn't find any medicine to treat Dad's disease.When I got home, I saw my poor father lying on the bed, feeling very sad.But my father had a smile on his face and said weakly: "It's okay, Dad is very happy to have such a good daughter like you by his side." Tears the size of beans rolled down my face.

The days passed day by day, and there was nothing to do.I am desperate.On this day, I went out to buy medicine for my father again, and when I came back, it was already dark.Suddenly, someone seemed to talk to me on the side of the road. I walked over gently and saw a deep well. By the moonlight, I saw a blue frog.It said, "Hi! I've got the baby you need!" Omg!This frog can talk!I was very scared, but I still got up the courage to ask: "What baby?" The blue frog said: "The medicine that can save your father!" I suddenly became excited, squatted down and asked loudly: "Where is it? Give it to me!" The blue frog Said, "But when it's done, you'll have to send me somewhere." I said, "No problem!"

The blue frog said: "The medicine for your father's illness is not on me. You have to go to a place to get it. That place is far away. If you go north, you will see a blue cabin with a blue picture inside. There is a blue key on the table. Get the key, go out, and you will see the whole world has changed - in front of you is a narrow path, follow it, the end of the road It is a door, open the door with a key, there is a garden inside, there is a man sitting in the garden, you go tell him your story, then give him the blue key, he will help you. Remember, no matter what , don't stop your footsteps, your father won't last long."

I ran towards the north as soon as I could. I didn't know how long I had been running. I was exhausted and wanted to stop, but thinking of what the blue frog said, I could only continue to run forward.Finally, I saw a little girl in the distance, wearing a red hooded cape, carrying a basket, on her way.I asked her, "Who are you? I've never seen you." She said, "My name is Little Red Riding Hood. Now I'm going to bring some snacks to my grandma. She's sick." Little Red Riding Hood?Am I dreaming?No, not in a dream, in fact, I have arrived in the fairy tale kingdom - I am conscious of it.I quickly told Little Red Riding Hood: "You can't go to grandma!" Then I told her in detail what Little Red Riding Hood was going to encounter next.When Little Red Riding Hood heard that the wolf was waiting for her, she was very anxious and asked, "Then what should I do?" I advised her, "Go home quickly, and discuss with your mother how to rescue the grandma in the wolf's belly!" Little Red Riding Hood was grateful Say: "Thank you, when you put on my red cape, your body will become very light, and then you will run faster." What a magical cape!After I put it on, I was as light as a swallow. After running for a while, I saw a girl with snow-white skin singing and cleaning her small yard.Ah, it's Snow White!I ran over, told her the story of the future, and specifically told her that the queen's apple is poisonous, so don't eat it!To thank me, Snow White taught me a song that followed me throughout the arduous journey. Then, I met Aladdin again, and told him about the setbacks he might encounter, and finally I told him: "Be sure to tell your wife, don't be fooled by wizards, and you can't exchange old lamps for new ones!" Thanks to me, Aladdin gave me his flying carpet, and my god, it's faster this time!Then, I met Cinderella, the Three Little Pigs, Thumbelina, the Mermaid, Alice... Finally, I was no longer running, but flying... On this day, I finally flew to the blue cabin.I got the blue key, sat on the flying carpet and continued to fly to the end of the road. I opened the door, and there was a very beautiful and magnificent garden inside, and there seemed to be clouds and mist on the ground.I walked in cautiously, and saw a fairy-like old man, who was meditating with his eyes closed in the middle of the garden.I walked over and said hello respectfully, but he didn't respond.I patted him lightly and said loudly, "Hello!" He opened his eyes and said, "You are the first person to interrupt my practice so boldly. Who are you?" I told him my story, and then handed over the blue key. When he saw the blue key, he seemed to be taken aback, and said: "Okay... I will teach you a spell, and you can go to heaven by reciting it, and then give this blue key to the heavenly soldiers who guard the gate." , They will give you a pair of wings, that is a passport. In the future, you only need to wear wings and read this mantra, and you can enter and leave heaven at any time. But you must remember that the mantra cannot be known by anyone.” The mantra is beautiful, like a song, I even have it etched in my heart.I have reached heaven.The air there is very fresh, and the music is fluttering.There is a golden gate with the words: PARADIS.I got those wings.An angel led the way, and I flapped my wings and flew in. I saw a god, and the god said: "God is not here, I am taking over. I know your story. Here, this is the magic medicine." In this way, I got a bottle of golden potion, not to mention how happy I am.After thanking God, I flew back in a hurry.However, I met my father at the gate of heaven!My father smiled and said to me: "I'm sorry, child, I can't wait for you to come home. The blue frog has done its best. Don't cry. I am very happy now. There is no pain in heaven." I still cry.When I was going home, I passed the deep well, and I walked over and saw the blue frog was still waiting for me.I said calmly: "Dear frog, please tell me, where are you going?" The blue frog said: "You lift me up first." I used the straw rope to lift the blue frog out of the well. As soon as he came up, a golden light flashed suddenly, and the blue frog turned into a handsome prince... I fell in love with him immediately.He told me that he was the Frog Prince in the fairy tale, who was enchanted by a vicious witch, and only I could save him.Then, he said to me: "I want you to send me back to the palace and be my princess!" Me?I am also a person in a fairy tale?I am that princess! At this time, more characters from fairy tales came in the distance, and the one who walked in the front was a king, who looked very familiar from a distance.After he approached, I froze, my God, isn't that my dad?My father smiled and said, "My dear daughter, congratulations on finding the one you like! Go and live a happy life with the prince!" I hugged my father tightly, with tears of happiness streaming from my eyes. Then, I asked the prince to allow me to go back to my home first.He agreed.The home is still the real home.I turned on the TV, and "Little Red Riding Hood" was playing: "Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother was sick, she went to visit her, and on the way, Little Red Riding Hood met a princess..." All the fairy tales changed like this. On June 26, 2010, Mei Xi flew back to Beijing.She really turned into a little girl, her face getting longer and more delicate. We drove home and talked all the way.I told her stories when I was a kid, and now she tells me stories.She is especially good at catching interesting things in life, and she also selects some interesting passages from TV and books, and then tells them to me, making my stomach ache from laughing.This is the ability of a writer and the prerequisite for being an interesting person.She mentioned the Japanese haiku she had studied in France, and casually recited one to me: My favorite thing is to sit quietly and still to distinguish the dividing line between the sea and the sky. Which Japanese master's work is this in the textbook?Or her own work?I can't remember.When I was sorting out the book, I called her to check, and she forgot about it herself.so be it.Through this incident, I came to a conclusion: the closest to the master is the child; the closest to the child is the master. Meixi and I went back to the home of Meihuaguan in Changping District to relive the childhood environment and childhood games with her.We went to a nearby shopping mall, walked into a fancy toy store, and bought a lot of gadgets for her, such as a magnet toy, hanging a small metal ball, dangling irregularly.Different decisions are written below. If you hesitate to do something, you can give it the task. Where the small metal ball stops, it represents what you should do.hey-hey.Meixi is still a child, she is not interested in clothing, shoes and hats, she just wants to play. We went to the park again, caught a very small ant, put it into the bamboo tube of the bamboo dragonfly, and blocked it with a small stone.After a while, we wanted to let it out, but the small stone was stuffed too deep and we couldn't dig it out.The ants arched the small stone inside, trying to get out.Meixi and I chatted all the way and forgot about it.When we were about to get home, we looked at the bamboo dragonfly and found that the small stone had been arched off, and the ants were gone! I found that Meixi has three interesting expressions: When I was in the mall, I made a funny face to make Meixi laugh, and she immediately covered her eyebrows with one hand, and whispered: "I don't know him, I don't know him." I know him and I don't know him..." Then he turned and walked away.Why is she covering her eyebrows?I have heavy eyebrows, she inherited me and have heavy eyebrows.No one will believe "she doesn't know me" without covering her eyebrows. I walked forward side by side with her, and I couldn't help but began to preach to her, she suddenly tilted her little head to my shoulder, yawned and said, "Good night." Then she closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep——below The two legs are still moving forward.It meant she didn't want to hear it anymore.When she was angry, she would pout her little mouth and let out a long breath: "Poof——" Meixi loved treasure hunting games when she was a child. This time she returned to China. With the help of Ji Feng, I bought her more than 60 gifts, large and small, and hid them in every corner of the house, waiting for her to find them.We also formulated the "Treasure Hunting Summer Vacation Game Rules", printed it out and pasted it on the door panel—— One: The treasure hunting time of the game is twice a day: once in the morning and once in the afternoon (or evening).Each treasure hunt is 30 minutes long (timed by the "gift team"). Two: No matter what the reason is, the missed treasure hunting opportunities cannot be accumulated to the next time. Three: Treasure hunting operations are not allowed to have bribery, similar to "Dad, please, tell me where the treasure is!" "Monsoon, can I find one more time today? Please!" and so on.If such behavior is found, a treasure hunting opportunity will be automatically cancelled. Four: You can't let the little egg help you find it (because it knows).Five: During the treasure hunt, if any item is damaged, the treasure hunter is responsible for compensation or repair.Six: There is no hidden treasure in the storage compartment under the big bed, no need to look for it, hereby announce.If you insist on searching, the "gift team" is not responsible for moving the bed; if you ask outsiders for help, the "gift team" has the right to refuse to open the door for you.Seven: After finding the treasure, if fainting or other accidents occur due to excessive excitement, the "gift team" will not be responsible, and the treasure hunters are asked to suppress their emotions.Eight: Until the end of the summer vacation, if some gifts have not been found, they will be automatically confiscated and will no longer belong to Zhou Meixi. The final interpretation of this game belongs to the "Treasure Hunting Summer Vacation Gift Team". On this day, Meixi returned to her home in Acropolis. She always thought that Little Egg regarded her as the host, but in fact, in the eyes of Little Egg, she was 100% a guest.Before she entered the door, I said to her: The little egg will definitely jump at you and lick you, don’t bark, don’t run, raise your hands (so as not to be accidentally injured by the little egg’s claws and teeth), then stand against the wall and wait for it Once the excitement is over, it's fine.When I opened the door, the "owner" of the little egg hid behind the door, waiting nervously. Sure enough, as soon as I opened the door, the little egg jumped out. It jumped up and almost caught up with Mei Xi, wagging its tail desperately, jumping up and down, licking up and down, almost going into shock with excitement.I covered Mei Xi with the quilt I had prepared in advance.She was very nervous, wrapped in a quilt, and stood against the wall, receiving the crazy welcome ceremony of the little egg.The little egg pounced on the thick quilt and licked it... After a few minutes, it finally calmed down and was driven away by me. Congratulations Meixi!On the first day she found a beautiful gift box hidden behind the door of the large bedroom.She ran over triumphantly, picked up the gift box, her eyes seemed to say: Dad, you are so childish!It's too easy to find!I also looked at her proudly.She opened the gift box, only to find that it was empty, only a card with the words: Do you think this is a gift?You are naive!This is just a joke, how could you find the gift so easily! "Treasure" this trip is very deep.How big can a home be?It is indeed not an easy task to hide more than 60 gifts, some large and some small. For example, there is a plastic cat with a long waist at home, which is used to hold paper rolls. It is difficult to find the gifts hidden in its stomach and wrapped with paper rolls.There is also a ceiling of the bathroom, there is a colored painting on it, which looks like a decoration, but in fact it blocks a hole dug out, and there is a big gift hidden in it.In order to remind Meixi, I drew an inconspicuous arrow in the corner of the color painting, which read——gift. There is also a small gift of two pencils, they are quietly placed in the pen holder, Meixi will think that they are for me, but in fact they are a pair of pencil-shaped chopsticks given to her! There are also two bags of tackier gifts: a bag of "gold coins" and a bag of "silver coins".Gold coins are 100 one-yuan coins, and silver coins are 100 50-cent coins.I put them in two small silk bags, and the mouths of the bags were tightened with ropes. I tied them up and carried them. They were heavy and rattling, very attractive.That's something I've spent a long time accumulating and redeeming.In fact, it is to give her 150 yuan pocket money, but in a different form, it becomes interesting. There is also a gift, which is hidden under a tree outside.To find it, you must first find the roadmap. There is also a kraft paper file bag on the bookshelf, Meixi will think it is for me, and will not pay attention to it.Only when the file bag is cut open will you see a detailed treasure map drawn on the back of the kraft paper.If Meixi can find this treasure map, then she will successfully find the burial location of 10 "treasures"!However, don't get too excited, this treasure map may also be fake, deliberately leading her astray... Last year, I took Meixi to the China Science and Technology Museum, but it was closed. This year, the new China Science and Technology Museum finally opened.Meixi and I are here.I found that the things in the new museum are all screens, buttons, and electronics, which are very boring.Then, the eight least fun places in Beijing, plus the new Science and Technology Museum.Every family has a computer, and what children need is physical, real, and hands-on. We bought a small bottle containing ants in the new building. It was very fun. We caught a few ants and put them in, put the lid on, and watched the 3D version of the ants’ living environment outside to see how they dig holes and survive.The substance inside is transparent, edible by ants, and has oxygen, which will not suffocate the ants. We also bought a small pot for making snowflakes. When we got home, we followed the instructions and made realistic snowflakes.It was summer vacation, and we actually built two snowmen on the table! Ji Feng is a Sichuan girl who can eat spicy food.I have worked in Xi'an for seven years, and I also like spicy food.Meixi has been afraid of spicy food since she was a child, and I have always wanted to change her.If you can't eat spicy food, you will lose a lot of food. On this day, I took Meixi to eat skewers at the gate of the community, and Monsoon was also there.In order to encourage Meixi to eat spicy food, Ji Feng proposed to make a bet with her: if Ji Feng eats a pair of "Bianbian Spicy" chicken wings, Meixi and I will stand up and sing in front of everyone; if she can't eat any more, then she will stand up and sing in front of everyone.Meixi is the least afraid of big things, and most afraid of small things.She immediately accepted the offer. The "Bianbian Spicy" chicken wings were served, and Ji Feng ate them quietly.When she was halfway through eating, Meixi knew that we were bound to lose, so she whispered, "Dad, let's stand up and sing." I laughed and said, "Meixi, your mental quality is too bad!" When I was a kid, the sewing machine was the only machine in the house, and it clicked, clicked, and it felt magical.Now, that old-fashioned pedal sewing machine is no longer seen.I have always wanted to order a miniature sewing machine for Meixi, so that she can experience the joy of sewing.On this day, the miniature sewing machine finally arrived, not much bigger than a fist, so cute.Ji Feng went to buy some cloth and planned to make ancient costumes with Mei Xi.Meixi has always dreamed of having a princess dress with slanted front and big sleeves. It was said that the two of them were doing handwork together, but actually Meixi went to watch TV while she was doing it, and Ji Feng was the only one busy.In other words, the real costumer is Monsoon.This dressmaker is also unreliable. I saw with my own eyes that she called Meixi to measure her body. She spread the cloth on the floor and asked Meixi to lie on it. Still watching TV with his eyes tilted, Ji Feng took a chalk and drew a human figure along the outer edge of Meixi's body, and then went to cut it out.Mei Xi's entire contribution to this ancient costume is - lying on the ground. Although the costumer and model are not professional, but after spending a whole day, the costume is finally released!Mei Xi wears it very beautifully, and she likes it very much.She also designed a classical dance with Ji Feng in this ancient costume.Before, I ordered two branded costumes for Meixi and Jifeng online, and they arrived soon after. The quality of these two costumes is very high-end, and they look even more beautiful after wearing them. But I know that the day when they DIY is the happiest. Meixi has been eager to try since she got home, and wants to make me pasta. On this day, I accompanied her to the supermarket to buy salmon, butter, coriander, cream, and pasta.In the evening, Meixi started making pasta for me.How does it taste?I won't go into details.I said before: Baby, Dad didn't eat the rice you cooked for the first time. I believe it must be the most delicious food in the world... Now I declare, I take back that sentence. Just that night, when Meixi and I were walking in the community, a very small girl ran over and said, "Hello, Uncle! Hello, Auntie!" Together, this is the first time someone called Auntie Meixi! Another day, I took Meixi to Beijing 798, and wanted her to accept the influence of art.Another day, I took Meixi to swim.Another day, Meixi and I took the little eggs to swim. When I was playing in that pet paradise, I received a call from a publishing company. They planned a set of books, all written by girls born in the 90s, and they wanted to ask Meixi to write a book.This is a big deal. I said to Meixi: "There is a publishing company that wants to publish a book for you. Think about it yourself. If you want to, it will probably delay your studies. You have hardly written any articles now, and a book needs at least a dozen books. If you don’t want to, I just want to remind you that this is an opportunity that many people envy. When Dad was 12 years old, don’t say this book, just read it There are no books." At that time, we were eating in a pet restaurant, and Meixi said, "Dad, I don't like it, I don't want to write a book." I said, "OK, I'll call and tell them." In late July, Meixi’s uncle and his family invited me and Meixi to Emerald Island in Nandaihe.The endless sea is next to the desert.There are too many tourists, making the sea dirty.On the golden sand hill, there are lines blown by the strong wind, without a pair of footprints. I took Meixi to the highest point of the sand mountain, and we found that the other side of the sand mountain is very steep, and no one must have slipped down from here.Meixi said, "Dad, shall we slide down?" I hesitate.The sand mountain is as high as dozens of floors. If it collapses, we, father and daughter, will be buried alive.And here is almost no man's land, no one will come to rescue for a while... Adventure is always thrilling, I agree.The slope was too steep and we were going down very fast.I regretted it halfway, but it was impossible to stop and climb up at this time.After a few minutes, we finally slid to the bottom.Looking up, the sand hills gleamed dazzlingly in the sun.Thank goodness it didn't engulf us! At night, we slept in tents.There was no moon in the sky, and the beach was pitch black.I suddenly remembered a flashlight I bought for Meixi. It is very peculiar, it does not need batteries, and it will be charged by friction as long as I grab it a few times in my hand.That is a little thing that Meixi and I love the most.A battery may die, but its energy never fails.In the current environment, it is too much needed for lighting. The next day, the number of people on the beach suddenly decreased, leaving only a few people.Meixi went to the beach and concentrated on picking up a lot of shells. We put them in a jar and brought them back to Beijing.Until now, these shells are still placed on the bookshelf of my house. When I see them, I think of the sea blue and sand yellow all over the world. Meixi's aunt lives in Jiamusi, and she hopes Meixi can go play for a few days.I took Meixi to go.Passing through Harbin, people from Heilongjiang TV station invited me to dinner.During the dinner, everyone was full of praise for Meixi. I didn't think it was polite, so I excitedly asked Meixi to dance for my uncle and aunt.Meixi agreed with a smile while fiddling with her mobile phone.Soon, her phone rang, and she smiled apologetically at everyone, then went out to answer the phone, and didn't come back until we finished eating. Later I found out that when I asked her to dance, she sent a text message to my good friend Ji Feng: Call me immediately, don't ask why.Monsoon called her.She felt that she had grown up and didn't want to be danced by others, so she untied herself. In the afternoon, we got on the train bound for Jiamusi.Looking out, I am amazed that there is such a clean sky in the world!Just for this piece of sky, I think Meixi's trip is worthwhile. In Jiamusi, Meixi met her cousin Zhang Zheng, and the two of them were playing with soil, water, and swings in the community.Tired, they sat under the shade of the tree, Zhang Zheng took the initiative to play English Solitaire with Meixi, and I was like a duck listening to thunder.Zhang Zheng has a sun hat with a small windmill on the brim of the hat. As long as he stands in the sun, the small windmill will turn around and blow cool wind.Out of the sun and in the shade, it stops.Later, I also bought one for Meixi, which was not expensive at all.In this world, sun and wind are the cheapest. One day, Aunt Meixi’s family took us to Willow Island, where Meixi met Lala Gu.One day, Meixi and I bought fishing gear and went fishing by the river.The river wind was so strong that we fished all afternoon without even seeing any fish.One day, Meixi discovered Zhang Zheng's harmonica and liked it very much.Her grandfather bought one for her, and since then she has been sitting in the small yard playing pop songs every day... The above seems to be a running account, but it is of great significance to Meixi, because that is the first time Meixi sees Lalagu; It was the first time Meixi went fishing by the river; that was the first time Meixi played the harmonica. On this day, Meixi went shopping with her grandmother and aunt.Meixi called me and said, "Dad, you won't be angry if I tell you something?" I said, "What's wrong?" She said, "I lost the mobile phone you bought for me. ...I left it on a counter, and when I went back to look for it, the salesperson refused to admit it." I said, "It's okay, as long as you don't lose it." As the sky darkened, Mei Xi and her grandmother and aunt Never came back.I was a little worried, so I called Aunt Meixi, but no one answered.Call again, it is no longer in the service area.I called Grandma Meixi's cell phone, but it was always turned off.I couldn't stay in the house any longer, so I came outside and stood at the intersection of two roads. Whenever a car drove by, I would stare at it, hoping that it would stop in front of me... Tianyue It was getting later and later, but the three of them were still nowhere to be seen. During this period, I made hundreds of phone calls, but I was still not in the service area and the phone was still turned off.I have to keep on calling, that's all I hope for, just stop and my heart will be filled with boundless fear.This feeling of fear is familiar and strange, distant and near.The last time was when Meixi was more than 1 year old. In the hospital, I put her on the floor in the corridor, leaned into the consultation room and said a word to Xiaokai, and when I came out to look again, she was gone... I was like crazy and didn't know where to rush.Yes, now I don't know where to go.Grandpa Meixi was also in a hurry, and kept calling on the landline.Meixi's uncle is a lawyer. After he got off work, he heard about the situation and went out to find someone without saying a word. I was still dialing the phone, racking my brains while dialing: Why didn't the three of them come back so late?And didn't even call home!Meixi's grandmother and aunt are very careful in doing things, which doesn't fit their character!I quickly mobilized the thinking of a suspense writer, imagining under what circumstances, Meixi’s aunt’s mobile phone would be out of service area; under what circumstances, Meixi’s grandma’s mobile phone would be turned off; Will Zhu Meixi go home? Under what circumstances, they won't go home and they can't call home... The more I think about it, the more scared I get. Later, they came back, safe and sound.The reason why they came back so late and did not call home was entirely due to some special circumstances.These are not important anymore, I met Meixi, and the rest are not important. The next day, I sent a text message to Meixi’s mobile phone number, saying: The mobile phone you found belongs to my daughter, and there are many precious photos of us together in it. I hope you can contact me, and I can pay the full price of the mobile phone. Give you back.Never heard back. Zhang Zheng signed up for an after-school tutoring class and went to study every weekend.There is a foreign kid in their class named Stephen. On this day, Meixi and I were playing with magnetic sticks in the living room of her aunt's house. They were placed all over the floor, and the project was huge.After zero o'clock, she didn't say sleep, and I didn't say sleep either.Playing around, Meixi started messing around, and in the following conversation, the child became a preaching parent, and the adult became a mischievous child—— Mei Xiyu said to her father earnestly: "Dad, you shouldn't go to bed so late! It's okay to play, but you must be restrained!" "Dad, don't blame me for nagging, you pulled the buttons off yesterday, I have to give You sew. Today, you tore your clothes again! Is it easy for us to be kids?" "Daddy, you shouldn't have hit Stephen's daddy James anyway!" We both laughed. What worries many parents most is that their children rebel when they enter adolescence.That was indeed a hassle.I have a point of view, which is more clear in terms of percentages - in the process of a child's growth, if the parents only open 10% of the area to him (her), and the rest are set as restricted areas, then the child grows up in 90% of the areas It's all rebellious.If the parent opens 20% of the area to him (her), then the child will be rebellious in 80% of the areas when he grows up.If the parent opens 30% of the area to him (her), then the child will be rebellious in 70% of the areas when he grows up...and so on.I think it is most appropriate for parents to open 90% of the area to their children, and the remaining 10% must be managed, such as drug use, stealing, and eccentricities.In this way, 10% of the children will be rebellious when they grow up. This ratio is quite appropriate. If a child is not rebellious at all, he will be too lacking in personality and it will be difficult to be successful. On this day, we went to Huanan County.One of Uncle Meixi’s friends is the head of the local police station, and he invited us to eat local fresh fish.That day, I was drunk.派出所的几个人对美兮说:“小姑娘,你给叔叔们说几句法语吧!”美兮就叽里呱啦说了几句法语。她是笑着说的。 后来我才知道,她说的是:你们是坏人!You are all bad guys!你们把我爸爸灌醉了! 我先回了北京。美兮又在佳木斯玩了几天。她回来的时候,外公外婆在火车上给她买了一颗煮熟的老玉米,她用牙齿在那颗老玉米上咬出各种各样的图案,越来越艺术。她一边“创作”一边录像,从佳木斯玩到北京。那颗老玉米本来是个土气的小伙子,从乡下到了首都,竟变成一个很前卫的艺术家了。 我从一则旧新闻上看到,北京新街口有一家小店,可以自己制作蛋糕。于是,我和季风带着美兮来了。这家小店的门脸太小了,非常难找,问了很多人,根本没人知道。不过,就算是蚂蚁的家,我和美兮也能找到它。屋子很老旧,老板很热情。没什么顾客。美兮和季风戴上了厨师帽,像模像样地做起蛋糕了。他们的原料棒极了,绝对进口的。蛋糕做出来之后,有点难看。不过,第二天正巧是季风的生日,于是,这只蛋糕就有了不同寻常的意义。 晚上,我和美兮去了一家商业大厦。我又给她买了一部手机,索尼爱立信。 美兮最爱干的一件事,就是专门挑选最难看的衣服,试穿。商场虽然大,真正好看的衣服很难找,但难看的衣服却很多,有些甚至让你哭笑不得。每次美兮从试衣间出来,我都很震惊——那些中老年妇女穿的衣服,那些挂在衣架上无比难看的衣服,穿在她身上竟然一下变好看了。 这个小模特的身材确实很好。也许还有个原因,她太“年轻”了。看着美兮一件件试穿那些凝聚了笨蛋设计师全部智慧的衣服,我有了一个心得——去年美兮回家,她给我的感觉还是个小女孩,不过是小女孩里长得大的。今年她回家,给我的感觉是个大女孩了,不过是大女孩里长得小的。 我一直希望跟美兮玩这样一个游戏,在草地上摆一只玻璃瓶子,站在远处,准备一堆石子,扔石子打瓶子,你一下我一下,看看谁把它打中。打中那一刻,看到瓶子“啪”一声碎掉,那感觉很过瘾的。真正的快乐总是廉价的。 美兮一直有个愿望:买一个纯白色的包,她自己在上面画图案。可是,去商场根本买不到这样的包,每个包上都有设计师留下的痕迹,大多都很俗气,他们剥夺了我们自己创作的空间。我们去北京798那次,终于找到了一款理想中的包,纯白色,上面没有任何图案。 这天,美兮和季风用了4个钟头,在这个帆布包上作画,正面很狂野,一个骷髅,一个蜘蛛。背面很温馨,一个小背心,一个小短裤,一双小高跟鞋。于是,我家的衣柜里有了一款全世界唯一无二的包。这就是它的价值所在。 直到美兮离开中国,也没能把所有礼物都找到。不过,正像《寻宝暑假游戏规则》里规定的那样,这些没找到的礼物就不再属于她了。 直到美兮上飞机前,她才悄悄对我说:爸爸,你知道吗,你们礼物小组的成员季风,她看我找不到某件礼物,很着急,悄悄告诉了我位置,她不让我跟你说。然后,她又悄悄对季风说:季风,你知道吗?你们礼物小组的成员周德东,他看我找不到某件礼物,很着急,悄悄告诉了我位置,他不让我跟你说。这时候,我和季风才知道,我们在背后都干了违反职务规定的事…… 美兮这小家伙的嘴太严了。站在她的角度看,多可笑啊,一会儿季风悄悄给她报信,不让对我说。一会儿我悄悄给她报信,不让她跟季风说。只有她了解一切,却没有透露半个字,也没有任何表情,而我和季风分别都蒙在鼓里…… 季风的手机和美兮的手机一模一样,只是季风那部是蓝色的,美兮那部是粉色的。没事的时候,美兮拿起自己的手机,在机主姓名处写下了“粉蛋儿”。又拿起季风那部手机,在机主名字处写下了“蓝蛋儿”。接着,就开始胡编起来:一对好朋友,一个叫粉蛋儿,一个叫蓝蛋儿……季风容忍不了这么难听的名字,把它改了回来:季风。 美兮离开之后,世界一下变得安静了。季风想念美兮,哭了,悄悄把手机上的“季风”改成了“蓝蛋儿”。 美兮回法国之后,我接到世界著名品牌佳能的合作邀请,为他们的产品拍摄广告。和我一起拍这个广告的,还有音乐人张亚东,话剧导演孟京辉,设计师朱锷,电视主持人李晨。广告拍摄完毕,佳能公司送给我一部最新产品s95照相机。我把这部照相机留给了美兮——这是她爸爸做代言的产品,意义非凡。 过大年的时候,美兮回来了。我给她买了一款内存最大的ipad。她知道她爸爸不是一个有钱人,嫌贵,不让我买。最后我还是给她买了,我说,就当是送给你的生日礼物吧。 半年前,有一次我去世贸天阶吃饭,看到有人卖“飞碟”,扁圆形,充气的,很大,能扔得很高很高,在半空上一直转好久,才会慢慢落下来。我让季风给我买了一个,然后一直留到美兮回家。 那天我们在密云,刮着大风,我把这只“飞碟”吹满气,抱着它,信心满满地和美兮一起去了白河公园。在路上,我把这只“飞碟”说得神乎其神,可是到了草坪上,我把它扔出去,它转几下就掉下来了。我不甘心,认为是方法不对,继续一下下扔,它一次次地掉下来……半年了,我对它寄予了太多的期待,没想到它如此不争气。美兮笑弯了腰。最后,我终于放弃了,把它扔进了垃圾箱。 我和美兮在公园里,在大风中,聊起了美兮妈妈的趣事,一边讲一边笑。这只“飞碟”在垃圾箱里十分郁闷,正巧飞过一只鸟,问它:“先生,过去怎么没见过您啊!您是从哪儿来的?”这只“飞碟”没好气地说:“外太空。” 美兮回法国之后,有一次她跟我通电话,说有个法国男孩对她说了难听的话。我说:“美兮,你的内心要强大,爸爸的内心就强大。”美兮说:“你来到这个世界都40多年了,经过了那么长的磨练,当然强大了。 我才来了12年……”我说:“你不可能像爸爸这么强大,但至少可以像14岁那么强大啊。 ”美兮说:“那要是15岁的男生出口伤害我呢? " 美兮对我讲过,有个法国男孩喜欢她。美兮是这么描述的——有一天放学,那个法国男孩骑自行车送美兮去公交车站。两个人一边等车一边聊天,旁边有人说:“车来了!” 那个男孩不希望美兮离开,他说:“你下趟车再回家吧!” 美兮说:“不,我要回去写作业了。”于是,美兮就上了公交车。 在车上,她朝外面看了一眼,想跟那个男孩说声再见。那个男孩坐在自行车上,一条腿支在地上,想摆出个很酷的姿势——在夕阳下,在街道旁,像电影里演的那样,帅帅地朝喜欢的女孩挥挥手……没想到,他没控制好平衡,一下摔了个仰八叉。他非常狼狈,爬起来之后,不去看自己的衣服是不是破了,赶紧朝车上望过来,他想知道美兮有没有看到这一幕……美兮赶紧低下头,假装刷卡,什么都没看见。 又一次,美兮打电话对我说:“爸爸,情书多美好啊,应该是非常漂亮的纸,还有香味儿,写上经过精雕细琢的优美句子……可是,那个男孩给我写了一封情书,我估计是从他的哪个作业本上撕下的一角,脏兮兮的,上面歪歪扭扭地写着:美兮,我爱你……我敢说,他的情书基本打动不了任何女孩的心。” 这天,美兮他们班在体育馆上体育课,下课的时候,老师让学生们把地毯都抬到一个角落去。地毯挺重的,一般都是两个孩子抬一张地毯,那个男孩为了吸引美兮的注意,一个人拽着一张地毯,故作轻松地走向角落。到了指定位置后,他一只手朝上一提,想洒脱地把地毯扔上去,却一下扭了手关节,“哎哟”叫了一声。美兮知道他的心理,赶紧转过头去,假装没看见。 从体育馆出来,美兮和另一个女孩结伴走,那个男孩追随在美兮旁边。他的手依然很疼,故意叫了一声:“哟……” 美兮装作不了解情况,问:“你的手怎么了?”那个男孩立即说:“噢,前天我跟几个哥们去打篮球,扭了一下。” 打篮球的男孩总是很酷的,即便扭了手,那也是英雄的伤。美兮明知他在撒谎,却不好揭穿他,又不想做出崇拜的样子配合他,就假装跟另一个女孩说话,把这件事岔过去了。 那个男孩以为美兮没有听清楚,又叫了一声:“哟……” 美兮又问:“还疼吗?” 那个男孩说:“没事儿,昨天我看到几个坏小子欺负一个女生,就冲过去跟他们打架了,结果把手扭了一下……”美兮实在忍无可忍了:“你刚才不是说是打篮球扭的吗?”那个男孩一下就卡壳了,支吾了半天才说:“打篮球扭的是左手,打架扭的是右手……” 不管这些故事有多少模仿大人的成分,总之,美兮已经接近爱情世界的边缘了。
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