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Chapter 42 Lingbao Mutton Soup

"Tiankai Hangu Zhuangguan, Wangu was surprised to the north, and the twin peaks towered beside the river. It has been a battlefield in Hangu since ancient times."Hanguguan is about 15 kilometers away from Lingbao City. I entered Henan from Tongguan, Shaanxi, and then returned from Sanmenxia City, about 75 kilometers away.The car from Tongguan was very old. I was asked to change the car in Lingbao. I felt that the itinerary was not smooth. In the Yellow River Basin, the car in the province was easy to ride, but the inter-provincial car was a problem. I turned back and went to Hanguguan. The brother-in-law of brother-in-law Wang Jianbing, the editor-in-chief of Selected Prose, drove there together. When the car entered Hangu Pass, he saw a vision of fog here.It is not the milky white fog like in the south or north, but it is not the light blue mountain haze in the north and south. It is a kind of light brown fog, somewhat purple. Whether it is related to the evaporation of the Yellow River water is unknown. .

Hangu Pass is the place where Lao Tzu wrote it. Now there are still some remains of Hangu Pass. This place is located on the ancient road of Chang’an. One of them was originally an ancient battlefield, but Hangu Pass made it impossible to enter Chang'an.Why did I stay here and write?Some strange.Hangu Pass is the pass in Hanzai Valley. It is said that at the beginning of the last century, Lu Xun and others went up the Yellow River in a boat. Lu Xun was able to disembark and go to Hangu Pass when the boat did not stop, but when he turned back, it is not known what feelings Fu had.I only have a feeling for the natural geography of Hangu Pass, which is dangerous and mysterious, and there seems to be some strange things lurking in the valley. I still feel a little bit repulsed by its cultural relics, such as Ziqi coming from the east, chickens singing and dogs stealing, Gongsun Baima, etc. Wait, even after Hangu Pass is closed to navigation on the Yellow River, it is already a waste pass, and everyone travels by land by car.When I was in Hangu Pass, I had a momentary idea that this place is indeed a place for philosophical thinking and writing. Its inexplicable atmosphere and its different environment from other places are very easy to make people have some whimsy, and their thinking will deviate from the normal.The mountains and valleys here are light brown, quiet and distant, the sun shines quietly, the Yellow River flows silently, and the years drift away quietly.But why haven't I heard of any modern philosophers writing here?

Let me choose between Laozi and Zhuangzi. I like Zhuangzi. Zhuangzi's walking has a kind of elegant beauty.I believe that Laozi's words will still be quoted after 30,000 years, and his thoughts shine in the history and civilization of China.Wandering around Hangu Pass all morning, the treasure of Lingbao is only Hangu Pass.Tickets are very expensive. I didn't go in to see an ancient pagoda in Hanguguan. There is only one pagoda surrounded there. I went up to the back mountain to see it, and it was no different from other ancient pagodas.Compared with many great mountains and Xiongchuan, Hangu Pass’ geographical majesty is worthy of doubt. People in the old days did not have modern means of transportation, so they would exaggerate some small geographical features. Today, there are airplanes and cannons. What do you guard at such a pass? Shou?I can't stand the bombing for a day. I believe that Tongguan is the real grand pass, and Hangu Pass is like a thought pass of Lao Tzu.In the afternoon, I drove back to Sanmenxia with my thoughts. Only eaters and thinkers live the longest in human beings. Laozi is still alive in people’s hearts. According to his famous saying of cooking small fresh food, Laozi must also be a gourmet .

Go to eat Lingbao mutton soup in the evening.Sanmenxia City was built due to the construction of the Sanmenxia Dam, and Lingbao Mutton Soup is popular here.The Three Six Gorges Dam is really not that impressive. The dam is not as fancy as what He Jingzhi wrote. It also has a dressing table, and the old men also use a dressing table!Having seen Gezhouba, the Sanmenxia Dam is just a small concrete dam.However, compared with cities like Hancheng and Yichuan, Sanmenxia City still has some modern atmosphere. The buildings of China Telecom and China Taxation are quite tall and decorated with very vulgar blue glass and white tiles.This city is relatively hygienic and clean. There are many long-forgotten streets, and it feels well-organized. I was led by a local to find the most authentic mutton soup restaurant. People who enter the restaurant have a casual attitude.

The mutton soup restaurant is elegant and simple, clean and quiet. People who eat mutton soup are all bored to eat the soup, not as noisy as the restaurant in Zhengzhou.Here I want to talk about the topic of Henan, but Henan also needs to be re-recognized. The civilization and quality of urban people are no different from other cities, but the words are more poetic, which is suspected of being exaggerated. The Sanmenxia Dam was praised by Mr. He Jingzhi and entered the textbook. When I was a child, I thought it was amazing.What else is there to compete in the Central Plains, Shaolin magic sticks, etc. Isn't it just that there are a few monks playing with sticks every day for nothing?Once Jet Li acted, he was fascinated. Jet Li made a lot of money and left. Now he lives in a mansion with tens of millions, leaving the poor monks to continue playing.The cultural plunder and absorption of Henan by the gods from all over the world is amazing today.The mutton soup is served in a large white porcelain basin. The soup is dark red, with thick white vermicelli, some fungus, golden needles and kelp.Drinking soup is only suitable for strong alcohol, usually you can drink two taels, if you are not acclimatized, you can choose Erguotou to drink, it is Beijing water.Lingbao mutton soup also reminds me of the hot and spicy soup in Xiaoyao Town. From here to the west, the Yellow River presents a hot and spicy area. I have eaten spicy and spicy sheep's trotters in Zhongwei, Ningxia.The mutton soup is thick and red in color, relatively simple, or purplish red, but it is unknown how it is made.Open to drink, hot, not as spicy as imagined, Hula is a dull spicy after all, not as sharp as chili.

I feel that mutton soup is a stewed dish, and it can also be used as a staple food. After drinking two taels of sorghum wine, I think of Hangu Pass in my mind, and the taste buds are intimate with the delicate taste of Hu spicy.I'm just not used to it, such a big porcelain pot, it contains the heroic soup, in the warmth of the mutton, it is so spicy that it is a little elegant.I just thought of Zhang Guangdou, he is a person who likes to build dams and takes dam building as his career. To be honest, I don’t like him very much, even though he is a double academician, why did he build all the dams before talking to Jianghe? What about building a dam for reflection?Tongguan Elevation can be regarded as his great contribution. Elevation is a term in water conservancy. I used Tongguan Elevation to search on Baidu, and found many depressing things.But the mutton soup, drinking it with a dull head, can relieve the boredom. I drank a full meal, and my food guide looked at me as if he was looking at a hungry person, so he didn't care about it.

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