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Chapter 17 Chapter 17 Resignation and Complaints Are the Roots of Failure

Lurking in the Office Season 2 陆琪 6177Words 2018-03-18
It's not your fault that you're in a complicated situation, but it's your fault to blame others. Whether you are a newcomer or an old man, you may encounter setbacks in the workplace.Especially in a complicated workplace environment, you don't know when to offend someone and when to be hurt.Therefore, it is always inevitable to fall into the trap of the workplace when encountering a trough. But in this situation, newcomers tend to complain. This kind of resentment is layered and rhythmic. First of all, newcomers will complain that their fate is not good, that they are not as well-off as others, that they are born with a golden key, and some have background and connections.So-and-so enters the company as a regular worker, but he is a temporary worker. This is bad luck.So-and-so climbed up to the boss not long after starting the job, and his promotion speed is faster than the rocket, but he has never even seen the boss' face, which is also bad luck.Or a certain person has a lot of related households, but he can't get a phone call from them even if he works hard, which is still bad luck.

This kind of complaint is called resentment. Secondly, newcomers will complain that the people around them are too bad and the environment is too complicated.It seemed that everyone around him was a villain, trying to harm him.Naturally, there are no real friends in the workplace, but newcomers often can't see who is the real enemy, and blind accusations have no benefit other than offending others.In fact, it doesn't matter whether the people around are bad or not. The key is that after being injured, calling everyone a bad guy will make people feel very happy, but what about after being so happy?It also has no specific effect.

This kind of aimless blame is called Youren.The "you" here means to blame and blame. In the end, these people will lament that they are too honest and simple, and they are really the best among people, a gentleman of morality.It's simply unreasonable for someone as good as himself, capable of working, smart and cute, and dedicated to making profits for the company, to be harmed by others.From the moment I entered the company and sighed to the fact that there is no Bole in the world, this level is called self-pity, pity yourself as if you were Jia Baoyu, lament that you were born at an untimely time, your heart is higher than the sky, but your life is thinner than paper.

These three different levels are often the favorite method for newcomers to relieve their worries. As long as they complain about others and feel sorry for themselves, they can explain clearly why they are frustrated in the workplace, and then they can give up their minds and dawdle around. up. However, that's exactly why you can't succeed. Everyone feels that everyone's life is different. Some people are born to enjoy life, while others are born in poverty.Some people are high-ranking cadres, and they do things smoothly.Some are farmers, spending their lives in the fields begging for a living.

However, everyone's fate is the same.Because God has given you some benefits, but always takes away other important things. When it comes to people, the total amount of luck is equal in the end. People with good backgrounds have a high starting point in the workplace, and things will naturally go smoothly.This is completely incomparable with people from poor backgrounds.Some phoenix men from the countryside have struggled for decades, and I am afraid that they have just reached the initial stage of a son with a background. But a very strange point, when another ten or twenty years later.Those young masters who had a high starting point and everything went smoothly, either stayed in a certain position in the workplace and kept to themselves without any progress.Or just do business by yourself, and lose everyone after failing again and again.

But in the workplace, those who can really achieve a very high position, or even become a certain industry leader, are usually those who come from a poor background, the phoenix men who were looked down upon back then. Why is this so? Because there are people with backgrounds, they do things so smoothly that they have not experienced setbacks and sufferings.For anyone, the road to success is the same, and it must go through many hardships.After these young masters reached a certain level, it was difficult to make progress.If you still want to go up, you must encounter tempering, and these people have not experienced this, so that they will completely collapse, or their confidence will be dampened, and they will not dare to act rashly, or they will be knocked down and become ordinary people.Among them, they can withstand the setbacks and pressures, and very few succeed in the end.

On the contrary, the poor boys who have endured hardships all the way can grit their teeth and hold on no matter what setbacks they encounter, and they can handle all aspects with ease in a complex environment.These people have no backing, so they dare not offend any superiors, and are very humble to any customers. After a long time, these talents are the most popular in the workplace. After experiencing many hardships, the poor boys have a very strong psychological pressure ability, which makes them the final winners. Observe that today's world-class richest man, or the successful domestic tycoons, all climbed up from the bottom, and very few rely on the virtues of their ancestors.

Therefore, if you have no background and no backer, don't blame fate.Fate is fair, it gives you the hardships in the first half of your life, but it will benefit you in the second half of your life, as long as you don't give up, those hardships will eventually become your biggest backer and pillar. Everyone is bad, which is not what you think.In the workplace, when there are setbacks and difficulties, there is indeed the idea that everyone is a bad person, but this is not the point. Whether others are bad or not has nothing to do with you.Because you are not an educator, let alone the parent of the other party, you are not qualified and necessary to teach others.

For you, the only useful thing is to be yourself and change yourself. It doesn't matter if it's true that everyone is bad, or if it's true that everyone is against you, what matters is what you do. If it is true that everyone is bad, then the things that everyone encounters and the pressure they bear are essentially the same.You live in a world of enemies, and so do your colleagues. Why can others adapt but you can't? If you think that people in this workplace only target you and only regard you as an enemy, but they are friendly to each other. Then there is no doubt that the problem should be your own.Because to become the public enemy of the vast majority of people, you must be incompatible with the general environment.

All in all, there is no difference between good and evil in the external environment, because you are in a competitive world, and what you need to do is not to clean up the world and make everyone kind.All you have to do is surpass your competitors and live better than others. Getting the bad guys to submit to you is the goal. Schopenhauer has an interesting theory. He said that everything a person can encounter from the moment of birth to the moment of death is determined by himself in advance.Therefore, all negligence is deliberate, all encounters are prearranged, all humiliations are punishments, all defeats are mysterious victories, and all deaths are suicides.

From this we can also deduce that all bad luck is caused by yourself. why? Because everything in the workplace changes because of your own changes.For example, if other people have a good relationship with their boss, this is not your bad luck, it is entirely because you have not established a good relationship with your boss.For example, if your colleagues are jealous of you, it is not because of bad luck, but because you are too prominent and don't know how to hide your strength and bide your time.For example, if your boss does not give you good work, but only makes you do dirty and tiring work, this is not because the boss is of poor character, but because you usually do not manage. As long as things in the workplace can be changed by manpower, they are not unsolvable. When you are forced into a desperate situation, it is all caused by yourself. Real career masters never regard difficult situations as bad luck, and they don't blame others. Successful people in the workplace only do one thing, review themselves, blame themselves for all mistakes, and then fight back. Complaints and self-pity are the trilogy of ordinary people after encountering difficulties.But there is no solution for complaining, Youren offends others instead, and self-pity is beyond salvation.So after the completion of the trilogy, it is still useless in the end, which is tantamount to no use. As I said before, the real successful people in the workplace only do one thing when encountering setbacks, and that is to attribute the mistakes to themselves. Everything is not done well by themselves, so they should review carefully and face the reality. Why do you want to do this? There is a saying that God helps those who help themselves, which means that if you don't help yourself, no one will come to help you. When you encounter setbacks, don't blame yourself and reflect on yourself, but blame the external environment.However, the external environment can only be changed by changing yourself.You don't know how to let yourself change, but want everyone, everywhere, the whole world to change for you. How can this be possible? God helps those who help themselves means to let you change for the external environment first, to adapt to them, so that the external environment will become more and more beneficial to you, and finally, it will become your help. Those who are unwilling to change themselves and only want to change the world for themselves are often losers in the workplace. What they do is useless. Only by facing the reality and admitting one's own problems can one break through obstacles and get out of setbacks. This is the ultimate exhortation. If you are an ambitious person, if you want to be successful, you don't want to be one of the ordinary people.So no matter what difficulties or setbacks you encounter, don't accept your fate. In this world, what many people say is meant for most people.So people persuade each other not to bother too much, just live a normal life, and live as you should have. People who listen to these words have become ordinary people. In this world, many books are written for most people.So the book advises you to do spiritual practice, I hope you can meditate, admit that you are a small person, and don't have too many desires. People who read these books have also become ordinary people. But if you are a person with ideals and desires, then no matter at any time, don't accept your fate.Because once you accept your fate, your motivation will disappear, you will gradually be content with the status quo, and accept your fate of failure. People only really fail if they admit failure, otherwise you will always have a chance to make money. When Shi Yuzhu was in the giant group, he had a great reputation, but the building would collapse overnight, and the billion-dollar enterprise went bankrupt in an instant.Shi Yuzhu fell from the peak to the bottom of the valley, turning into a bereaved dog, needing to be supported by his former subordinates.He walked the land, crossed the mountains, and almost died on the road several times. From anyone's point of view, Shi Yuzhu is an out-and-out loser. He has no money and no career.How can a person like this have a chance to stand up? But in fact, those who have an immortal heart and never give up just lack an opportunity.And life is 80 years, tens of thousands of days, there will always be a chance to fall on your head.Only this time, you can turn over.Successful people are all rolled out of setbacks. They are not superior to others, they just don't give up. Shi Yuzhu caught an opportunity when he was at his worst. He created "Melatonin". With a hugely controversial advertisement sweeping the country, Melatonin turned him around completely, followed by "Golden Partner", and now "Zhengtu" Game, New Giant Group.Shi Yuzhu's career soared like a rocket. Today's Shi Yuzhu is not only a top domestic entrepreneur, but also paid off all the debts he owed back then. His rebirth from the ashes is the best example of not accepting his fate. case: Wang Xiaofeng was originally a very hardworking person. After he joined Company A, he started from the bottom, worked hard, never had a relationship, and spent most of his time at work, which is how he got his status today. But this time when he went to Beijing, Wang Xiaofeng seemed to be a different person. He didn't care about his work at all. Anyway, the head office didn't use his card. In the four-star hotel room, I go clubbing in Houhai with my friends. Of course, Wang Xiaofeng's change did not happen for no reason. In the East China business area, under the pressure of the whole company, he did his best to do business and sign big orders, obviously to relieve Xianyu from a siege.But when he was about to kick the door, Xianyu still gave him a hard time, and the entire big order was snatched away by Xianyu. Not only did Wang Xiaofeng not get any benefits, but he was kicked to the head office to be idle. In the system, business has always been respected, who cares about the supply. Wang Xiaofeng's mood has never been so bad. He really can't figure it out, and even feels a little abandoned by this world, so he broke his cans and didn't want to work. It's fine after two or three days like this, but if it's like this for a week, it will inevitably lead to gossip.The head office is not a place to support idlers. Wang Xiaofeng lives in a hotel and receives an allowance, but he does not go to work or do things all day long, so some administrative staff quietly filed a complaint. This case was really sued to the right person, and it was delivered to Zhang Yu. Zhang Yu has also been at the head office, but he came here on his own initiative.Since Huang Linghua joined the company, Zhang Yu has been stationed in the group headquarters for a long time under the pretext of communicating with the head office. Zhang Yu obviously wanted to avoid Huang Linghua and Xianyu's fierce fight, and those two were also happy to have fewer opponents, so he was leisurely and contented on the side of the group, completely indifferent to the world. But Zhang Yu took Wang Xiaofeng's depression very seriously, and went to the hotel to ask Wang Xiaofeng for details. Wang Xiaofeng was not as high-spirited as he was a few months ago: "Vice President Zhang, I don't think I'm suitable for business." Zhang Yu asked: "Why?" Wang Xiaofeng: "Now I can't tell who is a good person and who is a bad person in the company. Xianyu and Huang Linghua fight like enemies, Feng Hui and Lin Cong fight for a while, I don't think anyone can offend , but in the end everyone offended. I just can't figure it out, is there anything wrong with concentrating on doing things? Why do you have to target me?" Zhang Yu nodded, expressing his grasp of the situation: "Who do you think is the problem?" Wang Xiaofeng hadn't spoken freely for a long time, and today he had the opportunity to say it angrily: "I think the first thing is that there is a problem with the company's atmosphere. Since we joined the company, there have been small fights and big fights every now and then. Huang Linghua was beaten away, Lao La was killed Fighting away. Today, Xianyu is about to be fought away. In a place like this where fighting is more important than doing things, who is in the mood to work hard?" Zhang Yu said: "That's right, this is what the East China Region looks like now." Wang Xiaofeng: "Secondly, there is a problem with the people in the company. Instead of helping each other, colleagues have malicious intentions. Whoever says a word to you may be harmful behind the scenes. The boss is also like this. The corner of the subordinates, doing whatever it takes for their own interests." Zhang Yu smiled: "Is there anything else?" Wang Xiaofeng poked his neck and said: "The other thing is that I'm too stupid. I only think about doing more business and making more money for the company every day. I never prevent others from harming me. That's why it's so miserable. In the end, I not only offended people , and was dispatched here.” Zhang Yu sighed: "You are right." Wang Xiaofeng thought that Zhang Yu really agreed with him: "Even Vice President Zhang thinks it's right, the company can't go on like this..." Zhang Yu interrupted him: "But can you change? Who do you think can change?" Wang Xiaofeng was stunned, he scolded people happily, but he never thought about how to solve this problem, so he muttered twice: "You should be able to change it." Zhang Yu shook his head: "I can't change it, otherwise, why stay here." Wang Xiaofeng held his breath, and smiled wryly: "Then there is no other way." Zhang Yu said: "Of course you can't help it if you blame others. Staying in the hotel all day, cursing the company, scolding colleagues, what effect will it have, it will not help at all." Wang Xiaofeng was scolded stupidly: "What do you mean?" Zhang Yu: "If a person wants to be successful, the most important thing is not how many things to do, but to do useful things. Now you encounter a little difficulty, instead of trying to solve it, you complain instead. Is it useful to complain? ? Can you make a comeback?" Wang Xiaofeng shook his head: "No." Zhang Yu: "Since there is time to do useless work, why not do something useful?" Wang Xiaofeng held his breath in his stomach and couldn't get out: "What else can I do usefully now? I can't change the company, I can't change others." Zhang Yu: "If you can't change others, you must change yourself." Wang Xiaofeng: "Why do you want to change yourself for others?" Zhang Yu: "Because you have a bigger goal. Those who do big things don't stick to small things, and you can't even sacrifice your own external character, so how can you do big things? How can you realize your ideals? You have to know that all successes Those who make sacrifices and compromises." Wang Xiaofeng was stunned: "You mean, without sacrifice and compromise, there is no way to succeed? People who want to stick to themselves can only stand still forever?" Zhang Yu nodded: "The realization of ideals is not easy. You can keep the bottom line, but you have to give up other things in exchange for final success." Wang Xiaofeng sat on the sofa in a daze, he understood what Zhang Yu meant, although Wang Xiaofeng was the most wronged one in the whole incident.But just relying on grievances can't get him anything, and staying in the hotel and sulking is even more useless.Wang Xiaofeng knew that Zhang Yu was here to guide him, so he sincerely asked, "Vice President Zhang, tell me, what should I do now?" Zhang Yu smiled slightly: "In the workplace, everyone will encounter a complicated environment. The more people there are, the more benefits will be gained. If you are harmed by others, you should not only blame others, but also see clearly what is the real core." Wang Xiaofeng was puzzled: "In the business system, the core is the customer. I was driven away from the customer, and I have lost the core resources." Zhang Yu shook his head: "Everything is changing at any time. There is no unchanging advantage, and there is no core that will never change. The most important resources in the East China region have been transferred." Wang Xiaofeng frowned: "How to say?" Zhang Yu: "Everyone thinks that the most important thing in the business system is the customer. This is true, but the time is wrong. The business merger in East China suddenly added a channel resource, which requires a lot of distribution, and you and the customers who are rarely talked about , and it requires a large number of transactions of similar goods, you do the math and see what is the most important." Wang Xiaofeng counted his fingers, and his face changed quickly: "I understand, what we are short of now is not customers, but goods. With the current shipments of the head office, we can only guarantee one order at most. Either Huang Linghua's Channel distribution, or fresh customer transactions, both sides, then the goods will become the trump card." Zhang Yu smiled slyly: "Now I understand, you kid was a blessing in disguise, and you seemed to be driven away from customers, but in fact, you have seized the biggest trump card. As long as you can firmly grasp the right to distribute goods, you will grasp Live everything in the East China region.” Wang Xiaofeng said these words with elation, and threw his depression to the sky.In the days that followed, Wang Xiaofeng became more active, and ran to the head office all day long, holding the right to distribute goods in East China tightly. As long as Wang Xiaofeng didn't sign, there was no way to deliver goods to East China. This situation quickly attracted the attention of the East China region. Both Xianyu and Huang Linghua were good people, and when their weaknesses were caught, they immediately figured out what was going on. Both groups have customers, and they can close the deal as soon as the goods arrive, but the quantity is only enough for one family.So Wang Xiaofeng dispatched the goods to Huang Linghua, then Xianyu was finished, and if the performance could not be completed, he would definitely leave.And if this batch of goods is rationed to Xianyu, Huang Linghua's chain stores will face a situation where there will be no goods to sell, and he must bear all the responsibilities. It seems that Wang Xiaofeng was assigned to the group, but he has mastered the most important resources quietly.Xianyu regretted it, and called Wang Xiaofeng every day to get close, and Huang Linghua also sent Lin Cong to follow up, to win over Wang Xiaofeng every day. This is really a day of turning clouds and raining hands. Just a moment ago, Wang Xiaofeng was still a fringe figure in the East China region, but at this moment, he has already grasped the fate of two general manager level people. As long as you don't give up, little people will have spring. Question: Why did Zhang Yu help Wang Xiaofeng? Lu Qi's answer: On the one hand, it's naturally good intentions, and I don't want people like Wang Xiaofeng to sink.On the other hand, it is also good for Zhang Yu that Wang Xiaofeng can cheer up.Now Zhang Yu is in the head office, but he must maintain a certain influence over the East China branch, otherwise he will be easily swept out.People will soon forget the achievements they have made, and it is only useful to grab people's hearts.
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