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Chapter 19 Shandong Cuisine Wants a Revolution

Yantai apples and Laiyang pears are not as good as Weifang's radish skins.It doesn’t matter whether this statement is true or not. According to rumors in the market, this place in Shandong places great emphasis on cuisine. Shandong cuisine is one of the four famous dishes.However, today, the reputation of Shandong cuisine is not as good as before, which can be regarded as not related to the advancement of people's taste.Shandong cuisine is heavy in oil, heavy in sauce and heavy in corn, and it is called the third of three, black, salty, noodle, and it needs a revolutionary process of transformation to light, so I understand.

Shandong cuisine actually has two major sections, subdivided by taste, which can roughly be divided into Shandong cuisine area and Qi cuisine area. If we look at the Lu culture and Qi culture areas, the taste map coincides with the cultural map.Qi cuisine has a fresh and salty taste, and its expression is precise and intuitive. Compared with the complex Shandong cuisine, it is more refined. Whether it is clam soup in the traditional sense or the seaside grilled fresh shrimp that is popular recently, It feels to me that it is a direct statement, fresh and delicate, which is different from the grand narrative of Lu cuisine.For a long time, under the prestige of Shandong cuisine, Qi cuisine has been included in the large family of Shandong cuisine and has not gained the unique status.In my opinion, it is also advisable to play Qi Cai Pai when the opportunity is appropriate.Shandong cuisine is mainly fragrant, Qi cuisine is mainly fresh, Shandong cuisine has the beauty of chaos, and Qi cuisine has clear freshness. Qi cuisine is very suitable today.

It is true that Shandong cuisine has its wonderfulness, and even today I like the "Jiuzhuan Fat Sausage", but if I want to follow the majority of modern tastes, I am afraid that the road of "Jiuzhuan Fat Sausage" is already very bumpy, and it is a rebirth of heavy taste The generation of diners has risen, and they are also keen on the small spicy food that Malatang involves. I think it is a credit to Master Kong or Uni-President instant noodle seasoning. The generation that grew up eating instant noodles, they know wheat culture can be classified as instant noodles and small For the seasoning, the condensed small bag of seasoning has been deeply solidified in the taste memory of the young generation.Shandong Cuisine Revolution, you don’t need to go out of Shandong Cuisine, just change the emphasis on Lu and despise Qi to emphasize Qi and despise Lu. This can also be called an internal taste revolution. It happens that seafood is prevalent today, so it’s better to follow it, as long as it is beneficial to eaters The sense of taste is conducive to the prosperity of restaurants, and the three advantages that are conducive to the resurgence of Lu cuisine. I think Lu cuisine might as well be a revolution.

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