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Chapter 9 red lips

give you a bullet 刘瑜 1039Words 2018-03-18
It was over sixty degrees Fahrenheit, and everyone was wearing shirts, T-shirts, jackets at most, but the old lady was not. Black rolled hat, black woolen coat, stockings, black leather shoes, the old lady dressed like a young woman in the 1950s, accidentally lost her way to the 21st century.She was small and thin, standing in front of me in the supermarket line. She has been arguing with the salesperson for a long time.About the price of a certain vitamin.Although she argued for a long time, she was not in a hurry.Raise your arms slowly, point to the pile of medicine bottles slowly, shake your head slowly, turn your head slowly, look at the queue behind you who are getting more and more impatient, and then turn your head slowly .

When she turned around, I saw layers of wrinkles on her pale face, with no flesh or expression on her face.I think she looks 80 years old, or 100 years old.Or 200 years old.It's the age at which age no longer makes sense anyway.But on the face of the 80-year-old, on the deeply sunken, small lips, bright red is still smeared. I read an article on the Internet titled "Look at what foreigners say".Comments mostly went like this: "Why doesn't it elicit a sense of awe at all, but just makes people laugh", "Uses ridiculous computer technology and second-rate kung fu performance", "Emotions are more imposed than Not naturally aroused", and the points given are mostly C, C or something.

Then I saw another article titled "Chen Kaige Gets Angry Again: Promise is not a bad movie, and there is no return at all."It mentioned Chen Kaige's statement: "If the return is true, why would the world's largest entertainment company, Warner Bros., take over? And if it's really a bad movie, then why did it arrange a release in 66 cities?" I imagined Chen Kaige's appearance when he said this: a righteous expression on his serious face, and angry eyes above the huge bags under his eyes.I have to admit, thinking of this, I feel a little sad, like seeing the red lips on the face of that 80-year-old lady.

In fact, what I want to talk about is not the old lady, nor Chen Kaige, but myself.Waking up every morning is like picking up an orphan on a strange street.But at the same time, he is also a strong man, carrying the banner of ideals in his hands, and promoting his idea of ​​transforming society. And friend Y.He is 33 years old and almost penniless.After failing to make a fortune N times, he decided to start stock trading.Recently, I started reading company reports day and night. And friend X.Has been ambiguous with H for a year, and he still can't give her a promise.The more she waited, the colder her heart became. When people asked, she could only say: I am not in a hurry about getting married.

And Saddam.Saddam looked very thin, but during the trial, he was still calling on his non-existent audience to drive away the US imperialism. And friend K. K, an exile, has had trouble returning to his country for many years, but he accidentally tossed himself until he was almost 50 years old.During a dinner with friends, he spouted political sermons to three sleepy people.He talked for more than two hours, and finally said: This is why I pay attention to this issue. A new summer has arrived, the summer of 2006.Walking under the gray and bright sky, I heard slapping slaps everywhere in the air, and bright, futile red lips floating everywhere.

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