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Chapter 31 The emperor cheating is a merry man cheating is a sin

Watching the Water Margin 十年砍柴 5426Words 2018-03-18
Before Cao Xueqin, Chinese literati wrote too little about true love, but they often wrote about immoral affairs between men and women.The "Jing Nu" and "Jian Jia" in the song are famous chapters about longing with twists and turns, and they come from the mouths of anonymous folks; men like Jiao Zhongqing who followed his beloved wife Liu Lanzhi and dared to die for love also appear in folk songs. ——Most literati probably still look down on his worthlessness.The love stories of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, Cowherd and Weaver Girl, White Snake and Xu Xian are all folklore.Behind the love that Bai Juyi sang in his novel, "I would like to be a lovebird in the sky, and I would like to be a twig in the earth", there is actually the unethical relationship between the father-in-law and the daughter-in-law; There are many little men like Li Jia who have failed Du Shiniang.

In the face of love, women are braver, tougher, and have a kind of fearlessness that is crazy about love. When a couple encounters a love problem, the first one to escape and retreat is often the man.Perhaps the timidity and weakness of Chinese men in the face of love determines that they have no courage to seek the most beautiful and true love in literary works. Cheating comes, pen and ink are vertical and horizontal, Wang Yang is unrestrained, and talent is penetrating the paper. "Water Margin" is a good example. Li Bihua once said that Shi Naian was probably emotionally hit by women, so the women in his works are almost either savages like Sun Erniang or sluts like Pan Jinlian. ——Hu Sanniang, the only one among the 108 generals who was good-looking, well-born, and highly skilled in martial arts, asked Song Jiang to ration the lustful and ugly short-legged tiger Wang Ying.It seems that Shi Naian is not at ease if a flower is not planted on cow dung.This is not only Shi Naian's fault, this kind of imperfect love personality is common to traditional Chinese literati.On the one hand, literati have countless concubines, and like Li Yu, they are very professional in the study of women's beauty, coquettishness, clothing and make-up, and even intercourse skills.On the other hand, I am ashamed to talk about my true love. Even if I really love my wife or lover, I have to wait until the other person is dead before writing poems of mourning.This unhealthy view of love makes men regard women as playthings, private property, and tools.Those who don't want country or official position for love are worthless fools, while men who regard "women as clothes and brothers as brothers" are admired.In the authoritarian society for thousands of years, it is the original sin for a man to dare to love, but it is free and easy to play with women in romantic places.

In Shi Naian's writing, the only good woman is Lin Chong's wife, Zhang Shi. It's not that Shi Shi loves Zhang Shi very much, but Shi Naian thinks Lin Chong is too perfect, and no virgin can match him.When Marquis Lu Yu tricked Mrs. Zhang into his home and invited Gao Yanei to insult him, Lin Chong arrived, and the first thing he said to his wife was: "Have you ever been defiled by this guy?" The lady said: "No."Master Lin, who loves his wife deeply, still can't break through the shackles of etiquette and law that "dishonestness is a big deal". The great talent Shi Naian may think that only if he does not lose his virginity, can Zhang be qualified to be loved by Master Lin.

Among the ancient literati, I only love Xueqin. The very important reason is that he has modern humanitarian care, can treat women with equal eyes, and sing about their love and sorrow.Probably because he is a member of the Han army banner, and like Nalan Xingde, he has not been too much polluted by the stale things of the Han nationality, and has retained a piece of innocence. Shi Naian writes about love clumsily or with disdain, but when he writes about adultery, he writes with gusto and density properly. In "Water Margin", there are: Ximenqing and Pan Jinlian; Pan Qiaoyun and Pei Ruhai; Bai Xiuying and Yuncheng magistrate; Lu Junyi's wife and housekeeper Li Gu; Wang's affair; the affair between the daughter of the grandpa of Siliu Village and Wang Xiaoer of the neighboring village; the affair between Wang Qing and Tong Guan's niece Jiaoxiu;

Shi Naian writes so many cheating affairs, which make people read without any sense of repetition or procrastination. Every cheating relationship is written out with a different face, and Shi's talent is like a bubbling spring.It's just that in his eyes, cheating is an unforgivable crime. The development process of Pan Jinlian and Ximenqing's adultery is not only the most exciting story about adultery in "Water Margin", but even among all Chinese literary works about adultery, it can be ranked among the top few.Jin Shengtan commented on Ximen Qing's technique of setting magnetism to Pan Jinlian: "It's better than stacking, better than changing, better than hot, better than cold, better than wide, better than tight, better than trivial, better than borrowing shadows, better than Yu Huying, better than Hu Shi, better than Bo Jie, better than meaningless, it is really a collection of writing." "It is really said that his talent is like the sea, and the spirit of pen and ink, the ebb and flow of the tide."

Ximenqing, Pan Jinlian, and Wang Po killed Wu Dalang with poison, which is obviously a criminal offense and should be dealt with according to the law.But before the murder of Da Lang, the adultery between the two belonged to the category of moral adjustment, not a crime.Pan Jinlian's duty of loyalty to Wu Dalang was imposed by external etiquette, not Pan's voluntary.When Pan Jinlian was a maid, she was hated for resisting her master's entanglement, and she was given to Wu Dalang who was "short in stature, obscene in character, and not good at flirtatious". Money-eyed people.Wu Dalang can neither satisfy Pan Jinlian's emotional needs nor his sexual needs. "What a piece of mutton, it fell into the dog's mouth!"——Shi Naian felt very happy when he let the toad eat the swan meat. Why is he in such a state of mind?

In Western literature, the author often has a sympathetic understanding of the sexual behavior of unsatisfied love. Even if there is a "fault", there is no "crime", such as Lady Chatterley and Anna Karenina . ——In Western civilization, more attention is paid to human nature.When Pan Jinlian teased Wu Song, from Wu Song's eyes and Naian's writing, it was already a "big sin".Pan Jinlian thought: "The big worm eats him and knocks him down, so he must be strong." In the eyes of women, a man's strength is naturally an advantage, and this is the most simple aesthetic concept.When Pan Jinlian's teasing became naked, Wu Song's reaction was too violent, almost peeling Pan Jinlian's skin, making her self-esteem disappear. "Sister-in-law, don't be so shameless!" "Wu Er is a man standing upright, with his teeth in his teeth and hair, not some kind of pig or dog who corrupts customs and has no ethics. Don't be so shameless. If there is something troublesome, Wu Er's eyes Li recognizes sister-in-law, but fist doesn't recognize sister-in-law!" Wu Er is not deceived by beauty, and he is a real man if he is not bad at human relations.But Pan Jinlian likes him, and it's not a crime.The sister-in-law likes the handsome and handsome uncle, so it is heinous, let Wu Song insult him like this, in fact, there is no need for Wu Song to swear, you just go away quietly, ignore her, can't you just save face with each other?To love deeply is to hate deeply.Pan Jinlian said bitterly, "I don't know how to respect people!" Who can understand the fragile heart of a woman?

Even after being so insulted by Wu Er, when Wu Er was about to send a gift to Beijing, she came to say goodbye to her brother and sister-in-law. Pan Jinlian's fantasy of Wu Er's love was not shattered: "Could it be that this guy thinks about me? But he came back? Then I'm sure he's no better than a servant, so I'll ask him slowly." But Wu Song warned Pan Jinlian in front of the University of Wuhan. ——This is suspected of meddling in other people's business. It is your own right to refuse the temptation, but whether the sister-in-law is a woman, why should the uncle teach the sister-in-law for the elder brother?Your brother is also an adult with full civil capacity, and a third party is not qualified to comment on various matters between husband and wife.

After Pan Jinlian, who was heartbroken by love, had a bad nose with Wu Song, Ximenqing came out, a high-ranking official who could give her both physical and psychological comfort.And Ximen Qing didn't use his power to force Pan Jinlian like Zhang Yuanwai did.He is a natural expert at picking up younger sisters, with Pan An's appearance, a donkey-sized licensed product, Deng Tong's richness, a soft and patient personality, and leisure time. Ninety-nine percent of the money may be wasted, but Ximenqing is not afraid of this "investment risk". ——When you meet such a character, not to mention Pan Jinlian, I think even Lin Daiyu can't resist the offensive of love.Look at Ximen Qing Pao Pan's tenderness, consideration and understanding.When Pan Jinlian complained that she had married the wrong husband: "He is a useless person, officials should not laugh at him." But Ximen Qing replied: "The lady is bad. The ancients said: "Softness is the foundation of one's life, and strength is the cause of trouble." "When Dalang, like a lady, does good, there is no trickle of water." He definitely did not follow Dalang but praised Dalang. How can Wu Er and others be as good as they understand and respect women? just in case?When Ximenqing talked about his dead wife, he was full of admiration and gratitude: "The villain's first wife was born in a humble family, but she was very clever. She was a villain in everything. Unfortunately, he has passed away for three years. Things at home are all messed up. Why does the villain just come out? When he is at home, he has to be angry!" Then he mentioned the "second wives" Zhang Xixi and Li Jiaojiao he had raised, none of them were as good as Pan Jinlian .This not only shows that he is not a sentimental person, but also wins Pan Jinlian's respect, and also satisfies the vanity of the little lady.Then, it will be a matter of course for the two of them to develop their relationship to the point where their affection is like paint and their hearts are like glue.

When Wu Da learned about his wife's adultery with Ximenqing from Brother Yun, this honest and kind man must have felt very painful in his heart. He got such a beautiful woman by accident, and he started a small business day and night to support his wife.But feelings cannot be forced. Whether a man and a woman are compatible is not only the appearance, but more importantly, the inner feeling. Pan Jinlian does not love herself, and it is difficult to influence Pan Jinlian by relying on her careful love for Pan. At this time, to apply the current words, the marriage of Wuhan University and Pan Jinlian was in great crisis.How to solve this crisis, the current couple can agree to divorce first, if the agreement fails, it will go to the court, and the court will determine the ownership of the property according to the fault of both parties.However, it was the Song Dynasty at that time, and women had no right to claim their own marriage. If they wanted to dissolve their marriage, they had to wait passively for their husbands to write a divorce letter.And what is the reasonable choice for Wuhan University at this time?Obviously he wanted to protect his marriage, so it would be a rational choice to persuade Pan Jinlian to turn back in private, or to discuss it after his younger brother Wu Er came back.If you ask Wu Song to discuss, Wu Song may use his status as the head of the capital to negotiate with Ximen Qing, but with Wu Song's character, he may persuade his brother to divorce this corrupt sister-in-law.Then there will be no murders, and the fate of Wu Song, Ximen Qing, Pan Jinlian, Wu Da and others will be completely different.But Wuhan University adopted the method of most men at that time - catching rape, which was a traditional method that was easy to adopt in a moment of anger. It is a pity that this cowardly and kind man met a rich and powerful Ximen official in Qinghe County.He was kicked and injured by Ximen. If Wuhan University had one-tenth of his brother's astuteness, he would have swallowed his anger and waited for his brother to come back before making any plans. However, his kindness and his love for Pan Jinlian led to his death.He was half threatening and half kindly reminding: "My brother Wu Er, you must know his character. If he returns sooner or later, he will be willing to quit? If you are willing to pity me, serve me as soon as possible. If he returns, I will not Mention it." Don't show off your powerful weapon to others, isn't this a reminder to Pan Jinlian and others?Finally, under Wang Po's plan, Pan and Ximen poisoned Wuda to death.

Pan Jinlian's murder of her husband is of course an out-and-out crime, and I have no intention of defending Pan.What I just want to say is that Wu Er's killing of his wife is a tragedy.Wu Da loves Pan Jinlian but gets no return, and Pan Jinlian loves Wu Er also doesn't get reciprocated. It is difficult for Ximen and Pan Jinlian to find a suitable solution for their love.In the end, the performance of killing the husband and killing the sister-in-law was performed. ——Ximen, Pan Jinlian, and Wang Po are criminals. Wu Song can't get justice for his brother at the normal level of litigation, and finally becomes a criminal from the capital.When Wu Er tore open the snow-white breasts of his sister-in-law who had flirted with him and gouged them out with a sharp knife, what else did he think of besides grief and indignation? This tragedy does not tear the reader's inner strength, because the simple moral division of murder and revenge, chastity and lust weakens the power of tragedy.What people see is the polar opposite of the adulterer and the vengeful hero, but there is no in-depth thinking about how to turn a beautiful woman into a murderer. ——In Shi Naian's eyes, a woman who has a little bit of extravagant thoughts is damned and unforgivable. After all, China cannot produce writers with ultimate concern like Tolsetai and Dostoyevsky. I don't know why, but all the men in "Water Margin" are frigid.Since you, Song Sanlang, are not good at women, you can just help Yan Poxi, mother and daughter, so why do you want to keep her?Isn't it irresponsible to take care of someone but neglect him?No wonder people fell in love with the romantic and gentle Zhang Wenyuan.Shi Xiu, the desperate Saburo, has no reason to meddle in other people's business. Your righteous brother Yang Xiong alienated his sister-in-law Pan Qiaoyun. Qiaoyun met Pei Ruhai, a childhood sweetheart. Naming it, Shi Xiu, as Yang Xiong's sworn brother, told him the results of his own observation and analysis, it should not have been. Since ancient times, "there is no close relationship", after all, they are husband and wife, at most, it is a kind hint and reminder.When Yang Xiong got drunk and scolded Qiao Yun for leaking the news, Qiao Yun framed Shi Xiu for molesting her in order to protect herself, Yang Xiong believed it.Then, as the third person, you can leave quietly, and the truth will come to light one day, but he actually went to kill Pei Ruhai quietly by himself—isn't this intentional murder?It doesn't matter if you kill Pei Ruhai, who can guarantee that you will not lose your life emotionally, but Shi Xiu encouraged Yang Xiong to lure Qiaoyun and the maid to go up the mountain, and finally killed the two together, Qiaoyun is not guilty of death. ——I really suspect that Shi Xiu and Yang Xiong are gay. Yang Xiong married Qiao Yun to deceive others. Otherwise, Yang Xiong is not a big or small figure in the local area, so why marry a widow?Perhaps because of jealousy, Shi Xiu took the opportunity to kill Qiao Yun. It is more understandable that Tong Guan's niece Jiao Xiu fell in love with Wang Qing.As a victim of a political marriage, Jiaoxiu was betrothed by Tong's family to Cai Jing's grandson, a simple-minded fool.This is too cruel for a crush, isn't it natural to fall in love with the "handsome and romantic" Wang Qing?But Shi Naian still thinks this kind of cheating is a great sin.When Jiaoxiu and Wang Qing met, Shi Gong wrote: "That guy Wang Qing was overjoyed and drank all day long." ——Using the pen like this seems to be aggrieved.When Cai Jing and others found a reason to marry Wang Qing, they married Jiaoxiu. "One is to cover up Tong Guan's shame, and the other is to eliminate the public's discussion. Cai You's son, left and right are dumbfounded, and he doesn't know whether Jiaoxiu is a virgin or not." Whether she is a virgin or not, in Shi Gong's opinion, everything is easy Most importantly, he seemed to feel sorry for that stupid grandson of Cai Jing. According to the theories of people in the era of "Water Margin", women's morality is more important than anything else, and they deserve to be killed if they don't abide by women's morality.Pan Jinlian was rationed to Wuhan University like an animal, so she should stick to it; Yang Xiong doesn't love his wife, but he can't stand her affair, because the wife is his personal property, he doesn't use it and doesn't allow others to get involved. He hated his wife's cheating not because of love, but because his dignity was challenged.The same is true for Jiaoxiu. For Tong and Cai, the alliance of interests is the most important, the face of the big family is the most important, and the happiness of the girl is nothing. Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty refused to eat the Manchu and Han feasts in the Sangong and Sixth Courtyards, and went to Goulan Wasi to soak in folk prostitute Li Shishi to taste this local snack.This is also an affair, but in Shi Naian's writing, it is not a crime but a romantic story.After Li Shishi got close to the emperor, he put up a billboard saying "Singing and dancing gods and fairies, romantic flowers and moon queens". It seems that being picked up by the emperor is a glorious thing that can be exaggerated.People all over the world talked about this matter, but the emperor didn't think so, and often got out of the special tunnel to visit Li Shishi.And he didn't avoid his close ministers, so Yang Taiwei personally stood guard outside. In the same way, why is there such a big difference between Cao Min Gan and Emperor Gan?Because in the imperial power society, "Under the whole world, is it the land of the king", everything in the world is the emperor's private property, and the people in the world are the emperor's slaves. If he sleeps with any woman, it is not an affair but the master's favor. The room is nothing more than an extension of the Sannomiya Sixth Court. ——Male's power over females is a major index to measure a man's authority in the animal world and autocratic society. The emperor has the greatest authority, so he should have the most abundant sexual resources and greater sexual freedom.As for ordinary officials and rich men, no one dared to say no to the sexual assault of their own maids. Pan Jinlian refused to obey this rule, so she ended up miserable. The ancestors thought it was no big deal.Ordinary common people have free sexual rights to their wives and concubines, but to have sex with other women is coveting, cheating, and sin, and other male animals cannot forgive him.Although their sexual rights cannot be compared with that of emperors and high officials, behind closed doors, this kind of control is essentially the same.This is why Yang Xiong can not nourish Pan Qiaoyun but does not allow his exclusive rights to Qiaoyun to be violated by others.And what about women?They can only be in a passive position of being dealt with, being raised, selected, and played with. If you assert your own sexual rights, it is a heinous crime. Apply a folk song to describe the inequality of sexual rights: "The emperor's foolishness is playing with the dragon, the governor's foolishness is to go deep into the masses, the magistrate's foolishness is entertainment, the magistrate's foolishness is sports, and the petty official's foolishness is to dig holes indiscriminately." , The grassroots messing around is a hooligan activity."
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