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As the saying goes: the most important collection of words in modern times

As the saying goes: the most important collection of words in modern times


  • Essays

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 156799

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In the early 1950s, Wang Zhuxi (Yang Zhenning’s teacher at Southwest Associated University) who came back from England gave a lecture at Shandong University. In the middle of the lecture, Shu Xingbei came to the stage and said: “I need to interrupt, because I think Wang Mr. Wang’s report is full of mistakes, and he doesn’t understand the essence of thermodynamics.” He picked up the chalk and crossed the formulas and concepts that Mr. Wang had written all over the blackboard while explaining what was wrong.He spoke in one breath for about forty minutes.Wang Zhuxi has been standing aside in embarrassment.

The school leaders talked to Shu Xingbei about this, and Shu Xingbei said: Universities used to do this. At the beginning of November 1914, Liang Qichao gave a speech entitled "Gentlemen" in Tsinghua University, citing "Tian Xingjian, gentlemen strive for self-improvement" and "Geo-sports, gentlemen carry things with virtue" to encourage everyone, hoping that Tsinghua students can " Respect morality and study, be encouraged to be a true gentleman, and take on great responsibilities in the future, which is enough to turn the tide of the downfall and become the mainstay of the mainstream." Everyone was deeply encouraged.

Liang Qichao recommended Mr. Chen Yinke as the tutor of Tsinghua National Academy. Cao Yunxiang, the principal, said: "Which country is he a doctor?" Liang replied: "He is not a bachelor, nor is he a doctor." Cao asked again: "Has he written any books?" I don’t have any books either.” Cao said, “I don’t have a doctor’s degree and I don’t have any books, so it’s difficult!” Mr. Liang got angry and said, “I, Mr. Liang, don’t have a doctor’s degree either. Liao Liao hundreds of words are valuable." Then Mr. Liang proposed the praise of Mr. Chen Yinke by several professors from the University of Berlin and the University of Paris.When Cao heard it, since foreigners all admired it, please.

When Jiang Liangfu recalled Tsinghua University in the Republic of China, there was such a description: "In the environment of Tsinghua, if you want to speak indecent words, it is impossible to find someone to speak dirty words. Mr. is the same as the teacher, the students are the same as the husband, and the classmates are with the classmates. , When we meet, we always talk about a certain article in a certain magazine. Have you read it? If you have read both, discuss it with both of you. Go and see." When Cai Yuanpei was the head of education in the Republic of China, Fan Yuanlian was the deputy head. Their methods of running education were opposite.Fan said: "If the primary school is not run well, how can there be a good middle school? If the middle school is not run well, how can there be a good university? So our first step is to reorganize the primary school first." Where do they come from? Without good middle schools, where can primary school teachers come from? So our first step is to straighten out universities.”

On January 9, 1917, the opening ceremony of Peking University was held, and Cai Yuanpei delivered his inaugural speech, which is the famous "Speech on the Inauguration of President of Peking University".There are three chapters in the agreement between Cai and Peking University students: one is to set the purpose, "a university student is also a person who studies advanced knowledge"; the other is to cultivate virtue, "you are university students, and your status is very high. Therefore, if you are grateful, you must have the heart to encourage others”; the third is to respect and love teachers and friends.

Cai Yuanpei talked about his educational philosophy: The purpose and concept of university education are clear, which is to make boring learning interesting and arouse people's desire for knowledge. We will never regard Peking University as just such a place—yes Students are effectively trained to train them to become competent people in the future. . . . the university is also charged with fostering and maintaining a high standard of personal integrity which is indispensable to being a good student and henceforth a good citizen. In his reply to Lin Qinnan’s letter, Cai Yuanpei talked about his two ideas for running a school. The first one is: for theories, imitate the general practice of universities around the world, follow the principle of freedom of thought, and adopt the principle of inclusiveness. There is a reason for the rationale, and those who have not yet reached the fate of natural elimination, although they are opposite to each other, let them develop freely.

Cai Yuanpei's inclusiveness is the most important ideological resource of Peking University. He said: "The university is so big, because it is all-encompassing, all kinds of speech and thought are free, but there is no need to criticize each other. If you have opinions, you can Each advocates the merits of his own opinion, and there is no need to attack or reject other ideas." Cai Yuanpei saw Liang Shuming's article and immediately decided to hire him as the lecturer of Indian philosophy at Peking University. Liang Shuming resigned because he knew nothing about Indian philosophy.Cai said: "You said you can't teach Indian philosophy, so do you know anyone who can teach Indian philosophy?" He also said, "We haven't found anyone who can really teach Indian philosophy. They are similar anyway, so you should do it." Don’t you like philosophy? When I come to Peking University this time, I will definitely gather many friends who love philosophy to study together and learn from each other. Why don’t you come? You don’t want to be a teacher to teach people, you should come Collaborative research, let’s learn.”

Before 1911, Liu Shipei took refuge in Duan Fang, betrayed the revolution, willingly acted as a spy and betrayed his comrades.Cai Yuanpei cherished his talent and tried his best to defend him: "Uncle Liu Shen, my brother has been in touch with me for a long time. He is really honest and a bookworm!" The talents of Broadcom such as Liu Shipei have small flaws, but they should not be discussed in depth. Killing one person is not beneficial to China, and literature has been swept away since then, and Yuyu has been reduced to barbarians. Who is responsible?" After the founding of the Republic of China, Cai Yuanpei and Zhang Taiyan Jointly published a notice in the newspaper, looking for Liu Shipei: "Uncle Liu Shen has a profound knowledge, which informs the past and the present. In the past, he was mistaken by Xiao people and fell into a cage. Today, the Republic of China is reforming, and people with profound Chinese studies are expected to advocate the simple style and uphold the unique learning. And Uncle Shen There is no news, and life and death are unpredictable. If you are in another place, I hope you will send a letter to the Guocui Xuebao to comfort your colleagues.” A few years later, Liu Shipei assisted Hongxian’s monarchy, which was despised by the times, but Cai Yuanpei still invited him Taught at Peking University.

Peking University initially did not admit female students. During the May 4th Movement, many female students asked to be admitted to Peking University. Cai Yuanpei publicly expressed his support, but soon Cai Yuanpei temporarily left Peking University. In 1920, Tao Menghe, acting dean of liberal arts, allowed nine girls to attend the school, which aroused public discussion and criticism from the Ministry of Education. Even President Xu Shichang came forward to warn Peking University authorities that state schools should maintain "high moral standards."But at that time, there was no law expressly prohibiting co-educational schools. Cai Yuanpei, who had already returned to Peking University, relied on this, without asking the government for permission, and formally approved the registration of the nine girls as regular students of Peking University.But in fact, Guangzhou Lingnan University, which was jointly established by the United States and Chinese Christians, had begun to co-educate men and women as early as 1918.Lingnan University is the predecessor of today's Sun Yat-sen University.

During the "May 4th" Movement, students became more and more radical. Hu Shi and Jiang Menglin jointly published "Our Hope for Students". Abandoning your studies, wasting your time, and interfering in corrections is the most uneconomical thing in the world!" Hu Shi's "The Source of Leaders" discusses: Leaders must have sufficient modern knowledge, must have sufficient modern training, and must have a personality that can arouse the belief of most people. In today's society, apart from schools , there is no other way. When Gu Hongming first came to teach at Peking University, the students couldn't help laughing when they saw a long braid behind his head.And he walked to the podium calmly, looked at the students below, and said slowly: "You laugh at me because of my braids, which are tangible and can be cut off. However The braids in the heads of you students are not so easy to cut."

The words stunned all the students.In the future, no one would dare to laugh at him in class. Jiang Menglin said: "I have worked in universities for decades, and after many trends, I discovered a rule: There are three factions in a university, one is the principal, the other is the professor, and the other is the student. Among these three factions, if If two factions unite against a third faction, the third faction must fail." Every time Chen Yinke gave a lecture, he said clearly at the beginning: "I don't talk about what the predecessors have said; I don't talk about what people around me have said; I don't talk about what I have said. Now I only talk about what no one has said before." In 1924, when Liang Shuming left Peking University, someone asked him the reason. He said: "Because I felt that the education at that time was wrong, and my husband didn't care about the students." He believed that my husband should be friends with young people.The so-called friend refers to helping them walk; the so-called walking refers to making a person's whole life move forward including skills and knowledge. "Education should focus on a person's whole life, and to lead him on the road of life, the most important thing is the vitality of the body and the simplicity of the mind." In 1930, Qian Mu went to teach at Yenching University. President Leighton Stuart asked him what his impression of Yenching University was. He replied: "At first I heard that Yenching University is the most Chinese university among Chinese church universities, and I was very yearning for it. I came to Yenching University as a freshman. Look, I found out that this is not the case. As soon as I entered the school gate, I saw the M building and the S building. Is this Chinese? I hope to change all the buildings of Yanda to Chinese names.” Soon, Yanda held a special meeting and decided to change The M building is the Mu Building, the S building is the Shi Building, and the Beigong Building is the office building. All other buildings are given Chinese names.Qian Mu also named a lake on the campus "Weiming Lake". On the first day when Jiang Baili took office as the principal of Baoding Military Academy, he gave a lecture to all the students: "I was ordered to take charge of this school this time, and I must make this school the most complete military academy, so that everyone here can become the best military officer. Can train the most elite army. I will dedicate myself to this task and practice the words. If I can’t do it, I should commit suicide to thank the world.” Later, because the school was owed by the government, he felt deeply ashamed of the students, so he wrote After writing the suicide note, he really committed suicide in public. The bullet passed through his chest, but fortunately he survived. Lin Yutang was teaching English at Soochow University. On the first day of school, Mr. Lin brought a leather bag.The purse was full of shelled peanuts.He distributed peanuts to the students, and the classroom became a teahouse.Mr. Lin began to give lectures, speaking concise and fluent English, he talked about his way of eating peanuts.Then, he changed the subject and said: "Peanuts are also called longevity fruit. Please eat my longevity fruit on the first day of class. May you live forever! I will not call names in class in the future, and I hope you eat longevity fruit Fruit, more longevity." The students roared with laughter. The inscription Feng Youlan wrote for the "National Southwest Associated University Monument" is comparable to the inscription written by Tsinghua Chen Yinke for Wang Guowei: Although the great powers of the world are new but not ancient, Greece and Rome have ancient but not present, but our country, from ancient times to present, is both new and old. It is also the so-called "Zhou is an old state, but its destiny is to restore the new". All things grow together without harming each other, the way of heaven runs parallel without conflicting, small virtues flow, and great virtues soften, the reason why this world is so great.Although Si is the constant saying of the ancestors, it is actually the true meaning of democracy.With its spirit of inclusiveness, the United University has diverted the social atmosphere of the moment, built the scale of academic freedom inside, and imported the title of democracy bastion from outside. Wen Yiduo is unique in class.According to the students' memories, he walked into the classroom wearing a black robe, took out the cigarette case and asked the students with a smile: "Which one smokes?" , Draw a long voice and read a sentence: "Drink hard and read "Li Sao" well, so you can be a real celebrity!" Then the lecture began. When Shen Congwen talked about Mr. Hu Shi, the former dean of Peking University's School of Liberal Arts, he said: "Mr. Shizhi's biggest attempt was not his new poem "Experimental Collection". This is his boldest attempt!" Fu Sinian is to National Taiwan University, just like Cai Yuanpei was to Peking University.His legacy of Gan Tang has lasted for decades. For example, Liu Shaoming said in the novel "The Travels of the Second Remnant": "Principal Fu, although I have obtained a doctorate in the United States on the other side of the ocean, what I am most proud of is That degree in Rhododendron City!" Peking University freshman admission.A freshman came to sign up with a big package. When he saw an old man on the side of the road, he called him over and said, "Old man, show me the package. I will go to sign up." Look at the bag. Later, at the opening ceremony, the freshmen saw that it was the old man who gave the speech to everyone in the lecture hall, and he was Ji Xianlin.
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