Home Categories Essays As the saying goes: the most important collection of words in modern times
Jiang Baili once brought two children to Germany. An old lady in the country said to him: "It is important for children to study, but more important than this is to teach them to value social life. Young people are most afraid of depression or loneliness. Begging, but the body is weak and the spirit is exhausted. What is the use of such a learned person to the country and society? Therefore, in addition to studying, parents must also pay attention to the surrounding environment of their children. Let them stay with the majority of people and spend more of their outdoor life of skating, swimming, and playing ball." Jiang turned around and reminded the children: "This old lady's words are extremely valuable knowledge outside the classroom."

In 1905, Yan Fu went to London.When Sun Yat-sen was in England, the two met to discuss the future of China. Yan Fu thought that the wisdom of the Chinese people had not yet been developed. ? You are a thinker, but I am an executive.” In Zhang Taiyan's later years, foreign aggression became more and more urgent.In his lectures, he emphasized that "it is shameful to do one's own thing" and discussed current affairs.Chiang Kai-shek asked Zhang Ji, Zhang's Jinlan brother, to come forward and persuade "elder brother to give lectures with peace of mind and not to discuss current affairs." Zhang Taiyan was very angry. He said: "I am old, how can I pick my hair for secrets to show the world's unrest? . . . The industry has been completely corrupted so far, who really did it? We will die in peace?" "In the past five years, the authorities have been full of crimes, and the road is looking sideways."

In the French battlefield, Yan Yangchu selected 1,000 commonly used characters from Chinese characters to teach Chinese workers how to read, and later founded the "Huagong Weekly".A few months later, Yan Yangchu received a letter from a Chinese laborer. In order to express his gratitude to Yan Yangchu, the Chinese laborer decided to donate 365 francs of his hard-earned money saved by risking his life on the French battlefield for three years. This letter changed Yan Yangchu's life. Yan Yangchu said: "I went to France to educate the Chinese laborers, but I didn't expect them to educate me." Dedicated to the hardworking people for life."

At the end of World War II, President Roosevelt proposed the famous Four Freedoms, and Yan Yangchu added one, that is, the people should have "freedom from ignorance." Yan Yangchu often said: "Three C's" have influenced my life, namely Confucius, Christ and Coolies.More specifically, it is: Confucian people-oriented thought from ancient times, the example of missionaries from modern times, and folk suffering and wisdom from all over the world. Yan Yangchu said: If you want to promote new ideas and systems in education or other fields, it is best not to get involved in politics. In this way, you have absolute freedom to experiment. This is the only way to give full play to your wisdom. Otherwise, you will fail by abandoning your principles.

In 1945, Yan Yangchu said in a meeting with Chiang Kai-shek: "Our people have suffered 21 years of civil war, and they have shed all their blood. Now it is time to do something for the masses in the countryside." Chiang Kai-shek said: " You are a scholar, and I am a soldier." He also said that after he wiped out the Communist Party, he would hire Yan Yangchu as the leader of the nationwide rural transformation movement.Yan Yangchu said: "Chairman, if you only see the power of the army but not the power of the people, then you will lose China." On Yan Yangchu's 98th birthday in 1988, President Reagan said in his congratulatory message: "During my tenure, one of the greatest rewards is to know that there are virtuous people like you who serve others wholeheartedly." 1989 President Bush said in his birthday message to Yan Yangchu in 2010: "By seeking to give help to those in need, rather than charity, you reaffirmed the dignity and value of human beings." "You have made countless people realize: Any child is by no means just a mouth to eat, but a valuable person with unlimited potential and two working hands."

In "Silhouette of Professors of Peking University", there is such a thing about Shen Jianshi: Once, when the first-year students of the Chinese Department were in class, he was giving a lecture with great interest, when someone came in suddenly and called the roll.The man put the top hat on the nearby table. Mr. Shen thought it was a spy and hated it very much. He immediately threw the man's hat on the ground and said loudly, "This is where the hat is placed? This is where the things are placed?" The man picked up his hat and put it on embarrassingly, and then said to everyone: "Mr. Shen is too much! I have taken his class before!" Then he slowly opened the door and left.It turned out that the staff of the registration department came to spot check the number of students attending the class.Generally, Peking University teachers do not call names of students, especially those above the second grade.The Peking University authorities call for "free research", and those who don't want to take this class can go back and study on their own.It is stricter for first-year students who have just come from middle school, but they are also spot-checked and roll-rolled, not necessarily which class is randomly checked, which leads to this misunderstanding.

Shen Baozhen was very timid when he was young, and he was afraid of cats meowing at night.Shen's mother taught Confucian moral concepts, and asked: "Do you admire the loyal and filial sons of the past dynasties?" Baozhen replied: "Of course." "Do you know where their courage comes from?" Baozhen said: "They are naturally bold." Shen's mother said: "No, because they behave in an upright manner, and all they think about is how to honor their parents and serve the country. That's why I became more courageous." Later, Shen Baozhen was often intentionally sent back and forth to the eerie places alone, and after going back and forth, Shen Baozhen became more courageous.

When Fei Gong was young, he returned to China via the Soviet Union. A friend asked him his impression of the Soviet Union. He said: "The overall impression is not bad, there are many new things, but I don't like to force people to accept a certain idea. Standardize thinking. I hope to explain the truth clearly to the people, and let the people compare and choose freely." The friend said: "You are a typical liberal!" Fei Gong replied: "No matter what doctrine you say I am, I love this free atmosphere, and I believe that everyone has a brain, and they have the ability to judge right from wrong."

Tao Xingzhi's original name was Tao Wenjun. When he was young, he believed in Wang Mingyang's idea that "knowledge is the beginning of action", so he changed his name to "knowledge and action".Later, when he started education, he increasingly discovered the importance of "doing", the so-called "knowledge after doing", so he changed the name to "knowledge by doing".He also wrote a doggerel "Three Generations" as an illustration: "Action is Laozi, knowledge is son, and creation is grandson." Tao Xingzhi paid attention to "heuristic" education. Once he gave a speech at Wuhan University, he came to the stage with a big bag, and took out a big rooster and a handful of rice from his pocket as soon as he came on stage.He pressed the chicken's head to let the chicken eat the rice, but the chicken refused to eat it alive; later he let go of the hand and let the chicken stay there by itself, but the chicken began to bow its head to eat the rice.Tao Xingzhi explained: "Education is like feeding chickens. Students are forced to learn. Students are unwilling to learn. Even if they learn, they will never learn. However, if students are allowed to exert more subjective initiative, the effect will be much better. "

Tao Xingzhi initiated the education of the common people by "going to the countryside", which puts the most emphasis on using both hands and brains, which is suitable for correcting the abnormal development of young masters who use their brains but not their hands.He once founded the Xiaozhuang School in Nanjing and achieved remarkable results.The school has a library, and Tao personally inscribed the name of the library: "Nerds should not come to the library."This sincerity is so unique that it is enough to make the respondent in the teacher's belly shy away. In 1926, Tao Xingzhi drafted the "Manifesto on Transforming National Rural Education" for the China Education Improvement Society, proposing that "to raise a fund of one million yuan, recruit one million comrades, promote one million schools, and transform one million a village."

In the early 1930s, Hu Shi took a flight for the first time and wrote a little poem entitled "A Praise for Flying". Tao Xingzhi, who didn't even ride a rickshaw, was furious and wrote a poem Published in the newspaper, enumerating how much blood and sweat of workers and farmers are needed to build an airplane. The airplane is built to serve the country, not for you Dr. Hu to play as a plaything! Sun Yat-sen had a courageous personality since he was a child, and he was responsible for generations.His mother asked him to pick up an earthen jar to carry water, but he refused to go, so he smashed the earthen jar privately, but admitted the matter directly, without lying, just like Washington admitted to cutting down the cherry tree.He also dared to oppose idol worship. He once cut off the fingers and toes of the statue of the Golden Flower Empress enshrined in the temple in his hometown to verify whether the god was bleeding, which caused great panic in the villagers.He often stole food from sacrifices. When his mother scolded him, he protested: "The dead Bodhisattva has not eaten, let the living Bodhisattva eat first!" When Chiang Kai-shek was studying in Japan, he often saw Japanese people reading Wang Yangming's works on trams, trains or ferries. Many people read a chapter, then closed their eyes and sat quietly, thinking deeply.Jiang Da was stimulated, so he bought a large number of Wang Yangming's works and began to study them.He said: "For this philosophy, it is really a kind of hand dance, foot dance, a kind of admiration..." Liang Shuming believes that "village governance" is "the last new direction of the Chinese national self-help movement".Therefore, he resigned from his teaching position at Peking University and went to Shandong, Guangdong, Henan and other places to conduct experiments, which were not forced to stop until the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War. Qian Zhongshu said: "I have read all the great classics and classics in the West." His famous saying is: "East and West Seas, the psychology is the same; learning from the south and learning from the north, the Taoism is not broken." Wen Yiduo said: The sympathy is developed to the extreme, the judgment is strong, and the mobilization is also strong. Maybe just a little verbal expression is not enough, so it must be expressed in person.So Lu You, a seventy-year-old man, wanted to "spray tears on the dragon's bed, please go north", and Byron was going to die on the battlefield. Jiang Menglin said that he relied on the "three sons" to do things in his life: he was a man with Confucius, he was with Laozi, and he was a devil.Devils, as well as foreign devils, do things with a scientific and pragmatic attitude.
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