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Chapter 20 buy crab

Buying crabs yesterday is like a potato rooted in my heart. It rests heavily on my heart. It turns green and may sprout, but it’s not a big deal.At about 17:00, the Baliqiao market closed one after another, and only the aquatic product market was undergoing final washing. I wanted to buy a Wuchang fish to go back to braise, but I was suddenly stopped by a woman in red. She begged me to buy her some crabs. Male, fat and thick.It is common sense to eat female crabs in autumn and male crabs in winter. Seeing people pleading so earnestly, I feel sympathetic. The temperature is minus three degrees. It is not easy to sell crabs. I just say, buy a catty, and the woman in red immediately picks up the plastic bag like a butterfly wearing flowers and quickly picks up the crabs. .I said, no, what are you doing picking crabs in so quickly?Is it worth picking up a pound of crab at such a fast speed?Want to pick up dead crabs and go in?You pick it up quickly, I will still ask you to pour it out later.After hearing this, the woman in red slowed down, and continued to pick it up.I said, how many crabs are there in a catty?She put it on the scale and said it was three and a half catties.I asked her to pick out two and a half catties.At this moment, I thought for a while, should I ask her to take out the crab to have a look, her flying butterfly piercing hand is very suspicious.Thinking about it again, maybe it was superfluous?Seeing the sincerity on his face, he paid and left.

Pour the crabs into the basin at home, there are five crabs per catty, the biggest one is dead, and there are five legs missing, this is the reward of luck.Just now I was wondering if there were dead crabs, and it was really annoying to suffer with my eyes open, so I got bored, and it took a long time to wander over.One crab is nothing, more than two or two, eating one less crab is good for weight loss.I went through all the elements that can turn bad things into good things in my mind, but I still couldn't find a balance.It doesn't matter if it's a big treacherous or a big thief, but she knows about the trick after such a small calculation by her, and the number of times she was fooled is not rare, so why do she still have to be fooled?This should not be the most important thing. The most important thing is that I didn't intend to buy crabs. I agreed to buy crabs out of sympathy because of her pleading face. The dead crabs quickly stuffed into plastic bags.

I'm going to go to her the next day and ask her to explain why she did this.Why do you want to do this?Make a profit, if the dead crabs are not sold, she will suffer a lot.However, if you pay for it, how can you hurt someone who trusts and sympathizes with you?Thinking about it again, those who don't trust and sympathize with her will not buy her crabs like me, and she will not be able to hurt her. She can only find opportunities from trust and sympathy. Think about it, the problem is still on our side, because what people are asking for is not your sympathy, but buying crabs.Buying crabs is a transaction, and she wants to maximize her profit in this transaction, and you have to use this transaction to express that you are kind to people and you still have crabs to eat.Huadiao and Jiangsi are warm, sitting in the heated north study, drinking leisurely, watching "World Geography" and listening to music, it is also a bit emotional.However, a dead crab spoiled the mood, and there was no more, very distraught, and wanted to take revenge.At the end of the day, the lack of a final check for dead crabs in the bag is intentional to give people an opportunity to make a mistake.In addition, I was taking advantage of the freezing weather and business depression while trying to lower the price, and at the same time gaining the moral upper hand, showing a face that I bought your crab to give you alms. Think about it, such a person would not buy a dead crab And who should buy dead crabs?

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