Home Categories Essays As the saying goes: the most important collection of words in modern times
When the reform failed, Tan Sitong calmly said to Liang Qichao: "If there are no walkers, there is no way to plan for the future. If there are no dead, there is no way to reward the Holy Lord. The life and death of the South China Sea is uncertain. Cheng Ying, Chujiu, I and my step share the responsibility." Some Japanese patriots tried to persuade him to travel eastward, but Tan refused to listen, and he said, "Reforms in all countries are all caused by bloodshed! China has never heard of anyone who shed blood because of reforms. The reason why this country is not prosperous. There are, Please start with your descendants!" Therefore, it is difficult.

Kou Liancai cried and admonished Cixi as a eunuch, and wrote "Letter to the Empress Dowager" at home. Cixi was furious and asked Kou if he was ordered by others. It has become a rule in this dynasty that 'inner supervisors who talk about state affairs will be cut', do you know?" Kou said: "The family rules have long been destroyed by you, and the country's great rivers and mountains have been destroyed by you, and now I am participating in the reform. Restoration is to promise the country with one's body, not to be afraid of throwing one's head and blood!" Cixi immediately ordered the Ministry of Internal Affairs to imprison Kou Liancai, and after half a month, he was handed over to the Ministry of Punishment for execution.When he was about to be sentenced, Kou's expression remained unchanged, and he died calmly. He was only 28 years old.When Guangxu heard the bad news, he wept bitterly and didn't think about eating for several days.The Kou Gong Temple in Baihua Mountain in the west of Beijing is where the people worshiped Kou Liancai.

After Ding Richang returned to his hometown, he was seriously ill and discouraged, so he said that he would concentrate on studying ancient Chinese and stop asking about human affairs.Li Hongzhang criticized him very unceremoniously and said: If you do this, it is not impossible to become a famous artist, and the famous mountain of works will be passed on endlessly. However, from the Han Dynasty to the present, there is no problem. It's just literature, "Is it beneficial at that time? Is it beneficial in later generations? Life is like morning dew. If you get it in time, you can make one or two careers that help the world, stabilize the people, and stand up to the sky. Wouldn't it be more empty words?" Ding Richang's words were sonorous and powerful. Once again he helped the sick out of the mountain.

On June 21, 1900, the 25th day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar, the Qing Empire issued the "Edict of War" and declared war on the Eight-Power Allied Forces.Cixi said in the "Edict": "Instead of trying to survive, I will be ashamed forever; if I attack with a big face, I will show off." Li Hongzhang was the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi at the time. If you don't obey, it's the so-called chaos." Sheng also wanted to tell Zhang Zhidong and Liu Kunyi.Therefore, under the cooperation of Sheng Xuanhuai, Zhang Jian, Yu Lianyuan and others, Zhang Zhidong, Liu Kunyi, Li Hongzhang and other officials in the border region did not listen to the court and implemented "mutual protection in the southeast".

As soon as the inspection team of the Qing Dynasty’s constitutional government left the capital, Wu Yue threw a bomb at Tianjin Station, which was actively lined up, killing three people on the spot.Zai Ze and Xu Shichang were slightly injured, Shao Ying was seriously injured, and Wu Yue died on the spot.At that time, the newspapers and magazines condemned this assassination and terrorist activities, and believed that the five ministers went abroad to prepare for the establishment of the Constitution, which was related to the future of China. Anyone with a little patriotism should solemnly wish them a trip, and hope that the government will not be afraid of difficulties and move forward bravely. Row.But the Qing court advocated slowing down, and Zai Ze received a call from Japan, saying that there would be riots in Japan, and he was also asked to slow down.Among the inspecting ministers, Shaoying was seriously injured and is still recuperating.Some people ridiculed Shaoying, saying that he made an excuse to recover from his injuries, but he was actually not going to go.Shaoying heard these words and said angrily: "If I die and the constitution is established, I will die and live. Why should I die? Every country has a constitution and bloodshed, and then there will be peace."

Tang Caichang and Tan Sitong were both from Liuyang, Hunan, and they were brilliant for a while.Tan Sitong died in the 1898 Reform Period. Tang Cai often wept unceasingly. He made an elegiac couplet saying: "When I was farewell to my father-in-law, suddenly a shock came. He groaned and groaned; just ten days after he was near the Supreme Being, he was killed by the Yins, and he abandoned the four hundred trillion as slaves, buried in hell forever, and only Fusang heroes are left, and the sword energy is empty." Now there are talented people in Liuyang, but Many people don't know that there was such a person.

Tan Sitong has a good relationship with Wang Wu of the Great Swordsman. During the coup of 1898, Tan originally wanted to ask Wang Wu to try to rescue Guangxu, but he stopped because of the strict security of the palace.At the critical moment of life and death, Wang Wu said: "If you do what you do, I will obey you, and you will have no one to protect you; if you die, I will accept your bones. Please choose yourself!" Tan Sitong chose the latter, determined to serve the people of the country with his death.Wang Wu really risked his life to collect his body.Later, Wang Wu was killed by the Eight-Power Allied Forces, and Huo Yuanjia and Liu E risked their lives to collect his body.

During the "May 4th" Movement, Zhou Ruiqi, a senior who had graduated from the Beijing Normal University for ten years, threw himself into the water in grief and indignation. He wrote in his suicide note: "China has such serious internal and external troubles that it may soon be subjugated. No one can I don’t know how the Shandong issue will be resolved, and when peace between the North and the South will be realized. It’s a pity that everyone just watched the students raise their hands in vain, without selfishness, concealment, or other external attempts, and risked their lives to save the country! Realizing that I am now witnessing the peril of a nation and the enslavement of a people, I decide that I would rather be a free ghost than a living slave. My fellow citizens! Fight bravely for your country! I have taken my life!"

After Chen Tianhua committed suicide by throwing himself into the sea, his coffin was carried back to China by his comrades, and he planned to be buried in Yuelu Mountain in Changsha.Some people were afraid of interference from the government, so Yu Zhimo drew his sword and pointed to heaven, saying, "Who is the governor to ask for a burial of a martyr? It's impossible, but the affairs of the world can still be done? Those who dare to block, will meet with swords." Sui Gong Buried in Yuelu Mountain, more than 10,000 students from Changsha wore vegan clothes. It was Mengchun, but the whole city was snow-white, like winter.

Wen Yiduo has the temperament of not changing color before the collapse of Mount Tai. In 1937, Wen Yiduo officiated at his niece's wedding, but the Japanese army suddenly launched an air raid, which caused a power outage and everyone ran away in panic.Wen Yiduo announced loudly in the dark: "Marriage is a major event in life, how can it be suspended because of the enemy's troubles! I hope everyone stay calm!" The wedding continued. In 1945, the Southwest Associated University held a "May 4th" commemorative meeting, and there was a sudden downpour, causing chaos.Wen Yiduo said loudly on the stage: "Today is the 'rain washes the soldiers'. When King Wu defeated Zhou and Chen Shi Muye, it was just like today." The order was immediately orderly.

Yang Yinyu, a female scholar who was notorious in the Beijing Normal University trend and was attacked by Lu Xun, when the Japanese army occupied Suzhou, she went to meet the Japanese military officers many times to protest the atrocities committed by the Japanese army. coming property.One day, two Japanese soldiers lured her out of the house, went to a bridge, shot her down and threw her into the river.She struggled in the water, and the Japanese soldiers fired several shots into the water, and she finally died. After Li Gongpu and Wen Yiduo were assassinated, democrats were in danger, such as Fei Xiaotong, Pan Guangdan and others took refuge in the US consulate, but Liang Shuming did not look back. He not only started to investigate the murderer, but also issued a public statement: "I Waiting for Ning to have a third bullet? I'm right here!" Xiao Jun had practiced martial arts when he was young, and his sexuality was like a fire. When he and 28 other writers were criticized all the time, he was extremely angry.He recalled that the reason why he did not resist was because he saw Lao She kneeling beside him, his face was pale and blood was bleeding from his forehead. At this moment, he suddenly thought: If he resisted and was outnumbered, he would die, and the other 28 writers would follow suit. Seeing himself being beaten to death.He suppressed the urge to resist. Qu Qiubai did not reveal his identity when he was first arrested. He claimed to be a doctor and read and wrote in prison. Even the warden asked him to prescribe medical treatment.At that time, Lu Xun and others in Shanghai were trying to rescue him.But a traitor who had listened to his lectures finally recognized him.Taking advantage of the surprise, the secret agent suddenly shouted: "Qu Qiubai!" He didn't respond.The enemy had no choice but to pull the traitor out to face him.At this time he said: "Since you have recognized me, I am Qu Qiubai. The confession I wrote in the past can be read as a novel." When Chiang Kai-shek heard that Qu Qiubai had been caught, he urgently called Song Xilian to deal with the matter. When I was in Huangpu, I listened to his lectures, practiced student etiquette, and wanted to persuade him to surrender with the affection of teachers and students, and sent military doctors to treat his illness.He made up his mind and said, "It's okay to relieve a little pain, but it's not necessary to cure the disease." When Qu Qiubai heard the news that he was dying, he was writing his last poem at his desk. While waving his hands, he said calmly, "There are small rests in life, and there are big rests. From now on, I will take a big rest." Cardigan, white cloth knee-length shorts, black linen socks, and black cloth shoes. I went to take pictures in front of the pavilion in Zhongshan Park.An on-the-spot reporter reported that when Qu came to the park, "the whole park was silent, and the birds stopped moaning. Walking to the front of the pavilion, he saw four dishes of Filipino dishes and a urn of fine wine. He sat alone on it and poured himself Drinking, chatting and laughing freely, with the same expression." After the meal, we left Zhongshan Park and walked for more than two miles to the execution ground.Qu held a cigarette all the way, looked around freely, and walked slowly.Singing along the way, "The Internationale" is sung in Russian.After arriving at the execution ground, Qu sat cross-legged on the lawn, smiled and nodded to the executioner and said, "This place is very good!" Drinking bullets and spilling blood, he died calmly at the age of 36. Zhang Yuanxun recalled: When Lin Zhao walked into the interview room, his face was pale and thin, his long hair was draped over his shoulders, scattered on his back, covering his waist, and half of it was white hair!Wearing an old clip-on top (a coat with a small lapel), which is worn out, and a "long skirt", which is said to be a white bed sheet!On the feet, a pair of very old black cloth shoes with straps.The most eye-catching and unbearable thing to look at is the white cloth on her head, on which is a palm-sized word "injustice" smeared with blood!She stood inside the door and smiled at me one step at a time!Thirty pairs of eyes from all over the room were fixed on her.Lin Zhao raised her hand to take off the top scarf with the word "injustice" on her head, and parted her long hair with her fingers to show me: at the root of the half-white hair, where she pointed, the big ones were like jujubes, and the small ones were like broad beans The bald scalp after the like hair is pulled out.She also said: "Because I knew you were coming to see me, I was afraid that I would not be able to come out to meet people if I was injured, so the struggle meeting was not held these days, and I was also transferred to a 'single number' to be held alone, in fact, to let me recuperate. , to cover up the lawless atrocities in the prison! But the hair was pulled out, and the scars are still there! The clothes were also torn by them, you see!" Inside the clothes she was wearing was an extremely old shirt with no buttons, look carefully I went there, only to find that it was sewn to death with needles and threads and could not be taken off. Zhao Dengyu was loyal and courageous, hardworking all his life, generous and righteous, with the demeanor of Yanzhao hero, born with a burly physique and strong arms. It is said that he once fought a tiger with one hand, so he was nicknamed "Tiger Fighter".In the July 7th Incident, the Japanese invaded Nanyuan. He braved the flames of war, took the lead, and fought hard against the stubborn enemy, which greatly boosted the morale of our army.Unfortunately, Zhao was seriously injured. The soldiers persuaded him to leave the front line. He replied with tears: "Life is at stake. Don't worry about me. There is my mother in the city. Go back and tell her: 'Loyalty and filial piety cannot be combined. In case of misfortune, she It is an honor for my son to die for the country, so I don’t need to take it to heart!’” After finishing speaking, he died at the age of 42. Zhang Zizhong was falsely accused of being a traitor by the people of the country, so he vowed to prove his innocence by death.Before the Battle of Taierzhuang, he lectured: "Anyone can win a battle, but I, Zhang Zizhong, can't! My grievances can only be washed away by fighting to the death!" : "Today's soldiers, to put it simply, is 'how to find a chance to die'. Because of China, it can be said that it is the crime of the soldiers. For more than ten years, if the soldiers recognize the crisis of the country and unite to resist , the enemy will never dare to invade. If our soldiers want to wash away their crimes and fulfill their obligations to the country today, there is only one way—to die! Die early! Die early and honorably!" Before his death, Zhang Zizhong personally wrote to all the generals in his department: "Looking at the recent situation, the enemy may hit a snag again. As long as the enemy comes, brother will go to Hedong and die together with brother and others. The country has reached such a point, except for us. There is no other way to die. I also believe that as long as we can make up our minds, our country and our nation with a history of 5,000 years will never die at the hands of mere Mishima Japanese slaves. The determination to die for the nation, Hai I don't know, the stone is not rotten, and I will never change it in the slightest. I would like to encourage it with all my brothers." In March 1938, during the battle to defend Teng County in the southern section of Jinpu County against the enemy's southward march, General Wang Mingzhang, the commander of the city defense division, sent the final telegram of "repaying the country with death".In the street fighting after breaking the city, he died heroically at the same time as Chief of Staff General Zhao Weibin and General Zou Shaomeng. In the spring of 1938, at the height of the Taierzhuang battle, Sun Lianzhong, the commander-in-chief of the Second Army, said to the division commander Chi Fengcheng: "After the soldiers have finished fighting, you can fill in it yourself! After you have filled it in, I will fill it in!" At the beginning of January 1942, during the third Changsha battle, fierce fighting spread throughout the battle.General Huang Zhong, the division commander of the Tenth Army, recorded in his diary of the "Three Wars in Changsha": "...In the fierce battles all day long, there were street fights at Liuyang Gate and Beida Road, and four hand-to-hand fights on Xinjun Road. Our division fought to capture Chen More than a hundred people were sacrificed in Jiashan. The fire started at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and the smoke filled the sky. It was especially fierce near Beida Road. There were no birds or beasts in the wild, and no pedestrians in the city. This is a fierce day, and it is also a decisive battle day. In 1940, due to his refusal to join the Kuomintang, Yu Songhua left Chongqing for Hong Kong.He said: "What we cherish is fame...fame, life, and life are just dung!" After the fall of Hong Kong, he worked as a bookkeeper in a friend's shop.Under the bombing of Japanese planes, he said frankly to his friends: "The most important thing for me is ambition. I will live forever. Now it's time for the experiment." In December 1945, Southwest Associated students clashed with the local military and police because of their anti-civil war activities.Fu Sinian, who was the acting president of Peking University at the time, rushed over and saw Guan Linzheng who was directly responsible for the tragedy. He immediately said: "We used to be friends, but now we are enemies. Students are like my children. If you kill them, I will kill them." Can you still be silent?" Cao Juren said: "At the beginning of the war, international people generally believed that China would never be able to resist Japan's force, and the war of resistance was simply crazy."A month later, he wrote in a letter to President Roosevelt: "I can hardly believe that the Chinese people are so united in such a critical moment. As far as I have observed in China for nearly ten years, I have never seen Chinese people like today. Unite like this and fight for a common cause.” On the evening of August 29, 1945, Yu Dafu was secretly arrested by Japanese military police and killed in the wilderness near Bugudinggi, Sumatra.In fact, Yu Dafu has been under the surveillance of the Japanese army since January 1944 when he was reported by an overseas Chinese traitor.For this reason, Yu Dafu was mentally prepared for his possible final outcome, so he "every year, write his last words to prevent accidents." Gu Zhun said: "When people, in the name of martyrs, transform revolutionary idealism into conservative and reactionary despotism, I resolutely take the stand of thorough empiricism and pluralism, and fight to the end against despotism! "
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