Home Categories Essays As the saying goes: the most important collection of words in modern times
In 1943, Xu Fuguan met Xiong Shili for the first time and asked Xiong what books he should read.Xiong taught him to read Wang Fuzhi's "Du Tong Jian Lun".Xu said that he had read the book in his early years.Xiong Shili said unhappily, you didn't understand it, you should read it again.After a while, Xu Fuguan went to see Xiong Shili again and said that he had finished reading "Du Tong Jian Lun".Xiong asked, what do you think?So Xu said one after another that he was not satisfied with many things.Before Xiong Shili finished listening, he complained and scolded: "How can you be read in a book! Any book has good points and bad points. Why don't you see his good points first?" , but specifically to pick out the bad ones; reading in this way is like reading hundreds of books, what benefits will you get from the book? Reading is to see its good points first, and then criticize its bad points. This is like eating. Nutrients have been ingested after digestion. For example, in "Du Tong Jian Lun", how meaningful a certain paragraph should be; or how profound is a certain paragraph, do you remember? Do you understand? You are really worthless for reading like this! "

When Wei Yuan got the ancient text of the Confucian classic "The Great Learning", he was ecstatic when he saw it, and studied hard all night.When Tang Jinzhao went to visit, he saw that Wei was unkempt, with disheveled braids and grass-like hair sticking out at the roots. He was wearing a worn-out robe with no mandarin jacket, which was also stained and stained. Wearing a pair of worn black sandals and no tabby socks.In the past, there is no trace of the calm and rigorous poor talent. Wei Hunran is a beggar who roams the streets. Tang Daqi: "Why is Mo Shen like this?" The whole article is compared with the current article "Great Learning", and I don't know how much time has passed."

Yao Xuesong admired Wei Yuan's understanding very much, Wei Yuan wanted to worship Yao as his teacher, but Yao refused, saying: "You will be above me in the future, how can I be your teacher?" Wei Yuan said: "The teacher is knowledgeable and has The extremely tolerant academic environment should be my teacher." Yao said: "It's just in the heart, why is it so important?" Lin Shu worked very hard since he was a child. He once drew a coffin on the wall of his living room, and wrote next to it: "If you study, you will live, but if you don't, you will enter the coffin."

On July 15, 1906, Zhang Taiyan delivered a speech at the welcome meeting for overseas students in Tokyo, saying: "When my brother was young, because of reading Jiang's "Donghualu", which included the cases of Dai Mingshi, Zeng Jing, and Zha Siting, Then we became angry in our hearts, and felt that the alien race was the first thing we hated. After reading the books of Mr. Zheng Suonan and Wang Chuanshan, they were all about defending the Han race, and the national thought gradually developed.” Zhang Taiyan said: "If you are a disciple of a great master, you can only produce masters of two countries; if you are a disciple of a master of two countries, you can produce masters of a great power. Because the disciples of a master of great powers often follow the teacher's wishes and dare not think independently, so they cannot achieve great success. For example, under Gu Yanwu's sect, Gao Those who are no more than Pan Lei's generation; but the disciples of the two countries, on the basis of the teacher, continue to advance, and often can excel in the blue. For example, under Jiang Yong's sect, there is such a student as Dai Zhen." Huang Kan has been relatively advanced in phonology. It is one of the examples that Master Zhang Taiyan is the highest.

Liang Qichao once said that reading Gong Zizhen's poems "is like being shocked by electricity", and his own writing has also achieved this reading effect. With its galloping, unrestrained writing and fresh and lively thoughts, it has captivated several generations of readers.It is precisely "the strokes of the pen are often filled with emotion" that makes Liang Qichao's political comments extremely appealing and has influenced generations of people. Liang Qichao commented on his teacher Kang Youwei: "Mr. is the most self-confident person. No matter who he insists on, no one can shake it. It is the same in academics, and it is the same in management. He refuses to accommodate things, and always takes things as his own. Things are based on their principles, and there are often six classics that are all my footnotes, and mountains are all their servants!"

Zhang Zhidong wrote at the beginning of the volume of "Encouraging Learning": "The meaning of the twenty-four chapters is summarized as five knowledges: first, shame is not as good as Japan, shame is not as good as Turkey, shame is not as good as Siam, and shame is not as good as Cuba. Two knowledge Fear, fear of India, fear of Vietnam, Myanmar and North Korea, fear of Egypt, fear of Poland. The three knowledges change, the same habits cannot be changed, and the same methods cannot be changed. The four knowledges, middle school archeology must be applied. Western learning is also different. Western art is not important, but Western politics is important. Five knowledge bases, not forgetting the country when overseas, not forgetting relatives when seeing strange customs, and not forgetting the sage when you are smart.” The spirit of "Western learning for practical use".

Liao Ping’s reading avoids shortcomings and grows long. He focuses on the word "thinking", frees himself from traditional rote memorization, and adopts the scientific method of tacit understanding. This is one of the reasons why he has so many original ideas and unique insights in his academic life. .He later recalled this change and said: "I have no memory, and I have not finished reading the Five Classics when I was young. However, I can't recite it, so I gave up learning. The teacher promised not to memorize it, but to return to learning. Therefore, I will focus on thinking and learning instead of memorizing. Do things. Once the heart understands its principles, all the words can be discarded. As for the essence of the problem, even if you can’t understand the words, you can still understand the meaning.”

Liang Qichao commented on Wang Guowei in this way: "Scholars only believe that their achievements are excellent, but they don't know why they can achieve this. There is a big foundation. Mr.'s learning is based on the grand and subtle; it is scientific. genius, and employ it with the moral cathexis of a scholar of the highest order." In Zhang Boling's education, he focused on merit rather than academics.Economist He Lian emphasized the importance of statistics, so Zhang asked him: "What do you use these numbers for? What do you want to discover?" He replied: "My statistical research can help us revive China with scientific methods." Zhang said: "Your approach often leads to people like me looking for elephants with a microscope. If you want to know what we can do in China, I think we can do all the things without having to grind the numbers. If we want Do we need statistical surveys to build a road from the city to the campus?" Another time, Zhang asked anthropologist Li Ji: "What are the benefits of anthropology?" Li Ji wanted to measure the heads of people all over the country. Hearing Zhang's question, he was very unhappy, and replied coldly: "Anthropology is of no benefit!" The next year, Li Ji left Nankai.

Chen Sanli has a scientific spirit. Even in his later years, he was still able to understand the most subtle things.He once took a sick fly and put it on the case, watching its condition slowly, tirelessly for a long time.His poems are profound and sincere, and the root lies in this. In 1923, seventeen Peking University students, including Zhu Qianzhi and Miao Jinyuan, declared that they were free to attend lectures and did not need Peking University diplomas.These seventeen people are called "suicides", but most of them have learned a lot in the future. Qian Xuantong said: "When the government of the Qing Dynasty was not governed, the teachers were mourned, and the hypocritical Confucianism who flaunted the Luomin Confucianism, boasting the proficiency of the Song and Yuan Dynasty engravings, was square and far away from the academic world, and became popular all the time. The so-called "world is closed, sages hide" At that time, he was eager to learn and think deeply, he was generous and suave, he was jealous of the corruption of politics, and he was sad about the decline of academics. They all thought of his profound old learning and deep new knowledge, so as to enlighten Zhuanmeng and save the perilous He believes that there are twelve people who are the most outstanding among them: Kang Youwei, Song Shu, Tan Sitong, Liang Qichao, Yan Fu, Xia Zengyou, Zhang Taiyan, Sun Yirang, Cai Yuanpei, Liu Shipei, Wang Guowei, and Cui Shi.They "either researched the evolution of history and society, or searched for the origin of language and writing, or discussed the similarities and differences of pre-philosophical thought, or explained the subtle words of Taoism in the pre-Qin period, or commended the articles of northern and southern dramas, or examined the ancient literature. Whether it is true or not, it may be to deduce the historical value of Shang, Zhou and Yi, or to commend the integrity of the righteous people, or to express the essence of Shu Jingshi's practicality, or to expound the subtle purpose of classifying things."

Zhao Yuanren is a language genius. He can speak 33 kinds of Chinese dialects, and he can use dialects to talk with local people in most parts of the country.He is also proficient in foreign languages ​​such as English, German, French, Japanese, Russian, Greek, and Latin, and even the dialects below these languages. For example, he spoke Parisian dialect in Paris, and he has a Berlin accent in Berlin.He got the nickname "Brother Zhao" because of this. When Chen Yuan was a teenager, he got the book "Bibliography Answers" written by Qing Dynasty scholar Zhang Zhidong by chance.When I opened it, I found that this book listed many famous classics in history, identified them, and introduced the way of learning for readers.Chen Yuan was very happy, and quickly bought a large number of books according to the bibliography.Someone asked him: "Can you finish reading so many books you bought?" Chen Yuan replied: "Not all books have to be read carefully. Some are for browsing, some are for reference, and some need to be familiarized with." Memorized. Some books require a deep understanding, while others don’t require a deep understanding!”

In "San Song Tang Preface", Feng Youlan told an interesting story about Shen Jianshi's lecture on the history of philosophy: The professor who taught us the history of Chinese philosophy started with the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, and it took half a year before he talked about the Duke of Zhou.We asked him when he could finish speaking at this speed.He said: "It doesn't matter if you can't finish it. If you can finish it, you can finish a sentence. If you can't finish it, you can never finish it." When Gu Jiegang was teaching at Sun Yat-sen University, his family was in Peiping, so he resigned from the principal, Dai Jitao.Dai Jitao tried his best to persuade him to stay, saying: "Our generation, like trees, can only be chopped for firewood. If we don't want to be burned, then trees shorter than us will be unavoidable. As long as we are burned, the smaller trees will be burned. It’s a good thing that trees can grow.” Gu Jiegang was so moved that he withdrew his resignation and stated that he would “stay in the university for a few years”.However, he went back to Peiping, and as a result, "opened my bookcase and sorted out my old manuscripts, I really couldn't bear to go anymore", so he broke his promise and became fat. Jiang Tingfu asked Mr. Yang Shuda, a recognized authority on the history of the Han Dynasty: "Professor Yang, can you tell the students and me exactly what happened in the four hundred years of the Han Dynasty, and what were the important political, social and economic changes in the Han Dynasty?" Mr. Yang, who is well-known all over the world, looked embarrassed, saying that he had never thought about these issues, and they were not discussed in the book. Xiong Shili did not live with his family members for a long time in order to concentrate on his research.He gets up at 4 o'clock every morning to read and write, and at noon he only sits with his eyes closed for a while, and there is a note on his desk that reads "Don't speak for more than 3 minutes". Wang Zengqi remembers: Chen Yunzhen (Xiao Shan) once asked Mr. Jin: "Why do you want to engage in logic?" What she meant was: how boring this kind of knowledge is!Mr. King's answer: "I think it's fun." Yin Haiguang recalled his teacher Jin Yuelin in this way: When I was studying at Southwest Associated University in Kunming, in a quiet evening, I took a walk with my teacher, Mr. Jin Yuelin.At that time, all kinds of propaganda were making a lot of noise.I asked Mr. Jin which faction is the truth.He did not specifically answer this question.After pondering for a while, he said that anything that belongs to the so-called spirit of the times and excites people of an era may not be reliable or lasting.I then asked him what would be a more durable and reliable thought.He said that after a long period of hard work, things came out of his mind, for example, the thoughts of Hume, Kant, Russell and others. When Southwest Associated University started school, Yin Haiguang chose "Introduction to Philosophy" by Zheng Xin. This professor had studied in Germany and had a deep understanding of Kant's philosophy.Zheng Xin found out that Yin Haiguang also came to his class, so she said to him: "You don't need to take my class, just go down and read by yourself." So Yin Haiguang stopped coming to class, and he read books and studied by himself at the end of the semester. And got the highest grade in this class.He took Jin Yuelin's logic class, and Professor Jin also said to him: "You don't need to take my class. Wang Xianjun just came back from Austria. He must be better than me. Go and listen to him!" Wang Hao of the Southwest Associated University recalled his life back then: among teachers, between students, between teachers and students, regardless of seniority and status, it can be said that no one is afraid of anyone.Of course, because everyone's character and common sense are different, there will be mutual displeasure, but generally speaking, honesty is more than conspiracy, and the atmosphere of being a human being and learning is good.For example, in the classroom, some students bluntly point out the teacher's mistakes, and the teacher appreciates these students more because of this.On two occasions, the teacher discovered that there were serious mistakes in the lectures, so he announced in class: In the past few weeks, the lectures have been wrong, and the lectures will be repeated in the future.Teachers get along with students as close friends, sometimes learning new material together.The competition among classmates is generally aboveboard, without hurting feelings, and they often discuss with each other in order to enhance their understanding of what they have learned. On December 8, 1933, Lin Yutang gave a speech "Opinions on Reading" at a certain university in Shanghai. He said: "In life, when I was young, I thought I didn't understand anything. When I was in college, I thought I knew everything. Only after graduation did I realize that I didn't understand anything. In middle age, I thought I knew everything, but in my later years I realized that I didn’t understand everything.” Someone used the English dictionary compiled by Liang Shiqiu since he was a child. When he was asked how to learn English well, Liang replied, "At least three dictionaries I compiled must be broken." When students asked about the similarities and differences between "style" and "law", Hu Xiaoshi gave an example: "The style can be changed, but the law can't be moved. Just like everyone has two eyes, a nose and a mouth, this is the same law. But Everyone's eyes, mouth and nose have different lengths, heights, and sizes, which are variable." Shen Congwen became interested in books for the first time, and he got the benefit of five medical books, from which he learned that when a fishbone gets stuck in the throat, cat saliva can be used to cure it.The second time I became interested in books, the benefit was reading, which cultivated his fantasy, he said, and made me understand the beauty of the opposite side of the scientific spirit.The third time he read was the Ministry of War. Originally, he thought that he could inherit Yunqi Lieutenant, but after reading it, there was a change, and he found that he no longer had the interest of restricting others.Shen Congwen said: "These three kinds of books help me, influence me, and form the whole of my character." Shen Congwen loves to use a word that is not commonly used by others: patience.He said he was not a genius, just patient. Mr. Wu Shichang once recalled that when he was in his teens, he read Du Mu's "A Fang Gong Fu". There was no punctuation in the old book, and there were only twelve characters at the beginning: "Six kings Bi Sihai and Shushan Wu A Fang Chu", and he couldn't understand it.So he ran to ask his elder brother Wu Qichang, who was four years older than him, but instead of teaching him, the elder brother asked, "What is six?" The answer: "Six in four, five, six." "Where is the king?" "The king." "What is Bi?" "It's over." "What about the six kings? Let's talk about it together." Answer: "The six kings are over." "This is wrong, why don't you understand?" Brother encouraged him.After such a question and an answer, only the word "wu" is really incomprehensible, and my brother said it was "bare".He asked: "Why are the mountains in Sichuan bare?" "Think about it for yourself." "There are no trees." "Where did the trees go?" Afang came out", and he replied: "The Efang Palace has been built." At this moment, I understood everything. Yang Bojun is Yang Shuda's nephew and Huang Kan's disciple.Under the leadership of his uncle, he reluctantly kowtowed to worship Huang as his teacher.Huang said to him: "My knowledge is obtained by kowtow." This refers to the past when Huang worshiped Liu Shipei as his teacher.Yang Bojun's knot was relieved, and he worshiped him from then on. Hong Shen said: The grades of students can be divided into four grades.The best are cows, which are fed grass and produce milk.The second is the jug, filled with liquid, which can be poured out in full, with only a little leftover.The third is a broken bowl, filled with water, if poured out in full, there will be no drop left.The worst is a funnel, pouring sewage, the water flows out, and the dregs are kept in it. When Feng Yuxiang was in Changde, he studied English for two hours a day.When studying, he hung a sign outside the door and wrote: "Feng Yuxiang is dead!" After learning, he opened the door and removed the sign, saying to people: "Feng Yuxiang is resurrected." Later, he was able to make anti-Jiang speeches in English on the streets of the United States. . After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Chen Yinke went to England to treat eye diseases, and was invited to give lectures on Orientalism and Sinology at Oxford University. Scholars from various European universities gathered in Oxford to listen to him in person. Except for Wan and the others, most of them couldn't understand.Because Chen Yinke extensively cited various documents and used more than 10 ancient Central Asian languages ​​in his speech, it is natural that ordinary scholars cannot understand. Chen Shangjun was Zhu Dongrun's closed disciple. He had worked in agriculture for eight years and belonged to a college student of workers, peasants and soldiers.However, he has a superb memory, extensive reading of classics, and great achievements in filling in gaps in literary and historical materials. He completed the "Supplement to Complete Tang Poetry" and "Supplement to Complete Tang Literature" by himself, and recorded more than 12,000 Tang Dynasty poems and essays. The predecessors, such as Lu Qinli, are indeed more than that. Hua Luogeng started self-study at the age of 16. Five years later, he wrote and contributed mathematics papers. When his "Reasons for the Inability to Solve Algebraic Quintic Equations by Su Jiaju" was published in Shanghai's "Science" magazine, it shocked Tsinghua University. Professor Xiong Qinglai.After reading this article, Xiong Qinglai asked colleagues around him: "Which country is this Hua Luogeng an international student?" There happened to be a teacher from Jiangsu nearby, and he suddenly remembered that his younger brother had a fellow villager named Hua Luogeng, and asked: "Where is this Hua Luogeng taught?" What kind of university did he go to? He only went to junior high school, and I heard that he worked as a clerk in Jintan Middle School." Xiong Qinglai was amazed, and immediately made a decision: "This young man should invite him to Tsinghua University!" Hua Luogeng was promoted to a teaching assistant in his second year at Tsinghua University. He was a teaching assistant with a junior high school education. This broke Tsinghua's precedent, but it was unanimously approved by the professors' association.In another year and a half, he was promoted to lecturer, and then worked as a researcher for two years. In 1936, at the age of 26, he went to study in the UK and studied at the most famous University of Cambridge.But he didn't want to study for a Ph.D., he just wanted to be a Visitor.Because being a visitor can break through the shackles and study seven or eight subjects at the same time.He said: "I came to Cambridge to study, not to get a degree." Until later, the only diploma he had was a junior high school diploma. Zheng Tianting recalled: Chen Yinke was a professor of professors, and most of his lectures were attended by scholars and professors.When Chen talked about Yuanbai poems, the first lesson was, first of all, he talked about whether Yang Yuhuan entered the palace as a virgin.From time to time, a famous drama director He Mengfu lived in Chengdu. He heard about Chen’s name and wanted to attend a lecture. He heard that the first lecture was about virginity, and thought it was boring. thing. Wang Yuanhua: If we use the intellect to grasp beauty, we will regard the different aspects of the unity of beauty as separate and isolated things, and thus regard the content of beauty as only an abstract universality, and form a solid form with the particular individual. The opposites of each other can only be imposed on a particular individual from the outside, and on the other hand, the external image, which is beauty and form, becomes a superfluous wart that is only pieced together and barely adhered to the content. Wang Guoweiyun: In ancient and modern times, those who have achieved great careers and great knowledge must pass through three realms: "Last night, the westerly wind withered the green trees. I went up to the tall building alone, looking at the end of the world." This is also the first realm. "The belt gets wider and wider, but I don't regret it at all. It makes people haggard because of Yixiao." This is the second state. "I looked for him thousands of times in the crowd, and when I turned around, I suddenly saw that person in a place where the lights were dim." This is also the third state.These words are all non-big poets who cannot speak.
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