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Chapter 28 hate no king mausoleum

old mountains and rivers 刀尔登 1713Words 2018-03-18
The moral conflicts of the ancients were often manifested as category conflicts.Such as loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and righteousness, each has its own beauty, and there are always times when they fight each other.If a father ordered his son to do something unkind, what would the son do?Yan Du of the Eastern Han Dynasty once wrote an article "On Benevolence and Filial Piety", arguing that filial piety comes before benevolence. Didn't Confucius say, "Filial piety and fraternity are the foundation of benevolence".Cao Zhi of the Three Kingdoms believes that filial piety is close to benevolence and far away, each has its own function, and filial piety can be benevolent, which is extremely beautiful.These words are all confused. Fortunately, the ancients didn't pay much attention to this conflict. In the conventional handling, filial piety is the first, and benevolence is the second.From today's point of view, this is somewhat unacceptable. For example, Hitler built a concentration camp and then claimed that "my father asked me to do it." There is no forgiveness at all.But the ancients put filial piety before benevolence, and there are their reasons. At that time, the family was the core of society and must be maintained, but the norms of benevolence were not clear. Although everyone talked a lot, they didn't really care much.

The real trouble is the conflict of loyalty and filial piety.Yuan Huai said in the Eastern Han Dynasty: "A benevolent husband loves others. He is loyal to the emperor and filial to his relatives. Loyalty and filial piety are fundamentally the same." This is a standard expression, but it is completely useless when encountering things.During the Three Kingdoms period, Xu Shu was originally Liu Bei's counselor. In the first battle of Jingzhou, his mother fell into the hands of Cao Jun.At this time, Xu Shu was so confused that he recited "The Theory of the Same Origin of Loyalty and Filial Piety" ten times, but it was useless.In this kind of situation, those who are hard-hearted are always in a position to benefit. Going to Liu and returning to Cao is filial piety, and abandoning relatives to protect the master is loyalty. No matter what makes sense, no matter what is right, it is your own right; Voting to Cao Cao is unfaithful, abandoning relatives is unfilial, it is unreasonable in any way, and it is wrong in any way-this is also the reason why category conflicts are superficial.

But let’s go on to the category conflict.In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Qionglai had a 90-fold road, which was an extremely dangerous road.There were two governors of Yizhou successively, one named Wang Yang and the other named Wang Zun.Wang Yang came here and said: "I was born by my parents, why do I always take such risks?" Then he resigned on the pretext of illness.When Wang Zun came here, he said to the coachman, "Let's go! Wang Yang is a filial son, and Wang Zun is a loyal minister." Both of them had to talk about loyalty and filial piety when it came to small things on the road, which shows how important this topic was at that time.

The ancients said that loyalty and filial piety, love the affairs of the king's tomb.Wang Ling is Liu Bang's subordinate.Liu and Xiang fought, Xiang Yu detained Wang Ling's mother, and wanted to take Wang Ling back to Chu from Han.Wang Ling's mother committed suicide with her sword in order to fulfill her son's future.Such a tragic event has been passed down for thousands of years. It is doubtful that at least half of the loyal ministers in ancient times secretly envied Wang Ling for having such a mother who understands justice and solves problems by herself and does not cause trouble for her son.

There will be other luck.Pi Tong in the early Eastern Han Dynasty also encountered this kind of thing. His mother was hijacked in Xindu.He cried and said to the emissary: ​​"A ruler should not take care of his family. I can't control the family affairs." Fortunately, someone else captured Xindu, and Pi Tong's mother survived.It's a bit like the story in the movie, a good person doesn't care about the life of another good person, and the other good person will never die. The problem of loyalty and filial piety in ancient times embarrasses many people, but among them, only noble people really feel pain.The embarrassment for others lies in the world.

Xiang Yu also detained Liu Bang's father, but Liu Bang didn't care.Who has neither the courage of Liu Bang nor the luck of Wang Ling or Pi Tong?Zhao Bao's mother was hijacked by the Xianbei people. Zhao Bao ignored her private relatives, but her mother was killed.Cao Cao fought with Lu Bu, and there was a county magistrate named Jin Yun under him, and his mother was captured by Lu Bu.Jin Yun didn't dare to defect, and defended the city with tears in his eyes. There is another fork after this question.Since the two Jin Dynasties, Buddhism has been prevalent. So, if a person who becomes a recluse does not support his parents, does not give birth to grandchildren for his parents, is it considered unfilial?Don’t tell me, Sun Chuofan, a Buddhist, there are so many people who are loyal and disregarding their families, and their names go down in history, why don’t you take it as their crime to be unfilial?It is the highest state of filial piety for the monks to "repay the deceased with blessings and repay the heavens". If there are brothers at home, it is not advisable to take care of them.Shi Huiyuan said: "This principle is good for the world, and the Tao is against the common people." Unfilial.

Buddhists can only talk about this if they want to connect with the secular world.In any case, the category is rough, and if we only consider the problem within the category, there is often no way out.In the Qi State in the Spring and Autumn Period, Tian often killed the monarch, and then asked the people of the country to swear an oath, and those who did not ally, the whole family was executed.There was a man named Shi Ta, who was in a dilemma, and finally had to "enter the alliance to avoid his parents, and withdraw his sword to kill his king".Before he died, Shi Ta sighed: "Whoa! If you live in troubled times, you will not be able to act righteously; if you rob the violent people, you will not be able to be righteous. Sad husband!"

The pain of the ancients was that they did not connect moral responsibility with the freedom of will and the ability to act.Director Wang has a famous saying: "I don't kill Boren, Boren died because of me." Director Wang secretly murdered Zhou Boren, and he was responsible for Zhou Boren's death.But putting aside historical facts, only the literal meaning of this sentence describes a typical situation.A person has moral immunity for things beyond his ability (not to mention the so-called indirect responsibility beyond eight poles, which is the product of confusion).If Xu Shu chose to stay in Liuying, there was nothing wrong with it. If Cao Cao killed his mother, it would be Cao Cao's crime and Xu Shu would not be responsible.

But besides responsibility, there is also emotion.Therefore, it is said that "a gentleman can be deceived by the party", if it is a strong man like Liu Bang, it will be useless to hijack his parents.Loyalty and filial piety, public and private, monarch and father, etc. seem to be incompatible, but there is a slippery solution, which can not only make some people in a dilemma, but also make others happy.
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