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Chapter 19 nineteenth revolution

During the December 9th Movement in 1935, Hu Shi was opposed to the actions of the students. He insisted that the students should first "cast themselves into tools", so he did not hesitate to expose those enthusiastic "announcements".So some students wrote to him: "Mr. Hu, we deeply understand your personality! Your personality is not as good as that of an ignorant worker! It is only appropriate to use rough methods to deal with you! Damn you, did Huabei sell you After Japan, can you still be the dean of literature at Peking University? Are you still happy when you kill and frame a few enthusiastic young students like me? Even if you stop the boiling of our patriotism, for you What good is it? Is it good for your conscience? I warn you now: If you tear up the patriotic notice again in the future, your legs will be broken and you will be called a dog! Don’t say it without hesitation Also!" One day later, Hu Shi went to class and found that Zhou Zumo was the only student.Years later, it was precisely this Zhou Zumo who made considerable academic achievements, while those students who were filled with righteous indignation were engulfed by the flame he ignited.

After Li Yuanhong was supported by the revolutionaries as the governor, he refused to cooperate at first.But once he started to cooperate, he quickly entered the state.When he met with the English-language "Mainland Daily" reporter, he said: The goal of the People's Army is to overthrow the rule of the Manchus and establish a republic based on the United States.He also said: The Manchu rulers never treated the Han people fairly, but only slaughtered and suppressed them blindly, so the revolution broke out.After the success of the revolution, China will increase its efforts to open up to the outside world, so that foreign capital can freely combine with Chinese capital and labor to open up China's resources.The reporter exclaimed: Li Yuanhong is the greatest reformer in China.

In 1903, Zou Rong wrote the "Book of Revolution", in which he declared that revolution is "a supreme, unique, and unparalleled purpose", that revolution is "the rule of heaven", "the axiom of the world", and "the But respond to people" great action.He believes that devotion to the revolution is the unshirkable responsibility of everyone, no matter old, middle-aged, middle-aged, young or young, regardless of men and women, they must "exist, support and live together in the revolution". Zou Rong wrote the book "Revolutionary Army" and recited it with all the comrades after drinking. He said: "I will sign the name 'Pawn of the Revolutionary Army' and return to Shanghai for printing. I am a pawn of the horse. If you have articles in this book, They are all pawns." Zou Rong also wrote: "Scholars from all over the world, there are a lot of people, fish and fish are elegant, well-dressed and full of scholars, protesting against the disappearance of angry people, and the voice of generosity and sorrow is not heard. , who is called a scholar, but in fact is not as good as a dead man."

In April 1898, Kang Youwei delivered a speech at the Guangdong Guild Hall: "There are 400 million people in my China, neither noble nor cheap. Today, I am under the ruined house, in a leaky boat, and above the fire, like a bird in a cage. The fish, the prisoners in the prison, are slaves, cattle and horses, dogs and sheep, are driven by people, and are slaughtered by people. This is a strange change that has not been seen in twenty dynasties in the past four thousand years." He said: "Everyone will die today. The responsibility of the world, everyone has the right to save the world!"

Kang Youwei opposed the overthrow of the Qing government by revolutionary means, saying that the revolution was nothing more than "rivers of blood and death like hemp", and half of the 400 million people would be removed.Zhang Taiyan refuted Kang’s arguments point by point, arguing that revolution is the greatest authority, that “before the axioms are clarified, they should be clarified by revolution; Zhang Zhi denounced Emperor Guangxu, who was regarded as a sage by the royalists, as "a clown in Zaitian, who didn't know the wheat." A feudal philistine who does not give up and refuses."

Liang Qichao said that between Guangxu and Xuantong, there was not a single intellectual and bloody person in the country who was not a revolutionary party.But there is a slight difference in the means: one group pays attention to racial revolution, saying that as long as the Manchus are driven out, they don’t have to worry about political confusion; During the debate between Liang Qichao and "Min Bao", he preached that the Chinese "do not have the qualifications to be citizens of the republic". Therefore, "rather than a republic, it is better to have a constitutional monarchy; rather than a constitutional monarchy, it is better to be an enlightened autocracy."When the Qing government was preparing to establish a constitution, he said to Kang Youwei: "Today, our party's life-and-death struggle with the government is still the second righteousness, and the revolutionary party's life-and-death struggle is the first righteousness; if there is one, there will be no me, and if there is me, there will be no other. "

In 1902, Liang Qichao wrote "The Theory of Evolutionary Revolutionary Jiede" under the pseudonym "Xinmin of China", which was published in No. 18 of "Xinmin Congbao". A Chinese who mentions Marx in his writings. During the constitutional movement of the Qing government, a large number of revolutionaries were killed.Yu Zhimo, chairman of the Hunan Chamber of Commerce, once wrote a book in blood in prison: "You must know that the Qing government issued an edict to establish a constitution, but the brutality of autocracy has never been improved." When the "Republic of China" was first established, countries called China "Chinese Republic". Wu Tingfang thought it was inappropriate, thinking that this meant "China's Republic", which was too narrow and not as good as "Republic of China", to show that "the Republic belongs to all of China". ".This agreement was decided.

Sun Yat-sen studied medicine in Guangzhou in his early years, admired Kang Youwei, and once asked someone to pay his respects, intending to make friends.Kang Youwei said: "If Sun wants to make a relationship, he should first have a disciple letter to worship his teacher." Sun didn't feel angry, and went to Beijing to write to Li Hongzhang. The anti-Qing revolution began. Zhang Jingjiang used to be the entourage of Sun Baoqi, Minister to France, and once met Sun Yat-sen on a ship.At that time, Sun Gang escaped from London and was vigilant. Zhang Jingjiang said bluntly: "I know you are Sun Yat-sen, and I support your revolutionary cause! If you need money in the future, you can find me!" Then he left his bank account number And three characters, agreed that if Sun Yat-sen needs money in the future, he can send a telegram, the first word is 10,000 yuan, the second word is 20,000 yuan, and the third word is 50,000 yuan.Not long after, Sun Yat-sen was planning an uprising in Japan. Funds were scarce. Remembering what Zhang Jingjiang had said, he sent a telegram to try his luck.

Xu Shaozhen, the former admiral of Jiangbei in the Qing Dynasty, followed Sun Yat-sen in the revolution, and Sun gave Xu 1 million public debts in return for his meritorious service.Xu used 20,000 yuan to run a "Minli Daily", and used 10,000 yuan to disband Shen Peizhen's "Women's Northern Expedition", and then returned the remaining 970,000 yuan to Sun Yat-sen.Sun said: "You can use the money to engage in politics!" Xu replied: "Rich people cannot revolutionize, and I will follow you in the revolution, so you can't be rich!" After the "Second Revolution", Sun Yat-sen reorganized the Chinese Revolutionary Party, stipulating that to join the party, one must press fingerprints and make an oath to obey Sun Yat-sen absolutely.Liao Zhongkai and Sun had a long-term relationship, and they had a deep friendship. They fulfilled this procedure. The "Oath" reads: Liao Zhongkai, the person who made the oath, is willing to sacrifice his life, freedom, and rights in order to save China from peril and the people from hardship. Attached to Mr. Sun to promote revolution again.To achieve the two principles of civil rights and people's livelihood, and create a five-power constitution to make politics clear and people's livelihood happy.Cuoguo is based on consolidation and maintains world peace.Sincerely, I swear to the death as left: 1. to carry out the purpose; 2. to obey orders; 3. to be loyal to the post;From then on, I will keep this covenant forever until death. If I have two hearts, I am willing to suffer the death penalty.Liao Zhongkai, Huiyang County, Guangdong Province, Republic of China, was established on May 2nd in the third year of the Republic of China.

In 1904, Sun Yat-sen said in the article "The True Solution of China's Problems": "China is on the eve of a great national movement, and the rule of the Qing Dynasty is rapidly dying... As long as there is a single spark, there will be political progress. Create a prairie fire." Before the Chinese Revolutionary Army launched an anti-Yuan campaign in Shandong, Wu Dazhou and Bo Ziming went to Tokyo to report to Sun Yat-sen, saying: "Shandong organizes an uprising, and now there are two or three thousand people who are sure, as long as we give us a sum of money, we can launch it immediately. "Sun asked: "How much does it cost?" Wu said: "At least 1,000 yuan." Sun said: "Well, the overseas Chinese in Nanyang only remitted 1,200 yuan yesterday, so you can take 1,000 yuan." After two days Someone said to Sun: "The words of Wu Dazhou and others are unreliable. They took the money and spent it outside. But we are living in a very difficult place here. Why do you easily believe their words and be deceived by them?" Sun said: "The revolutionary Don’t be afraid of being deceived, and don’t be afraid of failure. Even if ninety-nine of a hundred revolutionary causes fail, and only one succeeds, the revolution will be victorious.” The speaker was at a loss for words.

In August 1905, Sun Yat-sen refuted the vulgar evolutionary view of the royalists that "from autocracy to constitution and from constitution to republic" and the current "constitution only, not revolution" at the welcome meeting for overseas students in Tokyo.He said: "And the constitution of the world must be obtained through bloodshed, so that it can become a true constitution. With the same bloodshed, why not a straightforward republic, and an incomplete constitution for this?!" Sun Yat-sen founded the Tongmenghui in Japan in 1905. Zhang Ji said that at the beginning of its establishment, there were no more than a thousand participants.To join the association, you have to fill out the "covenant" by yourself, drip the blood of your left middle finger, sign it with your own hand, and burn the covenant after taking the oath.In order to prevent the assassination of the Manchu government, there is a secret code.When comrades meet each other, their right hands are together, as if shaking hands in different ways.At the same time, one person should ask: "What's the matter?" Answer: "National affairs." Then ask "Who?" Answer: "Chinese." Only after matching can one dare to talk about revolution. Sun Wen had nothing to do with money in his life. After the establishment of the Republic of China, the insurmountable financial crisis made the revolutionaries "hard to cook without rice".Whether it is to deploy the heavy and arduous task of the Northern Expedition, or to maintain the daily work of the Nanjing Provisional Government, which is waiting to be rebuilt, everything needs funds, but the city of Nanjing, which is dominated by tigers and dragons, is "cleaned".Before Sun returned to China, there were rumors in the southern revolutionary camp that he had brought huge donations from overseas Chinese, hoping that they could be used as military pay for a big fight. Many revolutionary comrades and generals regarded him as the God of Wealth and waited at the Shanghai wharf.No matter when Sun Yat-sen went ashore or when he was elected as the interim president, someone asked him the same question straightforwardly: how much money did he bring?When he answered truthfully: "I don't give you a penny, but what you bring back is the spirit of revolution!" There are many people who are disappointed after hearing this. In 1921, Ma Lin, the representative of the Communist International, asked Sun Yat-sen: "What is the core of your revolutionary thought?" The endless orthodoxy, I have inherited this orthodoxy.” Sun Yat-sen’s followers, such as Hu Hanmin, Dai Jitao, Zhu Zhixin, Shen Dingyi, Liao Zhongkai, etc., all accepted the Marxist materialist view of history and the ideal of equal wealth sharing, but It is believed that ancient sages and sages in China have already put forward similar claims, such as the ancient well field system strongly advocated by "Mencius". After 1911, the autocratic restoration forces successfully counterattacked the 1911 Revolution several times, which made many people who experienced it feel regretful and painful that the 1911 Revolution had failed.Sun Yat-sen said: "The pain of my husband going to Manchuria has reincarnated countless violent tyranny, which is more poisonous than before. As a result, the people are less able to survive. The original intention of the revolution of our party is to save the country and save the country. Seeking aspirations, wanting to get out of the people in the water and fire, but to climb to the top of the seat, and now it is against the order that the water is getting deeper, and the fire is getting hotter, which is contrary to the original intention of the revolution..." In 1922, sixteen scholars, including Cai Yuanpei, Li Dazhao, Tao Xingzhi, and Hu Shi, published this famous article in the May 14th "Kung Fu Weekly", proposing the political reform goal of establishing a "good government".After the article was published, a debate about "gradual progress and revolution" was triggered. Wang Zhenjun, Zheng Zhenxia and others asked: "Should we use revolutionary means? Or should we adopt improved means? Or destroy first and then build? Or build on evil foundations?" What about a good government?" Hu Shi replied: "We can use your own words to make the answer: 'It is best for both parties to divide the labor and advance side by side, and achieve the same goal by different routes'. If it can be improved, we might as well start with the improvement and improve it bit by bit. Too If it is broken and cannot be improved, or if the evil forces refuse to accept this kind of bit by bit improvement, then it is necessary to resort to revolutionary means.” On January 29, 1923, Sun Yat-sen published an article "The History of Chinese Revolution" in the special issue commemorating the 50th anniversary of "Shen Bao". Cultivation is the reason why this revolutionary strategy is necessary. The rest of the revolutionary strategy stipulates that the revolution will be carried out in three periods: the first is the period of military administration, the second is the period of political training, and the third is the period of constitutional government.” After the failure of the Kangliang Revolution, Kang Youwei became more and more conservative, from political revolution to constitutional monarchy, then back to royalism, and to demanding that Confucianism be made the state religion. He admitted: "I traveled to Mexico without daring to talk about democracy and republic, and I traveled to India without Dare to say that the revolution will stand on its own.” In July 1923, Sun Yat-sen expressed his strong dissatisfaction to the reporter of "New York Times" because he could not seek the support of the United States.In December of the same year, because Sun Yat-sen wanted to intercept the customs in Guangdong, he encountered warships sent by Britain, the United States, France, Japan, Italy, Portugal and other countries to Guangzhou to demonstrate against him.He finally announced angrily: "We are no longer dependent on the West, we will unite with Russia." In 1903, the "Military and National Education Association" recommended Huang Xing and others to return to China to revolt.Huang Xing discussed with Liu Kui, and Liu said: "The ethnic revolution is definitely not a movement, military and academia, but if it is difficult to send and receive quick results, it is better to use the Gelaohui Party. It was originally united against the Manchu Qing. And its law enforcement is good and righteous,... enough for our revolution to follow." In 1904, after returning from Japan, Tao Chengzhang actively traveled around Zhejiang, contacted the party, and planned revolution.He often travels eighty or ninety miles a day, girdling his waist with hemp rope, wearing straw sandals, unkempt, and struggling to manage his business. He travels around Hangzhou without returning home.Once when New Year's Eve was approaching, people advised him to go home to celebrate the New Year. He said: "Fortunately, my father is still healthy and his family has no worries. Once he comes to his hometown, he may be dragged down by favors and cannot come back!" Remember the family line!" After Zhu Zhixin participated in the revolution, he still had braided hair, and he was wearing the old-fashioned clothes left by his father with long sleeves. As he said: "The clothes are ragged, and the braids have heads." He is a staunch revolutionary.The revolutionaries saw him and laughed at him for being "stubborn", but he laughed it off and remained the same.Well-meaning companions persuaded him to cut it off, and even forced him by force, but he pulled out a knife and said solemnly: "I will fight with my life if anyone asks me to cut my braids again." Zhu Zhixin's actions later protected himself. Xu Chuncao has an ideal, that is, justice is like a torrent of water, fairness is like a river, flowing unimpeded on the land of the motherland.He was originally a mason and participated in various important struggles in modern history such as the Revolution of 1911, the crusade against Yuan Shikai, the crusade against Chen Jiongming, and the Anti-Japanese War.He has a few famous sayings, one: the people do not need to file a record with the government when they oppose tyranny; If you have the strength, you will give your life. If you have no money or power, you will give your life. "I will give my life." When Xiong Chengji failed and was arrested for "confession", he said: "The history of revolutions in various countries has shed blood many times before succeeding. I failed this time. People in ordinary society don't know how to agree. The reason why I can't agree is because of freedom. The blood is not enough for the ears. For example, vegetation cannot grow without rain and dew. If our free tree is not irrigated with blood, how can we expect it to flourish?" When Qiu Jin learned of Xu Xilin's failure before being arrested, she did not take the opportunity to escape. She said to those who came to persuade her to leave: "I will not come out to revolution because I am afraid of death. The revolution will succeed only if it bleeds... I will not go to hell. Who goes to hell?" Due to the conflict with the Northern Expeditionary Xu Chongzhi, Xu Chuncao greatly lost confidence in the armed revolution.From 1923 onwards, he no longer participated in Kuomintang activities and basically broke away from the Kuomintang.Turning back to the mass movement, Japanese spies and Taiwanese gangsters conspired to assassinate him many times, Xu Chuncao was not afraid.He never carried a pistol for self-defense, let alone guards.Once, a friend came to tell: Chen Changfu, the president of the Taiwan Association, accepted the task and had to kill Xu Chuncao, and advised Xu to be cautious.Xu Chuncao said: "Human life is in the hands of God, Chen Changfu can't harm me." After Cheng Qian joined the League, he engaged in the revolution. All the campaigns of 1911, discussing Yuan, and protecting the law were all pioneers for the people. Celebrate it?" He kept going for the sake of achievement, and when he persuaded him to stop, he said: "People value their own strength, and I don't want to use my body to bully others." Chen Lifu said to Shen Junru: "We worked hard to get here. You have to rely on the empty talk on the round table. How can there be such a cheap thing?" There is even a saying that "early revolution is worse than late revolution, late revolution is worse than no revolution, no revolution is worse than counter-revolution, small counter-revolution is worse than big counter-revolution". Chen Duxiu said in the "New Youth Magazine Announcement" in the winter of 1919: Our ideal new society in the new era is honest, progressive, positive, free, equal, creative, beautiful, kind, peaceful, mutual Loved, labored and happy, the whole society is happy. Lu Xun said: "'Revolution' is not uncommon. Only with it can society reform and human beings progress, from protozoa to human, from barbarism to civilization, because there is never a moment without revolution." Since the Revolution of 1911, Lu Xun has experienced too many revolutions, but those called "revolutions" are all fake revolutions. He said that before the revolution, he was a slave, but after the revolution, he became a slave of slaves.Therefore, he advocated that everything has to start from scratch, and there must be a revolution in the true sense.He objected to describing the revolution as a very terrible thing, "putting on an extremely left-leaning and ferocious appearance, as if when the revolution came, all non-revolutionaries would die, and people only held fear of the revolution."He said: "Revolution does not teach people to die but to teach people to live." In the 1930s, Jiang Kanghu advocated "moderateism" and believed that "revolution does not necessarily use force" or "army" and "there are many ways to learn about politics, but one should take the proper path of being gentle, courteous and thrifty." Luo Jialun valued the interests of all human beings and civilians and opposed violent revolution. He said: "We should worship Washington instead of Peter the Great; we should worship Franklin instead of Bismarck; we should worship Edison's invention instead of worshiping Krupp's manufacturing... " Li Zongren said that when he was in the army primary school in the late Qing Dynasty, he saw the vigor of the government and the people. After the success of the 1911 Revolution, he lost all his vigor, and the whole country felt chaotic and corrupt. In 1929, Yang Du joined the Communist Party, and some people ridiculed him for speculation.He retorted: "Farewell to white horror, why speculate?" Zhang Lifan asked Zhang Naiqi: "If the Reform Movement of 1898 succeeded, what would China look like today?" Zhang Naiqi replied: "It must not be what it is now! The constitutional monarchy is a false monarchy, not an autocratic dictatorship. Naturally, it has its reasons. The British bourgeoisie The revolution, domestic turmoil for 40 years, and finally had to invite the royal family back! The late Qing Dynasty was a race between reform and revolution, and reform was too slow, so the Revolution of 1911 occurred. After the founding of the Republic of China, Yuan Shikai and Chiang Kai-shek were not yet dictatorships! In the continuous revolution, what can the result be? I think the cost of improvement may be much lower than the revolution!" Zhang Lifan asked again: "Then will we still have braids today?" Zhang Naiqi replied: "That may not be the case, After the Meiji Restoration, Japan changed to wearing western clothes. The way of government should be "what the people like, and what the people hate." The system and habits that are not liked by the people will be eliminated one day!" Zhang Yuanji has always been a "low-key" progressive reformist. "Peaceful reforms do not hurt vitality", which can represent his basic ideas. In September 1948, academicians of the Academia Sinica held a meeting. He said at the meeting: "If there were no reforms, Boxer Boxers, and people's different views on the court, there might not be the bloody revolution of 1911, and there would be no Yuan Shikai. , performing that set of Hongxian jokes, let alone the annexation and separatism of the warlords of the provinces. After these two decades of peaceful reforms, we can certainly be like a country. (If it was peaceful at the beginning,) I think and It will not arouse Japan's covetousness, and the step-by-step aggression forced the eight-year war of resistance, making us poor and weak in this field." Qian Mansu wrote in "Emerson and China": The real revolution takes place in people's minds. Without conceptual revolution, social revolution will be just like waves-only the water surface oscillates, and the water remains the same. Liang Qichao said: Sun Yat-sen did not use the means for the purpose, so it is impossible to judge its true value.
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