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Chapter 57 What a brilliant post!

Under the sky and above the thick soil, there are such strange people, scholars and writers!Ridiculous in talking and laughing, laughing and cursing invisibly, the level is high, the realm is deep, beyond what we can match, idol! ! !Imitate this article by a master, and write it as an article to express my admiration... After reading this post line by line, my heart was filled with joy that could not be suppressed for a long time, shaking my whole life!How can there be such a wonderful post?I have been diving in the Internet bbs for many years, thinking that the posts are out of the world, He Xiao commented, how can I be so friendly!I never thought that such a good post would appear in front of me today, so excited!

Louzhu, it is you who let my young mind once again deeply comprehend what is meant by profound attainments and unrestrained writing.thank you! After I read this post, I started to reply immediately, because I was afraid that my late reply would not allow more people to understand your sageness, so that this rare good post would be ruined. I can't afford such a crime!More importantly, it is an honor to my life, my family, and even the society I live in to be able to leave my screen name after such an important, incisive and vivid post. , I hope your noble and tolerant heart can forgive my little selfishness!

This post is ingeniously conceived, unique in perspective, novel in technique, well thought out in words, exquisite in sentences, twists and turns in the plot, but never deviates from the central idea, fascinating, and the light words show the principles of life and fully reflect your profound culture The background and rich social experience can be described as a classic of satire and a master of cursing. This is the highest state that our generation pursues after studying hard! From an artistic point of view, this post is already a classic, but its significance is far greater than the classic itself.As the saying goes: "Swearing is invisible, ridiculing is invisible, and laughing and scolding show your true skills!" The poster really deserves to be the originator of the new generation of long-haired satire!

Originally, I had already despaired of this copula community. I felt that there would be no tomorrow for this community, and my heart was full of sadness.But seeing this post from you today made me see the hope of gossip again.It was you who rekindled the spark of hope in my heart, it was you who made my heart beat again, it was you who saved my heart that was so cold, and saved an ignorant soul! Originally, I decided not to reply to any post in the copula, but today I read your masterpiece, and I told myself that such a classic post must be replied!This is a good post that netizens have been waiting for for thousands of years!God opened my eyes, let me watch such a wonderful post when I was discouraged by the community!

Louzhu, you are the hope of the copula, and you have to take on the great responsibility of the prosperity of the copula! I will definitely follow you around, I firmly believe that this post will definitely play a role in attracting jade, and I firmly believe that in my lifetime, there will inevitably be more pigs like Louzhu who will come to gossip, speak freely and express opinions, no matter what tomorrow will be, In my dream tonight, I will smile brightly, because I finally know that in this life, I have no regrets to get this post! Landlord, it is you who made me deeply understand the saying "There are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky".Thank you Lennon!

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