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Chapter 24 twenty-four for politics

Ding Wenjiang said in the article "The Responsibility of the Minority": The chaos in our Chinese politics is not because of the naivety of the people, not because of the corruption of the political bureaucracy, not because of the arbitrariness of the military and warlords, but because the "minority" has no sense of responsibility and has no sense of responsibility. Ability to be responsible.As long as there are a few people who have the determination to never turn back, the courage to go over mountains and seas, not only have knowledge but also ability, not only have morality but also want to do business, once the atmosphere is opened, the spirit will change.As long as the few among the few, the excellent among the excellent, refuse to stand still, there will be nothing to worry about in the world.The most frightening thing is that knowledgeable and moral people refuse to work hard in politics.

Cixi did not dislike the new law. She had read Kang Youwei's "Poland Partition and Destruction" and was very moved by it.However, the cause of political reform has increasingly evolved into a dispute between the emperor and empress, which has violated the big taboo of politicians, and the coup d'état is inevitable.Afterwards, Cixi said: "Kang Youwei wants to reform, why didn't you come to me?" Li Hongzhang signed contracts to cede too many lands, and public resentment boiled over. His niece and son-in-law Kuai Guangdian defended him: "It is common for Western European countries to cede and sell land. For example, France sold the seven provinces of the Mississippi River to the United States, and Russia sold Alaska. It was added to the United States, and Germany ceded the Rhine River to France until the Franco-Prussian War and took it back. If the country can strengthen itself, it can regain the lost land; if it does not seek self-reliance, even though it has land, it must be divided up.”

Bismarck euphemistically stated that Li Hongzhang could only fight civil wars, and Li Hongzhang sighed: "Working with women and children is a last resort." Li Hongzhang said: "I have been doing things all my life, including military training and the navy. They are all paper tigers. How can I really let go of them? But they are barely painted, and they are ostentatious. If they don't expose them, they can still be perfunctory for a while." Wang Kaiyun talked about the study of emperors, "Based on Confucian classics, with historiography as the main body, pre-Qin scholars as branches, Han and Wei poetry as leaves, mastering the way of Confucius and Mencius, reaching the opportunity of Sun Wu, knowing astronomy from the top, geography from the bottom, and integrating everything from ancient times to the present. Combining true talents with practical learning, and then climbing famous mountains and great rivers with magnificence, interviewing the sufferings of the people to enrich one's mind, uniting with the heroes of the world as support, and uniting with princes and nobles to communicate with each other... At this time, you have the ability to do great things. Then, you can take it easy Fame comes from official career background, toilet body corridor temple, offering great plans to move the ninefold, making grand theories to reach the heavens, participating in political affairs, assisting the emperor, being a generation of virtuous ministers, and building great achievements for thousands of years; , Write a clever strategy, take advantage of the right time, take advantage of the geographical advantages, attract people's hearts, unite the strength of the crowd, and do a very great cause, with the commoner as the minister, and the scholar can be named a prince, the name will shake the world, and the achievements will go down in history." (See Tang Haoming)

Wang Hu, a famous official in the late Qing Dynasty, also known as Tieshan, was born in Zhili. He was an official in Daotai in the Qing Dynasty.In the second year of the Republic of China, Feng Guozhang, the governor of Zhili Province, invited him to come out of the mountain. He offered to be downgraded to be the magistrate of Xiong County, but Feng had no choice but to agree.As usual, Wang paid homage to the chiefs of various agencies. When he met Yang Yide, the chief of the police department, Yang saw his name card and said very unhappy: "There is a Hanlin Wang Hu in Dingzhou who is admired by everyone. You are also from Dingzhou, don't you?" Don’t you know? Why did you choose the same name as him?” Wang slowly replied: “There is only one Wang Tieshan in Dingzhou, there is no second one!” Yang Yide stood up in surprise and said, “Could it be that you are Brother Tie? "Wang replied: "Yes!" Yang stayed for a long time and said: "This is too condescending!" His administration is vigorous and vigorous, and he is a rare "heterogeneous" in modern official circles. Some people commented that he is "China's Don Quixote".

Kang Youwei restored Zhang Xun from Zhang Xun, and Liang Qichao attacked Zhang Xun from Duan Qirui.Someone asked Liang Qichao: "My son throws a pen into the army, and if he is strong, he will be strong. In the past, Yugong used his son to wash children, and he couldn't bear to use his master's way to rebel against his master. Today, I have my teacher Mr. Su (Kang Youwei) assist the new dynasty. My son denounces the crimes of the restorationists." I don’t leave any room for it, and I don’t know how the teacher feels.” Liang Qichao replied: “Although the friendship between the teacher and the younger brother exists, the political views have long been different, and I can’t fall into the same mud with my teacher.”

In 1921, "Efforts" weekly magazine published an article drafted by Hu Shi, led by Cai Yuanpei, and signed by 14 people including Li Dazhao, Tao Xingzhi, Tang Erhe, Wang Chonghui, Luo Wengan, Gao Yihan, calling for "good government doctrine".The following year, Wu Peifu supported Wang Chonghui to form a cabinet, and Luo Wenqian, Tang Erhe and others joined the cabinet. The current government is called "a government of good people".But this "good man government" lasted only 73 days before stepping down. Kang Youwei wrote to the emperor of the Qing Dynasty many times, and he once specifically invited the system bureau to discuss and implement the new policy, and please schedule the opening of the meeting.In the sixth month of the reform, the representative asked for a constitution and opened a parliament to support the reform in the Spring and Autumn Period, which directly stated the meaning of "our country is an autocratic regime, one monarch and several ministers govern the country together, and the country is not weak".It is said that the court disagreed at the time, but Guangxu decided to do it.University scholar Sun Jianai remonstrated: "If there is a parliament, the people have power but the monarch has no power." Guangxu replied: "I only want to save the ears of China. If I can save the people, why don't I have no rights?"

Hu Shi likes to talk about politics. He once stood on the side of the warlords and slandered the Kuomintang, which aroused dissatisfaction among public opinion and young students. Zhang Nanxian, a veteran Kuomintang member, criticized him and said: "The warlords are rampant, and politicians are required to correct them; Scholars correct it; if scholars add it again, the suffering people of our country will never have peace.” The warlords and the Beiyang government were also not interested in him, and Bai Jianwu, Wu Peifu’s military adviser, warned him: “I am a personal friend. Qualifications, I hope you will be more cautious and improve your speech in the future." Tang Erhe, who was the Minister of Education in the Beiyang government, also persuaded him as a friend: "I advise you not to talk about politics. I read your article in the past. The current commentary also seemed to make sense. When I went to the government to check, it turned out that it was not the same thing at all! Almost none of what you said scratched the itch. You said it was a world, but we walked in another world. One world. So I advise you not to talk about politics."

In the 1920s, Lin Yutang was moved when he heard Chen Youren's English. He joined the revolutionary government in Hankou and served as the secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. After four months, he abandoned politics. He is a herbivore, not a carnivore, and he is good at governing himself, not others." He once wrote: "For myself, to follow my nature is to be in heaven." Chen Duxiu said: "Now is the era of national revolution, not the era of proletarian revolution and dictatorship, so not only the bourgeoisie must have democratic politics, but the proletariat must also have democratic politics, and it is even more urgent."

Chen Duxiu said: "In terms of administration, a benevolent government is better than a tyrannical government. In terms of politics, a benevolent government that damages the self-government personality of the people is no different from a tyrannical government." During the Anti-Japanese War, Chiang Kai-shek asked Ma Yifu for advice on how to govern the country. Ma said: "Only sincerity can move people, only emptiness can touch things." Jiang Wenzhi was stunned. Jiang Tingfu asked Ding Wenjiang: "What good results will these people get out of politics?" Ding Wenjiang replied: "Tingfu, you don't understand soldiers, and you have no right to blame them. I know them, and many of them are my friends. I can Let me tell you, if any of them had your education, they would certainly be able to, and definitely contribute more to the country than you."

After the September 18th Incident, there was a great wave of students, and there was an endless stream of students going to Nanjing to petition.Chen Bulei wrote the "National Government's Letter to Students" for Chiang Kai-shek. In the article, he wrote: "If you can fight but don't fight, it is a crime for the government to destroy the country. If you can't fight, it is also a crime for the government to destroy the country. " In the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, the national army was defeated like a mountain. Chiang Kai-shek said: "In the past when we unified Guangdong, Guangxi and the Northern Expedition, we were able to attack the masses with a few, and one was ten because the officers and soldiers had the revolutionary spirit of not being greedy for money and not afraid of death. During the Anti-Japanese War, many troops Generally speaking, they can still maintain this traditional spirit and fight bravely. However, after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, many troops completely lost this spirit. Business, buying real estate, lusting after women, being extravagant and lustful, corrupt and depraved, making the top and bottom separate, and the army has no fighting spirit, this is the root cause of our military failure!"

Chen Gongbo has a wonderful comment about being an official: "Politicians in the opposition are easy to curse, just like a daughter in her natal family. Urine and feces are unclean, and they will pass through the nose. When a politician becomes an official, it is like a daughter-in-law who is out of the cabinet. In the embroidery room and under the quilt, I cried to my husband and son-in-law. My body is gradually not as good as before, my breasts can be shown, the buttons don’t have to be fastened, and the child shit on the table, but luckily I used the rice bowl to cover it.” In 1950, the East China Bureau planned to build an air force sanatorium in Hangzhou, and the tomb of Chen Sanli happened to be within the plan.After hearing the news, Chen Yi stopped the matter. He said, "If we dig up all of Chen Sanli's tombs, how can the Communist Party thank the world?" At the end of the 1940s, the national government employed Weng Wenhao and other scholars and experts. At that time, the Executive Yuan was full of talents, and people at that time were known as the "Cabinet of Talents".But these talents are just chatting at work, and have nothing to do.A scholar who experienced the situation wrote to a friend and said: "These are the two most talented people in China. Why don't they go to a school or research room? Why should they be trapped under the hands of a completely selfish Song Ziwen, Chatting?" Economist He Lian still couldn't suppress his grief and indignation when he recalled later: "Although Weng Wenhao and I both held high positions in the government, compared with the 'inner group', we are still outsiders after all. We are not part of the government. Insiders, not members of the party, we are just government 'decorations'! We have never been able to figure out what is going on behind the scenes." He said: "My years in the government were completely wasted !" Chen Bulei persuaded Xu Zhucheng to become an official and join the Kuomintang.Xu said: "Joining a political organization means that a woman decides to choose a partner. This is a lifelong event. I am not interested in politics, and I would like to be celibate." On the eve of the Anti-Japanese War, Wang Yunsheng once said in an article: "Mr. Fu Mengzhen once said to me that he wanted to write a 'On Chinese Bureaucracy'. He said that China has always been treated as a concubine, and the bureaucratic style is the style of the concubine. The outlook on life of bureaucrats: try to flatter their masters, flatter and favor them; for their peers, crowd them out and be jealous; I agree, so I included it in the article.Wang said: "This truth is explained vividly. This bureaucratic theory has indeed dominated most of the personnel relations in Chinese history." Ding Wenjiang has a cordial understanding of the high relevance of politics to various undertakings through frequent field investigations and the practice of improving academic administration.In a conversation with Ding, Li Ji was told clearly: "You always ask me why I am so attached to political issues, and why I don't concentrate on doing scientific work. You see, scientific work cannot be advanced if politics is not clarified. , we must first create an environment, and then scientific work can take root in China.” Since the development of science is inseparable from politics, activists like Ding Wenjiang naturally have a reason to work hard to ask about politics. Zhang Yinlin graduated from Tsinghua University, the "preparatory course for studying in the United States". He studied philosophy in the United States and became a professor at a famous school when he returned to China. However, Zhang wanted to write an "Ode to the Collection of Southern Tune and North Tune", praising Lu Xun as "the most humane literati in China today".Zhang Yinlin's political discussions were based on "Fabian-style socialism" (in the words of his friend philosopher He Lin), and he was partial to improvement and gradual progress; Immediately wrote an essay to mourn: "Is there anyone in the world who wants to use the power of tongue, pen and ink to express his stubbornness and transfer the sports? He can also stop! He can also wake up!" At a meeting in 1941, Zhang Xiruo sharply criticized the corruption of the Kuomintang and Chiang Kai-shek's dictatorship.Jiang couldn't stand it, so he interjected, "Your opinions are welcome, but don't be too mean!" Zhang left in a huff.The next time there was a meeting, after receiving the meeting notice and the round-trip travel expenses, he immediately replied with a telegram: "There is no policy to negotiate and the travel expenses will be refunded." Since then, he has never attended the National Political Council. At the Supreme State Council in 1956, Zhang Xiruo criticized Mao Zedong for "being eager for great success, eager for quick success, denying the past, and superstitious about the future."This sixteen-character comment has spread all over the world.During the Great Leap Forward, Mao Zedong publicly quoted Zhang's sixteen characters. In 1960, Mao Zedong received a special item from Deng Baoshan (the then governor of Gansu Province) in Beijing: a food made of oil residue and elm bark powder, which was what Gansu people depended on at that time.This move of his was met with complaints, worries and attacks from the leaders of the Provincial Party Committee at the time, but he took it calmly. He said: "My personal honor or disgrace is not a big deal, but the feeding of the masses is what matters." Mao Zedong once accused Liang Shuming of "doing not care about politics is false, and it is also false not to want to be an official". Liang Du is just a scholar who "though there are tens of millions of people, I will go". In 1976, Mao Zedong passed away. Someone told Zhang Guotao the news. Zhang Chang sighed: "We are all passing away! Like Mao Zedong, I am a person who will die anyway, and death is only a matter of time." Zhang Guotao especially loved listening to Chinese in his later years. On the radio, he said: "On the Chinese stage, I used to be an actor, but now I am just a spectator. I always hope to see fewer tragedies." In 1985, Chiang Ching-kuo's physical condition was in decline, and the issue of "succession" became the biggest hotspot in Taiwan society. Many people believed that Chiang Ching-kuo would pass on the country to the third generation of the Chiang family, continuing the tradition of the family.In this regard, Chiang Ching-kuo clearly pointed out: "The problem of presidential succession, these problems only exist in autocratic and dictatorial countries. In our constitution-based Republic of China, it does not exist at all... So the next president must be It will be produced according to the Constitution... Some people may ask, is there anyone in Jingguo's family who will run for the next president? My answer is: no and no!"
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