Home Categories Essays Eighty thousand miles of sunshine

Chapter 58 go to yanjiao

Yanjiao is 16 kilometers away from Tongzhou.I once took bus No. 930 and went to Yanjiao.A Hebei city that is very far away from Beijing and where many Beijingers live, there are also Jingpiao people who have chosen it.Therefore, my mobile phone received a call from the Hebei area code, which must be from Yanjiao. One summer afternoon, I rode my bike to find Lao Ku.I didn't start the engine, pedaled slowly, passed Songzhuang, stopped and wandered around for a while.Songzhuang is well-known. It is a legendary painter’s village. However, Songzhuang is a town. There is an advertisement for “China·Songzhuang Art Festival” hanging on the telegraph pole. In addition, I saw a small shop that said Songzhuang Painter’s Village Store However, the painters are scattered in the villages, and I believe there will be painters living in the town.However, I saw a lot of farmers walking on the streets of Songzhuang, and some of them drove farm vehicles and pulled whole trucks of green onions and arranged them in a mighty convoy of green onions.

Cycling can't take the main road to Yanjiao, so I chose to take the country road.I asked along the way, and as usual, the people in this place could not understand my Mandarin well. There was no way I could do it. When I rode to the river south of Yanjiao City, the sun was already close to the horizon.The sun on the plain was sinking downwards, like a grand ceremony, and its surging red light illuminated the earth.The setting sun seems not to be setting, but to hit the horizon of the plain!My poor dry river in the north, the river bed is dry, there are several placer mines, and the carts pulling sand come and go.I rode my bicycle to the riverbed, where countless waters passed by, and took a few pictures of the sunset in Yanjiao. I felt the tragic and tragic moment when the sunset was sinking.

It was already dark when we landed.The lights of Yanjiao City are lit up randomly like many counties in China.After crossing a section of the main street, I asked the way to Lao Ku's house.Yanjiao is larger than I imagined, and the cities on the plain are all flat.Turn left out of Main Street and the lights fade away.It feels like walking towards the suburbs of Yanjiao City, the street lights are all orange.There is no decent slope for 16 kilometers on the northern plains, so the north is a paradise for cyclists.Suddenly, I saw that the sky in Yanjiao was sea blue. It was vast and clear compared to Beijing City. The surrounding area was light white and light blue, and it gradually became bluer towards the center of the sky.A transparent blue, like a blue glass dome, covering Yanjiao, and a huge white moon in the east seems to be the only porthole.The quiet Yanjiao, a castle on the plain, is covered by a hemisphere of blue glass, and I am riding in this glass enclosure.

Like a distant dream, I am traveling fast in Yanjiao, I may not be able to ride the dome of the plain, forever.I let the car go slowly, the wheels rolled on the night road on the plain, and the cool breeze of summer night rubbed against my ears.Sky, a feeling I have never had in my life, this is an ordinary summer night in the northern plains, blue theme night, light blue, light blue to dark blue, dark blue is the central part of the dome.I only had such sentiments in Qinghai Lake.I sat on the grass by the Qinghai Lake, looked up at the sky, the sky was deep blue, extremely deep, inexhaustible, never reachable, it gave me a sense of despair.I am like an extremely tiny speck of dust in this deep universe.The dome of Qinghai Lake is a sapphire dome.Life is small and lonely.The sun emits golden light, like countless light arrows. The golden sun rotates rapidly, and the light arrows shoot in all directions.There are clouds in the distance, pure white clouds, trimmed with gold.The lake under the white clouds is as smooth as blue crystal. The horses running by the lake seem to be galloping in the sky, and the horseshoes move alternately on the green grass, running in suspension, like awakening in my dream.But the dome of Yanjiao looks like glass or light blue crystal, because of the castle in Yanjiao, it looks man-made.In the quiet and eternal summer night of Yanjiao, there is only one porthole of the moon, which is like the exit of the soul.

I found the community where the old cool lived, elegant and quiet.Old Cool lived on the third floor. After he led me upstairs, he still answered people on QQ. He was busy responding to some manuscripts, but not his ones. He asked Xiaoya to draw comics.I looked at the old cool simple bookcases for a while, and one of them was his own "Arrow in the Woods", a collection of essays.There are also collections of miscellaneous essays or poems by writers whom I have not met but have heard of. This kind of book donation is relatively common among literary friends. Lao Ku was busy for a while, first he advised me not to go back to Tongzhou, because there were many dump trucks running on the road at night, and these cars did not obey the traffic rules, which was very dangerous.I thought about it and decided not to go back, maybe this way I can also experience Yanjiao.After pedaling for a long time, I was already hungry, or Lao Ku had already had dinner, so I still took him to eat together.He led me to a familiar small restaurant, a kind of restaurant unique to Yanjiao, with some tables and chairs at the entrance and some tables and chairs inside the house, mainly selling kebabs and draft beer.

There are no diners anymore, just me and Lao Ku.I ordered 30 skewers of mutton skewers. After Lao Ku believed in Christianity, he quit drinking.I ordered draft beer, and I ordered a large bucket of Coca-Cola for Lao Ku. I ate and drank it. The roast lamb in this remote and peaceful Yanjiao may come from Dachang. Dachang is a county dominated by Muslims and is rich in mutton.The meat of the sheep on the plain is rough and chewy, suitable for barbecue.I like to eat roast lamb and drink beer in front of the bright moon on a moonlit night.But the wind outside the door was strong, and the lights were turned off, so we ate inside the house. It happened to be the birthday of the youngest and most beautiful waiter. The employees gathered around another table to eat and drink. After eating for a while, they quarreled A birthday cake was brought up, and without noticing, their young faces were covered with bright cream on the cake. The situation expressed the worldly happiness of ordinary life, the joy of youth.

I drank about four pints of beer. The cup of Yanjiao draft beer is slightly smaller than that of Beijing. I think I can drink another two pints, but Lao Ku doesn’t drink it. He poured a whole bucket of Coca-Cola. I think it’s okay to drink so much Coca-Cola extraordinary.This can be regarded as a kind of equivalent drinking. Putting aside my time in the geological team, what kind of wine can beer be?Kebabs, the harder you chew, the harder you chew, and the longer you chew, the pleasure of chewing the kebabs at the beginning is hidden.However, the original burnt aroma of the roasted lamb has never been released from the beginning to the end.The taste of kebabs, its original taste occupies the palate.I chewed and listened to Lao Ku talk about his hometown, Ningxia’s Tan sheep and long noodles. Lao Ku’s real name is Yang Jing, and he is from Zhongwei, Ningxia. I have been to Zhongwei, and Zhongwei’s long noodles are famous for their slenderness.It is made from wheat noodles and wild wormwood noodles.I also recall the mutton neck meat in Yinchuan. It is also unique to Yinchuan to independently produce and sell mutton neck meat.When Lao Ku talked about Ningxia, there was a strange light in his eyes.

Drinking in the quiet Yanjiao, it feels very far away from the city of Beijing, a kind of distance from the city, the comfort of fleeing, or a feeling of being outside the city.When I was drinking the third beer, I began to have the idea of ​​living in Yanjiao, but after drinking the fourth beer, I felt that it is not suitable to live in Yanjiao. If Beijing is regarded as a big village, I am in Tongzhou, and I am still in On the edge of the village, Yanjiao has a strong feeling of being outside the village. It may be a shack outside the village to guard the melon fields.There is the scent of melons in the land, there are trees, there is moonlight and the chirping of crickets, there is the fluttering of night birds and the rustling of leaves when the wild wind wanders.

After drinking, get up and go back to the old cool community. The stronger the wind, I see that the sky is still a big glass cover, a blue glass cover, and people are like ants, walking under a blue glass cover, and there is a light in the distance. , that is the bustling street.Far away from the capital, walking in the quiet Yanjiao, the soul will get a little pleasure of leaving.However, I can't accept old-fashioned sermons. I regard writing and walking as my religion, and he doesn't know what to do with it. Maybe this is my subconscious that I decided not to live in Yanjiao.In Kyoto, the impetuous summer nights, the hustle and bustle, the luxury of life and dreams, but it is the eternal magnetism.It is a cultural field.

I lay on Old Cool's bed all night, fell asleep when I fell down.When I wake up in the morning, the community is still very quiet, but the sunshine here is brighter than that in Beijing.The sun in the summer morning, or in the north, it is a bit soft.In the morning, after eating a bowl of dumplings and two steamed buns, I still didn't start the car, and left Yanjiao slowly.Riding in the morning light, the morning plains are foggy, light fog.Villages and poplar trees, that is the scenery in the distance.
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