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Chapter 28 Twenty-eight repairs

There is a couplet of self-writing hanging in Xu Beihong's study room. The first couplet is "holding prejudice alone", and the second couplet is "doing one's own way".He also asked Qi Baishi to engrave a seal with the four characters "absurd and incomparable", or asked what he meant, he said: "Others see me as 'ridiculous', but I see myself as 'absurd'." Pu Yi imitated Liu Yuxi's "Humble Room Inscription" and wrote "Sanxi Tang Idiot". , the sun shines into the gauze. Writing and reading are joyful, and communication is loyal. You can look in the mirror and read "Sanxi". He laughed and said: "How can Taiping exist!"

After the failure of the Great Revolution, Chen Duxiu buried himself in philology, but stood outside the circle of struggle within the party.This attitude makes his enemies say that he despises them for pride, and disdains to fight them.Peng Shuzhi said that he maintained "Oriental political morality" and was not suitable for modern struggles. When Zhao Yuanren was young, he had a strong desire for knowledge, loved to do physics experiments, and loved sports. He kept a diary since junior high school.During his studies in Nanjing, he was once infected with bad habits: smoking, drinking, and masturbation.Once he realized these harms, he forced himself to eradicate them with strong perseverance, and often warned himself with the implication of his father's name: "Yuan Ren, there is a heavy responsibility and a long way to go."

Hu Shi wrote such a passage when he went to his mother's funeral: "The 'small self' will perish, and the 'big self' will never die. The 'small self' is mortal, and the 'big self' will never die. Immortal. Although the "small self" will die, all the actions of each "small self", all merits and sins, all words and deeds, no matter good or evil, will remain in that "big self" forever. That' "Big self" is the memorial monument of all "small self" in the past and present, Zhangshan Temple, and the verdict of guilt."

Chiang Kai-shek turned Hu Shilian: "A model of old morality in new culture, a teacher of new ideas in old ethics." On October 19, 1942, Yan'an held a meeting commemorating the sixth anniversary of Lu Xun's death with more than 2,000 people. At the meeting, Xiao Jun read out his "Memorandum" on Wang Shiwei's issues, which caused dissatisfaction among participating writers.Zhou Yang, Ding Ling, Liu Baiyu and others debated with Xiao Jun on the rostrum on the spot. Xiao Jun fought with the Confucians, and the debate became more and more intense.The debate lasted from evening to late at night. Seeing the stalemate between the two sides, Wu Yuzhang, the chairman of the conference, stood up and said, "Comrade Xiao Jun is a good friend of our Communist Party. There must be something wrong with our methods that made Comrade Xiao Jun so angry! Everyone should focus on unity, and we should review and review what is wrong with us!" Xiao Jun said: "Old Wu's words made me calm, so let me review first, ninety-nine percent of it is my fault, okay. Can’t you? What about one percent? Think about it, are you right?” Ding Ling immediately said: “This one percent is very important! We are not wrong at all, and it is 100% your fault. You have friends all over the world, your friend is equal to 'a drop in nine cows', it doesn't matter if you have one or not!" Xiao Jun became angry: "In this case, even if you have friends all over the world, I don't want this 'one drop' to be attached to a 'bull'. From now on, let's pull, egg, and dump!" Xiao Jun walked away after finishing speaking.

Gu Jiegang said: "It is as difficult for me to worship a person blindly as it is for me to reprimand a servant." In the autumn of 1941, Xie Wuliang, a close friend of Ma Yifu, visited Ma Yifu at Fuxing Academy in Leshan, Sichuan.One day, Ma Yifu notified the scholars of the academy to meet Mr. Xie at Eryatai, and asked Mr. Xie to give lectures to all students. Zhang Dejun, Ma Yifu's student, was arrogant and conceited. He wanted to test Mr. Xie's knowledge. He first asked, "What is ignorance?" Wuliang smiled and did not answer.Ma Yifu felt that Zhang Sheng's question was out of a desire to win, and he had to analyze it, but Mr. Xie replied, "Your thought is ignorance. Why don't you look at it yourself." Zhang Sheng turned pale with embarrassment.All the students present here are all restrained.

In the 1950s, during the thought reform movement, Feng Youlan reviewed and explained many times, and even went to the point of going online to say nothing, but the host just refused to let him pass.Since Jin Yuelin had nothing to do with politics, he passed the test quickly in the movement, and was soon regarded as an activist. The organization asked him to go to Feng's house to do work to promote the transformation of Feng's family.As soon as he entered the door, Jin Yuelin said loudly: "Zhisheng, what have you done to the people, you have to explain it thoroughly." As he spoke, he rushed forward and cried with Feng Youlan.

Feng Youlan's longevity has attracted the interest of some health magazines. When people asked him the secret of his longevity, he could only tell him "don't... worry... hurry". Before his death, Chen Guofu summed up his life and believed that he had mainly accomplished the following points: he had lived in a prosperous city for many years, and had never entered brothels, dance halls, casinos, etc., for boring entertainment; he never took money as his personal property or managed it for money , On the contrary, the less you love money; you have never been obsessed with books, or you are self-satisfied; you manage personnel affairs without teasing others, and you are not selfish, let alone using your own personal interests; The idea of ​​retaining the position and the plan of advancing; always maintain the true nature of the common people; close to commercial work, do not do business by yourself, and do not discuss self-interest with others; do not think about planting the party when doing party affairs, and the same is true for education; getting rid of troubles when you are sick, Always be optimistic and enterprising.

At the beginning of 1950, Xu Fuguan, a representative of New Confucianism, was running the "Democracy Review" in Hong Kong. Hu Lancheng came to see him, claiming to be a student of Liang Shuming.Hu Neng was kind, and Xu Juzhen thought he was Liang's student, so he took care of his life, and even helped him smuggle travel expenses to Japan at his request.In May of this year, Xu Ye went to Japan to live with him, and only then did he realize that he and Liang were just acquainted.Xu Fuguan said in a conversation: "According to my experience, anyone who has a big disadvantage will do everything."

Lin Yutang said: "I have never written a line of articles to please the authorities or seek the admiration of the authorities. I have never said anything to please anyone; I don't even have that idea at all." "I have never succeeded, I have never been comfortable nor complacent; I have never looked in the mirror without feeling numb with shame.  … I thought I was as virtuous as anyone else, and I thought God could love me as my mother loved me He will not send me to hell either. If people like me don’t go to heaven, it’s no wonder this earth doesn’t suffer.” Feng Youlan was drawn into the "Gang of Four" writing group "Liang Xiao".It is said that after the "Cultural Revolution" ended, Feng's wife blamed him, saying: "It's almost dawn, and I even peed on the kang!" He and Feng Youlan were raised as negative teaching materials.As a result, the two were released from the cowshed, given 120 yuan a month for living expenses, and reassigned to a more spacious house.But soon Jian Bozan committed suicide together with his wife.

Zhang Junmai's political stance was erratic, and he alternately opposed and supported both the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. After 1949, the Taiwan authorities tried their best to win him over, but he was unmoved. Although his life was difficult, he refused to take anything.The CCP also commissioned Chen Shutong to invite him to return to China, but he also declined.When he was giving lectures in India, Zhou Enlai sent Zhang Jingwu to visit him, but he didn’t see him, so he asked someone to bring a message: “I live in the house of the British imperialists, so don’t bother!” During the "Cultural Revolution", only the books of Marxism-Leninism could be read, and Qian Zhongshu had to read the German version of the letters of Marxism-Leninism.He told Xia Zhiqing that he had discovered something about Engels' sex life.

Ba Jin later reflected and said: "Before the arrival of the 'Cultural Revolution', I was indeed dawdling like this. I used a confusing word because I was only talking empty words but not doing real things. One meeting after another could not be finished, book after book Endless notes, one after another, endless manuscripts of nonsense." In 1978, Cheng Qianfan was rehabilitated, and both inside and outside the academic circle regarded him as a guest of honor.Cheng Qianfan was very sober.In a letter to a friend, he said: "There are too many things in the state affairs nowadays, not just a certain school... I have always hoped for immunity for decades, but what about personal immunity. It is shameful to be alone. and also." At that time, it was popular among scholars to compete for professional titles, and Cheng Qianfan satirized it as "the real Wu Daozi painted pictures of ghosts" - "there are various forms in it, if you don't get involved, you can enjoy reading "Dead Souls"." ——Mo Lifeng's "Critical Biography of Cheng Qianfan" Yu Xingwu said: "Among scholars, I am rich; among rich people, I am learned." In the early days of the "Cultural Revolution", before Sun Yefang was imprisoned, he lived in a cowshed with Gu Zhun and worked together in a labor camp.Gu Zhun said to Sun Yefang: "Anyway, I have suffered so much, so I don't want to hurt you anymore. There is no blood on my hands." At the turn of the century, the honor and disgrace of the longevity.Centenarians in the Shanghai literary world include Zhang Kebiao, Ba Jin, Shi Zhecun and others.Once Li Oufan visited Shi Zhecun and talked about celebrating his 100th birthday, Shi said: "What is the meaning of being 100 years old to me?" "I am a person of the 20th century, my era has passed!" Chen Baichen once said: "It's a pity that I'm not dead, it's too late to see my writing." Bei Dao said: "In an era without heroes, I just want to be a person." The first draft of "Ji Xianlin Collected Works Preface" edited by his disciples contained a bunch of words such as "Master of Chinese Studies", "National Treasure Level Scholar", "The Only Lifelong Professor of Peking University". After reading it, Mr. Ji asked to delete it and said: "The real master is Wang Guowei, Chen Yinke, Wu Mi, what kind of master am I? I was born late, and I cannot look up to the masters. I am just a miscellaneous family, a miscellaneous soldier, but born later and living longer. The professor is true, but don't mention "the only one". The liberal arts is the only one, and what about the sciences? It is the only one now, and what about the future? Except for some of the things I wrote, which have a certain academic weight, essays and essays It's just pediatrics, how can it be called a 'home'? Outsiders say this because they don't understand it, and you are my students, so you should understand it. This is not modesty, but seeking truth from facts." Xia Chengtao's style name is Qu Chan, and his name is Yuelunzhuzhu.His favorite student and famous writer Qi Jun once asked him what the meaning of "Qu Chan" was. He said: "There is no special meaning, just because I am thin, my eyes are Qu Qu, and I am surprised by everything. As for Zen, however, is not discussed, and once it is discussed, it is not Zen. In fact, Zen is not necessarily the Dharma. Zen is in the books of sages, in poems, and in daily life. Master Huihai said, "Eat when you are hungry and sleep when you are sleepy." ’, isn’t it everyday life?” ——Qi Jun "Spring Breeze Turns into Rain" Yin Haiguang said to Chen Guying: "It's really not easy for people to understand each other when they get along. For five years, I always thought you were a son-in-law type of person, so I hated you when I saw you. Many people scolded you behind your back, There are also many people who admire you. You are like a wild horse, and you are a very unknown person. It is only after talking with you that you realize that there is an indescribable energy in your heart! Your unruly attitude comes from your I can smell a bit of the literati of the May Fourth era. Today's intellectuals are either reduced to cheerleaders or moths. There are too few mavericks. Under the great shock of the times, a scene of late autumn, As soon as the cool wind blows, the fallen leaves all over the tree flutter down one after another. There are only three or two Ao Shuang leaves on the branches, trembling in the cold wind. There are too few intellectuals with style and bones! Like Mr. Fang Dongmei, It is one of the proud frost leaves." Xia Mianzun described Master Hongyi in this way: For him, there is nothing bad in the world, everything is good, the small hotel is good, the steerage is good, the hanging bag is good, the dusty mat is good, the worn towel is good, the cabbage is good, the radish (radish) is good, the salty and bitter Vegetables are good, running is good, everything has flavor, and nothing is great.
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