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Chapter 21 twenty one assassin

When Chen Duxiu was 20 years old, he competed with Wu Yue, a member of the revolutionary party, to assassinate the five ministers of the Qing Dynasty, and he writhed and rolled all over the floor.Very tired, Wu asked: "Which is easier, giving up a lifetime of hard work or hard work?" Chen replied: "Of course the former is easy and the latter is difficult." So I made the difference between Yishui. When Wu Yue was about to assassinate the five ministers, Zhao Sheng was also in Baoding.Although Zhao Sheng didn't take the assassination method seriously, he was infected by Wu Yue's spirit, so he competed with Wu Yue for the mission. He saw that Wu Yue could only use a pistol, and felt that the power was too small, so he notified Yang Dusheng, who was good at making bombs, to come forward. Come help out.Yang Dusheng equipped Wu Yue with the most advanced firing pin bomb at that time. Unexpectedly, the bomb detonated automatically when the train was bumping. Wu Yue was killed on the spot and seriously injured the second minister of the Qing Dynasty.

Xu Xilin, whose name is Bosun, was born in Shaoxing. He took the revolution as his duty and went to Anhui to seek employment and was trusted by the governor Enming. He served as the general manager of the police academy.But Xu took the opportunity to assassinate Enming and was arrested. Someone asked Xu: "Enfutai treats you well, why?" Justice? I am dead, so there is no need to say more!" After Xu Xilin was arrested, the interrogator said: "Tomorrow I will cut my heart and soul!" In name, the reality of centralization and dictatorship.Alleged: "Killing all the Manchus, the Han people will naturally become strong, and it will not be too late to try to establish a constitution!" Enming died after the rescue failed, and Xu was sentenced to death.The Qing court disemboweled him and gouged out his heart to pay homage to Enming, and his liver shared food for Enming's guards.

Xu Xilin said in the "Recovery Proclamation" that assassinated En Ming: "Today, it is called constitutionalism, but it is actually a centralized center. It plays with me, prohibits freedom, kills people with lofty ideals, cruelty and injustice, and tyranny." Therefore, he called for "rebuilding a new country, seek the happiness of the republic, and avenge the deep hatred of the past." Before assassinating Liangbi, Peng Jiazhen once said: "If this person is not eliminated, the republic will be difficult to establish." Although the assassination was successful, Peng Jiazhen was hit by the splashed shrapnel and died on the spot.When Liang Bi was about to die, he sighed: "The one who killed me is really a hero, and he is also a person who really understands me. After my death, the Qing Dynasty will be over." Same as Qingji.

Wang Jingwei did not approve of the assassination. He once said: "What a great cause the revolution is. It is too naive to want to assassinate a few small people!" After being brutally slaughtered, Wang Shi became increasingly radical and became an assassinationist who aspired to "bleed to irrigate the same species".He was determined to go to Beijing to assassinate the regent, and Sun Yat-sen, Huang Xing, Hu Hanmin and others urged him.Wang Linran said: "If it is said that this is not the time to die, and my brother is not a person who can die suddenly, then it is unknown when it will be the time to die, and which of our party is the person who can die. Anyone who dies for the party can die It's right."

Wang Jingwei's assassination of the regent was a major case at the time, and it was tried by Prince Su.After Prince Su saw the three Wang Jingwei's handwritten manuscripts "Trend of Revolution", "Determination of Revolution" and "Farewell to Comrade Letter" seized from Wang Jingwei, he was deeply moved. The spirit of revolutionary dedication.Prince Su also hated the corruption of the Qing court, so he sympathized with the revolutionaries' rebellion. He later said: "If I was not born in the royal family, I would have joined the Revolutionary Party to rebel against the court." It is a capital crime to beheaded all over the family, but Prince Su decided to send Wang and Huang off lightly in order to appease the hearts of the world.The regent Zaifeng initially advocated beheading Wang and Huang, but after repeated persuasion by Prince Su, he also agreed to be punished lightly.

Tang Degang said: "For Wang Jingwei, Yu once wrote an article on Wang's top ten mistakes. He believed that Wang made nine mistakes. It's too extreme, history can't forgive him, and he can only be left in the annals of history as a big traitor." During the Fifth Plenary Session of the Kuomintang Central Committee in 1936, Wang Jingwei was also assassinated. The assassin was a disciple of Wang Yunqiao. Fortunately, he was shot three times without serious injury.At that time, Chen Bijun rushed to the scene after hearing about it, Wang Jingwei was seriously injured, his face was covered with blood, and told Chen, I am finished, I am finished!Chen immediately scolded Wang Jingwei and said, "You should be stronger, please, please be tough. Those who are revolutionaries will have this day sooner or later, and sooner or later they will have this result!"

After Zhang Zuolin was recruited by the Qing court, he was ordered to move to Taonan to deal with the Mongolian bandits.There are many Gobi deserts here, and in some places, grass grows over a foot, poisonous insects are everywhere, and hungry wolves are everywhere, making it impossible to carry out reconnaissance work.At this time, An Yuwu, Zhang Zuolin's green forest brother, asked for orders to break into the Mongolian bandits, find out and draw the location of the bandits' lairs and the route of their activities, but An wanted to kill one or two leaders of the Mongolian bandits by the way. After being dismembered, the Mongolian bandits even gave An's body to Zhang Zuolin as a demonstration.When encoffining, Zhang Zuolin found that there was a wound on Ann's body, and there seemed to be something inside. After careful inspection, he found that it was a map.Zhang Zuolin used this map to defeat the Mongolian bandits.An Yuwu's two sons also acted like their fathers, they refused to accept Zhang Zuolin's reward, and drifted away. Many years later, they also became famous knights.

After the failure of the second revolution, the revolutionaries lived a miserable life in Tokyo like desperadoes. Yuan Shikai was still worried and sent Jiang Zili to Tokyo to assassinate and bribe the Kuomintang members.Qin Zhen, head of the Xiang branch, thought Jiang was a big threat, and called a meeting with fellow villagers to discuss countermeasures. Many people advocated assassination, but asked who would like to go, but no one answered.Someone in the audience pointed to Lin Xiumei and said: He is a soldier, so he should be able to do it.Lin pushed that he didn't have a pistol, and Jing Siyou said that a friend of his family sent a pistol, which he could lend to Lin.Lin also said that he would go alone with him to patrol the wind for him.No one in the audience agreed, and suddenly someone outside the window laughed loudly, startling the congregation.It turned out to be Wu Xuemei, a new foreign student from Taoyuan, who was only eighteen or nineteen years old. Everyone asked him why he was laughing, and he said arrogantly: "I'm just laughing at you idiots. No one even dares to kill a Jiang. Do you still want to overthrow Yuan Shikai!" Tan Zhen wondered at his words, and asked him quickly: "It seems that you are a good man, do you have the courage to dare to assassinate?" Wu replied: "Why not, it's a pity that I am not your party member." The public Cheered: "So we welcome you to join the party today." Immediately he was asked to fill out the oath of joining the party and welcome him with wine.After dinner, Wu went to assassinate Jiang Zili without looking back.

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