Home Categories Essays As the saying goes: the most important collection of words in modern times
Yu Dafu studied economics at Tokyo Imperial University, but apart from taking the annual exam, he rarely worked hard on it.He especially likes to read novels. The number of novels he has borrowed from the library can be said to be unprecedented and unprecedented.Others always check the catalog first and choose what they need to borrow when they borrow books, but he borrows them in bulk from the shelves one by one, and after reading them, he borrows them in bulk from where he left off last time.Just like this, one frame after another, one frame after another, until he graduated, he had read no less than 3,000 novels in various languages.

Zhang Zhidong forbade his disciples to read it. He said: "I am afraid that I will not get its meaning and eternity. I will learn its simplicity first!" Zhou Shanpei said to Liang Qichao: "The Chinese people who have been sleeping for a long time have been awakened by your pen. I don't need to compliment you. However, there are two realms in writing an article. The first is that it can move people. After reading your article, there is no one who is not touched. Yes. You have achieved the first step. The second is to keep people. Sima Qian has been dead for nearly two thousand years, and there are still many articles in "Historical Records" that people never tire of reading. How many articles have you read, just think about it, not to mention that it is not easy to read a hundred times, but how many articles can you read twice or three times?"

In response to the practice of the New Literature Movement using the West as the standard, Yan Fu solemnly pointed out: "Western reformers adapted the spoken language to the written language, while the Chinese reformers tried to adapt the written language to the spoken language." Gu Hongming said: "Ancient Chinese is an elegant language. is more beautiful than spoken English, as Shakespeare's English is more beautiful than modern spoken English, and the literature which the Reformers brought up to make men into moral dwarfs is the real 'dead literature'." The Xueheng School refuted the New Literature Movement with classical Chinese, but it was unavoidably high-sounding, and few responded. New Literature writers even disdain to argue with them.For example, Lu Xun said: "The only thing I admire about you is that you have the courage to publish such things!" Hu Shi said: "Xueheng's argument is probably against the end of the literary revolution."

Hu Shi said: "There are ghosts in Mahjong." He also said: It is not a good novel, because there is no PLOT (a story with a beginning and an end) in the book. Regarding literary improvement, Hu Shi was not confident enough at the beginning. He wrote to Chen Duxiu and said: "The right and wrong of this matter cannot be determined overnight, nor can it be determined by one or two people. I hope that people in the country can calmly work together with our generation Study this issue. The discussion is familiar, and right and wrong are self-evident. We have set up the banner of revolution, and although we cannot back down, we never dare to take what we advocate as inevitable and not allow others to correct it.” Chen Duxiu replied unceremoniously: "The voice of improving literature has already risen in the middle school of the country, and half of them are in favor of and against. Contempt to accommodate dissent and free discussion are the principles of academic development. When it comes to improving Chinese literature, we should use vernacular as the orthodox theory of literature. Right and wrong are very clear, and others must not be allowed to correct them. What is the reason? If our country’s culture has reached the point where the classical Chinese is consistent, then it is not a matter of course for the national language to express the meaning. What doubts still need to be discussed? ?” But many years later, in the face of the fruitful achievements of the literary revolution, the performance of the two is quite different.Chen Duxiu said: "It is often said that the situation of the vernacular was created by Hu Shizhi and Chen Duxiu. In fact, this is our unforeseen reputation. China has recently developed industries and concentrated population, and the vernacular came into existence entirely in response to this need. If Shizhi and others had advocated vernacular writing 30 years ago, it would have been refuted with just one article by Zhang Xingyan (Shizhao). At this time, who would listen to Zhang Xingyan’s grand arguments?” Hu Shi did his part Said: "If there were no Hu Shi, Chen Duxiu and others, the use of vernacular to carry out literary creation would have to be delayed by at least 20 or 30 years."

"New Youth" has a rotating editorial board with seven members: Chen Duxiu, Zhou Shuren, Zhou Zuoren, Qian Xuantong, Hu Shi, Liu Bannong, and Shen Yinmo.Qian and Liu wrote articles under pseudonyms and published them in "New Youth" to refute Lin Qinnan's old-fashioned fallacy. Hu Shi strongly opposed this, thinking that "writing this kind of game article under a pseudonym is not done by a gentleman", and Liu Bannong was not allowed to edit "New Youth" again. ", to be edited by him alone.Shen Yinmo said to Hu Shi, "Don't do this, or we all don't make it up, or let Duxiu do it alone." The Zhou brothers also strongly opposed Hu Shi's attitude, and they said, "You make it up, and we don't Contribute." Hu Nai withdrew his hand.

Yu Pingbo lectured on poetry at Tsinghua University, selected some poems, and recited them by himself shaking his head.Sometimes he closed his eyes, as if completely immersed in the realm of poetry, reclusive and independent.Suddenly, he opened his eyes wide, and said repeatedly: "Good! Good! Good! That's good!" The students were waiting for him to explain why it was good, but he had already started reciting the second poem. When Lu Xun answered how to create novels in Beidou Magazine, he said: "After writing, read it at least twice, try to delete unnecessary words, sentences, and paragraphs, and do not hesitate. It is better to shrink the materials for novels into Sketch, don't stretch the material of Sketch into a novel."

When Lu Xun talked about his novels, he said: "My materials are mostly collected from the unfortunate people in a sick society, which means to expose the suffering and draw attention to the treatment." Lu Xun never thought that writing in the "Tingzijian" in Shanghai would be divorced from society. He said: "This is also life." "The ongoing night outside, the infinite distance, and countless people are all related to me." Lu Xun: Literature is not syphilis, it can be inherited by physical relationship. Lin Yutang commented on Lu Xun: "The spear held by Lu Xun is not two feet long, nor is it a blue dragon sword, but a steel-smelting sword, named the Universe Front. Lu Xun couldn't put it down, thought it was fun, chopped here and there, and couldn't help himself, which is exactly the same as the case of a Shaoxing schoolboy who got a foreign knife and carved a book case, so Lu Xun sometimes resembles Lu Zhishen."

When Lu Xun was teaching at Sun Yat-Sen University, the students founded the "New China" Literature Society and asked Lu Xun to write articles.Lu Xun encouraged them to create their own creations, and the students expressed their concerns about sales. Lu Xun said, "It's easy. You can write articles and scold me, and the sales will be good." Sun Fuxi said: Lu Xun was a humanitarian, he wanted to love his lover as much as possible, but he was insulted, and he was insulted because of his love. Xia Ji'an said: Lu Xun was a "morbid genius" and "an extremely profound and morbid figure in modern Chinese history".

Many people think that Lu Xun is a tough guy, but few people pay attention to Lu Xun's love, and even less attention to Lu Xun's character of great love.Lu Xun mocked himself as "shallow humanitarianism".Xiao Hong once asked Lu Xun: "Is your love for us paternal or maternal?" Lu Xun was stunned for a moment, and said affirmatively: "It is maternal." Jiang Tingmei described the first time he met Lu Xun: "Before 1925, he could not smell any communist flavor. He once published a book, which was full of old theories and rarely new. As far as I know, he What he said in Xi’an was still the old formula in his book. He was a little limp and walked slowly. He was not only very polite when getting along with us, but even a little timid.”

Someone counted Lu Xun's 3 million-character works and found that the word "human" appeared 21,362 times.In "Zhun Fengyue Tan: Morning Cool Manji", Lu Xun also talked about wanting to make a "human history" of China to fight against the history full of the word cannibalism. Students are very afraid of the composition class, and Qian Mu's method of teaching composition was very interesting.He believes that composition is speaking, and what is said in the mouth is written in the pen.Words are spoken, writing is written.He requires students to write down what they want to say truthfully, and they can ask questions at any time when they encounter unfamiliar words.One afternoon, Qian Mu asked the students to do an essay titled "Today's Lunch".After the students' compositions were handed in, Qian Mu chose a well-written one and copied it on the blackboard.The end of this composition is written like this: "Today's lunch, I ate braised pork. It tastes good, but unfortunately it is a bit salty." Through this composition, Qian Mu told students that there must be twists and turns in speech and composition, and there must be room for aftertaste. Just like the last sentence of this composition: "It's a pity that it's salty."

——Ma Jianqiang, "How Qian Mu Became a Primary School Teacher" At the Southwest Associated University, Liu Wendian taught students to write articles, and only taught them the five characters "Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva". The students didn't know what they meant. It means that the article should talk about phonology; a bodhisattva is a bodhisattva who saves suffering and cares for all living beings." Hearing this, the students all responded with applause. Some students asked Wen Yiduo to write a thesis.Wen Yiduo said: "I advise young friends not to talk about creation for the time being, but to read books for 20 years before talking." Mr. Shen disapproves of propositional composition, and students can write whatever they want.The topics he gave students were very specific, such as "What's in our small courtyard" and "Remember the air in a room". ——Wang Zengqi, "Mr. Shen Congwen at the Southwest Associated University" Wang Zengqi once wrote a novel with many dialogues.He tried his best to make the dialogue beautiful, poetic and philosophical.Mr. Shen said: "This is not a dialogue, but a fight between two smart heads!" ——Wang Zengqi, "Mr. Shen Congwen at the Southwest Associated University" When Mr. Shen was teaching, he often said: "It should be posted on the characters to write." ——Wang Zengqi, "Mr. Shen Congwen at the Southwest Associated University" In Shen Congwen's "Preface to Selected Works", there is a saying: "In this world, there may be people who build Chongloujie Pavilion on the sandy base or on the water. That's not me. I just want to build a small Greek temple. Choose a small land as the foundation , Pile it with hard stones. Delicate, strong, symmetrical, small but not slender, it is my ideal building, and this temple is dedicated to 'humanity'." Zhou Guozhen said in "Recalling Mr. Wu Lifu" that he remembered the deepest thing when he was studying: When Zhou Guozhen translated Gorky's novel, the first sentence "the sea is laughing", Mr. took a pen to circle the two words and changed it to "the sea is laughing".He was so stunned that he couldn't forget it after many years. Zhou Zuoren translated a novel by Japanese writer Mashu Ma, titled "A Small Person". He felt that this title did not conform to Chinese habits, but there was no more appropriate translation.When he got "New Youth" for publication, Tao Menghe added the word "small" in his pen, and it became "a small person", which immediately became perfect.Zhou Zuoren admired Tao very much and called Tao "one-character master". Once, Fei Ming talked about the need to refine sentences in writing. He cited a passage in his novel describing a hot summer day. Two girls walked a long way under the scorching sun, and suddenly "approached Liu Yin, as if they could no longer One step forward. Moreover, the world is the same cloud! There is no coolness in the world.—Of course, a big tree is just an umbrella, and the shadow is the ground, and the sun cannot compete for it."He said: "Look, this 'the sun is invincible' is really a stroke of genius, it really is 'the only thing in the world is coolness'. To write an article, you must be able to write such a sentence to be called a masterpiece." Zhang Guangnian, the lyricist of "Yellow River Cantata", pointed to the backs of those "rightists" who were about to go to labor camps and said: "The future of Chinese literature lies among them." Yang Hansheng once asked Mao Dun to write a preface for his novel "Diquan". Mao Dun said bluntly: "Your book is written with a revolutionary formula. If you want me to write a preface, I can only criticize it mercilessly." Yang Hansheng It is also generous: "Criticism is also a good thing." Mao Dun had no choice but to write a preface, bluntly saying that this is an unsuccessful novel, or a failed novel, which is too symbolic.Unexpectedly, Yang Hansheng published the original text of such acrimonious criticism. Mao Dun sighed: "Graceful, really generous." The Left-Wing Writers Union was established in Shanghai, and many people only know how to shout revolutionary slogans, but have no good works.Although Lu Xun was respected by the alliance, he said: They are leftists, but they are not writers. In 1935, Hu Feng published "On Lin Yutang" and "On Zhang Tianyi", which caused a sensation in the literary world.Lin Yutang mistakenly thought that it was Lu Xun who criticized him under a pseudonym, but Lu Xun said: "If I wrote it, it would not be so long!" Wei promised him "greatness", but later Xuewei suffered for it. Hu Feng is known as "China's Belinsky" and "Oriental Lukacs". He has made great contributions to the prosperity of the literary world.He was the earliest reader of Xiao Hong, and he had an intuition that Xiao was a talented female writer: "We have seen the slender feeling of women, and also the majestic breasts of non-female." Wild Rise," "In our existing peasant literature, it seems that we have never seen such a moving poem." Xiao Hong's masterpiece originally did not have a title, but Hu Feng named it after reading it. Zhang Chunqiao's pseudonym Dick attacked Xiao Jun's novels, believing that the author "should not have returned from the northeast early" and accused the works of being "not realistic enough".Later, he attacked Xiao Jun as "the general of the Lu family" and Lu Xun's "filial son and virtuous grandson".Xiao Jun ran to the editorial department angrily, and Zhang Chunqiao happened to be present. Xiao asked: "Who wrote that article insulting Mr. Lu Xun and me?" A young man who co-founded a newspaper with Zhang Chunqiao admitted that he did it. "Okay, I don't have time to write articles to answer you—let's fight, if I lose, you can insult me ​​as you like, and I won't look for you again; if you lose, no more articles like this are allowed, Otherwise, I'll beat you..." Zhang Chunqiao and the other person were both young and energetic, and they readily agreed to the challenge. In 1979, Xiao, who was nearly in his prime, returned to the literary world. In his speech, he said: "I am a character in the 1930s. I can't think of being buried in the soil for 30 years... I have been buried in the soil since 1949. Now crawling out of the soil, the folks in the Northeast call me 'unearthed cultural relics', I am an unearthed cultural relic that can talk..." Xiao Jun, an old man, still likes to fight against injustices. Once, a friend and his son were bullied by street hooligans and beaten to the point of bleeding Liu, when Xiao knew about it, he was furious, took two young men, and yelled and cursed at the beating gangster's house, telling him to get out, to see who he was, otherwise, he wouldn't be his "bearer".The assailant shrank his head and did not come out, and the old friend was never bullied again.Xiao Jun said that wolves and biting dogs can only be punished with sticks instead of courteous, and that hooligans should be more hooligan than hooligans.He believes in a common saying: Reasonable talk downplays people, unreasonable talk downturns people. Zhang Ailing said: "Be famous early! If you come too late, you will not be so happy." In order to publish a novel, Zhang Ailing went to the printing house to proofread the manuscript.The strange dress she wore that day stopped the entire printing house.The 100% return rate made Zhang Ailing deeply satisfied. In her pride, Zhang Ailing said to the female worker who was chatting with her: "If you want to make people pay attention to you as the only one among so many people, you have to find your grandmother's clothes to wear. The female worker was taken aback: "Wearing grandmother's clothes is the same as wearing a shroud?" Zhang Ailing said, "It doesn't matter, just be chic." Zhou Qizi enjoyed literary fame when he was young. During the Anti-Japanese War, the anti-Japanese and national salvation slogan proposed by the Nationalist Government and accepted by the masses: "One inch of mountains and rivers and one inch of blood, one hundred thousand young people and one hundred thousand troops" was written by him.In his later years, Zhou called himself the Master of the Unburied Nunnery in Taiwan. He was poorer than Gao Yang. The two were friendly, and Zhou borrowed money from Gao many times.The end of the year was approaching, and there was no movement from Gaoyang to help. Zhang Foqian, who came to visit, asked: "Do you need me to call Gao Yang?" It’s also sad every year.” Qu Qiubai said that he is "a person who is not suitable for being an official, but he became a leader who was destined to make mistakes in a wrong historical period."His literary talent has impressed many people.Zheng Zhenze, who later became an expert on cultural history and vice-minister of the Ministry of Culture of New China, was about to get married at the time and wanted to ask Qu Qiubai to engrave a pair of seals. Qu Qiubai's Runge was 50 yuan.Zheng couldn't afford it, so he turned to Mao Dun.On the day of the wedding, Qu Qiubai carried a handkerchief in his hand, saying that he would give 50 gold as a gift. Zheng was terrified, but when he opened it, there were two stone seals. Liang Shiqiu still capitalized leisurely words during the upsurge of the Anti-Japanese War, and was criticized by left-wing writers as "the Anti-Japanese War has nothing to do with it."He defended himself by saying that people can use a kitchen knife to kill people when they are in a hurry, but killing people is not the mission of the kitchen knife after all.Liang Shiqiu has always insisted on his own attitude, and later made great achievements. He independently translated "The Complete Works of Shakespeare" by himself.Some people say that when we recognize Liang Shiqiu's contribution, we should not forget people like Qu Qiubai, who desperately used a kitchen knife to save the country and the people, even pounced on his own precious body. Liang Shiqiu said: Great literature is based on a fixed and universal human nature. Whether it is literature or revolution, its center is individualism, hero worship, and genius respect, and has nothing to do with the so-called majority. Ding Ling sighed: I started anti-feudalism at the age of 15 in 1919, and now it has been 60 years, and this task has not been completed. ... Our literary and art circles have suffered a great loss, what is the root cause?I seek answers.Some comrades say it is feudalism.Yes, feudal.What is feudalism specifically manifested in... Its manifestation in the literary and art circles is sectarianism. After 1949, Shen Congwen discovered that he had "done everything wrong, and his confidence in all work had collapsed."In the previous twenty years, he had written novels of nearly three million words, and since then, he has never written a novel.Seeing that he was too lonely, Lin Jinlan, a student, dragged him to a meeting. The host finally asked Mr. Shen to speak politely, and Shen hurriedly said, "I don't know how to write novels, and I don't know much about novels." Shen Congwen called himself a "countryman".After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he was assigned to work in a history museum. He had a hard time at home and lived in a hutong for a long time.There was a lot of rain one year, and many places were flooded. He stood in front of the door and sighed softly: "The rain is very worrying." His children heard it and criticized him, saying: "Farmers don't think so." Shen Congwen said: "Beauty can always make people sad sometimes." Wang Zengqi, Shen Congwen's student, believed that the eulogy of Mr. Zhang Chonghe, the aunt of Mr. Zhang Chonghe, "unyielding, compassionate and yielding; the stars are as good as the writing, and the innocent as the man" is the most accurate. In addition to Lu Xun, Guo Moruo, and Zong Baihua, the writers who originally studied medicine.The old school novelist Yun Tieqiao gradually faded out of the literary world and became a famous doctor of a generation.Zhang Taiyan prides himself on his superb medical skills, but he sincerely admires Yun Tieqiao. Wang Guowei sighed and said: Geniuses come out once in decades or hundreds of years, and they must be aided with knowledge and handsome with virtue to produce truly great literature. Yuanming, Zimei, Zizhan, etc. are so unique in the world that they never meet.
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