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Chapter 61 Shangliang Mountain

I started from Yanggu and saw a small gas station on the side of the road with the words "government-designated gas station" written on it, so I lined up to refuel. There were many motorcycles and tricycles in the station.I didn't get out of the car, just sat down and opened the fuel tank cap, filled up the gas, and by the way, when I paid, did the gas work?The waiter said, it works, just run around and try it out.Heck, I'm riding away, what does the gas station have to do with whether the oil works or not?It is only said that after leaving Beijing, gasoline was mixed with ethanol everywhere, and the engine did not run as vigorously as before.

The next stop is Liangshan.The last time I went to Jingyanggang in Yanggu, but I didn’t go to Liangshan, I finally thought about it and regretted it. I think Liangshan should be a very high mountain, at least as steep as Weihu Mountain, and no matter how bad it is, it can still have the majesty of Mount Tai.From Yanggu to Liangshan, it is said that there are two roads, a good road, cross the iron bridge of the Yellow River, and a bad road, go from Taiqian.This is also strange, why is it a bad way to walk from the front of the stage?From my personal point of view, there are no bad roads in Shandong, so I just choose the road in front of the stage.

According to the old experience, when asking directions, you have to inquire in sections. If you are far away, you can roughly point out the direction, but you can't determine the specific direction of the road.I asked how to get to the front of the stage. The passers-by in front of the stage were familiar, and it was not too far away with a wave of my hand.Entering the frontier of Taiqian, there is a difference in the road, and the further you go, the less the weather of Shandong. When you go to Taiqian, you can see, oh, Taiqian is not in Shandong.However, if you don't distinguish carefully, you will mistakenly think that Taiqian is a less affluent town in Yanggu.When I went to the stage to ask the way, I turned to ask how Liangshan got there.

Go to Liangshan?I asked a thin and tall old man who was still wearing a black cloth hat, raised his head and raised his chin and pointed forward, saying, "Shangliangshan?"Go straight ahead.When he said he was going to Liangshan, there was a rather ambiguous smile on the corner of his mouth, and he looked at me.His pronunciation is of course not Shangliangshan, but the pronunciation of the word "Shuang Liang Shan".The questions along the way were basically like this, "cool and bright", as if I was really Lu Zhishen who ran to Liangshan at night, followed by the Yamen to arrest him quickly.

After crossing the stage, there is the Yellow River. I rode on the embankment for a while.I feel wrong, Liangshan is so famous, why is the road so bad?I don't want to walk along the Yellow River.I rode to a fork in the road, stopped, took a picture of the Yellow River iron bridge with my camera, and then smoked a cigarette. A young woman on a bicycle happened to pass by and asked her, how to get up to Liangshan?She pointed to the east, and I crossed the fork in the direction she pointed, and found a dense path...a dense forest with fallen leaves and a layer of withered yellow leaves on the ground. There is a small village deep in the forest, and the houses in the village are low. Short, there are two leaf piles outside the village, and the leaves picked up by people are piled up, and I think they may be used as fuel.The path in the forest only turned two turns, which was not considered tortuous nor bumpy enough. I kept walking on the dead leaves, and the Yellow River beach suddenly appeared in front of me.

In an instant, I was a little excited, because there was a pontoon bridge built by iron-hulled boats on the Yellow River. I would ride a motorcycle across the iron-hulled boat pontoon bridge, and then go straight to Liangshan.With some pride in my heart, I feel so close to the Yellow River when I cross the boat bridge.The Yellow River is a big water here, the yellow soup is surging, there is a half-moon-shaped beach beside the river, and there are dry reeds beside the beach, gently swaying in the wind.The warm sunny weather in winter exudes the morning sun, the sun hangs in the lower reaches of the river, the big water surges towards the boat bridge, and the small wind picks up small waves on the water surface. It is different from the stagnant water blocks I used to see , that quiet but decided silence that passes.Yellow River, I honked my horn three times, stopped the car, leisurely took out my camera, and took several photos.Then, he got on the motorcycle and drove towards the south bank with full throttle.

It was destined to go to Liangshan. After I went ashore, I was stopped to pay the first toll for this motorcycle trip: RMB 2.The passers-by said that this pontoon bridge was built by them privately and should be charged.But I thought, you might as well say that this is going to Liangshan, and you have to leave money to buy the road.That bridge doesn't seem like it was built by a private person.I tried to convince them that the toll fee was waived. If the toll fee is not paid for the whole trip on the canal, it will be a blessing to return to Beijing.However, to no avail, he handed in two yuan and went to Liangshan.

The road gradually looked like a slope, but the road conditions improved again. There were very few vehicles going to Liangshan. I was galloping on the wide Liangshan Avenue.Liangshan County is on the slope, and there are stone mountains on both sides of the county seat. It is about from Dezhou to Shandong Province, and it is only here that we can see the mountain scenery.I thought all the way that I should eat a big plate of beef in Liangshan, and the wine was replaced by tea.I searched for a beef restaurant in Liangshan County for a long time by bicycle, but I didn't see a beef restaurant, so I stopped in front of a mutton soup restaurant.I think, in the large areas of North China and Northwest China, there will be no difference between the cattle and sheep, Liangshan, right?However, the mutton soup restaurant in Liangshan only has mutton soup and no beef.After eating mutton soup and pancakes, I inquired all the way to Liangshan.Liangshan is right on the edge of the county seat, crossing a small street, and riding forward for a short distance, I saw Shishan. Someone was mining the mountain, and I was unhappy, thinking, the stones in Liangshan are also open?Go up the slope and turn around, and you will arrive at Liangshan, a hill that looks like a small hill on the edge of the Yangtze River, this is Liangshan!Everything is out of imagination. Fortunately, I have long been mentally prepared for such a situation where imagination is greater than reality, and I am relieved.I asked the administrator, is there another main peak in Liangshan?The answer: This is the main peak of Liangshan, 180 meters above sea level!Oh, what a tall Liangshan!Indeed, in the vast southwestern plain of Shandong, there is a mountain rising from the ground, which is of course very high.I immediately asked the administrator to take a photo of me as a souvenir.When I was a child, when I didn't know the word "Hu", I yearned for the great Liangshan. It is very low, and I can climb to the top of the mountain in 10 minutes. those southern hills above.However, even if it is a small Liangshan, this famous mountain is not calculated by physical height.I went up to Liangshan, and with a soft cry in my heart, I immediately went down the south slope to Jining.

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