Home Categories Essays As the saying goes: the most important collection of words in modern times
Huang Kan is proud and full of complaints. He has looked down on the academic world for 20 or 30 years, and he is defiant!Even for Mr. Taiyan's study of Confucian classics, sometimes he would criticize, "Rough!" Once Ma Yinchu went to see him, and he ignored Shuowen when he talked about "Shuowen". Economics, elementary school is easier said than done, you don’t even understand it!” In 1903, after Sun Yirang saw "Iron Cloud Hidden Turtle", he closed the door to thank the guests, stayed at home, locked himself in a study upstairs, did not go downstairs for two months, and concentrated on studying these strange words.One day, the servants suddenly heard him yell. When they went upstairs to look, Sun Ye opened the door and came out, shouting with joy, "I've solved it! I've solved it!" Sun became the first person in the history of civilization. A person who has read and interpreted oracle bone inscriptions.

In 1906, the Qing government officially abolished the imperial examination system.Liang Qichao said: "The imperial examination is not a bad system. Those who are worse than the imperial examination in the past are only because the subjects they tested are not enough to be useful." Huang Renyu said: "The abolition of the imperial examination is the top priority in Chinese history in the 20th century. The two-tiered society is split in two, unable to communicate effectively." In 1911, when the Revolution of 1911 broke out, Kang Youwei was in Japan. When he heard the news of the Wuchang Uprising, he was "terrified." He thinks that "old dynasties and old emperors" or the descendants of Confucius can be used as "virtual monarchs" to implement "virtual monarchs and republics".

Zhang Taiyan said that Zeng Guofan's "Ping Hong Yang" was not "praising Qing", but to support "famous teachers".In Zeng's view, all governance activities range from astronomy, geography, military administration, and official system to river engineering, salt water, taxation, state use, military activities such as "Ping Hong Yang" and Huayang's "Qu Quan Neighbors" Negotiation activities all belong to "ritual", that is, the scope of moral practice activities. When Wang Jing'an's body was collected, the teachers and students of Tsinghua University went to pay respects to Wang's body and bowed three times.Chen Yinke was different. He was dressed in a robe and jacket, knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times.Chen’s way of Confucianism and Mencius is not at this end. When he was in the Academy of Chinese Studies, his students went to the Chen family in Shanghai to visit his father Sanyuan old man. Sanyuan old man talked with a group of students. until the conversation is over.

The inscription written by Chen Yinke for Wang Guowei: Scholars study and study, and they will get rid of the shackles of the common truth, so that the truth can be carried forward.Give thought to freedom, or to death.The essence of martyrdom for the benevolent saints of the ancient and the present, how can I dare to hope for mediocrity.The husband sees his independent and free will through death, not about the grievances of one person, the rise and fall of a family name.Alas!The tree is here and the stone is in the lecture house, and it is mourning and never forgetting.It shows the strange festivals of philosophers, and tells the vastness of real slaughter.The afterlife is unknown, and the writings of Mr. Wang may sometimes be unclear.Mr.'s theory may sometimes be discussed.But this independent spirit, free thought, has been sacrificed for thousands of years, and it will last as long as the world, with three lights and eternal light.

Chen Yinke once said: "Today's Chixian Shenzhou is undergoing a huge catastrophe unseen in thousands of years. If the catastrophe becomes poor, the people who are condensed by this cultural spirit will be able to die together without sharing their fate."In his later years, he said: "Thirty years of weeping and weeping will become a heartbroken history; it is difficult for the disabled to hide from the leopard, and the nine springs wait for the dry-eyed." When Zhang Taiyan was under house arrest by Yuan Shikai, he thought that he had no hope of regaining his freedom, so he wrote a very sad letter to his wife, Ms. Tang Guoli. The letter mentioned two things: First, "After my death, the quintessence of Chinese culture will be discontinued." "; the second is "the ancestors are not safe, it is a great pity."

In 1922, on the grounds of economic difficulties, the Qing Dynasty wanted to steal and sell the "Siku Quanshu" from Wensu Pavilion, which was transported from Shenyang to the Forbidden City in Beijing, to the Japanese, and the price was negotiated at 1.2 million yuan.This matter was learned by Shen Jianshi, a professor at Peking University at the time, and Shen sent a letter to the Ministry of Education of the Republic of China, "trying to oppose it, and the matter went to bed." Liu Shipei was a member of the League with radical thinking. He was one of the Chinese people who came into contact with socialism earlier. He believed that the theory of class struggle was "a theory that will last forever."He even pointedly pointed out that if the problem of farmers cannot be solved, the people's livelihood revolution will not help.But in fact, he was more inclined to anarchism, and disapproved of Marx's theory of the state and the dictatorship of the proletariat, thinking that in this way, the country made the people its slaves with a new look.His wife He Zhen was also one of the earliest advocates of socialism and a pioneer of women's liberation.Liu Shipei once sent a letter of persuasion to Duan Fang, governor of Huguang, with fierce words, but he later defected to Duan Fang, viciously attacked the Revolutionary Party, and betrayed former comrades such as Tao Chengzhang and Chen Qimei.After the founding of the Republic of China, Sun Yat-sen and others cherished his talent and could not bear to add more crimes. Cai Yuanpei hired him as a professor at Peking University.In the New Culture Movement, although he used the name of the old school, he actually somewhat supported the new school.He was only 36 years old when he died. Cai Yuanpei commented: "Xiang Shijun devoted himself to academics, not to be disturbed by foreign aid, to strengthen himself with health, and to devote himself to writing. How can his achievements be limited? What a pity!"

Huang Kan defends the national heritage everywhere.He thinks that woodblock books are easy to mark, hold and read while lying down, and ridicules hardcover Western-style books as "leather boots with stiff collars"; He put it on again, pointed to a classmate and said, "Look, it's not so convenient for you to wear leather shoes!" Hu Shi commented: "Peking opera is too outdated. A whip is considered a horse, and two flags are considered a cart. You should use a real cart and a real horse..." Huang Kan stood up and said: "Appropriate, appropriate, What if you want to sing Wu Song Fighting the Tiger?"

Zhang Huijian said: "There are three great geniuses in China who all died in water. Each of these three can represent a thousand years of Chinese literary history - Qu Yuan in the first millennium, Li Bai in the second millennium, and Kingdom in the third millennium." dimension." Gu Hongming studied in England when he was young, and he used to prepare wine and food in his room according to Chinese etiquette, and worshiped his ancestors from afar.The landlady asked him, "When will your ancestors come to enjoy your sacrifice?" He replied, "When your ancestors smell the flowers you offered!"

In 1924, Gu Hongming went to Japan to give lectures. He believed that the dispute between China and Japan was a fraternal rivalry, and the reason why Japan was able to resist insults was not the result of Meiji Westernization, but the contribution of Chinese tradition.People in the West say their nature is evil, they are jealous of each other and attack each other, which leads to the war in Europe. If they are left unchecked, it will be a catastrophe for mankind.If Japan continues to Westernize, it will surely disturb the East. Therefore, Westernization should be stopped, and the mission of revitalizing Eastern civilization should be shouldered, so as to save the world.What Japan wants to stop Westernization is also enough to stop China's Westernization. Japan must return the pure Chinese civilization to China. This is the mission given to Japan by God.This is the so-called theory of the cultural construction of Greater East Asia, the political theory that the Japanese made Great East Asia because of it.

Gu Hongming learned Chinese relatively late, and he used "Kangxi Dictionary" as his entry point, and the Six Classics Zishi as his entry point, thinking that he didn't need to look for anything else.Shen Zengzhi despised him very much and said: "I know everything you say, but if you want to know what I say, it will take twenty years." Gu Hongming said on the podium of Peking University: "The reason why we learn English is to use our country's gentle and honest poetry to teach those barbarians." The three halls, you must see Gu Hongming." Once a British writer Maugham visited and complained that his oil lamp was too dim. He said: "We Chinese pay attention to seeing the mind and seeing the nature, and the lamps are self-illuminating, unlike you Westerners who specialize Appearance."

At the beginning of the Republic of China, Hong Ming was the principal of Nanyang Public School at that time. He refused to change his braids, and claimed to be the last representative of the boss China.Taste the smile and explain the cloud: "Ordinary people laugh at me for being stupid and loyal to the Qing Dynasty, but I am more than that. I am not only loyal to the Qing Dynasty who has been favored by the emperor, but also loyal to China's politics and religion, which means I am loyal to Chinese civilization." Jiang Tingmei gave a speech at the German Publishing Association: "China can and will become a great country again and enjoy a high status in the world, but it does not want to build a big empire. In the long history of China, many attempts have been made. Including the establishment of a great empire. However, Chinese poets did not sing praises to the great achievements of the Tang Dynasty. Instead, they had many tragic descriptions. We Chinese do have rich experience in building a great empire, but we firmly believe that building an empire Or occupying other people's land is a human fantasy." A new scholar said to Liu Yizheng: "Thread-bound books are useless in the new society, it is better to burn them!" Liu replied: "I agree very much, and it should be done thoroughly! Otherwise, if it is burned here, it will not be burned elsewhere. It is useless. The whole country should be called for a concerted action to burn all the thread-bound books. However, even this is not appropriate, because there are still countless ancient Chinese thread-bound books in libraries around the world, so they should be mobilized to burn them together. Otherwise, some sinologists abroad , are tirelessly studying Sinology, if one day they come to China and ask us questions about classics and history, but we are dumbfounded and unable to answer, won’t it make the world laugh?” Liang Shuming said: "In the Chinese tradition, what should be changed has long been changed, what should not be changed will never change, and these Chinese traditions that will never change will lead the world." He believes that China has those who can contribute to the world, There are only eight words: "Life is upward, ethics and friendship." And this is the foundation of world peace. Liang Shuming was invited to give lectures at Tsinghua University for a short period of time. He Lin seized this opportunity and visited Liang Shuming several times.Liang Shuming admired Wang Yangming, and he said to He Lin: "Only Wang Yangming's and Wang Xinzhai's books can be read, and nothing else can be read." ——Peng Huahe, "New Edition of Lin Chronicles" Wu Zhihui criticized "sorting out the country's history": "The stinky thing in this country's history, he used to live with his concubine and opium smoker. The concubine and opium smoker also depended on getting promoted and getting rich. Chinese studies are prosperous, and politics is all corrupt, because Confucius and Mencius are old It is a product of the chaotic times of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. If you don’t throw him in the toilet for another 30 years, now he is advocating a dry and tasteless material civilization. People use machine guns to fight, and I also use machine guns to stop China. What to do next It's never too late for the national heritage!" Hu Shi believes that Chen Yinke is the person who "has the most profound knowledge, the most knowledgeable knowledge, and the best use of materials" in contemporary history.In fact, Chen Yinke wrote in classical Chinese all his life, and never necessarily followed the new style of punctuation. Lin Yutang gave a lecture on "Chinese Culture" at Columbia University, and he spared no effort in praising Chinese culture. A female student asked a little angrily: "Everything is good in China. Is there nothing in the United States that is comparable to your China? Lin Yutang replied: "Yes, your toilets are better than those in China!" Yin Haiguang regarded himself as the descendant of the "May 4th" hero, advocating progress and belittling and alienating tradition. After the great debate between Chinese and Western cultures in Taiwan in the 1960s, he changed his understanding of traditional Chinese culture. Before his death in 1969, he said in his last words during his illness: I have only now discovered my love for Chinese culture, and I hope to live another fifteen years and do my best for Chinese culture. Jiang Baili said: "Those who are the quintessence of the country are those who have characteristics and are cosmopolitan, and those who are not are just obsessive!" Liang Sicheng said: "We have traditional habits and tastes: family organization, living standards, work and rest, as well as cooking, sewing, indoor calligraphy and painting display, and outdoor garden flowers and trees are all different from Westerners. The total performance of all these performances used to be our buildings." When Liang Sicheng went to Yangzhou to preside over the construction of the Jianzhen Memorial Hall, he made a report on the maintenance of ancient buildings.He said: "I'm a toothless person - I don't have any teeth and I got these dentures in the US. I'm getting old so instead of pure white they're a little yellow so you can't tell It’s dentures, which is called keeping the old as old as before. The same should be done when we restore ancient buildings, and we can’t make them look like new again.” Yu Youren is known as the "Sage of Grass". He said: "I learned grass in my middle age, and I only memorized one word a day (that is, I wrote a word countless times a day). In two or three years, I was able to write. This is not a lie, it is true. Contains the most reasonable; if you have aspirations, you will succeed, and you will never let go of your achievements. It will be easier for future learners..." Wang Tao said: "Those who see the world are called Confucianists. They are not arrogant and unrestrained. Ruthless, thieves are surly, deep-hearted, like a city, and those who seek the so-called open and frank confession are not one or two in a thousand." Lu Xun criticized the "national quintessence faction" who defended autocratic politics by preserving the national quintessence. He said: "We want to preserve the national quintessence, and we need the national quintessence to preserve us." Shen Zengzhi said: "Scholars are the eyes and ears of the country. If this is the case today, no one will be blind and stumble. And scholars are born of etiquette, and those who are courteous are the norms of the people of the country. If you are a scholar today, you can be said to be ignorant. There is no learning in the country, but if you want to show courtesy, how can you get it?" During the Anti-Japanese War, Shanghai once became an "isolated island", and the loss of Chinese books and documents was serious.Zheng Zhenduo cut down his clothes and went on a diet, and did everything possible to raise funds to save precious books. He said in "The Secretary in the Robbery": "I tried to turn the tide by myself. It is true that this is the cause of a foolish old man who moved mountains! Worrying about the sky, Jingwei reclamation, Wandering in the middle of the night, I don't know where the tears come from!" Chen Jitang said to Hu Shi: "I advocate reading scriptures, worshiping Confucius, and worshiping Guanyue. I have my reasons." He believes that production and construction can be scientific, but a person must have a foundation. It must be sought in the ancient culture of the country.Hu Shi said: scientific knowledge is needed in production, and scientific knowledge is also needed in life.Chen said: "You all forget your origins! Don't our five thousand years old ancestors know how to be human?" When Master Hongyi passed away, Feng Zikai was sad and lost, and then said: "The realm of life can be divided into three levels. The first is material life, which is the majority. The second is spiritual life, that is, scholars are also not in the minority. The third is the life of the soul, that is, religion, and very few people have heard of its true meaning. Master Hongyi walks through the three-story tower. He is filial to his mother, loving his wife, profound in art, and intensive in studying Buddhism. He is the most perfect person. The highest state of an artist is actually close to religion. The blending of scenes and scenes in art is inseparable from the various phases of religion, and it is only one step away. Therefore, the so-called metrical poems and landscape paintings are by no means the skills of carving insects, because they have religious spirit Here I am. My foot strength is very weak, so I can't go up the stairs with the master. I'm only a little tricky, but I can climb the railing and take a peek, and I feel ashamed." Su Manshu said: For all kinds of academics, the essence of righteousness is used more and less. Mao Zedong, Zhang Yuanji and others visited the Temple of Heaven.Mao asked Zhang, "Did you come here when you were an official in Beijing?" Zhang Yuanji said, "The Temple of Heaven is a place to worship heaven. How can I, a junior official of the sixth rank, come here?" Mao laughed, and then criticized the Reform Movement of 1898 Insufficient reform.Zhang Yuanji once held talks with five top figures, Guangxu, Yuan Shikai, Sun Yat-sen, Chiang Kai-shek and Mao Zedong. Such a person is unique. Du Weiming said to Tang Degang: "For more than a hundred years, we have been learning from the West. Now that we have learned their good things, it is time for them to learn our good things." Tang Degang concluded: There is a saying in the military circles of our country that "no Hunan can't make an army", and now the American higher education circle also has the phenomenon of "no flowers can't make a school".Almost all decent colleges and universities in North America have Chinese professors, and the total number of them is more than 1,000.The reason why the Chinese are able to stand alone in American colleges and universities is because the life of American professors is most suitable for the taste of "useless" Chinese scholars.To be a professor requires professional knowledge and the highest degree.These are things that American intellectuals who are eager for quick success are unwilling, disdainful, and difficult to do, but they are the strengths and favorites of Chinese intellectuals.The teaching life is stable and the personnel affairs are simple.Although the economic income is inflated, it will not faint, nor will it starve to death.A "noble" title is enough to make a poor scholar from a country of etiquette feel full of Ah Q-like complacency; it can also make parents and adults far away in Hong Kong and Taiwan, and even mother-in-law and fiancee smile when they mention it.professor!professor!You are really a good signboard that can be used by both Chinese and Western, suitable for all ages, Hong Kong, Taiwan and mainland China! In the 1950s, Xiong Shili cried to Chen Yi: "No one can pass on my knowledge!" During the Cultural Revolution, the Red Guards copied Xiong Shili's home and burned countless manuscripts and books.He was greatly stimulated, and often wandered around in a trance, muttering to himself: "Chinese culture is dead!" Xiong Shili lamented in his infinitely lonely twilight years: he was seventy years old, and he was old alone, with a small building facing a wall, and suddenly meeting ten sacrifices.Young people with absolutely no ambition to learn, looking back... Even so, the most original founder of modern Chinese New Confucianism still hopes for the future: what our people urgently need today is independent thinking, academic independence, and spiritual independence. …Wandering around the world will open up new life for world culture. Yin Haiguang said to his disciple Chen Guying: "You must read Zhuangzi carefully. Zhuangzi's understanding of human nature is so profound, which is much better than the current existentialism."
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