Home Categories Essays As the saying goes: the most important collection of words in modern times
Yin Haiguang said: "Growing up in such an era, an intellectual like me can be said to be extremely valuable or extremely worthless. As far as pure academics are concerned, I am quite incompetent and have made no contribution at all. As far as the process of thinking is concerned, I surpassed Hu Shi by at least one hundred years, surpassed Tang (Jun Yi) Mou (Zongsan) by at least three hundred years, and surpassed Qian Mu by at least five hundred years. I know the process very well. .These intellectuals are trying to go backwards under various guises, and only I am still moving forward.” Wang Kaiyun was 80 years old. At the invitation of Yuan Shikai, he served as the curator of the National History Museum. He passed through Wuhan on his way to Beijing. Duan Qirui came to visit and asked for advice.Wang said: "The easiest thing in the world is to be an official. If a person can't be an official, he is useless. In the past, I was in the prime of life, and there were many important things to do. Now I am old and useless, so I have to be an official. .”

Wang Kaiyun said: The study of fame and fame is to study for fame and fame. Fame is the ultimate goal of entering the palace. Learning is just a stepping stone. From this learning, there is no need to delve into the essence of sages and sages, and you don’t have to practice the truth of being a person. Once you get fame, you will lose all bricks and stones. , just follow the unspoken rules of the power field. Yan Fu has a unique view and often acts in an abnormal way.When Yuan Shikai was a minister in Zhili, he wrote to invite him to enter the curtain. He scolded: "What are you, enough to recruit me!" "Self-destructive pillars".When it came to the Hongxian monarchy, Yang Du recruited him to join the Chou Anhui. He said disapprovingly: "National affairs are not the same thing, how can they change again and again?" After the failure of the Hongxian monarchy, the whole country condemned Yuan Shikai, and he said: " Without Yuan Shikai, there is no way to maintain the endgame."

Kang Youwei claimed to be the "religious leader" and said, "In less than ten years, there will be a talisman."Zhang Taiyan sneered and said: "What is there for Kang! Is he worthy of being Shaozhengmao and Lu Huiqing? Talking nonsense, but Li Zhuowu's kind!" In order to cause a new literary war, Liu Bannong changed his name to Wang Jingxuan, and directly denounced the faults of "New Youth", which aroused the sympathy of many people.For these new doubts, Qian Xuantong and Chen Duxiu just scolded them.Hu Shi thought it was not in line with the spirit of democratic debate, and Chen Duxiu said: "I don't bother to argue, I just scold."

During the "May 4th Movement", there were rumors in the society that Fu Sinian and Luo Jialun were bought by the Anfu Club. Hu Shi contemptuously wrote an article "He is also worthy", saying: "What is the Ministry of Anfu? He is also worthy to buy these two noble people." youth!" After Yang Du met Sun Yat-sen for the first time, he said with emotion to others: "Talk with me all day long, the abyss is like the sound of a high mountain, and the bark is like a wave of a thousand hectares. Your words are honest and magnanimous. If you succeed in the future, you should be here." man, I may be his arm!"

When Zhang Taiyan saw Chen Huan for the first time, he was shocked and said: "The number one person in China, the number one person in China, he must be the one who will die in the Republic of China in the future." In the early years of the Republic of China, Yuan Shikai was in Beijing and Huang Xing was in Nanjing. , Li Yuanhong in Wuhan, has become a three-legged confrontation.Chen Huan made use of his good interpersonal relationship with Nanjing and Wuhan to offer advice to Yuan Shikai, which enabled Yuan to eliminate these two powerful enemies and cleared the obstacles for the Hongxian monarchy. Sichuan Warlord.After Zhang Taiyan's death, Chen Huan said to people: "From now on, people who don't know me in the world, Taiyan knows me, and I also know Taiyan. Lu Jianzhang said that Taiyan wrote an article, which is better than a hundred thousand soldiers. This is against Taiyan. I think that one word of Taiyan is enough to determine the safety of the world!"

When Zhang Taiyan was running Minbao in Tokyo, Chen Duxiu visited him.Zhang's disciples Qian Xuantong and Huang Kan were present, and when they heard the visitor, they had to hide in the next room.The host and the guest talked about the development of Sinology in the Qing Dynasty, and listed Dai, Duan, and Wang, most of whom came from Anhui and Jiangsu. Somehow, Chen Duxiu suddenly mentioned Hubei, saying that there were no great scholars there, and the host also said perfunctorily: Yes. , no one came out.At this time, Huang Kan said loudly from the next door: "Although there are no scholars in Hubei, this may not be a mere trifle; although there are many scholars in Anhui, this may not be a single step."

Tagore and Gu Hongming were nominated for the Nobel Prize together, and Tagore won, but Gu Hongming always looked down on him.When Tagore visited China, scholars enthusiastically welcomed him, but Gu Hongming thanked them behind closed doors.He thought that Tagore did not understand, so he did not understand the subtleties of oriental culture, so it would be better to go back to India to sort out the collection of poems. The British writer Somerset Maugham visited Gu Hongming and deeply regretted that some Chinese classics could not be translated into Western languages.Gu Hongming replied: "The "Four Books", which represent the essence of Chinese culture, already had a foreign language translation one or two hundred years ago." Maugham didn't believe it, so Gu Hongming made an appointment to show it to him in three days.Next, Gu Hongming spent three days translating the "Four Books" in English, French and German.

When Hu Shi returned to China, he was full of youthful vigor, high-spirited and arrogant.Gu Hongming believed that Hu Shi held middle and lower class English in the United States, and he did not understand Greek and German, so he must not have a glimpse of the profoundness of Western ancient and modern philosophy. Hu Shih sent the first volume of his new work "Outline of the History of Philosophy" to Zhang Taiyan. According to the new punctuation marks, a black line was drawn next to the word "Taiyan".Zhang Taiyan said angrily: "What is Hu Shi, dare to put a black line next to my name." Seeing that there is also a black line next to the word "Hu Shi" inscribed below, he felt relieved and said: "That's all, it's considered to be offset. !"

Liu Wendian is good at governance, and there are ten volumes of Zhuangzi Buzheng, for which Chen Yinke wrote the preface.He is very conceited about this. Someone asked him about the gains and losses of ancient and modern governance. He said: "In China, there are only two people who really understand, one is Zhuang Zhou, and the other is Liu Wendian." When you start a lecture, you must first say: "Well, I don't understand, and no one understands!" Wu Mi also often goes to listen, and always sits in the last row.When Liu talked about how he thought he was alone, he would always look up at the back row and ask, "What do you think, Brother Yuseng?" Wu Mi would definitely stand up and say respectfully, "It's a great idea, a great idea!"

When the Japanese army attacked Kunming, the alarm sounded and everyone ran away. Liu Wendian saw that Shen Congwen was also running away in a hurry, so he said to people angrily: "I ran the alarm for Zhuangzi, because only I can tell, who is Shen Congwen running for?" Ah?" Zhang Shizhao believes that Kang Youwei's articles are often exaggerated, which is due to his nature and political effects.He thought that "the poems and essays in the South China Sea owe the merits of washing and cutting. Wherever the pen is raised, it pours out of the river and the gorge; where it barely takes advantage of the rhyme, it is often eaten alive and has no time to chew. It is impossible to reach a sincere point of view with poetry." Fine print."

Hu Shi had a very close relationship with Chen Duxiu, either talking freely or arguing.Once there was a heated argument, Chen Duxiu asked: "Shizhi, don't you even recognize imperialism?" Hu Shi got angry and said: "Zhongfu, how can there be imperialism! How can there be imperialism!" Picking up his crutches, he stood on the floor After a few clicks, he left.And when he reviewed himself, he admired Chen Duxiu's spirit of hard work. He said that he "can't be as hardworking as Duxiu on the one hand, and not as reckless as Shuming on the other hand, so I am very ashamed." Compared with the spirits of the two, he himself seemed much weaker. When Huang Kan went to teach at CUHK, he was still respected at first. Later, Zhu Liu became the principal first. Zhu was a secret of the party and the state, so he had no time to be polite to him.The Department of Chinese Literature repeatedly tried to persuade him to stay, but Zhu himself went out to persuade him to stay, but he still refused, and wrote to his students: "...but I have already asked for my resignation before, and I have asked you to stay behind. How to take it? 'Shen Er worries about traveling, Mian Er seeks to think', all living beings love me, and should chant for me." In 1930, Chen Duxiu was poor and unable to support himself, but he was extremely full of energy.He said to Zheng Chaolin: "I seem to return to the beginning of the 'May 4th' founding of the party, and my energy is boundless." In 1944, the Chinese Literature Society of Southwest Associated University held the "May 4th" Cultural Evening.At the end of the party, Chairman Luo Changpei announced: "Today the finale is Mr. Yang Jinfu, and Mr. Yang will go to the United States to give lectures." After Yang Jinfu finished speaking, Wen Yiduo went on stage and said, "Today the finale is not Mr. Yang, but me! I have studied Chinese literature for twenty years, and my purpose is to destroy this feudal spiritual fortress!" Sun Chuanfang, the commander-in-chief of the five provinces, pays homage to Ma Yifu, but Ma Yifu is missing.Ma's family suggested: "You can say that you are not at home." Ma said: "Tell him, if you are at home, you just don't see him!" Cao Juren gave a speech in Nanshe, talking about the relationship between Nanshe and the Revolution of 1911, he believed that the Revolution of 1911 was a political movement with a strong romantic atmosphere, the poets in Nanshe were poets with the atmosphere of Gong Zizhen, and Lin Gengbai was the living Gong Zizhen.Liu Yazi thought so deeply.But Lin Gengbai was very dissatisfied. He said: "I don't have Li Du in my mind, let alone Gong Zizhen!" He once said: "Ten years ago, Zheng Xiaoxu was the first and I was the second. If you come now Look, then I am the first, Du Fu is the second, and Zheng Xiaoxu is still out of the question." During the Anti-Japanese War, Ma Yinchu often delivered fierce speeches, attacking the government's corruption.Chiang Kai-shek summoned him to question him, and he said: "There is no need for civil servants to meet military officials. If they meet, they will quarrel, which is useless! Besides, I gave him a lecture before. He is my student. Students should come to see the teacher." There is no reason for a teacher to go to see the students!" When Chiang Kai-shek knew about it, he said to others: "I invited him here to discuss economic issues, and he can come any time when he has time in the future!" Qian Zhongshu once criticized Chen Yinke for being too "trivial" in front of Yu Yingshi and others, referring to the section in the "Yuanbai Poems and Notes" on whether Yang Guifei entered the palace with a "virgin".Yu suddenly felt that Qian Zhongshu had reservations about Chen Yinke's knowledge.Yu wanted to say that Chen's textual research was to prove Zhu Zi's big argument that "the source of the Tang Dynasty came from barbarians, so things that were impolite in the boudoir are not different", and it could not be regarded as "trivial". As a guest at home, Yu could not say this sentence in public anyway. On Christmas Day 1941, Japanese troops invaded Hong Kong.After a life-and-death struggle, Liang Shuming finally escaped from the tiger's mouth.He sailed up the Xijiang River and entered Guangxi.After safely arriving in the Kuomintang-controlled area, he wrote in a letter to his son: "Predecessors say: 'Inherit knowledge for the past saints, and create peace for all generations'. This is exactly the mission of my life. If the book is to be written, I can die, but now I can’t die. In addition, the overall situation of China and the work of building a country in the future will also need me, so I can’t die. If I die, the world will change color, and history will change. That is unimaginable, and it will never happen." This remark was ridiculed by many people including Xiong Shili, but Liang Shuming replied to his friend: "There will be madness, but there will be no madness." and also." When the Communist Party of China held its first literary conference after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, Nie Gannu and Lou Shiyi attended as representatives of the Hong Kong region.Before the end of the meeting, they were notified that a certain head of state had an interview at the Beijing Hotel.When it was time to leave, Nie Gannu was still lying on the bed, and Lou called him repeatedly to no avail, so he had to take off his quilt.He sat up, opened his sleepy eyes and said, "If you want to go, you go." "The appointed time has come." "I don't care about that, I still have to sleep." After speaking, he got into bed and fell asleep again. up.Lou had to go to see the chief alone, and had to find some excuses for Nie Gannu. After the "Lei Zhen Case", Yin Haiguang often remained silent in public, and when he saw some old friends, his face also showed "indifference".Fu Lecheng once talked about the "Lei Zhen Case" with him, and Yin Haiguang only said: "What happened!" At this time, his mood was the same as that of Li Bai's poem in the cold night at Southwest Associated University: "I draw my sword and look around in a daze", quite desperate.Later, when Yin Haiguang fell ill, Fu Lecheng and Du Weiyun went to the hospital to see him, "He just smiled and didn't say a word; then Du Weiyun also approached him, with the same attitude, which made us very embarrassed." Leaving the hospital, Fu Lecheng said helplessly to Du Weiyun. Said: "Do you think he looks like Socrates?" Qian Zhongshu refused to be interviewed by the press. His famous saying is: "If you eat an egg and think it tastes good, that's all right. Why do you need to see what the chicken that lays the egg looks like?" He also never celebrates birthdays.When he was about to celebrate his 80th birthday, the phone at home broke out.Scholars and generals, relatives and friends, government agencies and organizations wanted to congratulate him one after another, and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences where he worked was planning to hold a commemorative meeting or academic symposium for him, but Qian insisted on resigning.For this kind of activities, he has already said: "Don't spend some money that is not clear, find some people who are not three, and say something that doesn't hurt." Qian Zhongshu is notorious for never attending any conferences after he became famous, and he also refused to be named for all kinds of societies that have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.Yang Jiang was awarded a grand prize by the Spanish government for her translation of "Don Quixote". The Spanish embassy in China invited her, but she declined the first ambassador's invitation; the second ambassador sent a formal written invitation, and she officially She declined in writing; the third ambassador invited Ma Hong through the former president of the Academy of Social Sciences, so she couldn't refuse.Qian Zhongshu said proudly: "The three ambassadors asked her to move!"
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