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Chapter 37 rose from heaven

Red roses are her favorite, and her name is Rose, which also means "rose".Every Valentine's Day, her husband would send her some roses, tied with beautiful ribbons.The year her husband died, she still received roses, and the card read as in previous years: "To my love!" Every year, when her husband gave her flowers, he would write down these words: "I love you more than ever." "As time goes by, my love for you will last forever." She knew that this was the last time she received flowers. Roses to husband. She thought he must have ordered the roses.Her dear husband may not know that he will die.He always likes to arrange some things well in advance, so that no matter how busy he is, he can deal with everything calmly and take care of everything.

She trimmed the leaves and put the flowers in a fancy vase.Then, put the vase next to the portrait of the smiling husband.She would sit for hours in his favorite chair, surrounded by roses, gazing at his photographs. A year has finally passed, and life without a husband is very difficult.In loneliness and loneliness, she ushered in another Valentine's Day.On the eve of Valentine's Day, the doorbell rang at home, and someone delivered a bouquet of roses and placed them at the door. She brought the roses into the house and looked at them in amazement.Then she walked to the phone and called the flower shop. The owner answered the phone, and she asked him to explain why someone still sent her flowers, adding to her sadness.

"I know your husband passed away a year ago," said the shopkeeper, "and I know you will call to find out. The flowers you received today have been paid for in advance. Your husband always makes them in advance." Good planning, foolproof, and good booking. "He paid for the flowers in advance and entrusted us to send you flowers every year. There is one more thing, I think you need to know, there is a special little card... written by him last year. "That card...he asked us to give it to you in the second year after his death. Now that he is gone, I gave the card to you."

She thanked the shopkeeper, hung up the phone, and burst into tears.Her hands trembled, and she slowly reached for the card. A note from her husband in the card, she stared at it quietly, it was written to her by his own hand... "Hi, dear! I know I have been away from you for a year, I hope this You didn't suffer too much during the year. "I know you must have been lonely and miserable this year. If I were you, I would be the same. Our love makes everything beautiful in life. My love for you cannot be expressed in words, You are my perfect wife. "You are my friend, my love, you make me happy all the time. I know it's only been a year, but I still want you to try to forget the pain. I want you to be happy, even if the tears are tears of happiness .So every year I will send you roses.

"When you receive these roses, think of the good times we have had together, how happy we have been! I have always loved you, and will always love you. But, darling, promise me, you will Live well. "Please try to find happiness and cherish every day of your life. I know it will not be easy, but I still hope you will work hard. The roses will come every year as expected, and the flower shop will not stop unless you stop answering the door Send flowers. "When giving flowers every year, the florist sends someone to deliver them five times, so you don't have to go out. After five visits, the flower giver can confirm that the flowers will be sent to another place I told them, which is where we met again. "

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