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Chapter 3 Chapter 3 The Workplace Is the Business Field

Lurking in the Office Season 2 陆琪 2447Words 2018-03-18
The surface is justice, but the heart is business. This is the essence of the workplace. While the benefit principle works well, it has side effects.Because you put interests first in everything, if you use this ruler to measure people and things, you will inevitably give people the impression of being a philistine. Even in the workplace, being a philistine is a personal impression that will reduce points.Regardless of your boss or colleagues, they all like you for being selfless, but don't like you for being too philistine.Naturally, they would rather be a bit of a philistine, but it is better for others to be selfless, so that they can take advantage of it.

Therefore, the principle of interest in the workplace is not used explicitly, but hidden in the dark.A master in the workplace must be a double-faced person with different inside and outside, with interests hidden in his heart, and righteousness on the surface. Why should there be righteousness on the face?Because in public, no matter what you do, you must have a kind excuse of righteousness, which is also called "hypocrisy". We do not advocate hypocrisy, but this does not prevent the existence of hypocrisy. Even the political leaders in ancient times, or even the emperor of a country, must pretend to be kind and selfless, so that they can fool more innocent people.

For example, building a palace for yourself is not for enjoyment, but to pray for blessings; for example, imposing high taxes is not for greed, but to fill the national treasury.And so on, no matter how dirty things are done, there must be a bright excuse. The workplace is naturally not so dark, but the reason is the same.The distribution of benefits is always under the table, and everything on the table must be aboveboard.What you can see is the system and the system, but what you can't see is the power struggle.Good things are always on the surface, but what really works is what is below.

Therefore, if you want to become a career expert, you have to understand these two distinct levels of black and white. The surface is always bright, that is to say, in the workplace, whether it is a person, an institution, or a company, they will all use a high-sounding appearance to represent people. This is often called "hypocrisy," but it is not hypocrisy.Because in this world, openly bad guys don't survive. The reason is that people are very selfish, for fear that the existence of bad guys will harm their own interests and destroy their own survival value, so everyone shouts and beats bad guys who are open to the world.

One consequence of this is that people make selflessness and righteousness superficial and use them as their own masks.No matter what kind of businessman has to wear such a mask. This is especially true in the workplace. It is obvious that the two factions are fighting against each other, but they are talking about systems and rules.It is obvious that personal conflicts are in conflict with each other, but it is declared to the outside world that they are all for the benefit of the company. Whoever occupies the moral high ground can have the support of public opinion, and only with the support of public opinion can victory be guaranteed.

The superficial righteousness of the world is a weapon for gaining sympathy and support, which has been proven countless times in history.As for what is behind this awe-inspiring righteousness, it is not the focus of public opinion, and it is not something that people who have been fooled can see through. However, it is precisely this layer, invisible to everyone, that plays a decisive role. It is difficult to name this inner layer, or the deep layer, or the truth layer. In a word, it is composed of the real thoughts in people's hearts, and it is the deep reason behind all the superficial things.

In the workplace, this reason is interest. Newcomers who have just entered the workplace often can only see the surface but not the depth, so they are confused about many things. Why is there no one doing things that are obviously beneficial to the company?Why is it not the competent people who are competing for the top position internally, but the people with connections?Why do those who work get less money and those who don't work get more money?Why is it that no one proposes something that everyone can see will fail? On the surface, these problems should be solved easily without confusing people, but in fact, in the workplace, black may not necessarily be black, white may not necessarily be white, and sometimes black and white will reverse each other. On the surface, but because of deep interests.

Things on the level of interests are not aboveboard, so they must be hidden under the table, but it is these things that dominate everything in the workplace. If you are a newcomer in the workplace, you should understand this: most of the bosses, most of the professionals in the workplace, they are double-faced people, it is useless to only look at their appearance, only to see their interests clearly Driven, that can be called the accurate pulse. In the workplace, there must be both surface and depth, and both are indispensable.The reason is simple, the superficial justice is to deceive people, but the inner interests are to control people.

Just imagine, if a boss is full of benefits and looks like a philistine, can he convince the public?Can he win the love of his subordinates?Can he let his employees work hard to make money for him regardless of gains or losses? Of course not.If you want to take advantage of others, you must first show a selfless look.You care about everything yourself, how can your subordinates let you exploit them? The veterans in the workplace have long summed up their experience. They usually dress up as if they are dedicated to the public, and set a role model for the employees in the workplace. If you believe this is the real face of your boss, you are being fooled.

What is more indispensable for every boss is the inner layer.No matter how righteous they are on the surface, there must be a principle of interest in their hearts, that is, they treat the workplace as a business. This is not decided by the masters of the workplace, but by the ecological environment of the workplace.Since this is a place where interests are exchanged, the rules governing the operation of all affairs are interests. Anyone who does not abide by the rules of interests will be eliminated from the workplace, and those who remain, that is, those who have become bosses or professional professionals, have two levels.

The first layer is for people to see, and the second layer is for doing things. Indispensable. What is the biggest truth in the workplace?In fact, everyone knows it, but everyone is deceived by the bright appearance and ignores it. The truth of the workplace is business and profit. For companies, everything is more important than business, but the so-called businessmen have original sins. China has always valued literature over business, so many companies have put on a sense of justice for the country and the people, and some have shown themselves as charities. , There are also those who appear in the form of Xingguo, but these are superficial articles. In fact, the essence is all about interests and business. The nature of a commercial company also determines the nature of the workplace.Although the workplace is a part of life, it is not life, but a place where you sell your labor to make money. Life is when you spend money for consumption, which is enjoyment; in the workplace, you exchange labor for money, which is work.So in life, you can do whatever you want and do whatever you want, but in the workplace, everything you do has to be linked to the exchange of interests. The truth is so, but the performance is different. In fact, everyone knows that the workplace is for exchanging benefits, but why are there so many so-called workplace cultures?This is appearance, superficial justice, something that can fool people. If you think of the workplace as a person.Justice is his face, but business is his heart, which is the essence of the workplace. Whether it is justice or business, they can also be transformed into each other.This kind of transformation does not depend on who works, but on who makes the decisions. The same workplace, because different people decide, the final result will be different.So in the workplace, the boss is a decisive factor. If your boss thinks that justice is more important than business, then you should show more justice; if your boss talks about business, then you should also adapt to it. Every detail in the workplace is ever-changing due to the participation of people.Don't think that if you master the principles of workplace interests, you can go anywhere. In fact, as long as there are people, there will be changes, and the principle of interest will continue to change because of the decisive human factor. The workplace is an art, not a technology.If you want to learn how to survive in the workplace, you must first understand the principle of interests, and then you must understand the personality of your boss. Only by adding these two together can you accurately calculate the path of each step.
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