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Lurking in the Office Season 2

Lurking in the Office Season 2


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  • 1970-01-01Published
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Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Ideal is a "double-edged sword"

Lurking in the Office Season 2 陆琪 2409Words 2018-03-18
Ideals are important, but more important than ideals are interests. We have said before that in the workplace, ideals are very important and need to be considered first.If a person has no ideals, then he lacks the goal of struggle, so that he has no direction and no confidence.It can be said that ideals are the foundation of your career and the beginning of everything. But this raises a question: Since ideals are so important, should they become the norms of the workplace?When we consider all workplace issues, should ideals be the main premise? This is a very big misunderstanding. First of all, you have to understand that the ideal is a very big and long-term thing, it is like the North Star in the sky, showing you the general direction.But not everything you will need it for.

Career is a very delicate, artistic life, usually composed of a series of small details.Use your ideals to indicate the big direction, but if you also use ideals to deal with small details, then you will become bookish. This is true of everything in this world. For example, we regard the realization of common prosperity as our ideal, but it is impossible for everyone to become rich all at once, so only partial prosperity and a few people get rich first. You have to know that ideals are often unrealistic. This does not mean that ideals are not needed because they are unrealistic. On the contrary, everyone needs unrealistic things to support themselves.

All great visions are unrealistic, and the difference between great people and ordinary people is that ordinary people only regard ideals as dreams, and are not prepared to realize them at all.And the great men set their dreams as their goal from the very beginning, and they have been working hard for this all their lives. In the end, no matter whether they can realize it or not, they have taken steps toward their ideals. So when you formulate your ideals, you don't need to conform to reality, and you can completely follow your own life goals to broaden the sea and the sky.This is what we call, aim big.

Without a big goal, there is no big pattern. Everyone's life, what kind of platform can be reached, what kind of height can be reached, is inseparable from the pattern.The formation of a large pattern must be supported by a large goal. Because of this, when you decide on your career ideal, don’t just think about what’s in front of you, but put your eyes on five or ten years later, or even extend to your entire career. . Having a big ideal doesn’t mean everything you do has to be big. As the so-called "regulate the family and govern the country and the world", no matter how great a great man is, he starts from a small thing. There is no one who can change the world at birth.There are only people who hold the ideal of changing the world since childhood, and do things steadily step by step.

And everything you do, what we call details, is specific.In these details, you have to be as practical as possible, short-sighted, and small in plan. A saying I often say is "goals should be big, plans should be small." It means that no matter how big your ideal is, when dealing with something, your plan must be small.Don't keep talking about the big ideal of changing the world when you are doing specific work, it is unrealistic. Our life is composed of countless details, each of which contains multiple interests and hides various interpersonal relationships. Therefore, things are the most practical things, and what is needed to deal with things is not ideals, nor empty talk, but realistic methods and techniques.

You can use the largest vision to set ideals, but you must use the most short-term and shallow principles to deal with things. This is the difference between small plans and big ideals. Why do small things fail with big ideals? the reason is simple.As mentioned earlier, the foundation of an ideal is a person's fantasy, a vision for one's own life. It has no foundation and no reality to support it. How can you not fail when you use an imaginary thing to deal with real things?This logic is very simple, and you can understand it after a little thought. Therefore, people generally say that ideals should be used as the criterion to deal with things. This is a very wrong point of view.An ideal is a fantasy, it is a goal, and it is by no means a guideline for doing things.

It should be said the other way around, to deal with things with specific and realistic criteria, and finally let things accumulate to a certain level before we can achieve our ideals. This approach is logical and reasonable. Only by piling up the pyramid little by little with things with a realistic foundation can the pyramid stand upright, and only then can it be possible to realize the ultimate ideal. The scholarly spirit in other people's mouth usually refers to unrealistic empty talk, which is to use castles in the air to direct real things.But doers are different. They do practical things well in order to build their own high-rise buildings step by step.

The so-called relationship between ideal and reality is nothing more than this. So specifically, what are the principles for dealing with workplace life? This method is very simple, it is the benefit. The workplace is a place where interests are exchanged. You work there, and the boss pays you. This is the most basic exchange of interests.And all other things are inseparable from interests. It can be said that this is the basis of all workplace affairs. Since the basis of workplace affairs lies in interests, when we deal with things, we cannot rely on ideals, but must use interests as principles.

The principle of interest means: when encountering everything in the workplace, we must first analyze who it can benefit and whose interests it will harm. As I said before, if we want to be successful, we must have a solid foundation in doing things.And this foundation is piled up with small successful things. Making your career a success is easier said than done.Because everyone thinks that using the principle of interests to handle things is too philistine, and it is far less elegant than using ideals to handle things. But this is often the case in the world. Everyone is willing to talk about romance, but when it comes to doing things, you still have to start with firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea.

Which one of the ancient scholars did not study with the ideal of serving the country and changing the world, but after becoming a prime minister, they realized that what they really had to take care of were all small things. Even senior officials are like this, let alone you? So in the workplace, the most taboo thing is to be ambitious.You must not regard your fantasy as reality, and you must not despise the principle of profit and be too philistine. Only by thinking about everything with the principle of interests, and then doing it, is the secret to your success. Compliance with the principle of interest also brings risks.The first point is that the interest principle is so easy to use that people follow it outside of the workplace, and even use it happily all the time.

You have to understand that the principle of interest I am talking about has a cause and a basis.The basis of this is that the workplace is a place where interests are exchanged, so there will be no problem in using the principle of interests. But life is not just a place for interest exchange. Although there are interest exchanges in life, everyone's life is more complicated than the workplace, including family and friendship.Purely using the principle of interest is obviously overgeneralizing.Although this point is said little, it is actually very important. And the other risk is that people like to substitute interests for ideals, that is, their greatest goals are indistinguishable from interests.This is not a problem in principle. When a person has no lofty ideals, it is of course possible to make money for the purpose. But it is worth noting that a person with great ideals usually achieves higher results than a person whose goal is to make money.Because ideals are equivalent to people's beliefs, the more noble your beliefs, the more motivated you are, and the higher you can reach in the end. How to distinguish a great man from a philistine?Great men will also act on the principle of interests, but their ideals are noble.And people who make money as their highest goal are undoubtedly philistines. Where to go, self-choice.
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