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Chapter 31 thirty one marriage

Jin Yuelin's love is introverted, such a thing is written in the postscript of "The Biography of Lin Huiyin".At that time, the author wanted to ask Mr. Jin, who was 86 years old at that time, to write a paragraph to Lin Huiyin. After thinking for a long time, Mr. Jin slowly replied: "Everything I say should be said to her. I can't say it. I have no chance to talk to her. I don't want to say what I said, and I don't want to have such words." Yan Xishan said: "Communism can only be practiced by saints." Cai Yuanpei also said: "There must be a strict righteousness, and then you can talk about communism, and you must have the ability to stay calm, and then you can talk about abolishing marriage."

The marriage between Lin Yutang and his first wife Liao Meifeng was so harmonious that at Lin Yutang's suggestion, they burned the marriage certificate.Lin said: "The marriage certificate is the proof of marriage, and it is only needed for divorce." On December 1, 1927, Jiang Song married.The wedding ceremonies were held in the Christian and traditional Chinese ways. The former was held in Song Zhai. The witness was Yu Rizhang, the director-general of the China National Association of Young Christians. The traditional wedding ceremony was held in Shanghai Dahua Hotel. The witness was Cai Yuanpei, the dean of Nanjing Government University.Consuls from more than a dozen countries, including the United States, Britain, France, Japan, and Norway, attended the wedding. The new member of the Song family was officially recognized by the international powers since then, and found a backing for Chiang's future rule.Chiang Kai-shek published "Our Today" in the newspaper that day: "I am married to my most beloved Ms. Song today. It is the most glorious and happiest thing in my life. After we get married, the revolutionary cause will definitely make more progress. From now on, we can take on the revolutionary role with confidence." It is a great responsibility. When we get married, we can influence the old Chinese society and at the same time contribute to the new society.”

Jiang Baili committed suicide in public at the Baoding Military Academy, with a bullet piercing his chest.He was later reborn under the meticulous care of a Japanese female nurse Sato, and married Sato as his wife. Lin Huiyin and Liang Sicheng have always treated each other frankly. Once she told her husband in great distress that she fell in love with two people at the same time, and she didn't know how to choose.Hearing this, Liang Sicheng's heart was turbulent, and he thought hard all night. The next morning, his eyes were dark and he decided to leave the decision to his wife.He said to Lin Huiyin, "You are free. If you choose Jin Yuelin, I will wish you happiness forever!" Cheng really loves you. I can't hurt someone who really loves you. I should quit."

Jiang Menglin's close friend Gao Renshan was hunted down by Zhang Zuolin, and Jiang took the responsibility of taking care of his widow Tao Zenggu.Later, after Jiang's wife died of illness, Jiang married Tao Zenggu as his wife.At the wedding, Jiang thanked the guests and said: "I love Gao Renshan the most in my life, so I am willing to continue his volunteering to engage in education. Because I love Brother Gao, I love the people he loved even more, and love him even more. Only in this way can she be worthy of Brother Gao!" In 1923, two months after the death of his wife, Peking University professor Tan Hong married his wife and sister Chen Shujun. Shen, who had a verbal engagement with Chen, denounced the two in the newspaper.Professor Zhang Jingsheng of the Philosophy Department of Peking University published an article in defense of Tan Chen, and proposed four principles of love: "Love is conditional; love is comparable; love is changeable; husband and wife are like friends, and separation is inevitable." Zhang Jingsheng Gao Lun was widely criticized.People think that love is supreme, love cannot be compared, love should be sustainable, and husband and wife are not a kind of friends.There are also those who advocate the termination of this discussion, because "China is not qualified to discuss it."

Wu Mi is a good friend of Jin Yuelin.Mr. Wu is a brave and infatuated person. Once Wu published his love poem in a newspaper, in which there were two lines "Wu Mi loves Mao Yanwen bitterly, and people from three continents were shocked to hear it".Others asked Jin to persuade Wu, so Jin went to Wu and said: "We don't know whether your poem is good or not, but it involves Mao Yanwen, so it is not something to be published. It is a private matter and should not be published in the newspaper." We go to the bathroom every morning, but we don’t advertise it.” Hearing this, Wu Mi was furious, and slapped the table and said, “My love is not about going to the bathroom!” Mr. Jin also felt that what he said was wrong. That's right, and I didn't know how to answer, so I stood and listened to Wu scolding for a long time.

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Yin Haiguang served as the editor-in-chief of the "Central Daily" in Nanjing, and had a close relationship with Fu Lecheng, who worked in the "Central Library", and the conversation was as good as before.At that time, Fu Lecheng, who was "extremely dissolute and lazy" (Fu Ziyu), met a beautiful girl. He admired her so much, but couldn't win her heart.One day, Yin Haiguang was chatting in Fu's dormitory, and this girl happened to be there.Yin Haiguang's eloquence was eloquent, and the girl listened intently.After Yin Haiguang left, the girl said to Fu Lecheng: "If you have as good knowledge as Mr. Yin, I will marry you!" Fu Lecheng couldn't stand the "stimulation", and decided to translate an English history of Western history to show his progress heart of.A few years later, Fu Lecheng, who returned from studying at Yale in the United States, wrote a masterpiece and became a "historian that cannot be ignored".

In modern China, there are countless strange women.Those who have Wu Meng's class are known as "the outstanding female middle school, with great ambitions, good at literature, and proficient in Western languages".She was once "pregnant, and fell herself", and her husband was horrified. Wu said: "It takes 20 years to raise this child to become a talent. If I do, I can become a talent after 5 years. How thick is the king in 20 years?" Talents outside, but less than talents within five years? And the relationship between you and me is not for those who can fulfill the responsibilities of parents, so it is better to be yourself."

In 1932, Pan Lanzhen quarreled with Chen Duxiu and went home. She had lived with Chen Duxiu for more than two years, and she usually just called him "Old Man Li".She is only 24 years old, 10 years younger than Chen Duxiu's eldest son.Chen Duxiu's arrest became a big news in the society, and she and her family were talking about it all day long.She even said: "Chen Duxiu is too proud, this time he will inevitably be beheaded!" Pan Lanzhen's father bought a newspaper from the street and opened it: "Chen Duxiu has been taken to Nanjing for trial." Below is a photo of Chen Duxiu.When Pan Lanzhen saw the photo, she was stunned: "It turns out that Chen Duxiu is my husband!"

Eileen Chang wrote for Hu Lancheng: "You said you don't have any worries about parting, and I think so do I, but last time you went to Nanjing, I was going to feel sad." She also wrote: "I thought about it, you will just come and go with me in the future It’s okay to go.” But the most famous one is: “After seeing him, she became very low, low into the dust, but she was happy in her heart, and flowers bloomed from the dust.” When Zhang Ailing first fell in love, there was a good saying in the letter to Hu Lancheng: "Because I understand, so I am merciful." She doesn't need to know each other very well, so she has an alluring love.

During the Xi'an Incident, Song Meiling went to Xi'an to rescue her husband.She walked into the room where Jiang was under house arrest. Seeing that she seemed to see a ghost, Jiang opened his mouth in surprise, revealing his white dentures. It took him a long time before he said a word: "Why did you come?" Soong Meiling said: "I came to see you." ".Jiang turned to Song a passage from the Bible that he had read in the morning: "The LORD will make a new deed, and will make women protect men." The most sensational wedding in Shanghai that year was the collective wedding of Zhao Dan and Ye Luxi, Zheng Junli and Bai Lu, Gu Jiji and Du Xiaojuan, Tang Na and Lan Ping.The wedding was held under the Liuhe Pagoda, witnessed by Shen Junru, which caused a sensation all over the country.But Tang Na and Lan Ping soon broke up.Lan Ping said: "I loved reading martial arts novels since I was a child, and I liked brave heroes. Tang Na is full of beauty, married to such a husband, how can there be happiness?" After she left, Tang Na was very painful. He committed suicide by jumping into the Huangpu River, but was fortunately held back by his friends.After hearing the news, Lan Ping said, "Even if Donna's tears merge into a vast ocean, they still won't soften my heart. If Donna succeeds in committing suicide, I will send a big wreath. Since he can't die, he won't even need a wreath." It’s over, and there’s no need to talk about anything else.” At that time, she had already given up on dramatist Zhang Huan.

Historian Sun Yutang's wife, Yao Fengzi, is a well-known drama star at Southwest Associated University. When Sun left Kunming, he asked his friend Cao Yu to take care of Yao. Unexpectedly, Cao and Yao had an affair.Soon Sun divorced Yao and fell in love with Shen Lu's daughter, who was almost 20 years younger than Sun. On a certain diplomatic occasion, the Japanese envoy made things difficult for Dr. Wang Chonghui: "What you represent is the Nanjing government of your country, or the Southwest government of your country?" Wang Xuxu replied: "The person I represent is the Chinese government recognized by your country." Another time, a European lady asked the king: "I heard that you Chinese people get married through a matchmaker. You don't know each other first. How can you be a husband and wife? You should be like us, from love to marriage, to be happy and happy." The king replied: "Our marriage is like a pot of water put on the stove. It turns from cold to hot, and then gradually boils. The husband and wife do not know each other at first, but their love grows stronger and stronger over time, so it is rare to see divorce. You are the opposite. Marriage is like a pot of boiling water, and it cools down after marriage, so you have so many divorce cases." Liang Shuming delivered a speech at a junior's wedding, to the effect that husband and wife should respect each other like a guest, he used himself as an example, pointed to his wife and said: "Like when I got married, I was very respectful to her, and she was very humble to me. Sometimes I stay up late at night because I am preparing for a lecture, and she also stays with me. If I always say thank you to make tea for me, she will be polite. Because respect is relative and balanced..." At this time, her wife He interrupted her with a loud voice: "What nonsense! No matter what you put into your mouth, it becomes philosophy!..." Liang was so embarrassed that he had to stop and go back to his seat. When Chen Xiangmei met Flying Tiger General Chennault, she was only nineteen years old, and the general was already fifty years old.Once her elder sister Chen Jingyi asked her: "He's very good, isn't he?" Chen Xiangmei said: "He deserves a better adjective than 'good'." "What's that word?" "Oh, like,' Great, maybe." That's how the love affair began. In 1957, Vice Minister of Culture Liu Zong asked Xin Fengxia to divorce her rightist husband Wu Zuguang, saying: "Wu Zuguang is a political villain."Xin Fengxia said: "You think he is a bad person, I think he is a good person, he is not bad to me."
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