Home Categories Essays As the saying goes: the most important collection of words in modern times
Zhao Yuanren wrote in a letter to his friend: "If you don't receive this letter, please inform me as soon as possible, so that I can tell you when to pay for the post." Zhou Shanpei said that Mr. Ren is always ashamed of not knowing anything. Therefore, if Hu Shi and his like happen to write an article on something worthless, Mr. Ren will also study this worthless thing, and sometimes publish an article on it. article to compete.Zhou persuaded him: "In terms of your age and qualifications, you should stand in the position of advocacy and creation. It is right to ask people to run with you, but you always run with them. It is a virtue not to be self-sufficient, but like this kind of pursuit There are infinite ways of learning, and you are nearly 60 years old, when will you be able to achieve your wish?" Liang Qichao nodded again and again at that time, but he couldn't control the word "name" all the time, thus creating an omniscient man. Miscellaneous.

In terms of politics and ideology, Liang Qichao was changeable. Some people said: Kang Youwei was too prejudiced, and Liang Qichao was too unbiased. In 1900, he deviated from Kang Youwei's position of protecting the emperor, advocated the new theory of freedom, equality, and natural human rights, and was willing to cooperate with Sun Yat-sen; He is the great enemy of the Patriotic Party."In writing "Xin Min Shuo", he even advocated the revolution to eliminate the Manchus, and later "repented and rehabilitated" and brought up the constitution of the monarch again.After the Republic of China, he worked with Yuan Shikai and other Beiyang warlords. When Yuan proclaimed himself emperor, he angrily challenged Yuan.He declared his separation from politics several times and became enthusiastic about his official career again and again. Like a man of vertical and horizontal lines, he ran around to sell his talents, but in the end it was difficult to make a difference.Liang commented on himself and said: "... Conservatism and aggressiveness are often at war in the chest, and they are born out of emotion, and their persistence is often contradictory." This is a criticism, and the effectiveness of his remarks often cancels out, which is due to his natural weakness."

Hu Shi wrote Gu Hongming's article incorrectly, and Gu asked Hu Shi to formally apologize in the newspaper, otherwise he would sue in court.More than half a year later, Hu Shi saw Gu and asked, "Mr. Gu, did you go in with the case you sued me?" Hu Shizai and Zhou Zuoren argued tit-for-tat on the question of who came first to transform society and people: Individuals are created by countless forces in society.The first way to transform society is to improve the various forces that create society—systems, habits, ideas, etc., and to transform society is to transform individuals.

On the eve of Hu Shi's "good government doctrine", Liang Qichao, Lin Changmin and others suggested to him that they should favor the king.Luo Wenqian, Cai Yuanpei and others joined the Research Department.Hu Shi and Cai Yuanpei were determined to keep a distance from the research department, so they put Liang, Lin and others aside and published one by themselves.Liang Qichao said angrily: "What's so great, I can make a declaration by myself." Lin Changmin said: "We don't blame Hu Shi, he is a virgin, and he doesn't want to associate with our former prostitutes. But Mr. Cai It has always been inclusive, why does it also exclude us?"

When Pan Guangdan was young, he broke a leg while practicing high jump and was forced to amputate it. He spent most of his life with crutches, but he did not become eccentric because of this.Once, he talked about Confucius and said: "For Old Master Confucius, I admire him so much... Oh, I'm sorry, it should be all fours!" At the beginning of 1919, Wang Guangqi wondered whether the capitalist system of Britain and the United States "has anything to do with the happiness of the majority of people?" He said to his friends that these countries "created a kind of plutocracy that is invincible in the world. It is equally painful for us to live under the warlords."His ideal society "is a mutual, free and happy union under individual liberty".

When Cai Yuanpei was the president of Academia Sinica, although he resigned from dozens of part-time jobs, there was still an endless stream of people asking him to write inscriptions, write prefaces, write articles, and seek positions. Three no announcements": first, no part-time job, second, no writing, and third, no job introduction. In his later years, Chen Duxiu wrote "Primary School Literacy Textbook", which was submitted to the National Power Compilation Center for printing.At that time, Chen Lifu was in charge of reviewing, and seeing this, he said: "The content is not serious, but it is easy to be confused with the elementary school." Chen Duxiu said: "Chen Lifu is ignorant, and elementary school scholars have the knowledge of sound exegesis and textual textual research. It has existed in ancient times, how can it be changed! "So it cannot be printed.

After Chen Duxiu was released from prison, Lin Boqu interceded for him in Yan'an, and Yan'an replied: "He must meet three conditions if he wants to return to the party: one is to abandon the Trotskyist position and publicly admit his mistakes; the other is to publicly express support for the anti-Japanese national united front policy. The third is to express sincerity in actual actions." Chen Duxiu had no plan to return to the party to work, and he smiled and said: "Written self-criticism is hard to follow." Wu Zhihui argued with Chen Duxiu.Wu: "I don't deny that it takes three thousand years for anarchy to come into being. Leninism, the two hundred years mentioned by Yue Fei may not be enough." Chen: "Are you crazy? Anarchy and communism can happen very quickly!" Wu: " This is nothing more than a fake." Chen: "Then let me ask you, now our Chinese republic is fake, so is Kang Youwei's restoration better, or a fake republic?" Wu: "Then the communist signboard is put up today, but what works is not. Even the Three People's Principles are not as good as the Three People's Principles, and suddenly lost many old friends, how can I bear it?" Chen: "Where is communism now? Isn't communism a lunatic?" Wu: "Then according to your judgment, Lenin's communism must have How long will it last in China?" Chen: "Twenty years is enough!" Wu: "So isn't the Kuomintang's lifespan only 19 years, and they have to use their corpses to revive their souls?"

In 1927, when Liang Shiqiu was editor-in-chief of the supplement "Qingguang" of "Current Affairs News" in Shanghai, he saw a tabloid serialized "Country People Come to Shanghai" every day, which was full of sarcasm to foreigners, so Liang wrote "Shanghai A Man Arrives in New York, counteracts the other in the same way, and is serialized on "Qingguang" every day until "The Countryman Arrives in Shanghai" dies down. In 1929, during the period of political training, under the rule of the party and the state, Hu Shi wrote "Human Rights and Contracts" and other articles, advocating freedom of thought and speech, so the party headquarters of the third district of Shanghai launched an attack, and then the party headquarters of several provinces and cities also petitioned "Strictly Finally, under the order of the government, Minister of Education Jiang Menglin signed the No. 1282 "Order" to remove Hu Shi as the principal of the Chinese public school.After Hu Shi read the "Ministry Order", he wrote a reply letter to Jiang, saying, "This matter is entirely my personal matter, Hu Shi. I have written three articles, using my own name, which has nothing to do with the Chinese public school." What? Why did you 'order China Public School'? The order is extremely incompatible, so return the original."

After graduating from Tsinghua University, Pan Guangdan studied in the United States with official expenses, studying eugenics, and later extended to family, family, gender studies, and You Shanzhi's Chronicle.For a period of time, he was immersed in the genealogy of a certain surname all day long, and when visitors came, he always used the family tree as a topic.Someone gave him a couplet: "Seek your own happiness, light up the lintels of others." During the Yan'an Rectification Movement, He Qifang and Liu Baiyu arrived in Chongqing from Yan'an. Their main task was to publicize Mao Zedong's "Speech at the Yan'an Forum on Literature and Art". Hu Feng gathered a group of progressive writers and invited them to give a report.He reported on the Yan'an Thought Reform Movement, using his own example, "explaining from his own experience."He gave everyone a bad impression, and his tone made people feel that he was just flaunting that he had transformed himself into a real proletariat.Some people said: Hurry up, he has already been reformed, so he came to reform us!Feng Xuefeng scolded: Damn it!Where was he during our revolution?

Hu Feng was detained in a single cell in Qincheng Prison.Once, the guard threw him a hat ring made of wheat straw and a bundle of straw, and said, "It's shameless to eat and not work, so learn to braid wheat braids!" Hu Feng said bluntly: "No I don’t work because you have deprived me of my right to work. My work is not braiding wheat but writing with a pen, do you know that?” He put the straw aside and did not move, but the guard had to take it away It's over. Before the Anti-Japanese War, the Seven Gentlemen were arrested. In court, the presiding judge asked Wang Zaoshi: "The defendant Wang Zaoshi, you advocate the establishment of a unified anti-enemy regime. Do you want to overthrow the current government?" Wang is a political scientist at the University of Wisconsin. Doctor, replied: "Mr. Judge, you confuse the government with the 'regime'! The government is the state administrative organ, which is an integral part of the state organization. The government refers to the state power, that is, the ruling class implements class rule. Power is guaranteed by the violence of the army, police, courts, prisons, etc...Mr. Judge, the regime you are asking about overthrowing a certain government is a question of confusing logic and a wrong concept!"

Yang Xingfo gave a speech at Wusong University, titled "Three Scholars' Outlook on Life".He explained the "Three Scholars" as: "First, when you are young, you are full of blood, and you are a man of lofty ideals. Second, middle-aged people, from about 20 to 40 years old, like to be celebrities. Third, after 40 years old People whose blood qi has weakened will become lay Buddhists." In 1943, Hu Shi commented on Feng Youlan: "Although Feng Youlan has been abroad, he has seen nothing.... His views are mostly reactionary, with a clear trend of conservatism, and his attitude of maintaining centralization is also quite obvious." In 1947, Feng Youlan visited New York When I heard that the title of Mrs. Yang Shaozhen’s master’s thesis was "Hu Shi’s Influence on the Chinese Cultural Circle Before 1927", I couldn’t help but smile and said: "This... this... this topic is very...very... good, because it’s too late. ...After 1927, he has no...no...no influence!" In 1950, Hu Shi saw Feng Youlan's English version and said disdainfully: "It's really too bad. I should quickly write the history of Chinese thought. Finished." In 1955, Hu Shi commented on Feng Youlan's "History of Chinese Philosophy": "I want to say a few good words, but I really don't see any benefit!" At the beginning of 1949, Feng Youlan sent a letter to Mao Zedong, stating that he would rewrite the history of Chinese philosophy within five years using Marxist positions, viewpoints and methods.Mao Fuhan said: "We welcome people's progress. People like you have made mistakes in the past, and now they are ready to correct their mistakes. If they can practice, that is good. There is no need to rush for results, and you can slowly correct them. It’s always better to adopt an honest attitude.” After seeing it, Feng was very puzzled, and often complained, thinking: “What is an honest attitude? Why am I being dishonest?” After a million-strong army crossed the river, Liang Shuming read Mao Zedong's new work "The People's Liberation Army Occupies Nanjing", and he was very disapproving of "It is better to chase the poor and the poor, not to be famous and learn from the overlord".Lian said: "Wrong! Wrong! The fundamental spirit of Chinese culture is the desire for self-reliance, harmony and moderation, extremes and laziness are not acceptable. Only Chinese culture that is harmonious and moderate will surely rule the world, and the one that truly unifies China The method can only be a neutralization that adapts to the fundamental spirit of Chinese culture." He also quoted the argument of "the poor should not be forced" in "The Art of War" to explain the mistake of "pursuing the poor". At the beginning of the "Cultural Revolution", Kang Tongbi once said excitedly: "I want to write a letter to ask Chairman Mao, what will the country look like if this goes on? If you want to overthrow Liu Shaoqi, it is the business of the two of you. Don't make the people of the whole country suffer." !" It seems that his father, Kang Youwei, "sent a letter to the public car" and pleaded for the people's life. Yu Pingbo's home was ransacked. At first, the Red Guards didn't know where his family's money was kept. Later, seeing Mrs. Yu holding a box tightly, they forced them to ask for it. When they opened it, they found tens of thousands of yuan in cash and passbooks, so they announced the confiscation.While chasing after, Yu Pingbo shouted: "If you take it away, will there be any interest?" Liu Yazi pointed out that Guo Moruo was willing to be the "tail" of the CCP, and threw out an extremely confident grand theory: "For the CCP, being its friend, I agree with both hands, but if I want to be its tail, I will not come. To be honest , I am a top-ranking politician in China, and Mr. Mao may not be much better than me, let alone others... It seems that Mr. Mao has also admitted that New Democracy does not exceed the scope of the Prime Minister's Three People's Principles. So, in my opinion, it proves that The CCP is being our tail, where are we being the CCP’s tail?" During the "Cultural Revolution", Shen Congwen was very strong and free and easy. In addition to accepting criticism every day, he also competently cleaned the women's toilet in the History Museum to the left of Tiananmen Square.Later, he was sent to Xianning, Hubei Province, and his task was to look after the vegetable garden. He also did it very seriously, and wrote a summary: "...the cow is more honest, and it will leave as soon as it is hit; the pig is not good, it is extremely cunning, and its appearance is extremely stupid. He walked fast, and seemed to be gone, but he suddenly turned around from behind..." He also wrote to Huang Yongyu, saying: "...the lotus here is so beautiful, if you come..." Yin Haiguang only called four times in his life.Once his wife took him to the phone, taught him how to make a call, dialed the phone number for him, and handed it to him when the other party spoke. Yin Haiguang picked up the receiver and was sweating profusely. During the "Cultural Revolution", when Qian Zhongshu was sent to work, Yang Jiang once pointed to the small mountain shack and asked if he could live here forever.Qian thought for a while and said, "I have no books to read." Huang Canran once interviewed Ha Jin about his writing status. Ha Jin said he was "writing alone", he said: "Writing in English, I have to face the masters I mentioned. This is a great tradition that requires you to work methodically .As for pleasing the masters, I have always written to please them." During the "Cultural Revolution", Zhao Renwei lent Gu Zhun an English book.After reading it, Gu Zhun returned to Zhao Shi and said, "I've already cried." Lu Shuxiang is a serious person, Ye Zhishan said that after the article passed Lu Shuxiang's eyes, he felt much more at ease.No matter who Ye Shengtao's family was, when they saw the wrong words and sentences in the article, they couldn't help saying: "Mr. Lu must be very angry if he saw it!" of purity. In the mid-1980s, Lu found that there were too many mistakes in "People's Literature", so he wrote a letter to correct them one by one angrily.The magazine then published a short letter expressing its gratitude to Lu Shuxiang in a serious manner, but this short thank you letter turned out to be full of mistakes, and even wrote Lu's name as "Lu Shuxiang". Luo Wenqian served as the Minister of Justice in Wang Chonghui's cabinet, but was framed by his political opponents. The famous Gold Franc case occurred and he suffered an unnecessary lawsuit.At that time, the chief of Beijing Dongcheng Police Department went to arrest people, and when he arrived at Luo’s residence, Luo was extremely calm, and just asked: “Where is the warrant of arrest?” !” In the end, the chief of police forced him to go. Feng Youlan was humiliated in the cowshed, but he ate and slept as usual. His breakfast consisted of a cornbread, two large bowls of cornmeal porridge, and shredded pickles for a penny.There are a lot of pickles, most people can't finish them, but Feng Youlan doesn't have enough.After being reminded by Guo Lanfang, Feng dared to ask the Red Guards for two cents for pickles. The Red Guards stared and said, "People can't finish eating pickles for a penny. You still eat two cents. Why do you eat so much?" Feng replied: "I...I eat a lot." Although he was reprimanded, he still met the requirements. In 1952, when Qian Zhongshu was in the English Translation Committee of Mao Xuan, someone suggested that he take Mao Xuan home and translate it. Qian said: "Bringing such dirty things home will pollute the air." , Being criticized, Qian never said a word. During the "Great Leap Forward" period, Qian Xuesen published an article saying: "Take 30% of the solar energy that hits an acre of land every year as the part that plants have used, and plants use this solar energy to make carbon dioxide and water in the air into their own Nutrients to supply oneself for development and growth, and if 1/5 of them are considered edible grains, then the annual yield of rice and wheat is not only more than 2,000 or 3,000 jins now, but more than 20 jins of 2,000 jins. Times!" He later expressed the same opinion in the magazine "Knowledge is Power" again in the name of "President of the Chinese Society of Mechanics", saying that the grain yield per mu could reach 39,000 jin.
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