Home Categories Essays As the saying goes: the most important collection of words in modern times
Feng Zikai once recalled that his teacher Li Shutong said to him: "Mr. Ma is born knowing it. Suppose there is a person who reads books from birth, and reads two books a day, and he will recite after reading. Even at his age, he has not read as many books as Mr. Ma." Zeng Guofan said in his family letter: "There are only two things for my generation to study; one is to improve morality, which emphasizes the way of honesty and integrity, so as to be born without shame; in an attempt to defend himself." Zhang Yuanji presided over the Translation Academy of Nanyang Public School, and paid Yan Fu 4/10 of the royalties, which is the only one in China.Yan Fu was able to devote himself to writing.

Tang Lan is knowledgeable.During the period of the Republic of China, he was in the Tianjin Jiaojiaguan. In addition to teaching, he also organized an academic supplement for Tianjin "Business Daily". The manuscripts were all arranged by him and published under different pseudonyms. and poetry etc.Wu Qichang once said to him: "Among today's scholars, there are four people who have written a lot of books: Liang Rengong, Chen Yinke, one you, and one me!" Lin Shu was the last of the Tongcheng School. His ancient literary theory centered on the righteousness and law advocated by the Tongcheng School, and took Zuo, Ma, Ban, and Han's writings as "the ancestors of all articles in the world". , Read more books of Confucian ancestors, pay attention to the affairs of the world, the words come out, have their own indelible brilliance."

Yuan Shikai engaged in large loans to deal with the aftermath, and the Bank of the Six Nations asked Gu Hongming to be the translator.When Gu Lin passed away, he said a famous saying: "The so-called banker is the kind of person who will do everything possible to lend you an umbrella on a sunny day, and take it back on a rainy day!" Dictionary of Great Britain. Zhang Taiyan was ignorant of the ways of the world, so he couldn't return home when he went out.His colleague Huang Ren at Soochow University is also an idiot.The two idiots sat in a teahouse once, and when they checked out, they realized that they didn't have any money with them, so they decided to keep Zhang as a hostage, and Huang went back to get the money.Unexpectedly, after the yellow man returned home, he happened to receive a book from a friend, so he saw it as crazy, and put Zhang Zhang behind him.

In 1918, when 27-year-old Hu Shi came to teach at Peking University, he had already become a well-known advocate of the Literary Revolution throughout the country.Lin Yutang greeted him as a Tsinghua teacher.When the two met, Lin was "like an electric shock".Dr. Hu quoted the 15th-century humanist Erasmus when he returned from Italy to his native Netherlands: "We are back. Everything will be different." Once when Hu Shizhi's friends were having dinner at Hu's house, Xu Zhimo rushed in like a whirlwind, holding a thick hardcover book, which was a pornographic book in German, full of pictures and texts, and everyone rushed to read it.Hu Shizhi said: "This kind of thing, including the paintings of Gai Qixiang and Qiu Shizhou, can be seen at a glance, and it is not interesting enough. I have seen a painting, but I don't remember who made it, a bed with a hibiscus curtain hanging down, There is a pair of men’s shoes on the ground, a pair of red embroidered shoes, and a cat squatting in front of the bed looking up at the tent hooks. It’s a bit reserved.”

Both Jiang Menglin and Chen Duxiu were selected by former Qing scholars, and they cherish each other.There are only two types of scholars in the late Qing Dynasty. One is the scholar who took the stereotype test, known as "the eight-legged scholar";Generally speaking, "eight-legged scholars" are authentic and more valuable.Once, Chen asked Jiang: "What kind of scholar are you?" Jiang replied: "School on strategy." Chen said: "Then you are worthless as a scholar, and I am a stereotyped scholar!" Zhou Zuoren has a very unique criterion for reading Chinese books (including all literature and art), which is to look at the author's "attitude towards people", especially "attitude towards women and children". Therefore, only Chinese books are good and can be given to children. Make for fun and a read too. In "Water Margin", he likes Lu Da the most, and he hates Wu Song the most. The reason is that Wu Song kills too many people, including his sister-in-law, and splashes blood on the mandarin duck building. It doesn't matter if he is killed. Although he is a traditional Chinese hero, he is actually a bear; Among the heroes of the Water Margin, the least number of murders (only one) is also helpless and missed.

Zhou Zuoren read thousands of volumes. He said: "There are only three Chinese thinkers I admire most: one is King Chong of the Han Dynasty, the other is Li Zhi of the Ming Dynasty, and the third is Yu Zhengxie of the Qing Dynasty." Gu Jie was born in a family of poets and writers in Suzhou. When Emperor Kangxi went to Jiangnan, he saw Gu's literary style flourishing and praised him as "the first scholar family in Jiangnan". Lushan Pine Gate Villa is one of the former residences of Chen Sanli. Chen Yinke only visited it once in his life, but he likes it very much.Yinke's descendants wanted to bury him here, but encountered a lot of resistance.Later, the painter Huang Yongyu read the book "Chen Yinke's Family History" and admired him very much, so he took the initiative to contact Chen Meiyan.The two wrote letters to the relevant leaders together, and finally got their wish.Huang Yongyu also inscribed the tombstone - "independent spirit, free thought."

Chen Yinke explained to Luo Changpei the difficulty of the Department of Chinese: "Nowadays Chinese literature is a mixture of new and old, out of date, just like current thought and politics. The era of imitating "Zhaoming Wenxuan", "Guwenci Leizui" and Li Bai and Du Fu has passed However, many new works have fallen into the stereotype of Western writers, and it is really not easy to truly create. Before the old beliefs are lost and new standards are not established, of course they will not be on track.” Chen Yinke was ridiculed by many scholars for writing "Liu Rushi's Biography" in his later years.Chen explained to his close friend Wu Mi: "Studying Hong Zhuang's life experience and writings is to find out the real situation of Yi and Xia's defense and moral integrity at that time. There are deep memories, and it is definitely not a leisurely thing."

Chen Yinke is a funny person. The 1968 article of "Events" quoted a letter from Huang Xuan, who had been Chen Yinke's assistant for 16 years, and recorded: Chen said to Huang: "My research method is the one you are most familiar with. After I die, you can write an article for me about how I do scientific research." Huang Xuan said sadly: "Mr. Chen, really I'm sorry, I really haven't learned anything from you." Chen Yong said in a very low voice: "If I haven't learned it, that's fine, so as not to be poisoned by me." There is a little anger in this humor, and the tone is still so calm and leisurely, sad but not complaining.

Cao Juren's son Cao Jingzhong wrote a letter to Cao Juren, and received a reply shortly after. Unexpectedly, after opening it, he found that it was a letter he had written to his father.In the letter, Cao Juren has corrected his son's typos, divided it into paragraphs, punctuated it, and re-copied it neatly.In the end, Cao wrote three precautions: "1. One thing should be written as a paragraph, and it must be written in paragraphs. It can be written horizontally or directly. Sentences must be broken. 2. Write after thinking about it, read it after writing it, and then copy it. 3 , If it is not divided into paragraphs or sentences, there is no need to send it."

Scholars in the Republic of China often fell into the habit of collecting old books in Beiping.This craving is also contagious.Once, Yuan Tongli, director of the National Peking Library, asked Jiang Tingfu to accompany him to a private collector.They monitored each other together, and when looking for information, Yuan asked Jiang which aspect he was particularly interested in.Jiang found two booklets, one was "Wenxiang Chronicle" and the other was about the opium trade.Yuan seemed uninterested, and Jiang was privately delighted.After the two broke up, Yuan went back to the library and Jiang went back to the club.Jiang then turned back and wanted to buy the two books. When he rushed to the book owner half an hour later to buy the books, the owner told him that Mr. Yuan had already bought the books.

Fairbank recalled Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin who lived in seclusion in Lizhuang during the Anti-Japanese War: "...I was deeply moved by the perseverance of these two friends of mine. Under such difficult conditions, they still continued to study. If they were Americans , I believe they have already thrown away their books and put their energy into improving their living conditions. However, these highly educated Chinese are completely content with living the primitive life of farmers and sticking to their jobs..." Yang Buwei once said: "I am who I am, not someone else. I am five feet one, not five feet four." Criticize Confucius for wasting things at the dinner table: "He only eats cubes of meat, so who will eat the leftovers?" As a result, her parents scolded her for being disrespectful to the saint.She also teased her husband: "Zhao Qian, Sun Li, sir has no rice; King Zhou Wuzheng, sir has no bed; Feng Chen Chuwei, sir has no bed; Jiang Chen, Han Yang, sir has no mother." "Everyone hates it". When he was at Yale, Li Funing and his classmates Wang Zuoliang and Xu Guozhang, who were studying at Oxford University in the UK, and Zhou Jueliang, who was studying at the University of Chicago in the United States, met to return to China to teach, "I teach the Middle Ages, Zuo Liang teaches the Renaissance and Shakespeare, and Guozhang teaches 18 century, Jue Liangjiao in the 19th century".Someone praised: "This is a perfect match!" Wu Mi has an obsession with "Red Mansion", and compares himself to "Mr. Yihong".When he was at the Southwest Associated University, he saw a beef restaurant in Kunming named "Xiaoxiang Pavilion". He thought it was a blasphemy to sister Lin, so he went to smash the restaurant until the name was changed. Ye Dehui has an eccentric personality. He has a rich collection of books, and he doesn't show it to others easily. On the bookcase, there is a note saying "My wife does not borrow books or borrow them".But he has thoughts on sexual issues, and he proofread and engraved many old books on sexual issues, such as "Su Nu Jing", "Ode to the Great Joy of Sex", and "Miscellaneous Secrets", etc. have all been reprinted.Pan Guangdan commented that Ye Fanyin's book still has "some scientific value". Qian Zhongshu often said: "If you are not crazy at twenty, you have no ambition. If you are crazy at thirty, you have no brains." After graduating from Tsinghua University, he was in his twenties. Chen Futian and others wanted Qian Zhongshu to study at the Tsinghua Institute.Qian Zhongshu replied at the time: "Looking at Tsinghua University, there is no professor qualified to be my tutor!" During the heyday of Peking University, celebrities gathered together, sometimes called "Five Horses", "Four Chens", "Three Shens" and "Er Zhou". "Three Shens" refer to Shen Jianshi, his brothers Shen Shiyuan and Shen Yinmo. He taught at Peking University and was also a member of the Peking University Council. At that time, he was called "the three Shen brothers" in Peking University. Once, when Cao Yu saw Wu Zuxiang coming in, he secretly said to him: "Look, Qian Zhongshu is sitting there, why don't you ask him to read some obscene books in English for you?" Yes, it is open all day, but many students can't find the door.After hearing this, Wu Zuxiang walked to Qian Zhongshu's desk and asked him to open and record three pornographic books in English for himself.Qian Zhongshu didn't refuse, just took a piece of paper on the table, and quickly wrote on both sides.Wu Zuxiang took a look at it, counted it, and recorded the names of more than 40 English obscene books, including the author's name and content characteristics. He couldn't help admiring.Until a long time later, Qian Zhongshu still liked to ask Wu Zuxiang: "Who did Marx's third granddaughter marry?" Wu Zuxiang had to answer that he didn't know, but he couldn't help but countered: "You know how to do this!" After Lu Xun's death, Ye Gongchao spent a few weeks rereading all of Lu Xun's works. Ye Zanyang said: "Sometimes when I read his mixed feelings, I feel that his words are good, and at the same time I feel that he is 'aiming'. (Lu Xun loves to use all kinds of military terms) the target is really not worth a bullet. Neither the person who scolded him nor the person who was scolded by him is equal to him in any respect." Hu Shi blamed Ye Gongchao and said: "Lu Xun died during his lifetime. You can’t even spit on your head, so why did you write such a long article to praise him?” Ye said: “People belong to people, and articles belong to articles, and one’s literary achievements cannot be denied just because of people.” Liang Shiqiu, Luo Longji and others peeked at Hu Shi's diary, and Hu said with a smile on his face, "How can you peek at my diary?" Then he said seriously, "I died in my life, and this diary will be left to me. The only bequest of my sons is, of course, to be published some years after my death." In 1940, Zhejiang University moved to Zunyi. During the difficult period of exile, Zhu Kezhen invited Fei Gong to be the Dean of Students.Fei Gong accepted the position, and said at the same time: "I don't want the salary of the dean, but still have the original salary of the professor. I can save four to five thousand yuan a year, and I can use the saved money to improve students' material life. above.” After he took office, he practiced by himself, boiling water to kill bedbugs for students.The lights in the student dormitory were too dark, so he spent his energy designing a vegetable oil lamp with high brightness and low smoke. He bought glass, lead sheet and other materials with his own salary, and made more than 800 lamps and distributed them to each dormitory.Students call it "Fei Gong Lamp". Zhou Ce Zong laughed at himself and said: "Wife and daughter are tender and tender, and the house is as chaotic as a mountain of small books." Yin Haiguang praised Jin Yuelin's "Logic": "As soon as this book came out, it was as bright as a comet in the sky." He also said, "This book is the first high-level modern logic written by a Chinese. Only this book Let’s talk about the text, if you add one word, you will get more, and if you subtract one word, you will get less.” Finally, he suddenly threw the book on the table and said, “Listen, it’s really the sound of throwing gold and stones!” Hong Shuzu, one of the culprits who killed Song Jiaoren, was a descendant of Hong Liangji, a great scholar in the Qing Dynasty.The abdication edict of Empress Dowager Longyu in the Qing Dynasty was drafted by him.And he also has a vigorous son, that is the famous drama writer Hong Shen. Chen Yinke is a scholar, and Tao Zhu is a state official. Originally, horses and horses are irrelevant. However, when Tao Zhu was in charge of South China, he respected Chen Yinke very much, and the two formed a friendship.During the Cultural Revolution, Tao Zhu asked Chen Yinke to be treated kindly several times, but the Red Guards ignored them.Later, Tao Zhu was also criticized, and the Red Guards asked him why he protected Chen Yinke so much. Tao Zhu said seriously: "If you have Chen Yinke's level, I will treat you like that!" Huang Yanpei was very strict with Huang Wanli's education, with three main points: "First, farmers must be respected. Huang Yanpei taught his subordinates many times that since the history of our country, the working peasants have never done anything wrong to their ruling class. Second, they must squirt blood Love people deeply! Love is the foundation of morality, and the so-called truth, goodness and beauty are all contained in love. Third, guard against arrogance. To guard against arrogance must start from the heart, and it is not enough to be hypocritical in appearance.” In "Ji Xianlin's Autobiography", it was written that Ji Xianlin was obsessed with official duties after becoming the vice president of Peking University, so he had to use the "corner waste" of his time to write articles. "Before, after, or even during the meeting, conceive or write an article. There are many meetings where the speech is mostly empty and nonsense, but the amount of information conveyed is not large. Yun, accompanied by 'this', 'that', and '唵', 'ah' in between, waste energy in vain, but the effect is very little. At this time, I just use one ear or half of my ear to listen ...and close the remaining ear or one and a half ears, and concentrate on brainstorming, conceiving, and writing articles. Of course, on the plane, train, car, or even bicycle, especially when walking , my mind is constantly thinking. This is what I call the 'scrap' of using time." Li Ao said: "Hu Shi and Yin Haiguang are intellectuals that I can admire after I came to Taiwan. Others are not enough. Fu Sinian died too early! If I look down on intellectuals, I can only look in the mirror. Look at myself." Because he admired Yin Haiguang, he followed Yin's appearance and wore long robes all year round.
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