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Chapter 35 beloved

The first time I saw her, she was walking on the playground on campus.I stood there, my eyes followed her beautiful figure, and I was stunned.She is my love, I said to myself. It was the first day of school, and I asked my classmates about her, and they said she already had a boyfriend, so I forgot about her. A few months later, I heard that she had broken up with her boyfriend.However, it was at least half a year before I asked her out on a date.I called her in the dormitory, and I was so nervous that I couldn't speak clearly, and even said her first and last name backwards. "Take you to dinner on Saturday night, okay?" After proposing, I was so embarrassed that I was afraid that she would refuse. "With pleasure." She sounded happy.

On Saturday, I went to the dormitory to pick her up, and her beauty deeply moved me again.I made dinner reservations at a restaurant 30 miles away.While driving there, I got lost, and after more than an hour of aimless driving on country roads, I was getting more and more agitated, but she was in high spirits.She said she had read the history of the villages and was excited to visit them. We ended up not being able to find the restaurant and were running out of gas. At 10 o'clock we had some burgers and fries for dinner.She was dressed in a beautiful floral dress, with straight golden hair and a delicate face, which made her look even more glamorous among the local children.

When I got back to school, I was about to apologize for the night when she took mine in her own warm hand, kissed me quickly on the cheek, and said softly, "Thank you for letting me know." I had a good night." Before I recovered, she had disappeared into the bedroom. How many moments like this we've had before - so full of tolerance and grace and love that I can hardly believe it.I remember on the day of the wedding, on the Pacific coast, on that fresh Sunday morning, she walked into the church holding her father's hand. I stood by the altar and looked at her as she walked slowly. She was about to become my wife; or our Two children were born, and after she experienced the pain of childbirth that no one else could understand, her face was beaming with joy.

But on October 15, 1993, the situation was completely different.That day, after a sleepless night, we were up at 5:00 in the morning.How can you sleep peacefully when the scalpel is about to cut the flesh and blood of your sweetheart?She kissed our two sleeping babies, but they didn't wake up to say "good luck" or "I love you, Mommy" to her.When I arrived at the hospital, after signing some documents, I watched her change into a faded cotton gown and a pair of socks. It seemed that the biggest injury in the operating room was the cold. She threw herself into my arms and cried, saying that she would not have the operation.I held her hand, the syringe plunged into her arm, the tears stopped quickly, the eyes that were originally clear and alert were now closed, and they seemed to be full of fear.

I kissed her goodbye in pain and panic, and watched her go through the ruthless door and be wheeled into the operating room.I spent the day in the waiting room, distracting my anxiety with proofreading. She didn't return to the ward until the evening, with a large bandage wrapped around her chest. I think she would have liked the surgeon's careful and exquisite craftsmanship when wrapping the bandage.It reminds me of when our kids were babies and she sewed sheets for their bassinets.These bandages look kind and secure--not as rough as I thought they would be. The dimly lit room was filled with a strong smell of disinfectant.Sitting next to her, I realized that our lives are so connected that I too am a patient.I stare blankly out the window, seeing only gray-pink clouds passing across the evening sky, devastated.

Around seven o'clock, she moved slightly, and I heard her moan, and I moved to the side of the bed.He took a bit of ice flakes from the jug on the table, touched her lips lightly, and brushed away the sweat-soaked gray hair on her forehead. "I love you." I said. Hearing these words, she slowly opened her eyes. At first, her eyes seemed a little confused and unfocused, but soon, her eyes became clear. She recognized me, and a gentle smile emerged from the corner of her mouth. laugh. "I love you too," she murmured, closing her eyes again.At this point I was almost exhausted.Recalling the first time I saw her, I seem to have returned to my youth, to that sunny morning.She is my love.Once again, I said to myself in my heart, she is my true love.

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