Home Categories Essays As the saying goes: the most important collection of words in modern times
The social motto of "Ta Kung Pao" run by Wang Yunsheng and others is "no party, no sales, no selfishness, no blindness". Wang believes that journalists should dare to tell the truth and not be afraid of being killed.He once said to the younger boys: "When you get to the execution ground, grab the braid, and when the steel knife slams in one stroke, when there is a click, boy, you have to keep silent and clench your teeth to withstand it, then you can be considered a good man and a good reporter." .” When Li Hongzhang visited the United States, a reporter asked him if he could introduce American newspapers to China. He replied: "There are newspapers in our country, but it is a pity that our editors are unwilling to tell the truth to readers. They are not as brave as your newspapers." Tell the truth and only the truth. Our editors are very stingy when they tell the truth, they only tell part of the truth, and they don't have the circulation of your newspaper. Because we can't tell the truth honestly, our newspaper It loses the noble value of news itself, and it fails to become a way to spread civilization widely.”

In the hands of Chen Fan, who "saved the world with clear discussions", "Su Bao" became an important Chinese-language daily in Shanghai.After the failure of the Kang-Liang reform, Kang Youwei turned from the reform to the emperor. Chen said to Wang Wenpu: "China's trend is to reform, but what Kang Jun holds is not true. Jun Gai and I pay the people of the country with literature, so that we will never lose our way." "Su Bao" The rhetoric has since turned to revolution. In May 1902, Chen Fan's "Su Bao" published "A Reminder to the Conservative Lords", publicly advocating revolution: "If you live today and want to save my compatriots, there is no other way than revolution. Non-revolution is not enough to destroy, and non-destruction is not enough. construction, so revolution is the only way to save China.”

In 1905, the "Su Bao" case occurred, and Zou Rong died in prison.Zhang Taiyan wrote a poem saying: "Zou Rongwu's little brother was sent to Yingzhou, the braids were removed quickly with scissors, and dried beef was used as meat. When a hero is imprisoned, the world is also sad. When he dies, he has to mix his hands, and there are only two ends in the world." Morale, full of energy for it. The author of "Revolutionary History" Feng Ziyou was originally named Maolong, and his father Feng Jingru had an old relationship with Kang Youwei, but when Feng Ziyou was studying in Japan, he hated Kang Youwei and other royalists very much.At that time, the royalist faction ran the "Qing Yi Bao", and Kang Youwei interfered a lot with the newspaper, especially not allowing the word "freedom" to appear. Editors such as Mai Menghua, Cai E, and Qin Lishan were dissatisfied, and Feng Maolong was particularly angry, so he He changed his name to "Freedom" to show his break with him.

Dr. Chen, the president of the Peking Morning News, was at a certain banquet. Someone asked what news the newspaper had recently. Chen replied: "The news is not in the newspaper!" In 1907, Yang Dusheng and Yu Youren founded Shenzhou Daily in Shanghai.His editorials and "little words on current affairs" were bold and pungent, which no one dared to speak, and were very popular among readers. People at the time praised them as "the public's writings cry if you want the world to cry, and sing if you want the world to sing."Four years later, he was stimulated by the revolutionary spirit. It was rumored that Huang Xing died in battle. He was very sad and found that Zhang Shizhao was in contact with the royalists.The suicide note to Wu Zhihui: "It is better to die than to live without joy." On August 6, 1911, Yang threw himself into the Atlantic Ocean at the mouth of Liverpool, England and died.

Fu Sinian once said to Hu Shi: "We must have our own methods. Once we enter the government, we will have nothing to do. Instead of joining the government, it is better to form a party; instead of forming a party, it is better to run a newspaper." In the opposition, once Gai entered the government, he was unable to fight.” Hu Shi couldn't stand loneliness. He claimed that he attached great importance to academics and wanted to "not talk about politics for 20 years." Within a few years, he founded and published the weekly "Efforts".Friends may not approve of him running a newspaper, worrying that he will be a "continuation of Liang Rengong". Hu Shi himself said: "They all said that I should concentrate on writing books. I am very grateful for what friends in class mean, but I really can't help it."

In 1918, Shao Piaoping founded the "Beijing News". His ideal was to run an independent newspaper that would not be attached to any political forces; Three".Regarding his defense of freedom of speech, Feng Yuxiang commented: "Piaoping, a pen, is worth 100,000 troops." In the early days of the Republic of China, Chen Duxiu said boldly: "I have been running a newspaper for ten years, and the situation in China has completely changed." Chen Duxiu answered readers' questions for "New Youth": "Who says this magazine represents public opinion? The purpose of this magazine is to resist public opinion!"

Yu You was the editor of Min Hu Bao, advocating the anti-manchurian revolution. The Qing government threatened to goug out his eyes, so he changed the name of Min Hu Bao to Min Hu Bao to show that "Hu" had his eyes gouged out. On December 7, 1925, Shao Piaoping published a large two-page full-page "Beijing News Special Issue", which was printed on thick paper and copper plate, and it was full of photos of important people in the recent situation, which was very eye-catching.There are comments written by him at the back of each character, such as: General Feng Yuxiang, General Sun Yue, General Yue Weijun, General Lu Zhonglin, who "protects the security of Gyeonggi and Gyeonggi Police Chief" Sun Chuanfang, General Wu Peifu who went to Hankou from Yuezhou for nothing but electricity, Guo Songling who said "The Rise of the Northeast National Army turned against Feng", Zhang Xueliang who was "dilemma of loyalty and filial piety", Zhang Zuolin who was "the lord of the world who deserted all relatives and rebelled" , Zhang Zongchang, "Public Enemy of the People of Lu", Li Jinglin, "Public Enemy of the Straight People", and Zhang Zuo, "Willing to Help Rebels".He kept publishing reports and commentaries praising Guo Songling, counting Zhang Zuolin's crimes, and even wrote an article encouraging Zhang Xueliang to "let his father let his son succeed". Trying to gag him.He returned it immediately after receiving it, and continued to expose Zhang Zuolin in the newspaper.He once said to his family: "Zhang Zuolin offered 300,000 yuan to buy me. I don't want this kind of money, and I don't want to be shot!"

In 1933, Wu Chengshi, a student of Zhang Taiyan, started the "Literature and History" magazine and studied materialist dialectics, which caused ridicule from some old professors, including his fellow student Qian Xuantong.Qian wrote the three-character couplet "Generalism, Materialism" to Wu Chengshi, but Wu didn't understand what it meant.Qian Shuo plus your "Literature and History", isn't it "Persian literature, historical materialism"?Qian Xuantong, who has a fat head, once said: "The head can be broken, and the dialectical method cannot be taught!" Lu Xun said with a smile: "Why don't you bet on a fat head to resist the dialectical method."

Shi Liangcai did the "Declaration", which was disliked by the government.It is said that Chiang Kai-shek once talked to Shi, and Chiang said: "Get me mad, I have 1 million soldiers under me!" Shi replied coldly: "I also have 1 million readers under me!" On the afternoon of November 13, 1934, Shi Liang Caiguo was assassinated by the Kuomintang military reunification agents at the age of 54. Shi Liangcai rejected all opinions and invited Li Liewen to be the editor-in-chief of the supplement "Free Talk" during the innovation period.Li invited progressive writers to write for "Free Talk", and Lu Xun, Mao Dun, Ba Jin, etc. often published works, forming a new fortress in the cultural world.Wu Xingya, the leader of the Kuomintang in Shanghai, and others jointly wrote a letter to Shi, requesting Li Liewen's replacement and recommending Zhang to replace him.History ignored it.Wu Xingya and others had no choice but to visit in person, and asked to replace Li face to face.Shi replied bluntly: "Thank you, gentlemen, for coming to teach "Free Talk". I don't think you may be willing to change "Free Talk" into "Not Free Talk". "Wu and others turned pale after hearing this.

After Lin Baishui and Shao Piaoping were killed, Cheng Shewo was also arrested by Zhang Zongchang, and was about to be executed. His family found former Prime Minister Sun Baoqi to intercede for him, so they chose to come back with their lives.As soon as he reported to the newspaper, he said: "The newspaper will continue to publish, at most it will be sheltered from the wind, and the warlords will still scold him. Zhang Zongchang will not grow!" He often said to his colleagues in the newspaper: "As long as it is true, it will not harm society. It can be published. If something happens, you don’t have to be responsible, go to jail in a lawsuit, and leave it to me!”

As of March 1937, there were 1,518 kinds of private newspapers in China, 78 public and private radio stations, and 520 public and private news agencies, most of which were private.Famous news agencies such as Guowen News Agency and Shenshi News Agency, famous newspapers such as Shenbao, Ta Kung Pao, and Guowen Daily, and famous publishing houses such as Commercial Press, Zhonghua Book Company, and World Book Company are all privately owned. On the day Nanjing fell, Japan notified the Shanghai International Settlement that all Chinese-language newspapers must be submitted for review before publication. Wang Yunsheng, editor-in-chief of "Ta Kung Pao", announced: "We are journalists, and we have always cherished the ambition of serving the country with our articles. In normal times, we have nothing to praise the country or contribute to our compatriots. We are deeply ashamed. Today, we can Mian, who is also a compatriot, only these three words - do not surrender!" Zhang Xueliang agreed with Wang Yunsheng's evaluation of him launching the Xi'an Incident in Ta Kung Pao.Wang Yunsheng wrote in "Ta Kung Pao": "People who understand don't need to argue, but why do people who are confused?" "Anyone would do the same!" When the Anti-Japanese War was coming to an end, Huang Yanpei returned from his visit to Yan'an and wrote the book "Return from Yan'an", praising Yan'an and Mao Zedong to the best of his ability, which aroused strong repercussions.He also struck while the iron was hot, and launched the "rejection movement" to reject the censorship system of newspapers, periodicals and books implemented by the Kuomintang since 1931.He publicly stated: "This is called 'a tiger who has eaten arsenic', and he will definitely fight to the death!" After he ascended to the top, news and cultural organizations in major cities in the Kuomintang-controlled area responded one after another.The scholars emerged victorious after a nearly two-month cold war with the government, which was forced to roll back censorship of news and books. As soon as the Anti-Japanese War ended, Wang Yunsheng said: We suggest that the government do one thing first, that is: abolish press censorship and open up freedom of speech. …The censorship of the news not only has the function of covering up crimes and covering up stubborn evil, but also deceives both the government and the people. …With news censorship, there is no freedom of speech and press. …The result of the censorship of the news is that the leaders are sanctified, only listen to flattery, and are in the clouds. The government is doing everything well and is absolutely infallible. Self-knowledge, as for denying democracy, stay away from the people. In 1944, Yenching University, which moved to Chengdu, invited Wang Yun to give a lecture.At this time, Wang Yunsheng, who was the editor-in-chief of "Ta Kung Pao", warned everyone: If you are convicted of telling the truth, and you are "caught in the execution ground, grab your pigtails, and when the steel knife clicks in one fell swoop, boy, you have to keep silent." If you grit your teeth and hold on, you are considered a good man and a good reporter." From the winter of 1942 to the spring of the following year, a famine hit Henan and Guangdong, resulting in the death of 3 million of the 30 million people in Henan and 3 million in Guangdong. On February 1, 1943, "Ta Kung Pao" reported the famine under the title "Records of Yu Disasters".Wang Yunsheng worked hard to write "Looking at Chongqing, Thinking about Central Plains", which was published as an editorial the next day.Chiang Kai-shek was furious when he saw it, and personally ordered the suspension of publication of "Ta Kung Pao" for three days. Wang Yunsheng said: As far as the current situation is concerned, everyone can do the profession of journalist, but it is not easy to do it with due diligence.A journalist who can fulfill his duties must have several conditions that are different from ordinary people: he must have a firm personality, strong perseverance, and rich knowledge; he must have enthusiasm for mankind, the country, and his profession. There must be strong love, and then with a sharp mind, warm heart, and frosty ethics, develop the courageous spirit of "the mighty can't be subdued, and the rich can't be lewd", conscientiously serve mankind and the country. Zhang Jiluan is known as a "news wizard". He once wrote the article "General Yang Doesn't Write Jiugongge", which records a period of history of General Yang Hucheng's imprisonment due to the Xi'an Incident: "The general was sent for three or four years. Day and night, living in a remote place, bored, can be imagined. The left and right say: why not take calligraphy as homework! Practicing calligraphy can cultivate one's character, and one can enjoy the joy of tranquility. The general appreciates it deeply. So he collects the hair of Aries , Fold the nine palace grids, and write a hundred crosses in the Japanese book. At the beginning, the grid was small and the characters were big, and the characters were straight and oblique. After ten days, and a little bit of rules, I am quite happy. There are flatterers on the left and right who say: "Good job, the general has passed the standard! General!" Hearing this, he felt something suddenly, he was furious, split the paper, and smashed the inkstone. The left and right sides were at a loss for what to do. The general said with emotion: I am already in the grid, and my sorrow is unsolvable. Now I also enter my words Geye? I am inherently guilty, and my writing is not guilty. Why should I lose my freedom? From now on, the general will not review his writing, and he will be bored and bored, and it will be the same as before." People say, "This kind of writing is comparable to "Historical Records". In May 1941, Ta Kung Pao received a medal from the Journalism School of the University of Missouri, which is a worldwide honor.Zhang Jiluan said in the "Statement of Our Associates": "The China Press is different from other countries in one point: the newspapers of various countries are operated as a large industry, while the China Press is in principle an institution for literati to discuss politics, not an industrial institution. In this regard, it can be said that China is backward, but it can also be said to be a specialty.” Zhang Jiluan attaches great importance to the role of journalists. He said to Xu Zhucheng: "Mature journalists should be first-class politicians. Aren't there many US presidential candidates who have been journalists?" He also said: "We journalists should not belittle ourselves. The cultivation of journalists is really the same as that of politicians, but the sensitivity of journalists and the wide range of attention may be more than that.” In April 1938, Fan Changjiang returned to the Hankou branch of "Ta Kung Pao". Zhang Jiluan believed that a qualified newspaperman should write editorials, edit manuscripts, make headlines, make layouts, and read samples. To be able to sit, to be able to boil.Zhang appreciated Fan Changjiang's talent, and also intended to train him and let him hone it, so when he proposed to be the "editor of the important news edition", he agreed.Unexpectedly, he complained after only two night shifts, and said to Wang Yunsheng: "I can't sell my health like this!" Mr. Zhang Jiluan, who has always been gentle and kind to others, was very angry: "Selling health? We have sold our health for a lifetime, and we have never complained." , he can't stand it after only two days, tell him to go!" Xu Zhucheng said that the reason why Zhang Jiluan's articles often have the power to move people's hearts is that "every word is simple and painful", because he not only has insight, stands tall, sees far, and sees deeply, but also because of his "The strokes of the pen often carry emotion."When Yu Songhua commented on Wang Yunsheng's articles being read by the world, he also said: "He is full of enthusiasm, and what he says can often penetrate the hearts of readers. Therefore, his articles can always touch people's hearts, and they will not be out of touch with public opinion without party or faction. "Wang Yunsheng himself said in "How Journalists Stand Up for Words": "It takes enthusiasm to make the 'pen end with emotion' and to express the life and vitality of words in the pen." Zhang Jiluan, editor-in-chief of "Ta Kung Pao", was knowledgeable, had a wide range of friends, and taught everything. On September 6, 1941, Zhang Jiluan died of illness in Chongqing. Du Yuesheng, who was heard on the sea, rushed to Chongqing, supported the coffin and cried bitterly, calling repeatedly: "Fourth Brother! Fourth Brother!"During his serious illness, Chiang Kai-shek visited the hospital in person. Chiang’s telegram of condolence included the words “handshakes are warm”, and the elegiac couplet said: “The whole world admires Zhengsheng, and it will last forever; As a great publisher, Wang Yunwu is different from Zhang Yuanji.Zhang is a pure master, and he still pays attention to the word "study" in publishing; Wang Yunwu is not, he focuses on the word "business". Some people say that he is the most ideal publisher in the world.He admits: "Publishing is like opening a restaurant. For a restaurant to be famous, it must have a famous chef. The chef is more important than the boss. He must have the full power to control the food and beverages of the restaurant in order to serve wonderful dishes to satisfy the diners. Publisher It is best to be a scholar, who has read extensively and does not have to be a specialist, so that he can publish all kinds of readable books." Wang Yunsheng presided over the writing affairs of "Ta Kung Pao" from 1941 to 1949.In the past eight years, in order to insist on the independence of speech, he bumped into Chiang many times. Chiang Kai-shek asked him to serve as a member of the Military Commission, and sent him a letter of appointment and salary, but he returned it, which was quite embarrassing. In 1947, Tang Zhenchang, a reporter from "Ta Kung Pao" was arrested by the central government's special agents, and he called Shanghai Mayor Wu Guozhen: If you don't let him go today, you will publish it in the newspaper tomorrow! During Mao Zedong's Yan'an period, apart from the "Party Newspaper and Party Journal", the newspaper he read the most and devoted himself to was "Ta Kung Pao".Until 1958, Mao also said to Wu Lengxi: "Zhang Jiluan waving a goose feather fan, and being a guest everywhere. This method of observing the situation with eyes and ears is something that a chief editor should learn." In 1948, Wang Yunsheng went to the Liberated Area at the invitation of Mao Zedong. Before he left, he specially found the "Liberation Daily" and read an article by Wang Shiwei.After watching it, he said with emotion: "This is going to be shot, so didn't I have to get shot 800 times in the past?" In 1945, Mao Zedong flew to Chongqing to conduct world-renowned peace talks with Chiang Kai-shek.During this period, he had two appointments with Wang Yunsheng, and they talked alone for a long time.Later, the Ta Kung Pao Office invited Mao Zedong back. After the banquet, Mao wrote an inscription for "Ta Kung Pao" on the spot: Serve the people. In 1933, Li Roushi and other "Five Martyrs of the Left League" were killed for two full years, and newspapers at that time did not dare to report this matter. Shi Zhecun, editor of "Modern" magazine, later recalled Lu Xun's famous article "In Memory of Forgetting", "This article was left in the editorial rooms of two magazines for several days, and the editor did not dare to use it, so he forwarded it to me. ".Shi Ye "was a bit hesitant" and "did not dare to make a decision", "ask the boss, Mr. Zhang Jinglu, to make up his mind. After reading it, Zhang hesitated, and after two or three days of consideration, he resolutely decided: go! The reasons are: first, he was reluctant to part with Lu Xun's article Ordinary masterpieces were killed, or were given the honor of being published by other publications; second, after careful study, this article did not directly offend the ruler's sentence, and it was published in the concession, which is not worthy of any serious crime." Cheng Shewo went through many hardships in running a newspaper. Warlords, party leaders, Shanghai gangsters, etc. made things difficult for him, and even put him to death.Zhang Zongchang killed people without blinking an eye, and within a few years, Cheng often saw Zhang Men sitting in Jinyuxuan in Zhongshan Park, scratching his head in boredom, and repeatedly wanted to chat with him, but he just smiled back.When Cheng Shewo offended Wang Jingwei, his friends advised him to compromise, but he refused. "The Japanese invaders surrendered, and I went to Nanjing. One month ago, when I put up the signboard of "Minsheng Daily" in Nanjing, I came back from Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum and passed the so-called "Wang's Tomb" in Meihua Mountain. Line up to pee in front of the grave." Cheng Shewo runs the "World Journal" in Chongqing, and strictly controls all measures within the agency, even stipulating that employees can only eat brown rice for meals, and do not use oil in cooking.Due to fatigue and poor nutrition, the employees repeatedly asked for better food, but Cheng never allowed it. On April 12, 1945, President Roosevelt of the United States passed away. The news reached Chongqing at noon that day. The newspaper staff were having lunch. Cheng Shewo went to the cafeteria to announce the news and said: "Look, Roosevelt is the president of the Jinyuan Kingdom. It should be very good, but he is also dead, so it can be seen that nutrition has little to do with it." Before he could finish speaking, the whole room burst into laughter. Cheng Shewo's newspaper is very strict with journalists. He personally compares the quality of newspaper layouts every day, sets up a few "imaginary enemies", such as Beijing Morning Post and Tianjin Ta Kung Pao as targets, and excerpts about his own characteristics, what other people have ahead of him, etc. Those who feel that they are lagging behind others, who belong to other places, immediately use letters and telegrams to inquire foreign reporters. On a certain day in 1947, a special reporter from Nanjing sent a special telegram to report a news about the discovery of a giant tortoise in a certain place, which was published accordingly. The next day, the other newspapers reported not the tortoise but the tortoiseshell.Cheng was very annoyed at the time, and immediately sent a telegram to Nanjing, which contained the words "everyone is a tortoiseshell, but I am only a tortoise". The staff couldn't help laughing when they saw this telegram. When Cheng Shewo was 16 years old, he made a wish: "run a truly independent newspaper." He has been engaged in journalism for 80 years and firmly believes that "news is the fourth power, the power to supervise the government".One year before his death, he was admitted to the hospital due to illness and could not speak for a long time. He still struggled to write the four words "I want to speak" in handwriting every day. During the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, Chu Anping said before the closure of the Observation: "Although the government is afraid of our criticism, in fact, we have no interest in criticizing the government now." At the beginning of 1947, Xu Zhucheng rejected the government's intention to invest 1 billion yuan to control Wen Wei Po. In front of Chen Lifu, Wu Guozhen, Xuan Tiewu, Pan Gongzhan and others, he said: "Wen Wei Po was fed with my ink." , "I will not accept any subsidy or political investment." At the end of the conversation, Xuan Tiewu, the commander of the Shanghai Garrison, said to Xu Zhucheng: "Admiration, admiration. It is not easy for you to stand up to today's scene. I, Xuan Tiewu I’m sorry for you, I once sealed your seven-day gate; in the future, no matter how much you scold me, if I do it again, I’m not raised by people.” Xu replied: “It’s too serious, I’m just publishing the newspaper according to my conscience.” Xu Zhucheng commented on the newspapermen of the Republic of China: "Mr. Shao Piaoping and Huang Yuansheng have rich experience in interviewing, and their writing style is unrestrained, but not good at management. Mr. Shi Liangcai, Zhang Zhuping, and Wang Hanxi are good at planning and drawing exquisitely, but not good at writing. Among the senior journalists I know, Mr. Hu Zhengzhi is probably the only one who can be called a generalist, who is unstoppable in literature, martial arts, Kunming, and chaos. The later Rucheng is like my generation. It seems that neither face nor courage can be compared with Hu." In July 1948, the "Xinmin Daily" founded by Chen Mingde and Deng Jixing was permanently suspended: "The "Xinmin Daily" in Nanjing has repeatedly published propaganda for bandits, slandering the government, spreading rumors, inciting people, shaking morale and sowing discord. News, newsletters, and speeches about the feelings of the military and civilian local teams..." Deng Jixing, a member of the legislature, protested on the spot: "The so-called "Publishing Law" quoted in this order is a single line left over from the Beiyang government era that the Legislative Yuan did not recognize. The law is invalid." Her protest was naturally ineffective. In the 1940s, Fudan Journalism Department was discussing "department training". Some professors proposed "to become one", which was immediately welcomed by the students. They thought it was easy to understand, and it emphasized that journalists and the people should stand together. It came from Yan'an.Seeing that it was about to pass by raising his hand, Chen Wangdao put forward the four words of "study hard and practice hard", thinking that this is the more fundamental requirement for journalists.Finally, Chen Wangdao's proposal was passed. Wang Yunsheng was known to the society through "Ta Kung Pao" and the founding of the Communist Party of China, he still couldn't let go of his airs.Once, at a meeting of the heads of various newspapers, Zhang Chunqiao, who was the deputy director of the East China Press and Publication Bureau at the time, talked about a trivial matter. Zhang Chunqiao, who was then the deputy director of the East China Press and Publishing Bureau, boasted and said something completely wrong. That's what happened." At the same time, he waved his hand up habitually.Unexpectedly, Zhang Chunqiao's face changed suddenly, and he said sarcastically, "I came to Shanghai during the war. I was originally a country bumpkin. I don't associate with big men like Mr. Wang, and I have seen the big world. I made a mistake. Please advise me, Mr. Wang." , the audience was speechless. After the "Lei Zhen case" broke out, regardless of personal safety, Yin Haiguang and his friends jointly published the sensational "Free China" Speech Writers' Joint Statement, demanding responsibility for the article, and declared: "We believe that this kind of action is not related to the What matters to us personally is still small, what matters to freedom of speech is great, what matters to the future of China's political democratization is even greater..." After reading it, people feel a sense of emotion.After Lei Zhen was released from prison, he bought his own cemetery. In addition to the tombs of Lei Zhen and his wife, there were three other tombs built for the burial of his deceased son and his old friends Luo Hongzhao and Yin Haiguang who died young. After "A Report Written in Blood" was brought back to Beijing, Chen Yushan first handed it over to the department director Lu Yun for trial, and then the deputy editor-in-chief Yin Can and chief editor Yang Xiguang for trial. Cruel fascist crimes, and objections such as "it seems to expose the dictatorship of the proletariat and the leadership of the party, too bloody, and the influence is not good", the manuscript was finally sent to Hu Yaobang for review.According to Yang Xiguang, Hu Yaobang did not change a single word and was allowed to publish, but he said one sentence: delete the sentence about cutting the throat before execution.It is precisely this instruction that when "A Report Written in Blood" appeared in the newspaper, the words directly expressing the throat-cutting were erased.But after the article was published, many readers called to ask what it meant to "knock her to the ground and inhumanely deprive her of the right to express the truth in words".Chen Yushan and Wu Litian, the director of the editorial department, had no choice but to tell the readers truthfully that they had cut their throats.After hearing this, a reader choked up on the phone and said: "Mr. Lu Xun's article "Remembrance of Mr. Liu Hezhen" wrote when talking about a comrade-in-arms of Mr. Liu Hezhen who was murdered: This is not only killing, it is simply killing, because the body is still there. There are stick scars. In the past, people who had stick scars and were shot to death were called massacres. Now we cut off the trachea and execute them. What is this called killing? If Lu Xun was alive, would he hide it? How would he write it?" Dai Huang, an old reporter, had a "Book of Ten Thousand Words" decades ago: Open our various newspapers and publications, and then compare our internal materials and various reference materials, we will have a very shocking feeling. Light and greatness are overhyped, and our darkness and decay are smuggled under the rug.This is an act of distrusting the people. Xiao Qian concluded: theory, theory, at best, is just a map, it cannot replace travel.What I want is to experience.I want to interview life.
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