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Chapter 3 what an unlucky day

Today I searched out an porn movie from my 15-year-old daughter's computer, and hid it in the "future career" folder, future career! What a fucking day! At night on the 01st floor, my girlfriend said that I was too motherly, and I was very angry, so I quarreled with her. I wanted to look more manly, but in the end I couldn't help crying. What a fucking day! Floor 02 looked at the mirror for a while today, and suddenly realized that I look a bit like Brother Chun! What a fucking day! I bought a new piece of sexy underwear on the 03rd floor. I quietly changed into it after dinner last night. I climbed onto the dinner table to tease my husband... The table collapsed, injured, and the underwear was torn. What a fucking day!

04F Today, my little nephew and I were sitting on the sofa while eating potato chips and watching TV. We felt that the potato chips were all wet. When we turned around, he licked each potato chip and put it back. It's in the bag. What a fucking day! The 05th floor is a large room in the teaching building. When I stood up, my phone fell off. I quickly looked down: Fortunately, it was stuck in the entrance of the drain.I leaned over to pick it up, when suddenly a text message came, "buzz..." The phone vibrated, slipped down the drain, and then a string of bubbles floated up.I don't want a cell phone, I just want to know which brother sent that text message. What a fucking day!

On the 06th floor, I just found out today that the birdman I rented with has been using my loofah to clean the toilet!I shower with it all the time! What a fucking day! 07F I was talking to my girlfriend on MSN today, and then I received a message saying: "XX is not here, I am her roommate, and she is at her boyfriend's place." I froze for three seconds, then looked back at my room, as if Did not find her. What a fucking day! On the 08th floor, I was at Wal-Mart yesterday. I suddenly had a stomachache. I resisted and rushed into the bathroom. As soon as I squatted down, it started to erupt earth-shatteringly. As a result, the child next door burst into tears. Her mother asked her what was wrong. She said, smelly~~ What a fucking day!

On the 09th floor, some half-naked women's photos were found on my boyfriend's computer yesterday, and they were wearing my skirt!No head pats, but it couldn't have been me.I almost collapsed, and when I was suppressing my anger and preparing to question him, I suddenly realized that it wasn't another woman, it was him! What a fucking day! On the 10th floor, at the bar last night, a very beautiful MM came over and asked for my number directly. I was flattered and gave it to her immediately, and then I watched her go back to her friend and gave her my phone number to a male friend. My buddy waved at me. What a fucking day!

On the 11th floor, I wanted to have a little fun when I was in ML yesterday. I lit two small candles. My husband was very excited and said to play music. After a while, the sound of the Internationale sounded in the outer room... He said it was very exciting to play this... What a fucking day! There is a handsome guy on the 12th floor who wants to give me a ride. I am so happy.After getting in the car, I drove very fast.The handsome guy said, your driving posture is really cool.As soon as I heard it, I got more excited. While steering the steering wheel with my left hand, I put on my sunglasses with my right hand. Unexpectedly, my left hand slipped and I slammed on the brakes. The glasses on my right hand were not put on. It was inserted into my nostril, and a lump of booger came out when I took it out! What a fucking day!

On the 13th floor, I was surfing the Internet in my dad’s office. I heard my dad’s voice coming upstairs from a distance. I tried to blow away the ashtray that was flicked on the table, but I blew it too hard and it hit the ashtray. The table and face were covered with ash... What a fucking day! There was a girl in the class on the 14th floor. She was tall and smooth. She sighed to herself that she was too good for us. Later, a buddy asked her phone number. He was a little reluctant, but told him anyway. I thought he couldn’t do it. It's too ugly. Later, my buddies took her down and it became a good story in school.Later, when I returned to school for a reunion, everyone was drunk, and she insisted on me taking her home. On the way, she hugged me and cried, saying that I was the boy she liked at first sight. What a fucking day!

On the 15th floor, I was in the room with my BF and his friend yesterday. I wanted to fart quietly to frame his friend, but I didn't adjust my sitting posture properly and made a sound. What a fucking day! I just started eating forbidden fruit with my girlfriend on the 16th floor. Once my family was away, I took her home for two days. At night, I was ML in my parents’ bedroom. When I was working hard, I inadvertently looked up and saw the portrait of my parents hanging on the wall. , I can't do it on the spot... What a fucking day! On the 17th floor, I went shopping with a man who was chasing me today. I specially wore clothes with strapless shoulders and took off the straps of my underwear.Then I got hit by something evil on the street and threw both hands behind my back at the same time...then...the underwear was unbuttoned...What a fucking day!

One day on the 18th floor, I was defecating in the toilet of the dormitory. Unexpectedly, my aunt came to clean up. The mop dragged from the next door and the water splashed directly on the ass... It can't be called... What a fucking day! I finally invited the leader to dinner on the 19th floor. After ordering, I found that I didn’t bring cash. I timidly asked if I could swipe my card, but was refused. I went downstairs to the ATM machine to withdraw money under the pretext, but failed. When I returned to the restaurant, I had to tell the leader that I didn’t bring enough money. The facial expression, I will never forget it for the rest of my life. What a fucking day!

On the 20th floor, I used waga to download raw movies, entered a keyword KAO, then picked one to download, opened it and saw, silly, koalas eat trees. What a fucking day! On the 21st floor, I wore a jacket and rode a 500cc Yamaha. Someone praised the bike for its beauty. Without even thinking about it, I replied: That’s because it was riding on me.I am female. What a fucking day! It happened to be raining after class on the 22nd floor. When I went out to push the cart, a MM next to me said: Huh?Still riding a bike, it will get wet.In the end, her boyfriend replied without even thinking about it: It's not riding you, what are you wet.At that time, my friend and I couldn't help laughing, MM blushed and ran away quickly. What a fucking day!

Chatting with the female boss on the 23rd floor in the morning, I wanted to say: Boss, use your brain (nao) to think about it.Who knew that the o was accidentally typed into an i, and it became: Boss, move your tits and think about it... What a fucking day! After driving my wife to the shopping center at noon on the 24th floor, I found the most remote corner to park, put down the backrest and waited for her to come back.Later, a gorgeous younger sister came. I thought there was no one in the car (my car has a dark film, which has a good reflection effect), and I was doing makeup and housekeeping. I didn’t dare to move, but my wife came back. Already... What a fucking day!

On the 25th floor, a classmate was sick yesterday. I took the bus 930 back to school to see her. The journey was far away and I was afraid of being bored, so I bought a basketball magazine. I continued to look, and when I came back to my senses, I found that I had passed the station again, so I had to get on the bus again, but was told that the school was at the station for road construction, and the bus didn't pass there at all! What a fucking day! On the 26th floor, I rode my bicycle home last night. When I encountered a red light at an intersection, I stopped and waited in a proper manner. I saw that the cyclists on the left and right turned a blind eye to the red light and went all the way. Only I was like a fool. I stayed at the intersection and waited for the green light to turn on. Before I got on the bike and reached the middle of the road, I was hit by a migrant worker riding a bicycle who ran a red light from the other direction and turned me over. What a fucking day! A few days ago on the 27th floor, GF was going to participate in a sports meeting. She was wearing a sports vest. I found her belt was exposed, and she was talking to someone else. When I mentioned it, she suddenly started to do warm-up exercises, and the sports vest was in my hands all of a sudden, and now it's not just the straps that GF is exposed to the outside! What a fucking day! At night on the 28th floor, I saw a roadside stall selling mosquito repellent water. I went up and asked the boss: Can this be managed overnight?The boss gave me a strange look and replied: It depends on the individual's physique.I looked at it again, it's mosquito repellent water, it's something like Indian god oil! What a fucking day! On the 29th floor, I went to see a sick relative with my mother. There were a lot of people in the ward.While chatting in full swing, I got up to pour water, and there was a scream beside me. I looked back and saw that the place where I was sitting was bright red.They thought it was my great aunt who came, and I was terribly embarrassed.In fact, hemorrhoids are bleeding. What a fucking day! On the 30th floor, I played fraudulent gold flower with my colleagues. I played it after 2:00 in the middle of the night. I was very lucky. I played until 6:00 in the morning and won more than 2,000. I felt embarrassed if I didn’t want to play. We're all sleepy, we're sure to break up.Continue to play until eight o'clock, lose all and pay 1700. What a fucking day! Yesterday, the 31st floor received a QQ message requesting to add friends: "I am your mother", I immediately replied "I am your father!" I refused, and then received a call from my mother saying: "Add me, Hurry!" What a fucking day! On the 32nd floor, I had an English class in the English computer room today, and H5 was called to speak... I was stunned for a long time and found out that it was me... Then I said something, the whole class burst into laughter, and the teacher coughed... Who knew I got nervous again and added In a word, What the fuck... What a fucking day! On the 33rd floor, waiting for the bus yesterday, a beggar walked up to me with a bowl. I found only four cents in my pocket and put it in his porcelain bowl. Picked out the money and stuffed it back into my hand. What a fucking day! On the 34th floor, a friend of mine loves to travel and traveled to Tibet last month.One morning he sent me a text message saying: "I am in Pali, on the border of Bhutan." I jokingly replied: "Don't forget to send a postcard when you arrive in Thimphu~" (Thimpu is the capital of Bhutan).In the days that followed, I lost contact with him.A week later, I contacted his family and learned that he was suddenly inspected by border guards that day. Because of my message, he was deeply suspected of smuggling, and he was put in prison for investigation. After that, his father made a special trip to take him home. What a fucking day! On the 35th floor, I saw Bolt breaking the world record early this morning, and my husband broke Bolt's record again this morning... What a fucking day! On the 36th floor, it took me longer to untie my bra than to do business. What a fucking day! On the 37th floor, I was lying on the bed wearing underwear last night, drinking yogurt and surfing the Internet. I accidentally dripped yogurt on my body. I was wiping it when my dad came in suddenly. . What a fucking day!
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