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Chapter 53 25 boxes

give you a bullet 刘瑜 977Words 2018-03-18
The packages are all packed, a total of 25 boxes. Neatly stacked in the living room, waiting for the moving company to check in on Saturday.They said they would give me a 5.6-cubic-meter container and charge me X much money, but I sternly refuted it.I said, my little thing occupies less than 2 cubic meters. 25 boxes of less than 2 cubic meters, filled with books that were too late to read, shoes that were reluctant to throw away, CDs that were half listened to, dried chili that hadn’t been eaten... squatting neatly in the living room, displaying them proudly The determination and courage that a person has survived and will continue to live.

The sons and daughters of heroes are full of ambition, and they are generous and generous. But how much water is there in it?A lot of clothes that I don’t wear very much, I think I will wear them in the future, but I don’t know how to wear them at all; a lot of books that I don’t read very much, I think I will read them in the future, but I don’t know how to read them at all... If you face up to what you have So much "unnecessary" crap and you can understand why politics always gets bureaucratic. Those books you never read - "Ministry of Truth", those shoes you never wear - "Ministry of Peace", that "African spoon" from the roadside stall - "Department of the United Front", The bicycle that stopped after riding for a month - "Telecom Bureau". 80% can be called "Laoshizi".Not to mention the land occupation, after you are released from the box, you will lay in ambush, set up formations, set traps, eat up your time bit by bit, and then spit it out in one gulp.

But maybe you don't need to blame yourself, maybe "I don't ____ so much I think I will ____ in the future but I won't ____ at all" is the formula of life. I made up my mind to learn from Xiaozhao, bought a new one after reading one book, bought a new one after throwing away one piece of clothing, and strictly managed my life digitally.Didn't Huang Renyu say that the end of the dynasty is due to the lack of digital management? I can't end it in a muddle like Ming Dynasty. Better soldiers and simpler administration come second. The key is that when there are too many things, the good ones will be submerged in the bad ones, and they will not be able to stand out, just like the Sangong Sixth Court drowns all the beauties.Every time I move to collect things, I always feel: Ah, I still have this dress, why haven’t I worn it for a long time?Out of respect for materials and the workers and peasants who produce these materials, I want to transform my possessiveness.

Yesterday, I was talking about the movie March of Penguins with a friend, and I said what is the meaning of living like a penguin, and it is for a "breeding" from beginning to end.You can say that it shows the greatness and tenacity of life, but the fact that one meaningless "great and tenacious" breeds more meaninglessness really doesn't make me respectful.Watching those shivering penguins switch positions round and round to protect the egg under their belly, I would rather believe that it is a prank by God. This condescending view of penguins disturbs me deeply, but the pride is not without reason.We humans, after all, have a long way to go from "meaningless".At least, there are 25 boxes between me, who is sitting in the living room lovingly looking at my belongings, and "meaningless".

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