Home Categories Essays As the saying goes: the most important collection of words in modern times
On March 21, 1938, Xiao Jun crossed the Yellow River alone, with a girdle on his back and a wooden stick in his hand, and walked for more than 20 days from Jixian County, Shanxi Province to Yan'an.This trip to Yan'an was just passing by. He originally planned to go to Wutai Mountain to fight guerrillas on the front line of the Anti-Japanese War.After Mao Zedong learned the news from Ding Ling, he wanted to meet Lu Xun's disciple very much, so he sent the Secretary of the Special Office and Pei Yuan to greet him.He Peiyuan proposed to arrange a time for him to meet Chairman Mao, but Xiao Jun politely declined: "No, he is very busy, and I will only stay for a week or two before leaving!"

After Yuan Shikai's death, Zhang Taiyan, who had been imprisoned by him for a long time, regained his freedom.But Zhang Taiyan suddenly lost his hatred for Yuan, and said Yuan's benefits to everyone he met: "Yuan Shikai is also a lovely person! When I pointed at his nose and scolded him back then, he turned a blind eye and remained indifferent. People nowadays, when they hear others behind their backs Talking about him makes people hate him to death, who dares to talk about him in person, let alone scold him in person." Hu Shi said in his persuasive letter to the Zhou brothers and Chen Yuan: I am a person who loves freedom—although others may laugh at liberalism as a relic of the nineteenth century—what I fear most is a suspicious, cruel , Intolerant society.I deeply feel that both sides of your pen battle contain a bit of intolerance, so it has unknowingly affected many young friends, implying that they are heading in the direction of cruelty and intolerance. This is the most regrettable.

Lu Xun said about intellectuals: They will never be satisfied with society, so what they feel will always be pain, and what they will see will always be shortcomings. Lu Xun was sensitive and never compromised.Two or three years before his death, the topic he talked about most with his friends was "Chinese-style fascism". He told people: "I have never seen such darkness in my life. There are so many cyber-secret dogs, and people are rewarded to be fascists." Wicked man, it's unbearable. You have to resist." But he whispered to his friend, "Unfortunately, I'm over 50."

Lu Xun once said that justice is on their side, so what does their justice have to do with us?And speaking of it this way, some people will stare at me angrily, because the masses belong to them, and comrades belong to them, so what do I have?Well, let's just say it doesn't concern me, so I become an individualist. In 1986, Wang Yao, who was in her later years, knew Lu Xun in this way: "Mr. Lu Xun is a real intellectual. What is an intellectual? He must first have knowledge; secondly, he is a 'element' and has independence. Otherwise, the element is not independent, and the intellectual It will also deteriorate."

Cheng Shewo said: If you want to enjoy freedom, you have to use actions to prove that you are worthy of the word freedom; if you want to enjoy freedom, you have to fight to the end with those forces that prevent you from being free. Zhang Shenfu was Zhou Enlai's party introducer and the first scholar to introduce Russell to China.He said to Shu Hengzhe in his later years: "I hope it is possible, I hope very much, we must talk frankly, because for me, the time to tell the truth is running out." He once said to his friends, "I suffer because I didn't write Here comes a big book."

In 1931, the "Middle School Students" magazine asked Lu Xun a question: "If there is a middle school student standing in front of you, sir, what will you say to him, and how will you work hard?" Lu Xun replied: "Please, sir, maybe I will answer you. That is: Do we have the freedom of speech now? If the husband says 'no', then I know that I will not blame me for keeping silent. If the husband actually uses the name of 'a middle school student is standing in front of you', you must force me to say something, So, I say: the first step is to fight for freedom of speech."

Under Luo Yifeng's arrangement, Zhang Yihe and Zhang Lifan contacted each other, and Zhang Bojun and Zhang Naiqi met in the living room of Kang Tongbi's house.This was the only time they met during the "Cultural Revolution", and it was also the last meeting of their lives.Zhang Bojun was dressed in old Chinese style silk cotton clothes and trousers.Li Jiansheng said: "I went to see Mr. Kang and Naiqi, and I didn't change my clothes." Zhang Bojun said: "The older the better, walking on the street so that people can't recognize me." Zhang Naiqi was wearing pure white Western shirt, gray sweater and suit pants, covered with a navy blue woolen coat.Zhang Yihe said, "Uncle Zhang, why do you still look like a chief?" Zhang Naiqi stood up while talking, held up his pipe and said, "Little Yu, this is not the appearance of a chief, but the appearance of a human being."

After the outbreak of the Southern Anhui Incident in early 1941, Xu En, the head of the Central Unification Secret Service, used his years of relationship with Zou Taofen in Nanyang Public School to invite him to a banquet.Zou Taofen immediately questioned: Based on your profession, do you know if I am a Communist Party or not?Xu En once replied: I have been monitoring you for several years, and no evidence of being a Communist Party has been found, but in today's world, "if you don't join the Kuomintang, you will be a Communist Party."Zou Taofen was angry and only said one sentence: "I am like this, let's see what you do!"

In early June 1942, the Yan'an Academia Sinica held a meeting to criticize Wang Shiwei, and Xiao Jun also participated.The venue was rather chaotic, and every time Wang Shiwei said a word, there was a burst of roars and reprimands... Xiao Jun sat at the back of the venue and couldn't hear what the people in front were saying.He became irritable, stood up and shouted: "Hey...let him talk, why don't you let him talk!" The meeting broke up unhappy.On the way home, Xiao Jun said angrily: "What the hell is this meeting, it's like a dog fighting to dump the potty, it doesn't look like the highest school!"

In order to preserve more valuable archways, glazed palace gates and other ancient buildings in the old capital, Mr. Liang fought with Comrade Wu Han who claimed to be a "reformist" at the enlarged State Council office meeting. I remember that Comrade Wu Han stood up once. Said: "You are old-fashioned. In the future, high-rise buildings will be built everywhere in Beijing. Wouldn't your archways and palace gates become chicken coops and bird houses surrounded by high-rise buildings? What cultural relic appreciation value can there be!" Liang was so angry. Mr. burst into tears on the spot.

Zhu Guangqian originally yearned for liberal values. He believed that since he was a liberal intellectual, he should not be organized.Because being organized requires abiding by common beliefs and disciplines, it is unavoidable that "parties agree to fight differences" and "whatever one likes". "I dare say that in the next 30 or even 50 years, the true public opinion in China will still be formed and expressed by a small number of outstanding liberal elements in society. If these people are forced to decline, the future of democratic politics may be Even slimmer." With the campaign to criticize Lin and Confucius, Wu Mi declared that "he would rather beheaded than criticize Confucius", and was labeled as "current counter-revolutionary". In 1978, Wu Mi was deported back to his hometown and lived with his elderly sister. He could no longer see, and his legs were disabled, and he was struggling to walk. The pain was so great that he was bedridden and comatose every day. His last The voice just shouted when I was thirsty and when I was hungry: "Give me water, I want to eat, I am Professor Wu Mi." As early as the "Great Leap Forward", at the State Council meeting to discuss whether the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River should be dammed and repaired, the participants were unanimous and advocated to start construction immediately, but Li Rui, the vice minister of the Ministry of Electric Power, was the only one who sang against it.Zhou Enlai immediately said: "It's good that someone said it was difficult." The case was shelved. In the late 1950s, Mao Zedong proposed the "eight-character agricultural constitution" of "soil, fertilizer, water, planting, density, security, management, and work".Yuan Longping, who was in technical secondary school at the time, said that the "eight-character constitution" lacked a word "time", and farming should not violate the farming time.As a result, it was characterized as opposing Chairman Mao, and it was fought to the death. On August 27, 1966, Qian Jiaju bought a bottle of Erguotou wine, took a bus to Xiangshan, and decided to commit suicide by jumping off a cliff at "Ghost Seeing Sorrow".As a result, he was discovered by the Red Guards in the middle of the mountain, and he was forced to go down the mountain. He jumped off a cliff on the way and was rescued without dying.He was picked up by a car sent by the Industrial and Commercial Bureau.After the family members learned about the suicide, the wife said in tears, "I was beaten to the ground by the Red Guards this time, and I didn't shed a single tear. I really cried when I heard you committed suicide. How could you die?" After you die, what shall we do? You still have an old mother, me, and children, how can you teach us how to live?" Qian Jiaju regretted it very much: "Originally, ants are greedy for life, and a person is extremely helpless. , who wants to die! I'm not a narrow-minded person. If it wasn't out of great grief and indignation, I would never have made such a bad decision. But during the 'Cultural Revolution', senior cadres who were forced to commit suicide, High-ranking intellectuals, famous professors, famous actors, famous doctors, famous writers, famous journalists, etc. are more than thousands. Among my close friends are Lao She, Jian Bozan and his wife, Fan Changjiang, Jin Zhonghua, Deng Tuo, Meng Qiujiang ... and others. Whoever has no parents, whoever has no brothers, whoever has no children, whoever has no relatives and friends, what crimes are they in life, and what guilt in death!" In August 1966, Zhang Naiqi was dragged to Wangfujing by a group of Red Guards to participate in the "collective beating" meeting. Because he refused to plead guilty and had a bad attitude, he was beaten to pieces, blood dripping, and no good flesh could be seen on his body.The Red Guards ransacked his house and beat his new wife, Wang Wangxiang, to death in front of his face.A tricycle driver saw that he was still breathing, so he dragged him into the cart and drove him home.Everyone who saw him said he would not survive three days.But Zhang Naiqi is indeed a tough guy, relying on qigong and willpower, he survived.None of the cadres from the Central Committee of the Democratic National Construction Association and the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce paid any attention to him or sympathized with him.It turned out that a driver from the grain department quietly placed a drawer of hot steamed buns at the door of his house every few days.That's how he got through. Gao Wenbin, 81 years old, used to be the translator of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East and the secretary of the Chinese prosecutor. At that time, he found evidence from the voluminous materials and sent two war criminals, Kenji Doihara and Seishiro Itagaki, who might have escaped the crime, to the court. Go to the gallows. After 1952, Mr. Gao was branded as a "counter-revolutionary". He built a levee on Poyang Lake. It took 28 years to repair it. He picked up soil dozens of times a day. He was rehabilitated in the early 1980s, and the relevant parties wanted to compensate him for his losses. He said: "The best time in my life, can I make up for it with money?" On October 23, 1974, Peng Dehuai knew he was going to die, and once again talked about the disposal of ashes to his niece Peng Gang. He held the hand of Peng Gang who was crying like a tearful man, and said with tears: "How much I miss Bury the ashes with my two younger brothers. But they are revolutionary martyrs, and I am a counter-revolutionary! I defiled them!" Bo Yang's young and middle-aged man had many misfortunes. He said in his later years: "I don't think I am the most suffering person in the world. The vast majority of Chinese people suffer more than me. This is a disaster for the nation and a disaster for the times. It is not a disaster of a certain person. Looking back at the time when the wind and sand came, I am much luckier than most Chinese people to survive these disasters, which makes me full of gratitude." Xu Fuguan said to Yin Haiguang: "In any case, the spirit of resistance you have shown is very precious in the long history of autocracy in China. This alone can make you immortal." Yin said: "I am not resisting , but beyond." In the darkest tunnel in the 1970s, in the last years of poverty and illness, Gu Zhun left such a last word with his incomparable firmness, profundity and wisdom-"There must be a pen, and a pen with blood as ink .” Li Zehou said: It seems to be thrown into this world by accident, a perceptual individual with no meaning at all, trying hard to obtain the meaning of his life, this meaning is not only to discover himself, but also to create and build a unique self that can only live once .Human life as an individual is so accidental, short and hard, but death is inevitable and easy.So man cannot be a tool, a means, man is an end in itself.
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