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Chapter 33 Thirty-three anecdotes

Huang Kan devoted all his life to writing, and once said that "if you are under fifty, you will not write a book".Therefore, on his 50th birthday in 1936, his teacher Zhang Taiyan was very happy to write a couplet as a gift: "Wei Bian Sanjue knows his fate now, and Huang Juanchu has finished writing the book." Allusions, praise Huang Kan for his diligent study in the past 50 years; the second couplet uses the allusion of Cai Yong's "Cao E Tablet", and hopes that Huang Kan can devote himself to writing in the future and write "excellent good words".Huang Kan was terrified when he saw the Lian Da, because Zhang Taiyan was negligent for a while, and the word "Huang Jueming" was actually embedded in the Lian Da.Half a year later, Huang Kan really died of illness!At that time, everyone blamed Zhang Taiyan, and Zhang also blamed himself.

Hubu Shangshu Lishan would like to join the three treasures of Mingling Road.Lishan was killed during the Gengzi Incident, and his relatives and friends were afraid to avoid him. Only Lu Sanbao brought wine and meat to the West Market to pay homage to him. Weeping bitterly, he put his head on a copper plate and licked it with his tongue. Get the blood off his face.Everyone who sees it is moved, and everyone who hears it is amazed. Tan Xinpei's plays are popular in Beijing, and there are many Tan fans in every university.One day at recess, when the teachers were chatting about Tan’s "Qin Qiong Selling Horses", Hu Shi interjected: "Peking opera is too outdated. You can use one whip as a horse, and two flags as a car. You should use a real car and a real horse... ..." Everyone present listened quietly to Gao Lun, but no one spoke.Only Huang Kan stood up and said: "It's suitable, it's suitable, what should I do if I want to sing Wu Song Fighting the Tiger?"

Once Wu Jianren was drunk and took a rickshaw home. The driver moved slowly, and Wu sternly reprimanded him.The coachman replied slowly, "I used to be a registered soldier. I was shot fifteen times in both hips, so I moved slowly. Please don't force me, sir!" Guangxu Wuyin, Zeng Jize was envoyed by the British and French ministers on the basis of Jian Jian, and called the right time to talk about the teaching plan.Zeng said: "Chinese subjects often hate foreigners, needless to say. But they need to be self-improving, and it will be helpful. Destroy a church or kill a foreigner, which is revenge." The Queen Mother said: "No. What? How can we forget our enmity for a day, but we must gradually strengthen ourselves. What you said just now is very clear, you must kill one person or burn a house to take revenge."

On March 15, 1914, Bai Lang, a native of Baofeng, Henan, said in the notice of the uprising: "Since the reform of our country, the gods have ruled the country, and the people are not popular. Although the name is a republic, it is actually an autocracy. The governor stopped farming and rested For a long time. Because it is to gather heroes and plead for the people." He also proposed to "expel Yuan Shikai to establish a perfect government." Dai Hongci and Duan Fang saw the engraving of President Lincoln’s speech “of the people, by the people and for the people” in the U.S. Congress. When they asked about the meaning, the U.S. interpreter was very chatty. The translation is 'owned by the people, governed by the people, and enjoyed by the people'." Dai and Duan were full of praise: "Our translation is still good!" He asked: "Who is the translator?" Answer: "Sun Wen."

After the April 12 coup, Zhou Zuoren in Beijing severely criticized the brutal behavior of the Kuomintang, and was very dissatisfied with Cai Yuanpei, Hu Shi and others who were in Shanghai but "turned a blind eye".But as the Kuomintang intensified, Zhou Zuoren became more and more silent. On the contrary, Cai Yuanpei, Hu Shi and others rescued some political prisoners, including underground members of the CCP. The Young Chinese Society was a well-known social organization in the early Republic of China, and gathered a group of outstanding young people.The association initially banned its members from participating in political activities, but after the "May 4th Movement" it began to divide and quarreled over whether they could participate in politics. After the meeting in Suzhou in 1923, the association finally split: most of the left-wing members joined the Communist Party; the right-wing members formed another Young China Party, or joined the Kuomintang and the Research Department; Bai Qing, Meng Shouchun formed the New Chinese Party, and so on.After the last heated debate among members of the Society, Deng Zhongxia excitedly shook Zuo Shunsheng's hand before leaving and said, "Okay! Shunsheng, then we will see you on the battlefield!"

In the Forbidden City, Puyi called Hu Shi, who had long admired him, and said to Hu Shi: He didn't care about the preferential conditions of the Republic of China, and he just wanted to read more books and be a "promising young man."Hu Shi complimented: "The emperor is really enlightened! The future is promising!" Since Emperor Xun Puyi received Hu Shi in the Forbidden City, new literature writers also began to care about the future of "this young man".Zhou Zuoren suggested Puyi to study abroad and study Greek and Roman art, because he had no worries about food and clothing and was the most suitable for studying these "useless knowledge".

English "Humor" has been translated in many ways. Wang Guowei transliterated it as "Oumuya", Li Qingya translated it as "Yu Miao", Chen Wangdao translated it as "Slick", Yi Peiji translated it as "You Curse", Tang Tonghou translated it As "Xieji", Lin Yutang translated it as "humor".Lin Yutang explained: "Anyone who is good at humor, his humor must be more hidden; and a person who is good at appreciating humor, his appreciation lies in the silent understanding of the heart, which has a taste that cannot be compared with outsiders. Different from vulgar jokes, The more humorous the humor, the better.” As a result, Lin Yutang’s translation became popular, and Lin was later called the “Master of Humor”.

The first Chinese to publicly cut off their braids was Feng Ziyou's father, Feng Jingru.He lived in Japan and returned to China to avoid the Sino-Japanese War. After the signing of the Treaty of Shimonoseki, when he returned to Japan, he cut off his braids.Sun Yat-sen had his braids cut off in Yokohama in 1897. When Hu Shi gave a lecture, he once said: There is an ancient saying in China that "the mighty cannot be subdued, the rich cannot be promiscuous, and the poor cannot be moved." Hu Shi delivered a speech titled "Strive for Big Tits" at the Shanghai Chinese and Western Girls' School. He said: "Chinese women are not worthy of being mothers, because their breasts have been suppressed for too long and their fertility has been reduced. Therefore, if you want to strive to be a mother The first thing is to liberate breasts.” Zhang Jingsheng, a doctor of sexology, believed that Hu Shi’s statement had no theoretical basis, and he was suspected of bullying girls and grandstanding, so he criticized Hu Shi in the newspaper.The two had a pen battle.

After 1949, the mainland criticized Hu Shi many times.But what is little known is that during the "May 4th" period, Mao Zedong once supported Hu Shi during the debate on "problems and doctrines".Mao initiated a "problem research meeting" and put forward more than 100 issues to solicit opinions from the whole country.Even after he became a Marxist, he still had close contacts with Hu Shi. He not only consulted Hu Shi on whether to go abroad, but also learned the concept of "self-study university" from Hu Shi.When he founded the "Self-study University" at the former site of the "Chuanshan Academy" in Changsha, he clearly told his peers: "Mr. Shizhi created this name."

Pan Guangdan studies sexology and is the author of "Sex Education" and "Sex Morality".He had different views on the two "sex experts" at that time, Zhang Jingsheng and Ye Dehui: he believed that Zhang Jingsheng, a "doctor of sexology", betrayed his human experience, which was a "wild fox" and was very undesirable; The "Meiyingan Series", which collects old books about sexual matters, is very popular, and I think this book has some scientific value. Zhang Jingsheng, a professor at Peking University, is known as the "Doctor of Sexology" because of his book "The History of Sexuality".He said at the beginning of the volume: "The most enjoyable thing in the world is to read forbidden books behind closed doors on a snowy night." He also said in the preface in the tone of Jin Shengtan's criticism of "The West Chamber": "This "History of Sexuality" is not a pornographic book. Call it an obscene book, and this person will fall into the tongue-pulling hell in future generations." This book has been reprinted repeatedly, and Luoyang paper is expensive.

Zhang Jingsheng believes that looking for a lover through sex hunting is far better than going to a brothel because it is less expensive and less likely to get sick.In "The Vortex of Love" in his later years, he also recalled the life of his many lovers in France. He once imitated the customs of the "natural school" and slept naked with his lovers under the sunlight, moonlight, birds and insects. Zhang Jingsheng said that sex is like water.If people are afraid of drowning, they should understand the principle of water and learn to swim.The knowledge of sex and the practice of sex life are not only related to everyone's life, but also related to the survival and development of the whole society. Zhang Jingsheng also said: "New men should have huge noses, bushy beards, broad shoulders, and strong muscles, while new women should have high nose bridges, rosy cheeks, plump breasts, fat buttocks, and thick breasts." Thighs and well-developed genitals—all of these are the product of the culmination of the sex drive during intercourse." In 1923, Wu Guozhen, who was only 20 years old, transferred to Princeton University to study for a doctorate in political science.During the interview, the dean saw Wu Guozhen with a childish face and said: "Young man, you are not yet mature." The young and talented Wu replied: "Sir, judging whether a person is mature by age is itself a kind of immaturity. After hearing this, the dean immediately admitted Wu Guozhen. After the arrest of the Seven Gentlemen of the Salvation Council, Shen Junru was tried by the Suzhou District Court.The judge asked: "You advocate resisting Japan and saving the country, don't you know that resisting Japan and saving the country is the idea of ​​the Communist Party?" Shen replied: "The Communist Party eats, do you eat?" The judge was speechless. While Chen Duxiu was in prison, Song Meiling and other dignitaries came to visit, but Hu Shi did not come after passing through Nanjing.Chen Duxiu scolded him angrily: "I know that Shizhi is a very busy person. He is meeting and drinking with dignitaries at this moment. I would rather have time to visit me. It's just an old friend. It's too late." Hu Shi finally started to come, but the two When they met, they quarreled endlessly.However, Jiang Menglin, who had no close acquaintances, came to visit specially, and brought several chapter novels, which Chen regarded as a bosom friend. After the September 18th Incident, students from Pingjin went south to petition one after another, seized the trains, and forced them to go to Nanjing.After this wave spread to Qingdao, the Qingdao University officials advised the students.Persuasion failed, so the school had no choice but to "kill Ma Su with tears" and expelled several leading students.Unexpectedly, the trend became more violent and turned against the principal, and the principal Yang Jinfu had to resign.Wen Yiduo is also one of the most attacked targets. There are often slogans such as "Expel the ignorant Wen Yiduo" on campus.Wen Yiduo also saw this new poem on the blackboard with his own eyes: "Wen Yiduo, Wen Yiduo, you get more than 400 yuan a month, and a class lasts 50 minutes. How long can you hold it?" I like to mix the sounds of "heh" and "heh" in class.Another time, Wen Yiduo and Liang Shiqiu saw a rabbit and a tortoise drawn on the blackboard, with "Wen Yiduo and Liang Shiqiu" written next to them. Wen Yiduo asked seriously, "Which one is me?" Liang Shiqiu smiled wryly. Answer: "It's up to you!" Zhang Daqian and Mei Lanfang sat at the same table, Mei Lanfang pushed Zhang to sit, Zhang suddenly said: "You are a gentleman, I am a villain!" Mei asked why, Zhang replied: "A gentleman uses his mouth, but a villain uses his hands. I take the pen Painting, but you are singing, so you are a gentleman and I am a villain." Lu Xun asked Uchiyama Wanzao: "If Confucius lived to this day, would he kiss or love Japan?" Uchiyama said, "Probably sometimes he kisses Japan and sometimes he loves Japan." The Betel Nut Club of Jinan University often invites celebrities to give speeches.At first, Lu Xun was invited, and the audience was quite large; then Hu Shi, the audience was several times larger than Lu Xun; the third invited was "Doctor of Sexology" Zhang Jingsheng, and the audience surrounded a large dining room.Unexpectedly, what Zhang Jingsheng talked about was "youth and reading", so many students said disappointedly: "If I had known that he wasn't talking about sex studies, I wouldn't have been sweating and forced to stand for so long. His speech." Chen Yuan and Chen Yinke are called "two Chens" together, but their life purposes are very different. Chen Yuan is keen on politics, but Chen Yinke is afraid to avoid it. In 1954, the Chinese Academy of Sciences invited Chen Yinke to be the director of the Second Institute of History. He strongly resigned and recommended Chen Yuan.Yan Gengwang believed that Chen Yuan’s academic track was “Qian, Gu, Quan, Mao”, Qian Daxin’s study of textual research, Gu Yanwu’s study of manipulative practice, and Quan Zuwang’s study of native literature. Mao is Mao Zedong Thought. In the election of the vice president of the national government, Chiang Kai-shek supported Sun Ke. For this reason, he specially summoned Li Zongren, who was competing with Sun Ke, and said bluntly: "The candidates for the president and vice president are all nominated by the central government. The candidates for the vice president have been internally determined by Sun Ke. Zhesheng will be appointed, I hope you will take the overall situation into consideration and withdraw from the election!" Li immediately refused: "I can't stop!" One of the most appropriate evaluations of Chiang Kai-shek is: "Dictatorship has no courage, and democracy has no bounds." Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and many democrats, including later Li Ao, all used this statement. When Pelliot talked about Japanese learning, he contemptuously called it the "Sanyu Hall"—literature steals China, Buddhism steals India, and science steals Europe. At the beginning of 1949, Liu Yazi had a lot of opinions. Mao Zedong wrote a poem of "Too much complaints can prevent heartbreak" to criticize him. Liu Ze immediately wrote a poem to refute: "Heroes are used to deceiving people, and complaints don't necessarily break their hearts." In the 1950s, there were a large number of Hu Shi in the mainland.At a symposium, several old gentlemen related to Hu Shi had to "criticize". Shen Yinmo's speech was the best. He said that he went to see Hu Shi once. Writing, Shen said: "Where does this look like learning?" Zhang Bojun and his daughter Zhang Yihe discussed the appearance of men. He said: "There are three beautiful men in the Communist Party, such as Zhou Enlai. There are three beautiful men in the Kuomintang, such as Wang Jingwei. There are also three in the Democratic Party, such as Huang Qixiang. Chu Anping is also one of them. "Father, who is the most beautiful among these nine people?" "Of course it is Wang Zhaoming. Our Anhui fellow Hu Shi himself said that he must be married." "Where is Wang Jingwei's beauty?" "In the eyes .His eyes are not only beautiful, but also chivalrous. This conclusion is not drawn by me, but by a poet of the new school. I think Chu Anping’s eyes are also chivalrous." Guo Moruo went to congratulate Tian Han on his fiftieth birthday.The congratulatory message said: "Shouchang, my dear brother, you are fifty years old this year, and you are still alive!" When Lin Yutang was studying at Xunyuan Academy and St. John's University, he graduated with the second place.His reason is: No matter what you do, you don't want to be the first in your life. Speaking at a rally in Brazil, he said a joke that caused a sensation in the world: "The ideal life of the world is to live in the countryside of England, with American water, electricity and gas pipes installed in the house, a Chinese cook, and a Japanese cook." Mrs……" "Standard English Reader" edited by Lin Handa was published by World Book Company, and Lin Yutang's "Enlightened English Reader" was immediately eclipsed.Lin Yutang persisted, claiming that Lin Handa plagiarized himself, a lawsuit was won, and the court held that the claim of plagiarism was not valid.However, Jiang Menglin from the Nanjing Ministry of Education said that the "Standard" was indeed suspected of plagiarism and its distribution was prohibited, so the court only ordered Kaiming Bookstore to pay 30 yuan in compensation.The Kaiming Bookstore achieved a de facto victory, and the World Bookstore no longer has a hand in teaching materials.Lin Handa refused to accept it, and went to Nanjing to appeal in person, but was reprimanded by the Deputy Minister of Education: "I have a Ph. After he completed his Ph.D. and returned to China, Lin Yutang moved to the United States, and his masterpiece remained on the bestseller list in the United States for more than 50 weeks. Lin Yutang said: "The easiest way to detect a Chinese's temper is to ask him whether he likes Lin Daiyu or Xue Baochai. If he likes Daiyu, then he is an idealist; if he agrees with Baochai, then he is an idealist." A realist. Some like Qingwen, then he may be a great writer in the future; some like Shi Xiangyun, he should also like Li Bai's poems." Lin Yutang said: "A gentleman's speech should be like a woman's skirt, the shorter the better."
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