Home Categories Essays As the saying goes: the most important collection of words in modern times
On June 14, 1936, Zhang Taiyan died of illness.At the end of his life, he wrote: "If a foreign race enters Zhongxia, the descendants of all generations will not eat their official salary." Before his death, Li Hongzhang said: "Russia's expansion of its power in Manchuria, may wish to stand idly by, because Japan will certainly not ignore this enemy like a feudal hog and a long snake. When the time comes, it will rise and fight. When two tigers fight, both lose. , we have an opportunity to take advantage of, and at the same time seek recovery with the help of Europe and the United States, this is our tactic of fighting poison with fire."

After the coup d'etat of 1898, Tan Sitong sent Liang Qichao to the Japanese embassy. Since he didn't understand Japanese, he had to talk with the Japanese in writing.Tan Sitong wrote: "Mr. Liang is very useful, please protect him." The Japanese wrote: "You should also stay here." Tan Sitong laughed it off.At that time, Liang Qichao's face was earthy, while Tan Sitong was full of spirit, just like usual.Afterwards, someone asked Tan Sitong why he didn't stay in the Japanese embassy together. Tan replied: "China is about to be partitioned, and I have no heart to live anymore."

Tan Sitong's inscription on the cell wall reads: "I smile to the sky from the sword, and go to Kunlun with my heart and guts." Lin Juemin wrote a suicide note to his wife before the Huanghuagang Uprising: "...I love you so much, it is this thought of loving you that makes me brave to die. Since I met you, I always wish that all lovers in the world will be married, but the smell is everywhere. Yun, the streets are full of wolf dogs, how many families can do what they want?... There are countless people in the world who die unjustly and who are unwilling to leave. Those who love like me, can bear it? I dare to be willful. Even if I don't care about you..."

Peng Jiazhen's suicide note: "If reconciliation is achieved, it will be honored even if it dies. If reconciliation cannot be achieved, it will be humiliated even if it is born. It is better to be honored in death than to be humiliated in life!" In February 1912, Qiu Fengjia fell ill while attending a meeting of the provisional government in Nanjing, and returned to the south on leave. Passed away on February 25th. On his deathbed, he shouted: "After death, you must be buried in the south. I can't forget Taiwan!" Luo Zhenyu pulled himself and said: I have given in to the book series all my life, and I have seen the remains of Huanshui, the bamboo slips in the west, the stone carvings in Hongdu, and the secret collection under the pillars. Hu Li, Ren Shen was in service, Ding Chou begged for his life, and what a success it was to mend the sky and bathe in the sun.

On November 8, 1916, Cai E died suddenly at the age of 35. Before his death, he dictated Jiang Baili to write a posthumous message: "First, I hope that our people and the government will work together to adopt a positive policy with hope; Rights, those who are willing to be popular and patriotic with morality; 3. Soldiers who died in battle in Sichuan and those who contributed, please ask Luo and Dai to verify the petition and rewards, and encourage them with Zhao; Thin burial." In the spring of 1919, at the Paris Peace Conference, China's request to take back Qingdao from Germany was rejected, and the "21st Plan" not only was not cancelled, but even transferred Germany's rights in Shandong to Japan.The news aroused the indignation of the Chinese people. Beijing students decided to hold a nationwide demonstration on May 7, expressing their will to fight to the death.Kuang Husheng couldn't sleep all night, his blood boiled, and he had a secret conversation with his acquaintance and friend Yue Xia, determined to sacrifice for the country, wrote a suicide note, and entrusted his friends with the funeral, saying: "After I die, I want my family to know. I was born to save the country. If the enemy dies, he will die without complaint."

In his early years, Wang Guowei was famous for his literature and had the eyes of the four talents of Haining. However, he was too poor to support himself, so he joined the agricultural newspaper run by Luo Zhenyu, condescending to do proofreading work.One day, Luo came to the library very early to work, and heard Wang reading aloud, the syllables were desolate, and he couldn't help being surprised.After talking with him, he was even more impressed, so he accepted him as a disciple.The two later turned against each other for a while, but after Wang threw himself into the water, Luo said: "Jing'an repays her confidant with death, I owe Jing'an, and Jing'an does not blame me!"

Wang Guowei's last words: "In fifty years, only one death is owed. After this incident, there is no more humiliation. After my death, I will be buried in a hasty coffin, and I will be buried in the Tsinghua Cemetery." Sun Yat-sen's will: "I have devoted myself to the national revolution for 40 years. The purpose is to seek freedom and equality in China. After 40 years of experience, I know that in order to achieve this goal, I must arouse the people and unite the nations of the world who are waiting for me. Struggle. Now that the revolution has not yet succeeded, all my comrades must continue to work hard in accordance with Yu's "National Founding Strategy", "National Founding Outline", "Three Principles of the People" and "Declaration of the First National Congress". Recently advocated It is imperative to convene a national assembly and abolish unequal treaties, especially in the shortest period of time, to promote their realization!"

On October 22, 1935, Ge Gongzhen passed away. When he was dying, he said: "The country is in danger. I am a Chinese. Of course I have to come back to participate in the work of resisting the invaders..." His death made Zou Taofen and others extremely sad. Shen Junru read After reading Zou's memorial article, I couldn't resist the excitement in my heart, so I wrote four poems, the last two of which said: "It's sad that Tao Fen wrote it, and Mr. Ge is strong! I still say intermittently when I die, I am Chinese! I am Chinese!" I'm Chinese! I'm Chinese! I'm Chinese! I'm Chinese!" He said that he wrote the first sentence of the fourth sentence, but he couldn't continue, and he wrote these five words again.

Before his death, Lu Xun said: "When Europeans are about to die, there is often a ceremony, which is to ask others to forgive, and I have forgiven others. I have many enemies. If someone of the new style asks me, how should I answer? I After thinking about it, I decided: let them resent, and I will not forgive any of them." Before his death, Lu Xun completed the prose "Death" on his sickbed, and made his famous "last words" on the manuscript: 1. Don't accept a penny from anyone because of the funeral; Don't do anything about commemoration; 4. Forget about me and take care of your own life - if you don't, you are a fool; Or an artist; 6. Don't take things that others promise to you; 7. Don't get close to those who hurt others' teeth and eyes, but oppose revenge, and the Lord is tolerant.

At the beginning of 1937, Yu Lichen hanged himself after returning to China. The death note said: "There is nothing we can do about such a country, such a society, and such a self!" In 1940, Mu Lijuan, Mu Shiying's younger sister, decided to divorce Dai Wangshu, and Dai Wangshu issued a "Letter of Death" for this: "From the day we had a reason to marry, I foresee that this marriage will bring us endless troubles. But I have been thinking, maybe you will love me in the future. Now the illusion is destroyed, I choose to die..." On March 3, 1940, Cai Yuanpei stumbled and fell in his apartment in Hong Kong. The next day, he was admitted to a nursing home and hospital for treatment. However, due to excessive gastric bleeding, he died on March 5 at the age of 73.The funeral was held on the 10th, and the flags of schools and businesses in Hong Kong flew at half-staff. More than 10,000 people from schools and associations participated in the public memorial service, showing their utmost honor and mourning.Cai Yuanpei's coffin was to be transported back to his hometown in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province for burial at the Chucuo Donghua Yizhuang, but due to the outbreak of the war, he was unable to make the trip, so he was moved to the permanent Chinese cemetery in Aberdeen, Hong Kong. The tombstone "Tomb of Mr. Cai Zimin" was written by Ye Gongchuo.It is worth pointing out that his last words were only two sentences: "Science saves the country, aesthetic education saves the country".

Master Hongyi passed away on the evening of October 13, 1942. On his deathbed, he wrote down the four characters "sadness and happiness" on a used paper, and the handwriting is still strong.He also wrote a posthumous note to Xia Mianzun: "Muzun Layman Wenxi: The dead man has moved on □month□day, and he wrote two verses, which are appended below. The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water. Seeking an image is as close as a thousand miles away. When I asked Yu Heshi, Guer forgot to say. The flowers and branches are full of spring, the heart of the sky is full and the moon is full. I would like to express it without proclaiming it. The sound is enlightened." The month and day of the suicide note are all empty. After his death, the sick monk will fill them in. Wu Zhihui fell ill in Taiwan in 1953. His money in his later years was clear and there was no ill-gotten wealth.He wrote in his will: "Life is not brought, death is ruled, shameful!" In 1961, Chen Yinke bid farewell to Wu Mi, who came to visit him specially, and wrote a poem for him: "It is difficult to ask about illness rather than leave Shu, and to shake hands and tears when we meet. It is not easy to meet in old age, and we should not look at life and death." The consequences will never be seen again. . Ma Yifu wrote a poem when he was dying in 1967: "I am comfortable in the process of transformation, and the emptiness is my place. The body and spirit gather and disperse, and the audio-visual is always hopeful. The retting is all returned to the sea, and the flowers are blooming. The branches are full of flowers. Just wave your hands on the cliff, and the sunset will fall. Yuu." Before Lu Zuofu committed suicide, he left a suicide note with only two lines: "Return the furniture to Minsheng Company and live well with the children." During the "Cultural Revolution", Fan Yanqiao was afraid of harming himself, so he burned all the manuscripts of the past fifty years.But even so, it was inevitable. Once, he recited a sentence "the sound of wind and rain at night, how many flowers will fall", the red guards heard him and said that he insulted the "Cultural Revolution" and beat him to death.Zhou Shoujuan came to express his condolences, sobbing and unable to speak, he threw himself into a well and died after returning home. Zhou Zuoren said in the final revised will: "The rest of my life is not worthy of praise, but the translation of Greek dialogues in my old age is my wish for 50 years. Those who know it should know it." And said before the will: "I have made several wills before. , today’s redoing of a pass is almost finalized.” Yin Haiguang said in his last words during his illness: "I just discovered now that I love Chinese culture. I hope to live another 15 years and do my best for Chinese culture." In 1969, Yin Haiguang passed away.In the article "Selected Works of Haiguang · Self-narration" completed 26 days before his death, he said: "...I feel more deeply in recent years that any good theory and system about human beings, including freedom and democracy, cannot be achieved without moral ideals. The driving force, if it is not restricted by ethical norms, will be used, it is very dangerous, and it can become its opposite. Democracy can become totalitarian, and freedom can become riots. Since ancient times, the concerns of great thinkers such as Plato, It's not superfluous." Yin Haiguang dictated his will, and after regretting his wife and children, he said: "When my mind is about to mature, I am afraid that I will not be able to write it down to make a contribution to the suffering Chinese people. For the younger generation, I may not be able to have a The final confession, "Thoughts and Methods" and "Prospects of Chinese Culture" are just the beginning, not to mention that I have been changing and revising my own thinking. If I die in Taiwan, I hope to erect a large stone monument in the east, engraved with the words " The tomb of Yin Haiguang, a free thinker, his body turned into ashes and scattered in the Pacific Ocean, the tombstone should face the Pacific Ocean.” Before dying, Feng Youlan said the last sentence about philosophy: "Chinese philosophy will surely shine in the future, and we must pay attention to the philosophy of "Book of Changes." Huang Wanli's last words: Old Wanli handed down to Min Er and Shen Ying and his wife's siblings: Harnessing Jiangyuan is a major national event. Among the four strategies of "reserving", "blocking", "draining" and "resistance", each section should still be "blocked" by dikes "Mainly.The Hankou section of the Yangtze River strives to stabilize the embankment. The embankment should face the water surface, and steel sheet steel piles should be built, and the back should be built with stones, so as to be safe.Hope to pay attention.Wanli's will, written and deposited on August 8, 2001. Due to his serious illness, under the repeated persuasion of doctors and relatives and friends, Wei An was forced to prescribe meat like medicine, and once interrupted his lifelong vegetarian diet. His last words: "The biggest regret in my life is that I didn't stick to the belief of vegetarianism during my illness and serious illness (on this point, some people have doubted me in the past). After the persuasion of doctors, relatives and friends and my Due to personal compromise, I failed to implement vegetarianism to the end, I think this is a kind of corruption of my personal belief, and life-saving is greater than the belief itself." On May 31, 1965, Lin Zhao was sentenced to 20 years in prison.The next day, Lin Zhao pricked his finger and wrote "Statement after Judgment" with blood, "...This is a shameful judgment, but I listened to it with pride! This is the enemy's evaluation of my personal fighting behavior, I am sincerely proud of it as a fighter!... I should have done more to meet your valuation! Besides, this so-called sentence means nothing to me! I despise it! Behold! History The official verdict of the court will soon be announced to future generations! You totalitarian rulers and hypocritical sycophants—thugs, rascals, thieves and thieves of the people will not only be the real defendants but also the criminals of the public prosecution! Justice will prevail !for freedom!" On September 21, 1985, Gu Long passed away. The last sentence he left to the world was: Why didn't my girlfriend come to see me?
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