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Chapter 43 Conclusion Who can replace the impermanence of heaven?

Watching the Water Margin 十年砍柴 3268Words 2018-03-18
After Song Jiang unified Liangshan, one hundred and eight generals had their seats arranged.Although Liangshanshuipo is a land of fallen grass, it seems to be the establishment of a small imperial court.Most of the robbers in the world will not say that they are robbers.Once the robber grows bigger, he always finds a way to bleach himself. Song Gongming set up flying dragon and flying tiger flags, flying bears and flying leopard flags, yellow Yue and Baiyan, green flags and soap covers, and scarlet tassels and black banners outside Zhongyi Hall. ——This is the guard of honor of the Song emperor.After sacrificing the gods of heaven and earth, the apricot-yellow flag of "doing justice for the sky" was erected.On the one hand, Song Jiang violated the court's system and etiquette, and on the other hand, he said "loyalty" every time.He also claimed to be "walking the way for the sky".This is even more hypocritical than the slogan of "kill the rich and help the poor" by ordinary robbers. Although "killing the rich and helping the poor" is mostly nonsense, the bandit leader eats his own meat, and the younger ones can only drink soup. Thank God that ordinary people can not be harassed.But this slogan does not conceal his true nature as a robber.And "doing justice for the sky" is an outright political deception.Put a cloak of legitimacy on your rebellious behavior.He is no longer simply forcing the government to rebel against the people, nor is he simply killing the rich and helping the poor, but representing God—this mysterious master that no one has ever seen, who came to the world to uphold justice, punish evil and promote good.This slogan is transcendent and can interpret itself without limitation.Song Jiang playing such a political slogan is also a necessary choice.He had no choice of "worshiping God", let alone advanced revolutionary theories. Gongsun Sheng couldn't come up with any theory that would appeal to Liangshan people, except for playing tricks.It is impossible for Liangshan to achieve such a large scale, and said to a group of old brothers: "We rebelled against the Song Dynasty for the sake of money, beautiful women, and to enter Tokyo to enjoy the glory and wealth."-In fact, many brothers are thinking Thinking this way, "being an official for thousands of miles is only for making money", and the purpose of the robbers who "rushed into Kyushu in a hurry" is not much different.It's just that the paths are slightly different from each other.Therefore, being an official and being a thief have surprisingly similar techniques in shaping the "public relations image".No matter how greedy officials are, they also say that they are only guarding the shepherd side for the emperor and making decisions for the common people; no matter how cruel the robbers are, they will also say that they want to eradicate injustice in the world.However, Song Jiang failed to sell some Christian gadgets from the West like Hong Xiuquan's more intelligent robbers, and promised the common people an illusory paradise. He could only dig out some old antiques from traditional Chinese second-hand shops.And "Tian Dao" is a muddled, hazy but shame-covering mask that has been used countless times by people fighting for power in history. So why not use it once, Song Gongming?

Once the apricot-yellow flag of "walking on behalf of the sky" is set up, Song Jiang can avoid the unpleasant words "robber" and "rebel" together with everyone, just like referring to sex service providers as "prostitutes". Embarrassed, once said "Miss". "Three escorts", clients and prostitutes seem to have removed some of the psychological burden, and appear to be more confident; but there is a lot of room for maneuver in the outside world.If it can completely replace the Great Song Dynasty and "seize the emperor's bird position", it can extend the banner of "walking on behalf of the heavens" to "destiny's destiny". "Walking the Way for Heaven" seeks a reasonable explanation for returning to the system.

"Mandate of Heaven" and "Way of Heaven" can be regarded as the most spoken but least understood words in Chinese history.What is the "Way of Heaven" and "Mandate of Heaven"?Who is qualified to "follow the heavens" and "belong to the destiny"?Who is qualified to "walk the way for heaven"?Who authorizes this agency qualification?Does such authorization require certain procedures? These concepts that have been litigated for thousands of years, not only Song Jiang, a small official with tattoos, but also so many great Confucian scholars in the past dynasties may not be able to explain clearly. "The Way of Heaven" and "Mandate of Heaven" always end up being the self-promotion of "the most violent" to seize and consolidate power.Looking at history, we see that "the way of heaven" and "destiny" are always interpreted by the side that wins.Those who lose are "thieves" and "random".The historical laws of victorious kings and defeated enemies well explain the hypocrisy of the so-called "Way of Heaven" and "Mandate of Heaven".Since it is a fake, anyone can borrow it.The Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties were remote and remote, and many historical facts can only be scattered in myths and legends. But since then, the banner of "Mandate of Heaven" and "Way of Heaven" has been raised by all rebels.

Cheng Tang defeated Xia Jie and wrote "Tang Oath". Wang (Tang) said: "Geer, all the people, listen to my words. If you are not a Taiwanese boy who dares to call chaos, Xia has many crimes, and destiny kills him." Translated into modern vernacular That is: "Tell you little people, come and listen carefully to me. It's not me who dares to rebel and make trouble casually, but Xia Jie, who has committed a heinous crime. God ordered me to destroy him." So, I counted that paragraph The famous crime against Xia Jie in history, the common people said: "The time will be mourned, and you will die (when will that poisonous sun be over, I would like to die with you!)!" Must go (King Xia’s virtue is so unbearable, today I must lead everyone to attack him without fear of hardships).” Whether Xia Jie was really such a bastard in history, there is no definite record today, presumably this kid is also a little bit At that time, there was no televised debate like that of the elected president of the United States. Whether Cheng Tang's unilateral accusation is consistent with the facts will not be known after thousands of years. Anyway, Tang won. The victors destroyed or tampered with.Only Tang's one-sided remarks in "Shangshu" are left. ——Because history is written by the victors, China's discourse hegemony has long existed.

Cheng Tang's tricks of playing Xia Jie were completely learned by Shang's enemy King Wu of Zhou during the reign of his descendant King Zhou of Shang, and they were carried forward.Zhou Wu defeated Zhou and wrote "Oath of Tai" and "Oath of Mu" eloquently. The length and momentum of the article and the confidence in occupying the moral high ground are much more advanced than "Oath of Tang".However, although the text is divided into simplified and traditional, the reasons are exactly the same.Wu Wang Jifa said: "Today, the king of Shang (i.e. Zhou) respects the heavens and sends disasters to the people. The surname of Yuerwan, burning Zhi Zhongliang, picking pregnant women. The emperor was furious." Anyway, it was all kinds of bad deeds of Shang Zhou, such as sores on the head and pus on the soles of the feet, so bad!What kind of wine pool and meat forest, what kind of firecrackers, what kind of breaking open the belly of a pregnant woman, probably the source of the cruel story about the king who set himself on fire in Lutai in "Fengshen Performing Arts" is this article. "Let's give it to the boy, so that you can see the government from the business." "God bless the people, you can be the king and the teacher, but you can restrain God and favor the four directions." ""Heaven is reserved for the people, and what the people want, the sky will let it go. Er Shangbiyu, one person, will forever clear the world, and the time is never lost."

After describing Master Shang Zhou as a tyrant full of evil, Comrade Ji Fa can talk eloquently about the legitimacy of his attack on the Shang Kingdom.Ji Fa's cleverness lies in the fact that he has subtly mixed the will of heaven and the will of the people. The Confucianism of "the sky sees itself and the people sees it, the sky listens to the people itself" can already be glimpsed in this essay.Because King Zhou's licentiousness and cruelty to the people have offended the heavens, and the heavens let me, Ji Fa, come forward to seek justice for the people.I am not only safeguarding the way of heaven, but also safeguarding the fundamental interests of the broad masses of the people.I am making decisions for the people, and I can completely represent them.What the common people support, God will definitely agree with.Carefully analyze that this is a reasoning that presupposes its own premises.The premise is that Zhou is a bad guy who offended God, and I am a good person who represents God.Because Zhou harmed the people, he was punished by heaven. The people were unbearable and hoped that a savior would appear.I was sent from heaven, and I understand the common demands of the people, so I fulfilled the mandate of heaven and responded to the hearts of the people, and represented the majority of the people to fight against the boy King Zhou, and I will bring happiness and stability to the common people, "Eternally Qing the Four Seas" .Naturally, I am the teacher of justice, the teacher of benevolence and righteousness.

Naturally, there was no modern international law at that time, but Zhou and Shang were two different countries. This is no problem. Because of their strength, they were nominally the co-lords of Zhou and other small countries, but their relationship with each other was very loose.The reason for King Wu's crusade against Shang Zhou seems to be that "human rights are higher than sovereignty".Whether Shang Zhou dissected the minister's heart, opened the belly of a pregnant woman, pampered his concubine, or built a tall image project deer platform, that was his housework. In today's terms, it is Are you in control of internal affairs?But King Wu of Zhou not only wanted to interfere in other people's internal affairs, but also interfered a lot. He gathered a United Nations army, crossed Mengjin to the east, and entered the territory of the Shang Kingdom.Just like Bush and Blair formed a coalition to enter Iraq, there are many, many reasons, one of which seems to be to save the Iraqi people, to save them from fire and water.Haha, according to our speculation, isn't it because of Iraqi oil?Just like King Wu's eastward advance, he took a fancy to the fertile land of the Central Plains.

But Chinese history books consider this intervention to be correct.Is King Wu's army a division of justice and benevolence?What if King Zhou had won the Battle of Muye?There is no necessary connection between benevolence and righteousness and winning wars.King Qin swept Liuhe, and Genghis Khan stepped across Europe and Asia with his iron hooves. Are they teachers of benevolence and righteousness?A division of benevolence and righteousness does not necessarily win, but the troops that win can say that they are teachers of benevolence and righteousness.Who dares to object? Therefore, when I saw Song Jiang set up the banner of "Walk for the Heaven" in front of the Loyalty Hall, I always felt a little funny.Even Li Kui, who swung an ax and chopped people at sight, dared to say that he was doing the way of heaven.He is called "Heavenly Killing Star" in the Thirty-Six Heavens. In the words of Gongsun Sheng's master Luo Zhenren, he is sent by the heavens to kill people because they hate the world's immorality.Hehe, the reasons for killing people are so sufficient, just like Zhang Xianzhong and Tu Chuan.No wonder Attila, king of the Huns, ravaged Europe, and later Europeans called it "God's whip".

The right to interpret "Tian Dao" belongs to the most violent person.The way of heaven is not just the "meta-rule" that Mr. Wu Si said. It goes beyond the general rules of social activities and legal ethics. Under the banner of the winner, any behavior of the winner is not only acceptable and tolerable, but also must be praised, and a lot of reasons must be found to give theoretical support. Virtue is worthy of heaven, and the "virtue" here can only be a kind of self-talk. The way of heaven is impermanent, who can replace it? My answer is: the way of heaven is impermanent, and people can do their best.

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