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Chapter 20 Boshan Stewed Vegetables

Boshan is a county in Zibo City, Shandong Province. It is said that Zibo was extracted from the place names of Linzi and Boshan.Linzi is the capital of the state of Qi. I have been there, but Boshan has not been there. The only thing to eat is, at least in Zibo. Ask people, what can you eat in your land?They must speak Boshan.Oh, Boshan people know how to make food.This is very strange, because among the counties and districts under the jurisdiction of Zibo, Boshan people are the only ones who are good at eating, and almost no famous dishes have been invented in the surrounding areas. In fact, we should be ashamed. Zhangdian is the main district, and there are no dishes in Zhangdian. .

Boshan people's food is mostly common dishes, such as stewed vegetables, tofu boxes, etc., which seem to be out of the table.However, for gourmets, this marginalized recipe, or the more folk it is, the less variability it has, and the more simple characteristics it has.Therefore, people in Zibo all eat Boshan vegetables.I ate at Zhangdian. Boshan stewed dish is a soup dish, and stewed dish is called in the north.How particular or not particular this soup is, you can tell the classics.I only stayed in Zibo for two days, and I ate two different Boshan stewed dishes. One was more delicious, and the other was not so delicious.I ate Boshan stew, a soup made with bacon.The bacon is lean meat, wrapped in flour batter, slightly fried, and boiled in a soup pot.The side dishes are spinach, vermicelli, dried tofu, etc., in one pot, the soup is between thick and fresh, with a faint mellow taste of bacon.

There are two ways to eat Boshan stewed vegetables. One is to scoop them into small bowls, eat vegetables and drink soup, all in a small universe; Content, supplemented by drinking soup, and should drink profusely.The first time I ate Boshan stewed dishes, I worked alone.Of course, I eat the meat first from the big bowl. I used to have the reputation of the salvage captain, that is, no matter what kind of soup it is in, I can salvage all the important contents inside, and eat without omission. However, I didn't understand why such a soup dish was named "stewed vegetables". Later, I asked again, why is Boshan stewed vegetables called soup?Why authentic?I was told that there is no authentic.Its origin almost ruined my beautiful imagination.It turns out that Boshan stewed dishes are basically cooking all the leftovers from the previous meal in one pot, cooking the world in one pot, and making the world with one spoonful. This is the meaning of folk cuisine.A miscellaneous vegetable soup became famous and has a long history as a famous dish, which is indeed intriguing.At this time, I was eating Boshan stewed vegetables, thinking that this piece of land that once produced Mr. Nan Guo has its own tolerance in history, and Boshan stewed vegetables are also the band of King Xuan of Qi, and the content is enough to accommodate the next generation. Hit Mr. Nan Guo.Therefore, Boshan stewed dishes have tolerance and generosity in philosophy.

Regarding soup, it is a manifestation of collective consciousness. It combines the noble and elegant and the vulgar and vulgar in one pot. What is fused is a chaotic soup environment. Under the premise of mutual tolerance, they jointly create a pot of good soup.The meaning of Boshan Stewed Vegetables lies in the taste, and there is also a universal truth, that is, no matter how noble or humble, in the world of soup, there is an opportunity to radiate individual characteristics.Therefore, when it comes to soup, it is not necessary to only respect the bird's nest and shark's fin, but to stew it with the method of Boshan, which is for the world of Datong.

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