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Chapter 7 A Letter/Annie Baby

go to your house to play 韩寒 5044Words 2018-03-18
This is "one" article published on the last day of 2013.
I want to write you a letter.There is no particular reason, and I don't know where you are now, how you are doing, and when and where we will meet again.Many years have passed since the farewell.I said some trivial words in the letter, like visiting my mother, waking up in the morning and chatting with each other.Lying on the bed, talking about each other's thoughts in the dawn of the sky, and then getting up to wash up.There are too few people who can talk to each other tenderly and patiently.More often, more people, what they care about is the hypocrisy and bustle of this world.

Maybe there is no logic and order.Maybe memory and future are reversed.None of this matters.As long as I am writing, you are reading.I've only met one person before, who could talk until there was no gap in my heart.He lives far away.After we said that once, we said goodbye.But I know that after such a farewell, we will definitely see each other again. Everyone approaches us with the demands and responsibilities of his previous life.If you don't have a chance, you won't communicate in the vast crowd.If the fate is exhausted, you will let go of it and have no worries.If you are still burdened with difficulties in your heart, it means that the time is not up yet.Carry it with you, don't fight it, don't push it, don't control it, don't try to fix it.Carry it on your back and keep going.Now if anyone asks me about difficulty, that's what I say.

The past doesn't matter.The past cannot accumulate our mood at the moment.Fortunately, there is impermanence, so there will always be changes.Sometimes I also think of a certain end of the earth, a small town 10,000 kilometers away.I think of the slightly cold air in the morning, the aroma of the trees, the cherries in the bowl, the sound of the washing machine, and the lights that were turned off one by one when I walked up the stairs.This seems to be the days spent with you in the previous life.But most of the time, I can't remember anything.I forgot everything.So now I am not afraid of the dark at all, nor of broken things.Because I know that behind these, there is always an empty and transparent light shining.Form is emptiness, and emptiness is form.That's it.

I guess many people feel that they have never truly loved or been loved in their entire life before they die.Human beings resist loneliness, crave and try to obtain love, but finally kill it with vanity, doubt, desire, marriage... in various ways.In the end, they still die alone like animals without love.I guess love is the only thing that can be taken away when a person dies.But most people don't have this. If the other party is old, you will take good care of it, and if you die, the other party will bury you.Doing these things is actually not that difficult, and it doesn't necessarily require love.It can be because of fate or karma, or it can be out of kindness and compassion.Love is too high a reward and requires commitment and obsession over lifetimes.Ordinary people can be intimidated by themselves.

There are four kinds of loneliness in the world.We have a deep karma with people who cannot truly accept themselves.They think they love you, but it's not your soul that they love, it's your expression and form that needs to be groomed.You wait for someone who can accept you, only to see more and more clearly that you are the fulcrum.Some people then choose religion, but if religion is not really understood, it becomes their painkiller and opiate.Telling the truth always offends others and is misunderstood.The last one is that there is always a need to believe. When people are truly in love, they see each other's baby souls, or their true colors.They will no longer need all the seemingly large and irrelevant things, and they will not care how the society or the same kind will evaluate their lives.People can abandon these hypocrisy and excitement, but just accompany each other quietly and spend the rest of their lives.It is only when we are not in love that we see each other as aggressive, dangerous, unmanageable.People will need material and entertainment, money and fame, and use these substitutes of love to fill their inner panic and helplessness.

If one cannot become a pure container, one cannot receive the truth, nor can one carry extreme emotions.The Buddha said again and again in the scriptures, what kind of people to speak, because this cool and hot infusion may shatter you.In the same way, some people will never know what true love and true belief are all their lives because of their physical and mental limitations. In summer, I went to the beach and woke up vaguely in the middle of the night. I saw the sea under the full moon outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the sound of the tide was raging.The silvery waves seem to be running, but they are not going anywhere, they are just rising and falling.Most things in the world are so false, but in some people's hearts they are firm.I think of the Japanese aesthetics, the momentary beauty can be exchanged for life.Their paranoia can be said to be a kind of ignorance, and it can also be said to be a kind of freedom after breakthrough.

Even if there is no fault or sin, just willing to live a life of depression and procrastination is already falling into hell.How else can a person penetrate reincarnation?There is strength in having the courage to live authentically.It reads: Xiayue, when the lotus first blooms, it is late and dawn is released.Yun uses a small gauze bag to pick up a little tea, put the flower heart in it, take it out tomorrow morning, cook it in Tianquan water, the fragrance is especially amazing.Alas.The simple details are like flowers chasing flowers in a dream, and they are extremely real.Only the unwholesome and beautiful days that are squandered are the same as fake.

If human beings are not in order to fulfill their instinctive mission of reproduction, there is no reason why they need to coexist.But after transcending gender, we each have the opportunity to glimpse hints of each other's souls.What the reincarnated soul ultimately needs is fusion and disappearance.The most perishable body needs the safety and longevity of pure delusion.What can be expressed clearly is usually not important.That which cannot be stated, which cannot be dismantled, which cannot be shown, which cannot be communicated, is what counts. I remember that morning when I left Venice, I heard a loud noise coming from outside the room. I opened the hotel window and found that the oars of the boat were shaking due to the strong sea wind.I was immersed in this voice at that time, as if in a daze, and my heart became very quiet.The beauty and turmoil of impermanence are hidden in the details.Life is full of absurdity.Absurd beauty, absurd difficulty.And people live too hard in absurd dreams.

I just want to slowly become a simple person in time.When encountering complicated things, I know that it will be over after a night of sleep.The same is true.So suddenly I figured out something.Life is short.In games, dreams, lies, dramas, delusions, living in the moment is the only meaning.Then it should be forgotten and move on.Hard times pass without exception.So is happiness.Like people, after parting, we will meet again, or never see each other again. Given a choice, would you rather be a beautiful breezy, full-moon human, or a warrior-like human on a mission?Would you like to be a mediocre fairy couple with others, or wander through thousands of mountains and rivers all your life but wander alone?Fortunately, we were never given the right to choose.

We only recognize our own kind and eventually follow them.This kind of recognition is not limited to people.An ancient bridge, flowers blooming under the moonlight, the faint sound of rain, quatrains, two cups of tea... the presentation of some people and things brings harmony and tranquility.Between people, it begins with recognition.If you want to control or change everything you encounter, you will turn your back on each other. If we meet again, I hope that the way I love you is like loving a stranger who is meeting or is about to leave.I will love you the way I love others, and others the way I love you.There is no such thing as special love, all of us are the same.Take each other's pain as pain and each other's joy as joy.I am learning how to love.

Love more people, use love as a channel so that each other can go farther.Even if it is a loving couple, he should be regarded as one of them, not alone.Without feelings of compassion and commitment, we cannot go far.Together, not for fun, but for completion. All illusions in this world are just mirror images of the mind.Hatred of others may not necessarily be the fault of the other party, maybe it is just that one's own heart is obscured by obstacles.Joy in the heart does not necessarily mean that the other party is worthy of praise, it is the original affection of this heart.How you treat yourself is how you treat others.If there is hatred for others, the mind at the moment may have expectations and fears to project on the other person.Complete inner patterns, no pandering or feeding required.If you can expand your mind and accommodate anyone, it will look like you don't love anyone. Yes.Only when the container is empty can it try to hold infinity.For me, the important thing is not to love or forget.But infinitely love or forget. Human beings are inherently lonely.Getting a partner is not to fill the loneliness or let the other party act as a tool to make yourself happy.The standard of the unity of body and mind is that while giving each other secular content of intimacy, care, care, and love, life should be promoted to a higher level due to the existence of the other party.Gaining validation in the practice of relationship is one of the ways to become one with yourself and others.Therefore, love is always important to us.But this kind of love does not only refer to an intimate or contractual relationship. Unrestricted love may be a kind of compassion, not a small love entangled by desire and karma.I hope that the person in front of me is happy, and I hope that I can help his life, not hurt and destroy it.It doesn't matter who he is or how long he's been around. My distant friend said, you should get closer to the flowers.When the flower blooms, it gives all the energy of life at this moment, and it does its best without reservation.This is the moment near the end, but it is so peaceful.After total belief, there will be total acceptance.And when we are in the process of repairing, we sometimes find that there is a kind of perfection in ourselves that does not need repairing. He also said that love is not about treating oneself as a savior and asking the other person to change.Love is sacrifice, turning yourself into air and becoming one with the other.The most difficult thing is not to give, but to receive.To accept is to allow it to happen, so that our expectations and worries can be extinguished.Many things are just our way, not the goal.The way cannot be the goal. Therefore, we should not have any attachment to emptiness, but we should not be negative at all.You can do one thing wholeheartedly, or you can do nothing at all.You can love someone with all your heart and soul, or you can disappear.It is a training to be free of the inner clinging and wanting.Everyone needs to master some basic skills that can be trained to know how not to hurt themselves.Only by knowing not to hurt yourself, can you not hurt others and things around you. Therefore, the real life is to do the things that are assigned every day seriously.Do not ask for irrelevant prospects.Don't dwell on redundant emotions and judgments.Not delusional, not self-indulgent in it.Do no harm, be no enemy to yourself and others.Do not act, and do not believe in the performances of others. "Everything happening around you is a reflection of your mind. In other words, it is your heart and thoughts that create this world." Do you believe this statement?I believe.Believe it or not, will determine our own way of life and values.But there is no distinction here.Even when I see all kinds of weaknesses and limitations, whether they come from others or myself, I know that everything is natural and reasonable.There is no beauty or ugliness, nor good or evil, just the fate of human beings' respective attributes. It's just that many people live in their own world, like and proud, they don't have to believe or understand other words.Any outward change is form.The heart only needs the changes that occur in itself. There is no one to help but wake up.Only after experiencing your own pursuit of others, and another time of others' pursuit of you, you will see the mistakes you have made and the unreasonableness of some practices.Take another detour and wake up by yourself or stay awake.People are such rigid and arrogant animals, full of delusions and judgments about others, but they only need the cooperation and obedience of the other party. Those who can easily hurt us, those who repeatedly tempt us with pain and frustration, those who raise a flag to lead us into the lost forest, those who weaken our strength, those who make us deeply touch and shatter ourselves They are the most powerful teachers in life.Ordinary people like you and me can only become people who shine through the darkness and obstacles if they really walk through the darkness.I never believed in any excuses, reasons, excuses, arguments.I only believe in the road we have traveled. " Time brings rewards for actions and intentions.If the seed is illuminated by the sun, it will blossom and bear fruit.Even if we are a group of farmers who lose their self-knowledge from time to time, what we are facing is still an orderly land-what will be the harvest, and whether we have taken care of these seeds buried in the soil with our hands. Some people say that sometimes it may just be the goodness in one's own heart that is projected to others, making some existences beautiful.But it is indeed a job and has nothing to do with others.The first thing you do is to cut off your negative source, and don't let it go around like a flame to ignite more people's troubles and hatred.To flow coolness out of yourself and others is a cumulative.See, everything is the orbit of the heart, weakness is superficial, simplicity is innocence. If you don't get what you want, it's because you haven't been good enough to share your inner beauty with everyone equally.There is no other reason.And when the mind is really clear, every person, every event and every scene we meet can bring meaning. Sometimes I think that all people are the same.Under their whitewashed appearance, there is a life full of holes and a dark abyss.If you know this, you won't feel special, and you won't feel innocent.Time flies, and life is full of flavors, which are beyond words.It is as if a person has written a long letter, but has not waited for the person who can deliver it.To be read, accepted, and understood is a luxury.At this moment, it is not bad to be a person who can write letters quietly alone. I'm an old style person and love the era of slowly making things by hand.In that era, people trekked thousands of miles just to see each other, swan geese came and went and waited patiently, sat idle in the garden on a spring night, listening to the rain fall on the banana leaves, and built a pavilion just to watch the apricot blossoms in full bloom.If I meet an important person in my life, I know that when I waited for him for a long time, he has been waiting for me for a long time.Each of us should be beautiful and good. Just like yesterday when I went to buy bonsai, I saw a pair of elderly people with white hair, calm and clean, looking after the quaint bonsai.Bonsai are also like their owners.I bought a pot of Osaka pine and a pot of crabapple.What kind of people, what kind of things grow.Put the bonsai aside, and keep the peach blossom branches and white plums in clear water.I think when we meet, we will find a place to see flowers, drink tea, sit side by side, and talk softly and softly.Before you know it, the years have turned another page. If there is acceptance and resignation in any change, then even the end still presents grace and ease.In the end, all passing away will lead to new life. Everything has a deadline.Just move forward.Those who have been attached, let go.What has been dragged down breaks down.Difficult, simple.He that was wounded passed over it.In this way, even if there is a slight sadness, it is like being washed.If there is no trace of expectation or fear at this moment, it is the most perfect moment.And at that moment, the heart is like the full fruit on the autumn branch, hanging, knowing that it will fall, no thoughts, no worries, just follow the fate. In this way, one year in the sky, one life in the world. I never expect to live long, I just want to live completely.Burns well and shows purity.Birth, old age, sickness and death, which are constantly staged, demonstrate the vagaries and precariousness of this material world.Knowing its suffering, we can play its game happily and uncomplicatedly. The longest love is actually falling in love with yourself.But if one day, I meet you, I will invite you to jump into the ocean with me.Only when each of us is a tiny drop of water, can we be together forever.Like one of my favorite scriptures: "The world is a bridge, you may cross it, but don't build a house on it." So is our love.
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