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Chapter 13 Thirteen outspoken

Hu Shi once said to young friends: "Now someone is telling you: 'Sacrifice your personal freedom to seek the freedom of the country!' I tell you: 'Striving for your personal freedom is fighting for the freedom of the country! Fighting for your freedom One's own personality is to fight for the country's personality! A free and equal country cannot be built by a group of slaves!'” After the signing of the "Treaty of Shimonoseki", Li Hongzhang was regarded as a traitor by the people of the country, and the court also reprimanded him for his ineffectiveness. Officials said that he had lost power and humiliated the country. Said: "China's failure is all due to its lack of Westernization, not Hongzhang's fault."

Yan Fu said: When I hear about academic matters, I must seek the first place and then get the truth. The one who strives for the power of the ears, eyes and mind to obtain the vision of both is the one who is superior.The second is to pray for the spirit to be handed down by Jian Ce, and to be taught by teachers and friends.However, both of them must be based on the original text.The bottom line is to ask for a translation, which is far away from the dust and far away from the truth. Yan Fu said again: "The reason why he must learn Western language is that his family is already proficient in all science and art, and his special occupations. If I don't understand Western language, it will be difficult for me to learn it to the extreme. One thing; if the Chinese name does not make progress, it is because of its writing." There is no reason to exchange knowledge with foreign countries.As long as you understand its characters, then the cultural relics of the five continents can be made as they are now, and I will make a comparison. Those who understand the Western language do not necessarily have to be talents, and there is no reason why the talents in China who do not know the Western language. It is difficult to speak easily, three things; what is more different, the Chinese must seek to improve, and those who want to read ancient Chinese books and know the meaning of the subtle words often wait until they have mastered the Western language before they can do it.This is also what Huxley said, the four are also; and if you can speak Western, it is no different from entering a new world. Although there are shortcomings in the previous education, you can make up for it.Most of the Chinese in the 20th century are not as good as they are, and they cannot be called successful.

When Kang Youwei was summoned by Guangxu, he met Rong Lu in the court room.Rong Lu said: "The law should be changed, but how can the 100-200-year-old law be changed in a short period of time?" Kang Youwei replied angrily: "Kill a few first-rank officials, and the law can be changed!" Zou Rong, the author of "Revolutionary Army", is good at printing. When he was studying in Japan, a classmate asked him to engrave the four characters "Great Travel to Japan". He immediately threw the stone back and said, "You feel very strong after only traveling in Japan Now, what about those who travel around the world?"

Liang Qichao was teaching at Beijing Normal University. Once he found that there were very few students. It turned out that there was an important inter-school basketball game, and many students went to watch it.Liang then complained: "Study is not as fun as playing football. You don't want to study with me, but you just want to see Liang Qichao. Just like the tigers and elephants in the zoo, one or two visits is enough. Don’t be disappointed, don’t want too many, as long as it’s good, I only have more than 40 students in the current affairs school, but I have Cai Songpo, Fan Yuanlian, Yang Shuda, one by one!”

Cai Yuanpei stated frankly: Education requires the equal development of individuality and group character.Political parties want to create a special group character and obliterate individuality.For example, encouraging people to be friendly to a certain country and hate a certain country; or to use the culture of nation A to assimilate nation B.Today's political parties often have such policies. If they participate in education, it will be a great harm.Education is for long-term results, and political parties' policies are for short-term results. ... If the right to education is also handed over to the political parties, when the two parties change, the education policy will also change accordingly, and education will not be effective.Therefore, the cause of education must stand above all political parties.

Every "May 4th", the Peking University Alumni Association will have a feast for the students, and Cai Yuanpei will be the guest of honor.Every year like this, Cai was quite tired, and once he joked to his neighbor, "I'm really going to eat the 'May Fourth' meal today!" Chiang Kai-shek said: "If a country, a nation, does not have an independent philosophy, or if it has an independent philosophy, it cannot be carried forward, or even faded into oblivion, then this country will not be able to survive in the world, and will eventually be destroyed." Liang Ji, the father of Liang Shuming, committed suicide by throwing himself into Jishuitan a few days before his 60th birthday in 1918, and his suicide note stated that he "died to die for the Qing Dynasty".The world was shocked by this, even Chen Duxiu, Hu Shi, Xu Zhimo and other new figures also expressed their sincere respect.Liang Ji admired Liang Qichao during his lifetime, visited him five times, and wanted to ask him to write a fan, but nothing happened.Later, Liang Ji accidentally saw the poem Liang Qichao wrote for the famous actress Tan Xinpei, and was very disappointed.After Liang Ji's death, Liang Qichao "teared uncontrollably and regretted deeply", exclaiming: "There is such a person in the world, but I have never seen him." However, the last emperor Puyi wrote in his autobiography in his later years : "For a yellow mandarin jacket, for the official title of the Qing Dynasty when the family tree is continued in the future, and for a posthumous posthumous posthumous posthumous law, at that time, people ran to the Forbidden City every day, or sent memorials from faraway places. The nickname was 'Crazy Liang' 'Liang Juchuan, he did not hesitate to throw himself into the puddle of Jishuitan in Beijing, exchanging his life and his soaked 'survival' for a posthumous posthumous title of 'Zhenduan'." Puyi's unique vision is admirable.

Peng Shuzhi thought that there was no learning outside of Marxism, but Chen Duxiu criticized him, saying: "This Soviet Union is a fool." The Tongmenghui was aiming to expel the Tartars, but Yang Du did not take it seriously. He believed that the Manchus were also ethnic Chinese, and that only by abandoning nationalism and adopting nationalism could they preserve the vast territory of Mongolia and Tibet. Hu Shi talked about democracy: Democratic politics is often the politics of common sense, while enlightened autocracy is the politics of special heroes. Special heroes are not inevitable, but common sense is easier to train.

Chen Duxiu said: "If Fu is erudite but can't apply it, and ignores the cold-blooded animals in actual life, he is an old-fashioned scholar in China, not a new youth in the 20th century." He Lin said: If we understand national rejuvenation as purely economic revitalization, we will not only ignore the facts, but also fail to understand the gist of the revival. In fact, the key to any national rejuvenation is the publicity of the subjective spiritual value. During the Republic of China, Wang Yanan had this saying: "Under the autocratic system, there are only two kinds of people: one is dumb and the other is liars. I think that in today's China, a few liars rule the majority of dumb people."

Liang Sicheng said: "If a city in an ancient oriental country completely loses its artistic characteristics in terms of architecture, it will be very painful in terms of cultural expression and viewing. Because this fact clearly represents the decline of our culture. As for the disappearance Phenomenon." Wu Zhuoliu said: Our young people, on the contrary, regard the inherent culture as rubbish, worthless, and give up instead of reading. As a result, they produce rootless thoughts, like duckweed, which shake when the wind blows, and can be left or right. But in the end, this phenomenon is the same from any angle, because they don't have roots, they can't take root in the earth, and they can't develop deep roots.

Zhang Shizhao said bluntly: "Those who guard against the mouth are the foolish strategy of autocracy; those who kill scholars are the great shame of the country." Lu Xun also famously said: The subjects under a tyrant are generally more violent than the tyrant; the tyrant's tyranny often cannot satisfy the desires of the subjects under the tyrant. Lu Xun once said very clearly: When a person is so tired that he slaps himself in the mouth, it is difficult to guarantee that others will not slap you in the mouth. Lu Xun talked about Nobel in his correspondence with Tai Jingnong: Liang Qichao is naturally not worthy of the Nobel bounty, and I am not worthy either. It takes hard work to get the money.There are no better writers than me in the world, they can't get it.Look at the book I translated, where I could do it, but the author didn't get it. ... I think that there is really no one in China who can win the Nobel bounty. It is best for Sweden to ignore us and not give it to anyone.If, because of yellow-skinned people, they are given special preferential treatment and lenient treatment, it will only arouse the vanity of the Chinese people, thinking that they can really stand shoulder to shoulder with great writers from other countries, and the result will be very bad.

Lu Xun was very sober: "Any stupid and weak citizens, no matter how healthy and strong they are, can only be used as materials and spectators for meaningless publicity. It is not necessary to consider it unfortunate to die of illness. Therefore, our first priority is to changing their spirits." Lu Xun's lifelong work is to reveal the national character. He once said: "It is really difficult in China to draw such a silent national soul, because, as I have said, we are the people of an ancient country that has not been reformed. , so they are still different, and even their own hands can hardly understand their own feet." He has a famous saying: "Mourning for its misfortune, angering for its indisputable".He has a poem about himself: "There is no way to escape from the spirit platform, and I recommend Xuanyuan with my blood." Yu Dafu talked about Lu Xun's death: "A nation without great figures is the most pitiful group of creatures in the world; a country with great figures but no support, love, and admiration is a hopeless slave state. " Yu Dafu attended Lu Xun's funeral and said with emotion: "Because of Lu Xun's death, people realized that the nation can still do something; also because of Lu Xun's death, people saw that China is still a semi-desperate country with strong slavery." Yu Songhua was an early scholar who studied the middle class in China. He wrote in his article "On the Middle Class": "Those who study Western history often divide social classes into four levels: one is the monk class, the other is the aristocratic class, and the third is the middle class. , the fourth is the working class or the proletariat... The third class, the so-called middle class, varies in quality and quantity from country to country, but its elements include entrepreneurs, bankers, and freelancers such as journalists, lawyers, doctors, Writers, educators, etc., and others who seek a relatively independent and free life in all walks of life and do not rely exclusively on wages given by their employers to make ends meet." He believes that the "prime force" in normal society is not Soviet society. The proletariat, but the "middle class" that "has property and perseverance" in his own writing. In 1930, Luo Long published the article "What kind of political system do we want" based on the "New Moon" magazine, in which he wrote: "The Kuomintang can copy the strategy of the Communist Party and put the party in the country, so why can't other parties copy the Kuomintang? The strategy of putting the party on top of the country? Qin Shihuang conquered the world and became emperor himself; Liu Bang conquered the world and of course became emperor; Cao Cao and Sima Yi conquered the world and of course became emperors. This is the story of "family world". When the KMT’s revolution is successful, it can be said that ‘the party is in the country’, and other party revolutions are successful, and of course it can also be said that ‘the party is in the country.’ This of course has become a continuous ‘party under heaven’.” Seven years later, Chu Anping's "party world" theory echoed back and forth because of which he was convicted. He Lin said: The biggest force that most easily and often violates academic independence is politics. …True academics are the highest manifestation of human reason and free spirit, so it should not be a tool of politics, a whitewash of civilization, or be swayed by economics. Feng Youlan commented: The moral system of Chinese family ethics was the earliest developed.Zhou Gong's rules and regulations embody the essence of ancient Chinese civilization.As far as the Zhou and Qin philosophers are concerned, they are really worthless.The thoughts of Lao and Zhuang are lofty, but compared with the philosophers of the Western countries, they are extremely shallow. Wu Mi's "Rain Monk's Diary" once recorded what Chen Yinke said: China's philosophy and art are far inferior to Greece.Not only science is Xun Taixi.But the ancient Chinese were good at politics and practical ethics.Most similar to the Romans.His words of morality are only practical, not false.Its pros and cons are here.The strengths are the purpose of cultivating Qi Zhiping; the weaknesses are the gains and losses of practical things, the observation is too clear, and the lack of profound and far-reaching thinking. Gu Jie just talked about learning: Anyone who concentrates on learning must have little interest in politics. This is not because he has neglected world affairs. In fact, a person only has this spirit. Once he concentrates on learning, he can no longer be distracted by politics. ... It is wrong for everyone in the school not to ask about politics, but it is not unreasonable to allow a few people who are particularly interested in learning to specialize in research... so that people like Mr. Jing'an can study with peace of mind, and will no longer be drawn by other parties. make sacrifices. When discussing Wang Guowei's death, Gu Jiegang said: People who know how to make a fuss are always praised by many people as the leader of the people, and everything is put on him until he is destroyed. ...The aloofness of this kind of scholar-bureaucrat is the main point that killed Mr. Jing'an. He felt that he had read a lot, heard a lot, and had a high self-esteem, so he didn't want to get close to the people...Now he would rather die in the braid, this is He refused to claim to be among the people, deliberately innovated, and put on airs to call himself arrogance, so as to maintain the dignity of his scholar-official class.This kind of thinking is something we absolutely cannot sympathize with. Kong Xiangxi wanted to ask Pan Guangdan to prove that he is the descendant of Confucius, but he refused politely: "I'm sorry, there is no one in Shanxi who is descended from Confucius!" When Ke Shaomin resigned from the position of participating in politics, he said: "There are many schools in politics, so why do you have any participation?" Jiang Tingfu said: The results of studying history have revised the inherent concepts.The leaders who dealt with China's affairs in the last hundred years of the Qing Dynasty, regardless of whether they were Manchu or Han, were not all hopelessly bad as past publications made it out to be. … At the height of the nationalist revolution, the desire to call attention to the facts and circumstances of the time and to point out that the fault was not entirely on the side of foreigners is really unthinkable, but I believe that most of the early negotiations between China and the powers were wrong Farce, which is to say we don't understand the situation at all. Jiang Tingfu said: In our society, it is extremely difficult to do things.Although the self-strengthening movement started during the Tongzhi period did not achieve its goal, it took a lot of effort to achieve considerable results. If Prince Gong and Wen Xiang had not presided over it in Beijing at that time, and Zeng Guofan, Li Hongzhang, and Zuo Zongtang had not been in Beijing. Therefore, China after the British and French Allied Forces and the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom will still be insensitive, just like China after the Opium War. Therefore, we must carefully study what these leaders of the era have done. Wang Xianqian profoundly revealed the disadvantages of Chinese scholars who are generally pragmatic and said: "It is said that the serious illness of Chinese scholars lies in empty words. When Neo Confucianism flourishes, Cheng and Zhu tend to Lu and Wang, and Cheng and music are pragmatic. Hanxue prospers. , then lower the Han and respect the Song, and treat the Chinese as a person. The new learning prospers, and it repudiates the West and guards the middle, and the Western learning is especially heavy. It is like studying the new learning of the heart. Restoration starts from manufacturing, China seeks innovation and starts from discussion. What is done is in the name, and the plan is in private. If the words are all over the world, but there is no reality to follow, it will still be empty, and it will be nothing but nothing.” Gu Weijun has repeatedly expounded on one of his basic principles for diplomatic negotiations, which is to deny the theory of total victory.Gu said: "Every Chinese intellectual remembers an old saying: It is better to be broken than to be whole. In other words, it is better to stick to principles than to only care about partial interests. I have always regarded this sentence as a precious motto in my life. , because a man's life is limited; but this maxim does not apply to diplomacy, because the state is eternal and cannot be broken, and a diplomat cannot see his country go to ruin because he must stick to his principles." Li Zehou said in "Philosophical Exploration Records": The development of rationality makes people think that social utopia can be designed based on it, but when Lenin and Mao Zedong put it into revolutionary practice, the beautiful picture suddenly became a real non-existent land, paying for the social dream of Datong It is the blood, sweat, tears and hatred of hundreds of millions of people.Therefore, the steadiness, gradual progress, improvement, negation of over-reliance on rationality, and negation of social overall engineering design of the empiricist liberalism appear to be realistic and healthy. Gu Zhun said: There will never be absolute perfection in this world, and what we can do will always be "the most important of two benefits, and the lesser of two evils." Zhang Naiqi wrote at the end of a more than 30,000-word "Comprehensive Inspection Based on Facts": I am devoted to the party, and I hope the party will confide in me. ...I have so far no hope of evading punishment.A person who can only be an official but not the people must be a full-fledged bureaucrat. Not only can he not be called a revolutionist, but he is also unworthy of being a socialist citizen. ... I can't treat others with right and wrong, and I can't treat myself without conscience. Jia Zhifang stated frankly: The generation of intellectuals who rose up after the Anti-Japanese War... almost sucked the nourishment of the "May 4th" new culture and grew up under the artillery fire of the Anti-Japanese War. They knew the value of independent personality since they were young. oppressive individualistic impulses.When the two major political forces of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party faced each other, this impulse prompted them to instinctively sympathize with the Communist Party... But after 1949, when the new regime was established and the new authority began to take effect, this generation of intellectuals was born with The enthusiasm and impulse of individualism that came from the past became the orchid born on the threshold and had to be hoed out. Lao She said in "Cat City Tale": The sky is still so dark, the stars are still so bright, everything is still so quiet, only the eyes on the night of subjugation cannot be closed firmly.I know they are awake, and they also know that I am not asleep, but no one speaks, their tongues seem to be pinched by the fingers of destruction, and people and nations are never allowed to speak again.The world is dumb again with a culture whose last dream is the singing of freedom that is too late.It will never wake up again.Its soul can only go to hell, because its record in life is a blot on history. When Wei Junyi commented on the educated youth writers, he said: Most of the new generation of the "Cultural Revolution" became uneducated people. Some of them studied hard in the countryside and came back to make up for 10 years of lessons.Some people have written their sufferings into novels, such as Liang Xiaosheng, A Cheng, Zhang Kangkang, Shi Tiesheng, Ye Xin-now they have become famous.But in their novels, they all wrote about how they suffered, but none of them honestly wrote about how they responded to the call of the "Cultural Revolution" when they were sixteen or seventeen years old, and how their minds voluntarily became ignorant?All the grievances suffered by the old, the middle, and the young can be attributed to the Gang of Four. Is that enough?I think it is not enough. Zhou Gucheng said: Their sociologists, political scientists, and philosophers are almost always discussing the disadvantages of their system, while Chinese scholars, on the contrary, explain the advantages every day. Yang Zhenning sighed: Chinese people are sometimes too naive and too idealistic. Thinking about what the society needs in the future forever, it is not worthwhile to start working hard today. Zeng Zhaolun said: "Don't look at scholars who failed to rebel after three years. Chinese intellectuals have a tradition of making troubles. From the imperial students in the Han Dynasty to the May 4th Movement, they were all caused by students." Li Ao: Any first-rate intellectuals must be opposed, critical, and dissenting in form.In the process of seeking and defending the truth, it is so important to focus on opposition and criticism. ... To be an intellectual but to be the first to flatter and escort the government is the most shameful failure to do business properly.Intellectuals playing politics is an ancient formula like hooligans fighting the world, and it is also a corrupt formula. In the eventful autumn of 1957, Mao Heting went to Beijing to pay homage to Mao Zedong.Parting, Mao asked: "Sir, do you have something to say?" He replied: "I have lived for several dynasties, and only the Communist Party can make China strong. This is like a lion, but there are also a few lice. The ancients said: 'The lice are small. , the harm is also great.'Be careful!" Sam Mengwu once said with emotion: "Most of the doctors in China are doctors of ducks. Ducks can swim in water, but not fast; they can walk on land, but not fast; they can fly in the air, but not high. Isn't it appropriate to add the name of duck to the general doctor of China?" He also sighed to his students: "Chinese revolutionaries and counter-revolutionaries are both in the minority, and the majority are 'revolutionaries. 'and also." Hui Yuyu, the former secretary of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, made a profound statement on the damage that extreme leftism brought to the CCP. He said: "According to my experience, once a person is left, he will not recognize his relatives, and he will no longer be a human being." Lei Haizong said: "The ability of Chinese intellectuals to keep silent can be ranked first in the history of the world."
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